Alan Hart: To Pevent the rising tide of anti-Israelism from being transformed into violent anti-Semitism, requirepreventing the final Zionist ethnic cleansing of Palestine


After Obama’s total Surrender to Zionism, Alan Hart  re-stated his well known priorities:


“Priority number one is preventing the final Zionist ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

Priority number two is preventing the rising tide of anti-Israelism from being transformed into violent anti-Semitism.”


In other words, reading between the kines, and connecting the dots her and there in his latest articles, the real agenda is stopping the rising tide of anti-Israelism from being transformed into violent anti-Semitism

According to Debbie Manon: Fake ‘Anti-Semitism’ Charge Losing Its Edge, “and all we have to do now is wait until it buries itself in time, as the world will insist”.

So why Alan is so worried??  

And Why Alan created this term “anti-Israelism”, and avoiding the proper term “Anti-zionism”? 

To my best knowledge 20% of the so-clled israelis are arabs, the only remaining people of Semitic origins in the zionist entity.

Is Alan still frightened from the Anti-semitism Zionist sword?

My brother Gilad Atzimon hate to be called an Ex- ‘Israeli’ instead considers himself as a ‘Hebrew speaking’ Palestinian. (Check this great interview).
Last month, Gilad Atzmon spoke (video here) at the Stuttgart Conference on Palestine held in Germany on November 26-28, 2010.  
•“We all agree about one state –

•“The world “Shalom” doesn’t mean “peace” – in Jewish culture it mean “security of the Jewish peyour neighbor” is quite foreign to Jewish culture”.
•“The political ople”.

•“The “loving concept of Western is disastrous. Look at their actions in Iraq and Afghanistan.”

•“A few weeks ago a very brave Israeli came up with names of 200 Israeli war criminals in Gaza. Some Israeli media outlets blamed me for leaking that information.”
•“The Israel’s comparison with Nazi Germany is wrong because Israel claims to be a ‘democracy’ while Germany under Nazis was not. Israeli are worse than Nazis”.
•“Israel’s comparison with appartheid South Africa is wrong. South Africa never carried out the ethnic-cleansing of the Native Africans as Israelis are carrying-out against the Native Palestinians.”
•“Israelis are doomed. The US, Britain and Germany would not be able to save them. Ultimately, they are subject to Palestinians’ kindness”.

I am, the Arabic Speaking Palestinian, and Brither Gilad the Hebrew speaking’ Palestinian. who never met, are on the same page because for us, the core of conflict is Jewish racism…Jewish tribalism, chuvenim, supremacy and so on … therefore, we are a problem with Careful Activists who try to appease the Zionists, and call for equal rights for the Victims and war criminals. 

Obama to Netanyahu – “You win”

  • December 8, 2010

Those of us who are associated with the truth of history as it relates to the making and sustaining of the conflict in and over Palestine that became Israel, and who call for justice for the Palestinians, now have reason to say “Thank you” to President Obama.

With his decision to abandon efforts to persuade Israel to renew a freeze on illegal settlement building on the occupied West Bank, he has proved that the makers of American policy for resolving the conflict are Israel’s leaders and their lobby in the U.S. (including its many stooges in Congress and the mainstream media), not the man who occupies the Oval Office in the White House.

Of course I know this has always been the case (actually since the departure from the Oval Office of General Eisenhower who was the first and the last American President to oblige Israel to act in accordance with international law), but for a sitting president to provide by default the absolute proof is quite something.
The implications are truly terrifying, obviously for the occupied and oppressed Palestinians but also for Americans; and why is not difficult to explain.

As all seriously well informed people know (sadly the very few, not the very many), unconditional American support for the criminal state of Israel is not in America’s own interests. It is the best recruiting sergeant for violent Arab and other Muslim extremism and the prime cause of the gathering, global storm of anti-Americanism at street if not yet government level.

The first responsibility of any American president is to protect the security of his own people. With his latest surrender to Netanyahu and the Zionist lobby, Obama is effectively saying to his fellow Amer
icans, “I’m sorry, I’m not allowed to do that.”

As things are, the name of the game from here on in my view is not the pursuit of peace, that’s a mission impossible.

Priority number one is preventing the final Zionist ethnic cleansing of Palestine.
Priority number two is preventing the rising tide of anti-Israelism from being transformed into violent anti-Semitism.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian