IRGC Cmdr.: «Israel» Could Never Win, Netanyahu Should Learn How to Swim

IRGC Cmdr.: «Israel» Could Never Win, Netanyahu Should Learn How to Swim

Local Editor

Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Brigadier General Hossein Salami blasted the “Israeli” prime minister for fabricating the realities on the ground and promoting Iranophobia, and said that Benjamin Netanyahu will take his dreams to grave.

“Netanyahu should know that there is no way for him except fleeing the region and so he needs to learn how to swim in the Mediterranean Sea,” General Salami said on Friday, addressing a group of IRGC commanders and officers in the city of Isfahan in Central Iran.

He underlined that the enemy was planning to create a new Middle East led by the “Israeli” regime, but all their dreams turned sour.

“The US says it has spent some $7 trillion in funding wars across the region, but with the will of God and resistance of nations, it has not been able to gain anything from it and has faced defeat,” Salami added.

“Israel” is estimated to have 200 to 400 nuclear warheads in its arsenal. The regime, however, refuses to either accept or deny having the weapons.

It has also evaded signing the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in flagrant violation of a UN Security Council resolution amid staunch endeavor by the United States and other Western states on international levels in favor of its non-commitment to the accord.

Iran has repeatedly announced that its nuclear program is merely for peaceful purposes and poses no threat to the international peace and security. Iran’s nuclear facilities have been under the constant monitoring of the International Atomic Energy Agency for the last two decades. But a nuclear accord signed by Iran and six world powers in 2015 placed the country under even stricter rules of supervision and inspection.

Yet, the UN nuclear watchdog has underlined in 12 reports under the deal as well as dozens of more reports prior to the endorsement of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) that there has never been any anomaly at Iran’s nuclear program to indicate a move or drive towards a military nuclear capability, reasserting that the country’s nuclear program has remained strictly loyal to its stated “peaceful purposes”.

Back in June, the Iranian foreign minister decried the “Israeli” entity’s nukes as a real threat to the Middle East region and the rest of the world, calling for a new focus on the occupying regime’s nuclear arsenal.

Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif posted a message on his official Twitter account, saying although Iran had no nuclear weapons, the entity, which is the sole Middle Eastern country to possess such weapons, continued to “howl” about “fabricated” Iranian “ambitions”.

Source: News Agencies, Edited by website team

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IAEA Chief Refutes Netanyahu’s Big Lies on Iran

By Stephen Lendman

Last May, in response to numerous times Netanyahu falsely accused Iran of seeking nuclear weapons, notably his latest Big Lie at that time, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman  Bahram Qassemi slammed him strongly, saying:

He’s a “broke and infamous liar who has had nothing to offer except lies and deceits,” adding:

“Netanyahu and the notorious, child-killing Zionist regime must have reached the basic understanding that the people of the world have enough awareness and cognizance.”

He long ago lost credibility. Many Israelis despise him, venting their anger in occasional large-scale street protests against him remaining prime minister.

His shameful accusations against Iran are never supported by credible evidence because there is none. 

Its legitimate nuclear program has no nuclear component. It’s combatting terrorism, not supporting or proliferating it.

It neither threatens or attacks other nations like Washington, NATO and Israel do repeatedly.

Qassemi called Israel an “illegal regime…using battered charlatanism of the ignorance age, (mindless) of world public opinion.”

In response to Netanyahu’s false claim about a “secret atomic warehouse” in his UN General Assembly address, IAEA chief Yukiya Amano refuted the accusation, saying:

“The agency sends inspectors to sites and locations only when needed. The agency uses all safeguards relevant to information available to it but it does not take (so-called intelligence) at face value.” 

Without mentioning Israel or Netanyahu by name, Amano added that “(a)ll information obtained, including from third parties, is subject to rigorous review and assessed together with other available information to arrive at an independent assessment based on the agency’s own expertise.”

“In order to maintain credibility, the agency’s independence in relation to the implementation of verification activities is of paramount importance.”

Since Security Council Resolution 2231 made the JCPOA nuclear deal binding international (and US constitutional law under its Supremacy Clause), Washington alone breached it – straightaway by Obama, notably by Trump’s unlawful pullout.

The IAEA affirmed Iran’s full compliance with JCPOA provisions 12 consecutive times. No nation is more intensively monitored, none more scrupulously in compliance with Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) provisions and its other nuclear obligations.

US use of radiological material in war theaters, along with deploying nukes in Europe and elsewhere flagrantly violate NPT’s letter and spirit.

Moscow slammed its “joint nuclear missions” with NATO imperial allies, saying “this is a direct violation of (NPT) Articles I and II…”

It expressly prohibits transfer of nuclear weapons from one nation to another.

According to the Federation of American Scientists, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Turkey currently host 150 US nukes at six bases.

B61 nukes are the Pentagon’s oldest in its arsenal, in 2020 to be replaced by B61-12 bombs, costing over $10 billion, according to the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Office of Cost Estimating and Program Evaluation.

Moscow’s complaint to Washington about illegally deploying nukes was ignored.

The Trump regime plans an unprecedented nuclear upgrade – unjustifiably justified by a “Russian threat (and) troubling” behavior that doesn’t exist.

Russia’s Foreign Ministry warned that US behavior “significantly lowers the threshold (for) use of nuclear weapons,” adding:

The “baseless allegations of a growing ‘Russian nuclear threat,’ peddled by Americans, look particularly cynical.”

“The provisions of our military doctrine concerning the use of nuclear weapons are deliberately distorted.”

“The western public is being continuously told that Russia appears to review its stance on the place and the role of the nuclear weapons and focuses more and more on that. This does not correspond to the reality.”

Trump reportedly wants America’s nuclear arsenal increased 10-fold. US nuclear policy under Bush/Cheney, Obama, and Trump assert America’s preemptive right to unilaterally declare and wage future wars using first strike nuclear weapons.

Nuclear armed and dangerous Israel likely has a similar unstated policy.

Iran deplores these weapons, wants them all eliminated. As long as they exist, using them eventually remains an ominous possibility.


Netanyahu trying to divert attention from israel’s massacre of Palestinian children to Iran’s fictitious nuclear weapons program

Netanyahu: Don’t Look Here Where We’re Shooting Children, Look Over There at Iran

By Juan Cole,

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, a notorious warmonger, serial liar and supremacist racialist who used to lead the closest thing Israel has to a fascist party until parties even more extreme got elected to parliament, is attempting to bamboozle the clueless Trump into getting on a war footing with Iran.

Netanyahu’s breathless announcement that there was a potential weapons aspect to Iran’s nuclear enrichment program has been known for a decade and a half.

Netanyahu even seems to have provoked the White House to issue a communique falsely stating that Iran has a weapons program presently, which it promptly had to retract. The incident is so scary because it shows how easy it is to manipulate the erratic Trump and his not-ready-for-prime-time staff. That sort of thing, David Frum said on Twitter, can cause a war. And he should know.

But the retraction is incorrect, as well. Iran in the distant past had done some things that would be helpful if it had launched a full blown weapons program. It never did launch such a program.

Netanyahu instanced no evidence at all that Iran is out of compliance with the 2015 deal, and UN inspectors continually have affirmed that Tehran *is* in compliance. His allegation that Iran’s recent missiles are designed to be fitted with warheads is simply false.

So why try to put Iran on the front burner of American war-making? It is a desperate attempt on Netanyahu’s part to divert world attention from the ongoing Israeli Apartheid discrimination against the stateless Palestinians, which it militarily occupies (directly with jackboots and colonial settlers on the West Bank, indirectly with military encirclement and the sniping of innocent protesters in Gaza).

In recent weeks, Israeli snipers have used live ammunition to kill some 40 and wound hundreds of Palestinians who were unarmed and peacefully protesting their imprisonment in the Gaza Strip (70% of their families were kicked out of their homes in Israel and now live in squalid refugee camps while European Israelis took over their houses and farmland and are living it up). The sniping victims have including children, journalists, demonstrators distant from the Israeli confinement fence, and worshipers at prayer with the mention of God on their lips. Shooting unarmed people who pose no threat is a war crime, and doing it systematically amounts to a crime against humanity. So too is the crime of Apartheid described in the Statute of Rome as a “crime against humanity,” and Israel manifestly and robustly practices Apartheid against the Palestinians under its military heel.

The 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on Iran’s civilian nuclear enrichment program (to make fuel for reactors generating electricity) was designed to prevent Iran from weaponizing the program.

All nuclear enrichment via centrifuges is potentially dual use. Uranium can be enriched to 5% for reactor fuel, but if scientists keep feeding it through the centrifuges they can enrich it to 95% for a bomb. The Iran deal was designed to keep Iran from making high enriched uranium (HEU).

Iran accepted spot inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency. No country under active inspections has ever developed a nuclear weapon.

Iran vastly reduced the number of centrifuges it has, which means it would take at least a year or even years to make HEU, even if it could do so without the inspectors detecting the signature at the site, which it cannot.

Iran discontinued and bricked in its planned heavy water reactor at Arak. Fissile material builds up on the rods in a heavy water reactor much faster than on a light water reactor, and so the heavy water ones can theoretically aid in making a bomb. Iran no longer even has a plan for a heavy water reactor.

Iran destroyed its stockpile of uranium enriched to 19.5% for its medical reactor. It has no enriched uranium higher than 5%, useful for its three reactors at Bushehr. Iran benefits from nuclear energy because it burns oil for electricity generation, cutting into the money it could make from instead selling it on the open market.

South Korea, Japan and France all use nuclear reactors for electricity generation just as Iran is starting to. France enriches uranium both for that purpose and to make nuclear weapons. If you don’t think Japan could construct a bomb in three weeks if it wanted to, you don’t know Japanese technology (they have a big stockpile of plutonium).

So Netanyahu and the American Right should have sighed in relief, right? Remember, Netanyahu has several hundred actual real nuclear bombs that it could drop on Iran, and Iran has bupkes. Likewise the US is bristling with nuclear warheads. Iran has some old F4 jets Nixon gave them.

In 2007, the National Intelligence Estimate of the CIA assessed that Iran did some experiments with military significance in 2003 but then halted them ever after. The 2011 NIE repeated the conclusion that Iran did not have a weapons program at that time and had not decided to pursue one.

Our sloppy and sometimes propagandistic press keeps talking about Iran’s “nuclear weapons program,” but it is a unicorn. No such thing has ever existed per se, though the experiments and programs Iran pursued as part of its civilian energy program always had potential weapons implications, and Iranian scientists did perform some occasional experiments that might have had weapons purposes.

Because nuclear enrichment is dual use, Iran until 2015 always had the option of going for broke and pursuing a bomb, using know-how gained from the civilian program. That is all the CIA was saying. It was also saying that no such decision had been taken, a conclusion echoed by Israeli politicians like Ehud Barak and by Israeli intelligence.

But the JCPOA forestalled any such decision. Iran could only make a bomb now by kicking out the inspectors and manufacturing thousands of centrifuges, in other words by putting up a huge neon sign saying “I am making a nuclear bomb here.”

Iran’s nuclear enrichment program has also always probably been intended to have deterrent effects against anyone thinking of doing to the country what Bush did to Iraq. I.e. if it was clear someone was planning to invade, Iran could in fact go for broke and try to defend itself.

Since the US right wing and the government of Israel would very much like to see Iran invaded and its government overthrown, and its legs broken, this nuclear latency or the Japan option is an annoyance they would like to remove. It is easier to execute someone if you disarm him first.

But Iran of course is already substantially disarmed, voluntarily. What is going on now is an attempt to pull the wool over people’s eyes about that and to con them into spending $6 trillion on another ruinous Middle East conflict.

That will keep everybody busy while Netanyahu finally succeeds in ethnically cleansing what is left of the Palestinians, his ulterior ultimate goal.


Juan Cole is the founder and chief editor of Informed Comment and Richard P. Mitchell Professor of History at the University of Michigan.

Israel’s Failure in Syria Pushed Netanyahu to Escalate against Iran: Zionist Media

May 1, 2018


The Zionist media outlets commented on the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech which tacked the Iranian nuclear program, criticizing the lack of proofs and highlighting the political motives behind it.

Maariv newspaper stressed that Netanyahu is dragging all the Zionists into war due to the collapse of his policies in Syria over the past seven years, not because of the Iranian role in that country.

The Israeli paper added that the campaign against the Iranian nuclear program also failed as the Islamic Republic has gained more international legitimacy and approval from Europe, China, Russia and most of the world countries.

For its part, Haaretz newspaper noted that Netanyahu’s speech lacked the clear proofs which confirm the militarization of the Iranian nuclear program, adding that the unpredictable escalation which will result from revoking the pact will turn the Zionist entity into a ‘boxing bag’.

Yediot Ahronot quoted the former head of the Israeli ‘National’ Security Council, Uzi Arad, as saying that Netanyahu’s speech did not provide new and realistic information and that there has not been any proof which indicates Iran’s violation of the nuclear pact.

Source: Al-Manar Website

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EU tells israel to take claims on Iran nuclear to the IAEA, but that would require real evidence

EU tells Israel to take claims on Iran nuclear to the IAEA 

Only IAEA can assess any claim on Iranian nuclear program: Mogherini

EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini (Photo by AP)EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini (Photo by AP)

The EU foreign policy chief says what the Israeli premier tried to present as documents on Iran’s “secret” nuclear work fails to question Tehran’s compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal, and that any such claims should solely be assessed by the UN nuclear watchdog.

“What I have seen from the first reports is that Prime Minister Netanyahu has not put into question Iran’s compliance with the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) commitments, meaning post-2015 nuclear commitments,” Federica Mogherini said Monday.

The remarks came hours after Netanyahu unveiled what he claimed to be “conclusive proof of the secret” Iranian nuclear program during a televised address from Israel’s ministry for military affairs.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivers a speech on Iran’s nuclear program, April 30, 2018. (Photo by AFP)

Standing in front of a big screen and using large visual aids, the prime minister claimed that “Iran is brazenly lying” about its nuclear activities, presenting 55,000 pages of documents and 55,000 files on CDs as alleged evidence.

Netanyahu’s new anti-Iran show comes only ahead of a May 12 deadline for US President Donald Trump to decide whether Washington would keep its side of the multilateral deal with Iran. Trump has given the European parties to the JCPOA until that date to fix the so-called “flaws” in the accord or face a US exit.

The Israeli leader’s fresh claims contradict numerous reports by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) verifying Iran’s full commitment to its side of the bargain.

Mogherini further said the JCPOA “is not based on assumptions of good faith or trust – it is based on concrete commitments, verification mechanisms and a very strict monitoring of facts, done by the IAEA. The IAEA has published 10 reports, certifying that Iran has fully complied with its commitments.”

“And in any case, if any party and if any country has information of non-compliance, of any kind, it can and should address and channel this information to the proper, legitimate, recognized mechanisms, the IAEA and the Joint Commission [of the JCPOA] for the monitoring of the nuclear deal that I chair and that I convened just a couple of months ago. We have mechanisms in place to address eventual concerns,” she said.

The top EU diplomat further reiterated that she had not seen from “Netanyahu arguments for the moment on non-compliance, meaning violation by Iran of its nuclear commitments under the deal.”

UK, Germany defend Iran deal

Following Netanyahu’s show, a British government spokesman defended the Iran nuclear pact, saying the IAEA inspection regime “is one of the most extensive and robust in the history of international nuclear accords.”

“It remains a vitally important way of independently verifying that Iran is adhering to the deal and that Iran’s nuclear program is exclusively peaceful,” he said in a statement.

Furthermore, a German government spokesman said Berlin will analyze the Israeli documents on Iran’s nuclear program, but independent inspections must be maintained.

He emphasized that “the nuclear accord was signed in 2015, including the implementation of an unprecedented, thorough and robust surveillance system by the International Atomic Energy Agency.”

Israeli data ‘mostly recycled material’

Meanwhile, a former deputy director for sanctions at the US State Department said he had not seen anything in Netanyahu’s presentation that would change the accord, BBC reported.

“I think, frankly, this was a political statement meant to try to influence President Trump’s decision on whether to pull out of the deal,” John Hughes said, noting, “I think it’s mostly recycled material.”

IAEA clearly not doing its job, israeli nuclear program resolution voted down

‘Great victory’? Israeli nuclear program resolution voted down by IAEA

A resolution calling for the inspection of Israeli nuclear sites has been defeated at the IAEA General Conference, with Tel Aviv, which led an intensive campaign against the Arab states’ proposal, hailing the result of the vote as a “great victory” in the international arena.

The International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) General Conference voted 61-43 against the resolution put forward by Egypt and backed by Turkey, Syria, Iran, Libya, and Iraq, as well as Russia, China. And South Africa.

The resolution called for the international monitoring of the Israeli nuclear reactor in Dimona which is suspected of developing fissile material for Israel’s alleged nuclear arsenal that poses “a permanent threat to peace and security in the region.”

Israel’s long term allies such as the US, some EU members, Australia, Japan South Korea and Canada voted against the motion calling for nuclear inspection. Tel Aviv and pro-Israel states worked endlessly behind the scenes to sway the votes in Israel’s favor on the subject of “Israel’s nuclear capabilities” ahead of the IAEA vote.

“I personally talked with more than 30 presidents, prime ministers and foreign ministers,” Netanyahu revealed. “In our conversations I explained that there’s no place for a discussion of this sort while the main problem in the Middle East remains Iran’s attempts to obtain nuclear weapons and its clear declarations of its intent to destroy the State of Israel.”

Since Iran has sealed an agreement with the world powers on greater nuclear transparency, this vote became the first attempt to press Israel to follow suit. However, similar proposals submitted nearly annually have been easily thwarted in the past.

Thursday’s vote was hailed by the Netanyahu’s office as a “great victory for Israel on the international arena.” A great victory indeed, as a similar resolution last year was rejected by 58 votes to 45,with 27 countries abstaining. This year the margin tilted in Israel’s favor, with Netanyahu “welcoming” that gap in favor of Israel.

Israel, which de jure has no nuclear capabilities, remains the only Middle Eastern country outside the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty – a notion which the Arab states have been pushing to change.

“This [Israeli] regime is continuing to advance and develop its nuclear program contrary to all international norms,” the Iranian envoy said of the resolution, according to Haaretz. He said that Iran and other countries are “worried about the negative ramifications” that Tel Aviv’s alleged nuclear program has on the Middle East.

The Syrian envoy prior to the vote said that the international community must demand Israel to “dismantle all of its nuclear arsenal”.

Israel is widely believed to possess dozens of nuclear weapons, including thermonuclear warheads in the megaton range. Tel Aviv however has never confirmed or denied being in possession of nuclear arms.

IAEA allows israel to escape nuclear inspections while concentrating on Iran’s imaginary ones

‘Great victory’? Israeli nuclear program resolution voted down by IAEA

Israeli nuclear facility in the Negev Dest outside Dimona ©
A resolution calling for the inspection of Israeli nuclear sites has been defeated at the IAEA General Conference, with Tel Aviv, which led an intensive campaign against the Arab states’ proposal, hailing the result of the vote as a “great victory” in the international arena.

The International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) General Conference voted 61-43 against the resolution put forward by Egypt and backed by Turkey, Syria, Iran, Libya, and Iraq, as well as Russia, China. And South Africa.

The resolution called for the international monitoring of the Israeli nuclear reactor in Dimona which is suspected of developing fissile material for Israel’s alleged nuclear arsenal that poses “a permanent threat to peace and security in the region.”

Israel’s long term allies such as the US, some EU members, Australia, Japan South Korea and Canada voted against the motion calling for nuclear inspection. Tel Aviv and pro-Israel states worked endlessly behind the scenes to sway the votes in Israel’s favor on the subject of “Israel’s nuclear capabilities” ahead of the IAEA vote.

“I personally talked with more than 30 presidents, prime ministers and foreign ministers,” Netanyahu revealed. “In our conversations I explained that there’s no place for a discussion of this sort while the main problem in the Middle East remains Iran’s attempts to obtain nuclear weapons and its clear declarations of its intent to destroy the State of Israel.”
Since Iran has sealed an agreement with the world powers on greater nuclear transparency, this vote became the first attempt to press Israel to follow suit. However, similar proposals submitted nearly annually have been easily thwarted in the past.

Thursday’s vote was hailed by the Netanyahu’s office as a “great victory for Israel on the international arena.” A great victory indeed, as a similar resolution last year was rejected by 58 votes to 45,with 27 countries abstaining. This year the margin tilted in Israel’s favor, with Netanyahu “welcoming” that gap in favor of Israel.

Israel, which de jure has no nuclear capabilities, remains the only Middle Eastern country outside the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty – a notion which the Arab states have been pushing to change.

“This [Israeli] regime is continuing to advance and develop its nuclear program contrary to all international norms,” the Iranian envoy said of the resolution, according to Haaretz. He said that Iran and other countries are “worried about the negative ramifications” that Tel Aviv’s alleged nuclear program has on the Middle East.

The Syrian envoy prior to the vote said that the international community must demand Israel to “dismantle all of its nuclear arsenal”.

Israel is widely believed to possess dozens of nuclear weapons, including thermonuclear warheads in the megaton range. Tel Aviv however has never confirmed or denied being in possession of nuclear arms.

Iran Nuclear Deal Sealed in ’Historic Moment’, ’New Horizons’ Opened

Vienna nuclear deal

Local Editor

Foreign ministers from Iran and major powers have signed on Tuesday the final agreement regarding the nuclear program of the Islamic Republic in a win-win deal for both sides.

Iranian President Sheikh Hassan Rouhani said the new nuclear deal will open “new horizons” now that “this unnecessary crisis” has been resolved.

In a message on his Twitter account, Sheikh Rouhani said the successful talks had shown “constructive engagement works.”

There can now be “a focus on shared challenges”, he added, referring to the takfiri groups that are waging threats across the world.

The final meeting between both parties was held in the ritzy Palais Coburg Hotel in the Austrian capital of Vienna, ahead of an expected formal announcement of a deal which will see Tehran scale down its nuclear activities in exchange for relief from sanctions.

The ministerial meeting was chaired by EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini.

Iran’s FM Mohammad Jawad Zarif said the nuclear deal reached is a ‘historic moment.’

The agreement, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), will, according to Iranian officials, be presented to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), which will adopt a resolution in seven to 10 days making the JCPOA an official document.

Based on the agreement, which has been concluded with due regard for Iran’s red lines, the world powers recognize Iran’s civilian nuclear program, including the country’s right to the complete nuclear cycle.

The UNSC sanctions against the Islamic Republic, including all economic and financial bans, will be lifted at once under a mutually agreed framework and through a new UN resolution.

None of the Iranian nuclear facilities will be dismantled or decomissioned.

Furthermore, nuclear research and development activities on all types of centrifuges, including advanced IR-6 and IR-8 machines, will continue.

The nuclear-related economic and financial restrictions imposed by the United States and the European Union (EU) targeting the Iranian banking, financial, oil, gas, petrochemical, trade, insurance and transport sectors will at once be annulled with the beginning of the implementation of the agreement.

The arms embargo imposed against the Islamic Republic will be annulled and replaced with certain restrictions, which themselves will be entirely removed after a period of five years.

Additionally, tens of billions of dollars in Iranian revenue frozen in foreign banks will be unblocked.

A total of 800 natural persons and legal entities, including the Central Bank of Iran (CBI), the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines and the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), will be taken off sanctions lists.

Following several extensions of official and unofficial deadlines in the latest round of the nuclear negotiations, there were increasing signs that an agreement was imminent on Tuesday.

Source: Websites
14-07-2015 – 10:25 Last updated 14-07-2015 – 13:28

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The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Hillary Rodham Clinton: “If I’m President, We Will Attack Iran”

Senator Hillary Clinton
On Friday, presidential aspirant Hillary Clinton addressed a hand-picked audience at a Dartmouth College campaign event. She lied calling Iran an “existential threat to Israel… I hope we are able to get a deal next week that puts a lid on (its) nuclear weapons program”.

Even if we do get such a deal, we will still have major problems from Iran. They are the world’s chief sponsor of terrorism.

They use proxies like Hezbollah to sow discord and create insurgencies to destabilize governments. They are taking more and more control of a number of nations in the region and they pose an existential threat to Israel.

We…have turn our attention to working with our partners to try to reign in and prevent this continuing Iranian aggressiveness.


US and Israeli intelligence both say Iran’s nuclear program has no military component. No evidence whatever suggests Tehran wants one. Plenty indicates otherwise.
Hillary Clinton [May 2008]: “We would be able to totally obliterate Iran” 

As a 2008 presidential aspirant, she addressed AIPAC’s annual convention saying:

The United States stands with Israel now and forever. We have shared interests….shared ideals….common values. I have a bedrock commitment to Israel’s security.

(O)ur two nations are fighting a shared threat” against Islamic extremism. I strongly support Israel’s right to self-defense (and) believe America should aid in that defense.

I am committed to making sure that Israel maintains a military edge to meet increasing threats. I am deeply concerned about the growing threat in Gaza (and) Hamas’ campaign of terror.

No such campaign exists. The only threats Israel faces are ones it invents.
Clinton repeated tired old lies saying Hamas’ charter “calls for the destruction of Israel. Iran threatens to destroy Israel.”

“I support calling the Iranian Revolutionary Guard what it is: a terrorist organization. It is imperative that we get both tough and smart about dealing with Iran before it is too late.”

She backs “massive retaliation” if Iran attacks Israel, saying at the time:

“I want the Iranians to know that if I’m president, we will attack Iran. In the next 10 years, during which they might foolishly consider launching an attack on Israel, we would be able to totally obliterate them.”

She endorses using cluster bombs, toxic agents and nuclear weapons in US war theaters. She calls them deterrents that “keep the peace.” She was one of only six Democrat senators opposed to blocking deployment of untested missile defense systems – first-strike weapons entirely for offense.
Hillary Clinton laughs about possible war against iran 
Hillary Clinton considered support for Israeli attack on Iran

AUTHOR: Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at
His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III”.
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قطع رأس يوكيا أمانو .. في نيويورك

 لاتزال المنظمة الدولية المسماة الأمم المتحدة تخلع أقنعتها تدريجيا .. وتعلن أنها منظمة للأقوياء فقط وعلى باقي العالم ان يتصرف مثل كومبارس .. لكن يبدو أن الأقوياء هم الذين لايعترفون بشرع الأقوياء بل بشرع الواقع وشرع التحدي والتسلح بالحق .. وربما شهد العالم أول تمرد على شرع الأقوياء تمثل هذا التمرد في صلابة الموقف السوري الذي لم يتردد في القول للمنظمة العوراء أنها عوراء وقبيحة وشعرها مجموعة من الثعابين .. مثل رأس الميدوسا

فمنذ أيام تذكر الدكتور يوكيا أمانو مدير الوكالة الدولية للطاقة الذرية وعلى غير توقع وانتظار أن موقع الكبر في دير الزور الذي قصفه الطيران الاسرائيلي منذ سنوات يعد أن تسلل من زواريب الأراضي العثمانية (بالتنسيق مع اردوغان وعصابته التي تبين أنها كانت على دراية تامة بالغارة قبل وقوعها وأعطت اذنا بذلك) .. نعم تذكر أمانو الآن أن الموقع كان مفاعلا نوويا خارجا على الشرعية الدولية ..

ولذلك كان لابد من تأديب الدكتور أمانو (دخيل أمانو) واعادته الى نومه وتغطيته بتذكيره أن أكبر مخزن للسلاح النووي في الشرق الأوسط هو رمية حجر عن دير الزور عند الطفل غير الشرعي المدلل للمنظمة الدولية .. أي اسرائيل .. الا أن منخري أمانو لايتحسسان الاشعاع الذري في ديمونا بل ترى عيناه وقرون استشعاره من الفضاء الغبار الذري في موقع الكبر في دير الزور .. والذي تجاهل حقيقة أن الاسرائيليين استعملوا قذائف فيها مواد مشعة لاختراق الخرسانات القوية وهي التي رأتها عينا أمانو الجميلتان من الفضاء ..
ولذلك وضع الدكتور بشار الجعفري أمام عيني أمانو شهادة سلفه مباشرة اي المديرالعام السابق للوكالة الدولية للطاقة الذرية محمد البرادعي وهو المشهور أنه يبحث عن الغبار الذري العربي لمصادرته وبأنه لاحق صدام حسين ومعمر القذافي حتى غرف نومهما للبحث عن أسلحة الدمار الشامل والاشعاع الذري .. والبرادعي كعادة قليلي الضمير الذين تغفو نوازع خيرهم ونزاهتهم عندما يكونون في مناصبهم وتستيقظ مباشرة وهم يخرجون من الباب بعد انتهاء مهماتهم فيفرجون عما بقي من ثمالة من ضمائرهم بعد أن يكون صمتهم سببا في كوارث ومذابح البشر .. كتب البرادعي مذكراته ليريح ضميره المتقلب في العذاب وتأنيب الذات .. واعترف ببعض المناقشات والاسرار .. ومما يقول الدكتور البرادعي في اعترافاته في مذكراته صراحة أن الموقع السوري المذكور لايوجد اي دليل على انه كان مفاعلا ذريا أو أن فيه مواد مشعة.. ووصف التلفيقات عنه بأنها أكثر مثال على النفاق “النووي” .. وأبده امتعاضه من صفاقة جون بولتون مندوب الولايات المتحدة صديقة الثوار العرب في الدفاع عن البرنامج النووي الاسرائيلي باستماته وكأنه يدافع عن غرفة نومه أو قبر أبيه ..
المعركة مستمرة مع رأس الميدوسا .. الامم المتحدة .. التي يجب قطع رؤوسها واحدا واحدا ومواصلة الضربات المتواصلة من قبل جميع الذين نهشت لحو مهم .. والعالم يتشكل ببطء من المولود الجديد في الشرق على الأرض السورية ..

وكما يقول الخطيب الروماني شيشرون: ان الضربات المتواصله ولو بأصغر فأس كفبلة بتحطيم اكبر أشجار الوجود ..فان شجرة الأمم المتحدة يجب أن تتلقى الضربات المتواصلة من جميع الذين ظلمتهم حتى تتحطم .. ولو كان شيشرون في عصر أمانو لقال بأنها كفيلة بقطع رأس أمانو ..

في الدقيقة العاشرة من هذا الخطاب السوري يبدأ الدكتور الجعفري قطع رأس الميدوسا (يوكيا أمانو) .. دون تكبير ..
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Netanyahu Vows to Sabotage Iran Nuclear Deal, it’s ironic that it’s israel which really does have nuclear weapons

Netanyahu Vows to Sabotage Iran Nuclear Deal

Says Israel Will Do Anything to Prevent Agreement

When the negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 got started, they were mostly considered a way to build support for a war against Iran. No progress was made, and officials used the lack of progress to present Iran as unreasonable.

Years of negotiations, however, have meant a lot of progress, and a deal now seems not only theoretically possible, but potentially fairly close to being finalized.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was among the first to recognize that a deal might happened, and saw this as a potentially huge threat to his would-be war. He’s now promising to do everything and anything in his power to sabotage the deal.

In the past, US negotiators trying to reassure Israel by saying they’d never allow a deal that give Iran a possibility of making nuclear weapons were to be perceived as a pledge of no deal at all. Israeli officials then were simply warning against a “bad deal,” while giving a nominal imprimatur for negotiations.

Now, those pledges are being taken at face value, and Netanyahu is presenting anything short of the collapse of the talks as a “threat” to Israel. It’s always been fairly obvious that Netanyahu considered any deal a “bad deal” in and of itself.

But Netanyahu is now making that position entirely public, and putting himself directly at odds with negotiation as such, while trying to campaign for next month’s elections on a platform centered around sabotaging US negotiations with Iran.

Is the USA’s Dept. of Defense illegally protecting israel`s “clandestine nuclear weapons program?”

Is the DoD illegally protecting Israel`s “clandestine nuclear weapons program?” IrMep

“A quarter century ago the Department of Defense clearly documented that Israel had a clandestine nuclear weapons program. Under the Symington and Glenn Amendments to the US Foreign Aid Act, at that very moment the United States was obligated by law to cut off all foreign aid to Israel.Instead, another $82 billion in foreign aid was provided to Israel by unwitting U.S. taxpayers.  The public’s right to know the inside details of such massive ongoing government corruption enabled by ongoing cover-up far outweigh the protections of any NDA, even more so considering the signatories in this case.”  irmep plaintiff response


In 1987 the Institute for Defense Analysis (IDA) a US government think tank produced a research document for the US DoD that appears to have established the existence of Israel’s nuclear weapons program.  Under US law (Symington and Glenn Amendments) official knowledge of this program required a cut-off of all foreign aid to Israel.  That did not happen.

Irmep filed a FOIA request for the document three years ago.  Thus far DoD has not handed over the document.  pl


Iran vs Israel: What The Media Wants You To Forget

by Michael Rivero

The corporate media have been given their orders to throw the focus back on to Iran.

Here is a recap of what they are trying to make you forget.

1. In 2009, Rose Gottemoeller, an assistant secretary of state and Washington’s chief nuclear arms negotiator, asked Israel to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Israel refused.

2. In 2009. the United Nations passed a resolution calling on Israel to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and to submit to inspections. The UN General Assembly passed a similar resolution in 2012 calling for inspections. Israel refused.

3. The IAEA asked Israel to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and to submit to inspections. Israel refused.

4. Iran’s formal notification to the IAEA of the planned construction of the backup fuel-rod facility underscores that Iran is playing by the rules of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty which Iran has signed.

5. Iran allows IAEA inspections of all its facilities.

6. Contrary to face-saving claims, it appears that the US and Israel were both caught off guard by Iran’s announcement of a planned underground (to avoid being bombed) enrichment facility. The reasoning is simple. Had the US or Israel announced the existence of he new facility before Iran’s notified the IAEA, it would have put Iran on the defensive. As it is now, the US and Israel seem to be playing catch up, casting doubt on the veracity of Israel’s claims to “know” that Iran is a nuclear threat.

7. The IAEA and all 16 United States Intelligence Agencies are unanimous in agreement that Iran is not building and does not possess nuclear weapons.

8. In 1986, Mordachai Vanunu blew the whistle and provided photographs showing Israel’s clandestine nuclear weapons factory underneath the reactor at Dimona.

9. Israel made the same accusations against Iraq that it is making against Iran, leading up to Israel’s bombing of the power station at Osirik. Following the invasion of 2003, international experts examined the ruins of the power station at Osirik and found no evidence of a clandestine weapons factory in the rubble.

10. The United Nations has just released the Goldstone Report, a scathing report which accuses Israel of 37 specific war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza earlier this year. Israel has denounced the report as “Anti-Semitic (even though Judge Goldstone is himself Jewish), and the United States will block the report from being referred to the War Crimes Tribunal at the Hague, thereby making the US Government an accessory after-the-fact.

11. Recently revealed documents prove not only that Israel has nuclear weapos, but actually tried to sell some to Apartheid South Africa. Who else Israel approached to sell nuclear weapons remains an unasked question.

12. In 1965, Israel stole over 200-600 pounds of weapons-grade uranium from the United States.

13. Declassified documents from the former South African regime prove not only that Israel has had nuclear weapons for decades, but has tried to sell them to other countries!

14: No less a source than the Jerusalem Post confirms that Israel has armed their German-supplied Dolphin submarines with nuclear-tipped cruise missiles.

We all need to be Joe Wilson right now. We need to stand up and scream, “LIAR!” at every politician and every talking media moron that is pushing this war in Iran. And we need to keep dong it until they get the message that we will not be deceived any more.

Israel wants to send your kids off to die in Iran, and YOU are the only one that can stop them.

Please forward this comment to your social networks.

I question why the U.S. and israel is even involved, this should be a matter between Iran, the IAEA & the U.N.

Here we go, Senate Hawks Eye Veto Power Over Iran Deal

I question why the U.S. or Israel is even involved, this should be a matter between Iran, the IAEA & the U.N.

Senate Hawks Eye Veto Power Over Iran Deal

Incoming Senate Leaders Aim to Assure Israel that Deal Won’t Be Made

by Jason Ditz, November 09, 2014

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R – SC), the incoming Senate Appropriations subcommittee on Foreign Operations chair, has announced his intentions to push a bill that will give the Senate effect veto power over any nuclear deal reached with Iran.

Graham and incoming Foreign Relations Committee chair Sen. Bob Corker (R – TN) will cosponsor the bill in January, with Graham vowing to “kill” any deal that he believes is a bad deal.

Which likely means any deal, as Graham has been an opponent of negotiations in general, and made the vow before an Israel Lobby faction that similarly opposes any deal.

With the incoming Senate hawkish on a number of fronts, this effectively puts the end of the current year as a deadline for any Iran deal, as virtually no pact is going to be acceptable to Israel, and by extension will never get Congressional approval.

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قضية ساخنة _ محادثات مسقط والاقتراب من نقطة الحسم

Malicious Anti-Iranian Propaganda


by Stephen Lendman

Managed news misinformation substitutes for truth and full disclosure. Big Lies persist with disturbing regularity.

It’s been this way for 35 years. Washington tolerates no independent governments. Nor does Israel, its Lobby and other supportive organizations.
They want pro-Western vassal states worldwide. They want sovereign independence destroyed.
They want unchallenged control. They want monied interests served. They want ordinary people exploited.
The second Tehran New Horizon Conference was held from September 29 – October 1. Participants included academics, writers, authors and journalists.
They came from numerous countries. Middle East issues were discussed. Ongoing events explained why.
Participants dispelled Western propaganda. It’s unrelenting. It features Big Lies.
Hard truths readers and viewers most need to know are buried. It’s longstanding scoundrel media policy.
The American Jewish Committee is one of the oldest advocacy organizations of its kind in America.
The New York Times calls it “the dean of American Jewish organizations.” It’s notoriously anti-Iranian.
On October 2, it headlined “AJC: Iran Conference Promotes Hatred of Jews, Israel.” It turned truth on its head saying so.
Press TV explained. It said the purpose of Tehran’s New Horizon Conference was “to unveil the secrets behind the dominance of the Zionist lobby over US and EU politics.”
It “showcased films at the festival represented Islamic resistance against the Zionist regime, war threats against Iran and anti-war movements, the Islamic Revolution of Iran, Iranophobia and Islamophobia, a world without Zionism, and (one) without terrorism and atomic weapons.”
It provided a platform for independent observers. It let them express their views freely and openly.
Polar opposite what goes on in America. Freedom is increasingly threatened. Democracy is pure fantasy. 
Fundamental rights are eroding in plain sight. Police state lawlessness persists. Monied interests alone benefit.
Permanent war is official policy. Iran’s governance shames America’s. AJC Executive Director David Harris lied, saying:
New Horizons Conference “is proof-positive that the government of Iran has not mitigated its deeply entrenched hostility towards Jews and the State of Israel.”

“Iran, even under the supposedly moderate President Rouhani, remains intent on achieving the capacity to build nuclear weapons, actively supporting Hamas, Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations, and promoting venomous hatred of Jews.”

Fact: Sixteen US intelligence agencies annually say no Iranian nuclear weapons program exists.
Fact: No evidence suggests one.
Fact: None exists.
Fact: Hamas is no terrorist organization.
Fact: Nor is Hezbollah.
Fact: They’re democratically elected Palestinian and Lebanese government representatives respectively.
Fact: So-called “venomous” Jew-hating doesn’t exist. 
Fact: Nor are threats made about wanting Israel destroyed.
Washington Post editorial policy fell from grace long ago. Credibility no longer exists. Watergate-type exposes are verboten.
Editorial policy fronts for power. Extreme hawkishness defines it. New owner Jeff Bezos has CIA ties. He’s in bed with the devil.
He was bought. Paid off. He got a $600 million CIA contract.
It’s double what he paid for WaPo. At the time, he said:

 “We look forward to a successful relationship with the CIA.”

Perhaps it involves much more than meets the eye. He expects lots more business. For sure CIA officials want plenty back besides Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Bezos’ disturbing history curries favor with national security officials. After WikiLeaks published State Department cables, AWS removed them.
WaPo should explain Bezos’ CIA connection. Readers should know its editorial policy is biased.
It’s propaganda. It turns truth on its head. It’s corrupted. It’s illegitimate. It’s bought and paid for.
WaPo is a CIA house organ. It regurgitates official policy. It’s militantly anti-Iranian.
It commented on New Horizon headlining “Obama clueless on Iran once again.” International “Holocaust deniers and anti-Semites (met) in Tehran.”
Anti-Defamation League (ADL) demagoguery, hate-mongering and Islamophobia are longstanding.
Its claims about promoting human rights ring hollow. It eschews them altogether.
It supports Israeli genocidal high crimes against peace. It does so unapologetically.
WaPo quoted ADL calling New Horizon participants “an international assortment of Holocaust deniers and anti-Semites.”
It’s “part of (Iran’s) 13th International Resistance Film Festival.
Last year, the conference’s cancellation was attributed to the ‘more moderate’ tone of the new government of President Hassan Rouhani.”
According to ADL national director Abe Foxman, “(T)his conference provides yet another example of how the Iranian government facilitates the spread of global anti-Semitism.”

“Participation by an international assortment of Holocaust deniers and anti-Semites is de rigueur for these types of events.”

“A disturbing new element in this anti-Jewish gathering is the appearance on the guest list of a few high visibility US antiwar and anti-Israel activists who claim their positions are not motivated by anti-Semitism.”

“It will be harder for them to make that claim now, given their open collusion with this event and its Iranian government sponsors.”

Republican extremist Mark Kirk is Illinois’s junior senator. His views are over-the-top and then some.
He’s in lockstep with imperial lawlessness. He wants war on Iran. According to National Iranian American Council (NIAC) founder Trita Parsi:
He wants what he won’t admit publicly. Only privately. Parsi wants lawless sanctions removed. Kirk wants more piled on.
He wants the Islamic Republic destroyed. He wants pro-Western stooge governance replacing it.
WaPo quoted him saying:

“The so-called “New Horizon’ conference in Tehran proves why the current Iranian regime under President Hassan Rouhani is, at its core, no less extremist and dangerous than the regime under Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.”

“The conference’s participants promoted anti-Americanism, anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial, and were even greeted on day one by high-ranking Iranian cleric Mohsen Ghomi, a close advisor to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, who falsely alleged that ‘American officials are puppets of the Zionist lobby.’ “

“It’s critical that US Administration officials, who are desperately offering ever more dangerous nuclear concessions to get Iran to accept a watered-down nuclear deal, open their eyes to the true nature of the current Iranian regime.”

WaPo and other media scoundrels publish this type rubbish regularly. With disturbing regularity. They betray their readers in the process.
The Jerusalem Post is a notorious right-wing Israeli publication. According to a former reporter:
Its “problem is that politics enters news coverage, choice of stories, language, often in ways they might not even begin to realize.”
Much of its reporting is irresponsible. Its partisanship at times is way over-the-top. Israeli broadsheets are considered the most effective way to preach partisan politics.
According to one Israeli writer, “to make sure the party’s followers  (get) ‘correct’ educational guidance.”
JP called New Horizon “a hatefest.” It turned truth on its head saying so. It supports Israel’s worst crimes. It considers its genocidal high crimes against peace self-defense.
It calls legitimate Palestinian self-defense terrorism. Its mindless of Gazan suffering. It buries vital truths. It ignores what readers most need to know.
Western New Horizon reporting made yellow journalism look good by comparison. Independent sources explained things right.
Iran wants freedom to live in peace. Sovereign states deserve it and much more.
America and Israel want imperial dominance. No two nations throughout history devoted so much firepower to mass slaughter and destruction.
None over a longer duration. None cause more human misery.
Saving humanity depends on stopping them before it’s too late. World peace hangs by a thread.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at
His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
Visit his blog site at
Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.
It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs.

The IAEA has lost all credibility, israel simply ignores them and nothing is done

If Israel can ignore the IAEA, why should anyone else listen?

Media reports on Monday suggested that this week’s annual conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will include a serious discussion of Israel’s presumed nuclear capabilities. One can only hope that this takes place, that the long-running grievances of Arab and other countries are finally given their just due. With accusations relating to weapons of mass destruction having been a large part of the US pretext for invading Iraq and Iran now facing heavy pressure over similar claims, the double standard involving the Jewish state ­ which has steadfastly refused to sign the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) ­ has become too obvious to ignore any longer.

None of this has deterred the Israelis, though, from speaking out against the alleged ambitions of others. In fact, Israel has been at the forefront of countries demanding that the IAEA get tough with Iran. The Israelis are not at all embarrassed that Tehran is a signatory to the NPT and they are not; nor does it bother them that no one thinks the Islamic Republic has nuclear weapons, while the Jewish state is estimated by experts to possess something in the order of 200-300 warheads, not to mention a variety of air-, land- and sea-based delivery systems.

The unbridled hypocrisy of Israeli policy and rhetoric on this issue constitutes a major test for the IAEA, and indeed for two cornerstones of modern diplomacy: arms control and collective security. If the presumed violations of some countries are to be “punished” pre-emptively while those of others go unchecked, there is little point in cooperating with the co-opted organization that enforces its own regulations according to Washington’s whim. Israeli impunity relies on America for its sustenance, and the nuclear question is a case in point: US law is very clear in banning foreign aid to countries that either do not sign or fail to obey the NPT, but somehow more than $3 billion in illegal funds gets from Washington to Israel every year with nary a word of protest on Capitol Hill.

If America is unwilling to comply with its own laws when these do not suit Israel’s purposes, why should anyone trust it to undertake an accurate accounting of international security arrangements? And if the IAEA is unwilling to assert its independence in the face of pressure from Washington, why should any of its members bother to help maintain the pretense that signed agreements mean anything at all?

Manufactured Crisis: The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare

Manufactured Crisis: The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare

TEHRAN (FNA)- In all the discussion of Iran’s nuclear program, the consequent international economic blockade directed by the United States, and the ongoing negotiations to resolve the issue, Washington’s official history of the program has rarely been challenged.

In ‘Manufactured Crisis, The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare’, award-winning investigative journalist Gareth Porter traces the true history of the program, as well as how and by whom the official narrative was constructed. I put six questions to Porter about his book.

Q. Although the Iraqi nuclear “threat” was discredited as an utter fraud years ago, the idea that across the border Iran has sought, at least in the past, to build a nuclear weapon has long been widely accepted in political and media circles in the West. Are you saying that the claim of secret work on nuclear weapons is equally fraudulent, and that the Iranians have never had a nuclear-weapons program?

A: Yes. In Manufactured Crisis, I show that the claim of an Iranian nuclear-weapons program has been based on false history and falsified records. The description of the Iranian nuclear program presented in official documents, in commentaries by think-tank “experts,” and in the media bears no resemblance to the essential historical facts. One would never know from the narrative available to the public over the years that Iran had been prepared in the early 1980s to rely entirely on a French-based company for enriched uranium fuel for its Bushehr reactor, rather than on enriching uranium itself. Nor would one learn that the Reagan Administration sought to strangle Iran’s nuclear program, which was admitted to have presented no proliferation threat, in its cradle by pressuring Germany and France to refuse to cooperate in any way. The significance of that missing piece of history is that Iran was confronted with a choice of submitting to the US effort to deprive Iran of its right to a peaceful nuclear program under the Non-Proliferation Treaty or else acquiring its own enrichment capability.

Not surprisingly, the Iranians chose the latter course, and went to the black market in defiance of what was by that point a unilateral US policy. Their decision is now described in the popular narrative as evidence that Iran was seeking nuclear weapons early on.

The other relevant historical reality that has been systematically excised from the story of the Iranian nuclear program is what happened in regard to chemical weapons during the Iran–Iraq war. Contrary to disinformation issued by the US Defense and State departments, which suggested that both sides had used chemical weapons in the Iraqi city of Halabja in 1988, the evidence is very clear that Iran never used chemical weapons during the war. The only explanation consistent with the historical record is that Ayatollah Khomeini forbade the use of such weapons, on the ground that both the possession and use of weapons of mass destruction are illicit under Islamic jurisprudence.

This policy, maintained despite the terrible losses Iran was suffering from Iraqi chemical attacks, represents powerful evidence that Shia jurisprudence is a fundamental constraint on Iranian policy toward weapons of mass destruction. It also makes credible the claim that Iran is forbidden by a fatwa from Supreme Leader (Ayatollah Seyed) Ali Khamenei from possessing nuclear weapons. But senior Iranian officials, including a former president of Iran, Hashami Rafsanjani, have been making cogent arguments against nuclear weapons based on strategic grounds since the early 1990s.

Q. The US produced various items of evidence over the years to demonstrate the felonious intent of the Iranian program. Where did this evidence come from, and how well does it stand up to scrutiny?

A: The evidence adduced to prove that Iran secretly worked on nuclear weapons represents an even more serious falsification of intelligence than we saw in the run-up to the war in Iraq. I tell the real story behind a large collection of intelligence documents that appeared mysteriously in 2004 and have been crucial to the Iran nuclear narrative. They supposedly came from the purloined laptop of an Iranian participant in a nuclear-weapons research project, but a former senior official with the German foreign office told me the real story: the documents were provided to Germany’s intelligence service by an occasional source who was part of the Iranian-exile terrorist organization Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK, also known as MKO, PMOI, NCR and NCRI).

The obviously self-interested MEK member was thus the Iranian equivalent of the now-discredited Iraqi source known as “Curveball,” whose tales of mobile bioweapons labs in Saddam’s Iraq became the centerpiece of the Bush case for invading Iraq. It is well documented, however, that the Israeli Mossad was using the MEK to launder intelligence it didn’t want attributed to Israel, with the aim of influencing the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and foreign governments. Further pointing to the Israeli origins of the documents is the fact that Israel was the only country in the world known to have a special office responsible for influencing news coverage of Iran’s nuclear program.

Some key points in the documents give away the fact that they were falsified. The most important example is a set of studies, supposedly done in 2002 and 2003 on the Shahab-3 missile’s reentry vehicle, with the purported aim of allowing the missile to accommodate a nuclear weapon. Evidence from the US intelligence community and authoritative independent sources shows that the Iranians had already abandoned the Shahab-3 by then, and were far along in developing an improved missile with a reentry vehicle that bore no resemblance to the one depicted in the studies. And we now know from Mohamed ElBaradei’s 2011 memoirs that in 2009 Israel provided a new series of intelligence reports and documents to the IAEA that offered further claims of Iranian work on nuclear weapons both before and after 2003.

Those claims were ultimately published in an IAEA dossier of intelligence reports in November 2011. The most sensational assertion made there was that Iran had constructed a large metal cylinder for testing nuclear-weapons designs at its military-research base at Parchin in 2000. This led officials from the IAEA and some of its member states, including the United States, to charge that Iran was altering the site to eliminate evidence. But as I document in the book, Iran had allowed the IAEA to carry out inspections at ten sites of the agency’s choosing on two different occasions in 2005. Furthermore the IAEA obtained satellite images of the site covering February 2005 to February 2012, and found no indication that Iran had been concerned about hiding anything. Finally, a former chief IAEA inspector in Iraq, Robert Kelley, has said that the agency’s description of the alleged cylinder made no technical sense.

Q. How did the IAEA end up endorsing the notion that the Iranians have had a covert bomb program in the past and may still have one today?

A: The IAEA was crucial in legitimizing claims of a covert Iranian nuclear-weapons program, because it was seen as a neutral actor. That image was largely the result of the independence of its former director general, Mohamed ElBaradei, from the Bush Administration. In 2005, when the IAEA received the documents that had come in through Germany’s intelligence service, ElBaradei was deeply skeptical of their authenticity and warned publicly against using them as evidence in a case against Iran.

But his control over the Iran issue was eroded starting in 2008, when the head of the IAEA’s Department of Safeguards, Olli Heinonen, began collaborating with US officials on how to treat the documents. Diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks, when read against the background of 2008 IAEA reports, show that Heinonen and his Western allies came up with a strategy to falsely portray Iran as having conceded the authenticity of some of the documentation. Their aim was to justify IAEA demands for highly classified information on Iran’s missile and conventional-weapons programs. When Iran predictably refused, the IAEA and a US-led coalition cited this as evidence of a cover-up.

The IAEA came to play an even more partisan role after Yukia Amano of Japan replaced ElBaradei in November 2009. A WikiLeaks cable from July 2009 reveals that Amano promised US officials he would be firmly in their camp on Iran in return for American support of his election as director general. “In their camp” could only have meant that he would support the publication of the intelligence dossier — based entirely on intelligence reports and documents from Israel — that ElBaradei had refused to authorize. The dossier’s November 2011 publication date was timed to provide a political boost to the US-led campaign for crippling international sanctions against Iran.

Q. The US intelligence community became a global laughingstock when its assessments of Iraqi WMDs were revealed as entirely bogus. Yet its pronouncements about the Iranian nuclear program are treated with deferential respect. How do you compare the performance of the US intelligence community on Iran with its record on Iraq?

A: The same political and institutional dynamics drove both failures. The March 2005 Robb–Silberman Commission Report cited analysts who worked on the Iraq WMD file as admitting freely that they had effectively reversed the burden of proof, refusing to believe that Iraq didn’t have WMD unless a highly credible human source said otherwise.

The same thing happened on Iran. It began in 1991, when then CIA director Robert M. Gates singled out Iran as the premier assessment target for the agency’s new center for proliferation issues. Not surprisingly, analysts immediately began interpreting even the most ambiguous evidence as indicating Iran’s intention to develop nuclear weapons. This predisposition just happened to be in line with American policy of forbidding its allies from providing nuclear technology to Iran. In other words, the intelligence followed the policy, not the other way around.

CIA brass apparently went so far as to suppress WMD intelligence obtained by one of its best covert agents in the Middle East because it didn’t fit the conclusion they knew George W. Bush’s administration wanted. I reveal for the first time in the book that a former undercover operative who brought a lawsuit against CIA leadership in 2004 claimed that a highly respected source in Iran had told him in 2001 that Iran had no intention of “weaponizing” its nuclear program. The CIA apparently never informed the White House of that information, and refused to circulate it within the intelligence community.

National Intelligence Estimates in 2001 and 2005, and a draft estimate in mid-2007, all concluded that Iran had a nuclear-weapons program. Paul Pillar, a former National Intelligence Officer for the Near East who participated in the 2001 and 2005 exercises, has recalled that no hard evidence of weaponization informed either estimate, and that their conclusion was based on inference. In the 2005 estimate and the 2007 draft estimate, the conclusion was influenced by the intelligence documents that had come from Israel by way of the MEK. The failure of the CIA’s well-staffed weapons-proliferation center to detect the fraud paralleled its failure to notice the obvious signs that the “Nigergate” document offered as evidence of Iraqi uranium-shopping in Niger was a rather amateurish fabrication.

The final 2007 NIE, which was issued in November, asserted that the 2005 NIE and the mid-2007 draft had both been dead wrong in their assertions that Iranian still had a nuclear-weapons program at the time of their writing. It concluded, rather, that based on intercepted “snippets of conversation,” Iran had had a nuclear-weapons program as of 2003, then stopped it. This finding, which gave additional credibility to the official narrative of Iran’s nuclear intentions, is itself highly questionable. It is very likely that the 2007 NIE authors interpreted evidence of one or more individuals’ work as confirmation of the existence of a full-fledged program — a belief in which they had clearly acquired a strong vested interest.

Q. The news media generally disgraced itself in its coverage of the Iraqi nuclear issue. How has it comported itself with respect to Iran?

A: With Iraq, there was at least dissent over issues like its alleged illegal importation of aluminum tubes, which reflected debates within the intelligence community. Coverage of Iran, on the other hand, has been virtually unanimous in reporting the official line without the slightest indication of curiosity about whether it might be false or misleading. The closest we got to investigative work in the commercial media were hints, buried inside longer stories in the Washington Post, of skepticism in the intelligence community about the 2004 laptop documents.

Some of the most egregious misinformation came in late 2007 and early 2008, in stories in the New York Times and Washington Post about two IAEA reports containing the final results of a major agency investigation. Rather than reporting the fact that the agency had been unable to challenge any of Iran’s explanations of the six issues under investigation, the Times and Post stories simply quoted Bush Administration officials and an unnamed IAEA official as dismissing the Iranian responses.

When the media challenged the official line, it was only because that line wasn’t hawkish enough. David Sanger of the New York Times carried out a relentless campaign in innumerable articles after the 2007 NIE attacking its conclusion that Iran had ceased work on nuclear weapons in 2003.

Q. What impact do you believe the essentially unquestioned acceptance of this fraudulent nuclear narrative is likely to have on negotiations with Iran and beyond?

A: It creates serious obstacles. For one, it makes the Obama Administration much more vulnerable to the arguments of Israel and its followers in Washington that Iran cannot be allowed to have any enrichment capacity. But then, the administration itself has absorbed the essential elements of the narrative into its own analysis, notably via the creation of the “breakout” concept.

“Breakout” is defined as the time it would take Iran to enrich enough uranium to weapons-grade level to allow it to construct a single nuclear bomb. But it was a bogus idea from the beginning, because it assumed that Iran had the desire to rush-build a nuclear weapon. Furthermore it was based on highly unlikely worst-case scenarios for very rapid Iranian enrichment of uranium to a level sufficient for a bomb. According to the worst-case scenarios conjured up by conservative US think tanks and others promoting the myth, Iran has had the same theoretical capacity for breakout — a month or two — since 2010. But rather than racing for a bomb, it has instead converted much of the uranium it enriched to a concentration of 20 percent uranium-235 (the enrichment level that has most worried the United States) to an oxide form that makes it unavailable for enrichment to weapons-grade level.

Nevertheless, the Obama Administration has been so intimidated by the breakout drumbeat that it has now adopted a policy of limiting Iran’s breakout period to between six and twelve months. That translates into a demand that Iran agree to be stripped of 80 percent of its centrifuges, which is all but certain to ensure the breakdown of the talks. Unless the administration changes its posture — which became less likely after it publicly cited that goal as a baseline — fear-mongering propagandists may well succeed in pushing the United States into a situation of increased tension with Iran, including the possible mutual escalation of military threats. That, of course, would be the result that Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has long sought.

Source: Harper’s Magazine, the oldest general-interest monthly in America.

The USA is the world’s No.1 when it comes to Nuclear Weapons Proliferation

US Nuclear Weapons Proliferation: We’re No. 1!

The corporate media is focused on the question of how or if Iran could ever break out of its promise under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty to eschew nuclear weapons, to use reactors only for civilian purposes. So many headlines refer to sanctions imposed against Iran that millions of people mistakenly think Iran has a nuclear arsenal. It doesn’t.

Meanwhile the Congress in January fully funded production of a new B61 thermonuclear gravity bomb, a program dubbed “Life Extension.” This year’s $537 million is the down payment on the 12th version of the B61 that the millionaires in DC agreed should get $11 billion over the next few years.

Dubbed the “solid gold nuke” by critics, the 700-lb. H-bomb is running $28 million apiece at the moment. That much gold bullion is only worth $16 million.

The program to replace today’s B61s with a new “mod12,” is being condemned by our allies in NATO, by Congressional budget hawks and of course by the entire arms control community. Even former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. James Cartwright has said the bombs are “practically nil” in military value. (Gen. Cartwright only is partly right: Since it seems the Department of Defense is in the business of producing suicides by the thousands, among veterans and active duty soldiers, the suicidal mission of deploying B61s across Europe — for detonation there — seems a perfectly ghastly fit.)

“This decision represents the triumph of entrenched nuclear interests over good government. The B-61 is no longer relevant for U.S. national security, but continues to rob billions of dollars from programs that would make America safer,” President Joe Cirincione of the Ploughshares Fund told Hans M. Kristensen for the Federation of American Scientists.

Kristensen reported March 12 that the Pentagon has decided that the new B61 will begin its deployment in Europe next year.

This 300-to-500 kiloton “variable yield” thermonuclear device has 24 to 40 times the destructive power of the US bomb that killed 170,000 people at Hiroshima in 1945. Still, this machine’s threat of meaningless, genocidal, radioactive violence is called “tactical.”

Rush to Deploy New H-bomb Before It’s Killed by Public Opposition

The Air Force budget makes it appear that the older B61s will all be replaced — in Turkey, Italy, Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany — by 2020. This rush job is being hustled through the military-industrial-complex in a very big hurry because the broad international condemnation of the program is gaining depth and breadth.

Senator Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., along with Rep. Mike Quigley, D-Ill., and Rep Jared Polis, D-Colo., tried to curtail the program last year. Five NATO partners — Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, The Netherlands and Norway — asked four years ago that all B61s be removed permanently from Europe. In Germany, every major political party has formally resolved to pursue final withdrawal of the 20 remaining B61s at Buchel AFB.

Major US allies in Europe informed Gen. Cartwright’s critical opinion. High-level European politicians have been saying the B61s are “militarily useless” since the end of the Cold War. In a widely published op/ed in 2010, former NATO secretary-general Willy Claes and three senior Belgian politicians said, “The US tactical nuclear weapons in Europe have lost all military importance.”

Still, Kristensen reports, “integration” of the new B61 is supposed to take place on Belgian, Dutch, and Turkish F-16 jets and on German and Italian Tornado fighter-bombers soon.

Another reason for the rush to deploy this perfect candidate for dumb bomb retirement is that Germany is considering replacing its Tornado jets in short order. All the expense of refitting its current Tornadoes to carry the “more accurate” and “more usable” B61-mod 12 would be wasted. New B61 production could also be made expensively moot by progress in arms control.

The “nuclear sharing” arrangement with the five technically non-nuclear NATO partners glaringly contradicts, in Kristensen’s words, “the non-proliferation standards that member countries are trying to promote in the post-Cold War world.” In its 2012 posture review, even NATO’s ministers pledged to work for a world without nuclear weapons.

So as the White House and its Secretary of State wag fingers at Iran, we and our NATO friends openly violate the binding promise made in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty “not to receive the transfer from any transferor whatsoever of nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices or of control over such weapons or explosive devices directly, or indirectly.”

Maybe Iran can arrange for some sanctions to be imposed on us.


– John LaForge writes for PeaceVoice,is co-director of Nukewatch—a nuclear watchdog and environmental justice group—andlives at the Plowshares Land Trust out of Luck, Wisconsin.

Khamenei: Compromise will lead nowhere

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says any compromise with arrogant powers will lead nowhere, stressing that interventionist powers are after putting autocratic puppets at the helm.

Iran cleric urges ‘crushing’ response to US threats

Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Movahhedi Kermani addresses worshippers at the weekly Friday Prayers in Tehran. (File photo)

Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Movahhedi Kermani addresses worshippers at the weekly Friday Prayers in Tehran. (File photo)
Fri Feb 7, 2014 12:57PM GMT

A senior Iranian cleric has called on the Foreign Ministry to react decisively to US threats against the Islamic Republic over its nuclear energy program.

“People expect the Iranian Foreign Ministry to give crushing response to rants, lies, accusations and brazenness of the United States,” Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Movahhedi Kermani said in a sermon to worshippers at the weekly Friday Prayers in Tehran.
He was reacting to US Secretary of State John Kerry’s renewed threat of military action and allegations made by US top nuclear negotiator with Iran, Wendy Sherman, against Iran’s nuclear facilities.

“Mr. Kerry and Ms. Sherman behaved very impolitely, they expressed ugly words and this ugliness is” in their nature, said the Iranian cleric.

Movahhedi Kermani added that the US officials continue to threaten Iran with the military option.
In a testimony to the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 4, Sherman, the US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs and the Obama administration’s top negotiator with Iran, questioned Iran’s need to maintain a number of its nuclear facilities.
On February 5, Iran Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif rejected Sherman’s comments as “worthless.”
In addition, some 200 Iranian legislators slammed Sherman’s remarks on Thursday, calling them offensive and reflective of the US hegemonic character.
Iran and the six major world powers – the United States, Russia, China, France, the UK, and Germany – signed a nuclear deal in Geneva, Switzerland, last November to pave the way for the full resolution of the West’s decade-old standoff over Tehran’s nuclear energy program. The two sides started to implement the agreement on January 20 and aim to continue negotiations for a final comprehensive deal.


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Doubts Emerging among Zionist Occupiers of Palestine and its US Lobby

Franklin Lamb


Across a broad spectrum of recent regional developments, a number of Zionist leaders and agents of the US Zionist lobby are beginning to argue among themselves as questions and doubts surface concerning the future viability of their colony still occupying Palestinian soil.

Nuclear facilityAt the core of what some in Washington are describing as near panic, is  Zionist dismay at the ascendancy of the Islamic Republic of Iran across this region and internationally. As of 1/20/14, Iran has begun curbing uranium enrichment under a deal which will also see international sanctions eased. The government is working with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the UN nuclear watchdog. Earlier, centrifuges used for enrichment were disconnected at the Natanz plant as part of a six-month nuclear deal reached with the US, Russia, China and European powers last November.

The US and the EU have now responded by lifting some sanctions on Iran. The suspension of sanctions for six months clears the way for Iran to resume export of petrochemicals and these developments, while encouraging to much of the global community are anathema to the Zionist regime. Zionist leaders and their US lobby agents, in anticipation of these developments are reacting as they do virtually every time the US and the P-5 plus one appear to make progress on a variety of regional and international issues including the so-called “nuclear file” and this sets off alarm bells in Tel Aviv and AIPAC headquarters in Washington, DC.

When AIPAC undertakes a campaign on behalf of Israel and putting its interests above America’s, which is to say every time it is ordered to do so as it now tries to destroy any chances for Iran-US rapprochement it uses  tried and tested campaign techniques that as MJ Rosenburg, himself a former Executive with AIPAC explained a few weeks ago. He pointed to a similar campaign by the US Zionist lobby to get the US to bomb Syria, claiming that “never in its history has the US Zionist lobby gone all out to achieve passage or defeat for anything not directly related to Israel. And, because Congress is snugly in its pocket on Israel issues, it rarely needs to fight.”  AIPAC unexpectedly lost the battle for the US military to attack Syria and have not recovered from their humiliation.

AIPAC’s top strategist, Steve Rosen (later indicted under the US Espionage Act) once summarized for the New Yorker magazine, the power of AIPAC: “You see this napkin? In twenty-four hours, we could have the signatures of seventy senators on this napkin.”  The power Rosen was bragging about accounts for the recent number of Senators who signed the latest Congressional campaign to torpedo Obama hopes for peace with Iran.

How AIPAC’s latest campaign to control how Congress votes is basically the same it has employed for the past quarter century.  It begins with phone calls from constituents who are AIPAC members. They know the Congressman and are nice and friendly and just tell him, or whichever staffer the constituent knows, just how important this vote is to him and his friends back in the district.  Then the donors call. The folks who have hosted fundraisers. They are usually not only from the district but from New York or LA or Chicago. They repeat the message: this vote is very important.

Contrary to what you might expect, they do not mention campaign money. They don’t have to. Because these callers are people who only know the Congressman through their checks, the threat not to write any more of them is implicit. Like the constituents, the donors are using AIPAC talking points which are simple and forceful. You can argue with them but they keep going back to the script. Did I mention the rabbis? We only have a few in our district but we get calls from all of them and from other rabbis from around the state.

Then there are the AIPAC lobbyists, the professional staffers. They come in, with or without appointments. If the Congressman is in, they expect to see him immediately. If not, they will see a staffer. If they don’t like what they hear, they will keep coming back. They are very aggressive, no other lobby comes close, They expect to see the Member, not mere staffers.

Rosenberg continues with his report of a mutual friend who works on the Hill: “Then there are the emails driven by the AIPAC website, the editorials in the one Jewish newspaper we have in our state. And then the “Dear Colleague” letters from Jewish House members saying how important the vote is for Israel and America. They also will buttonhole the Members on the House floor. Because my boss is not Jewish, he tends to defer to his Jewish colleagues. It is like they are the experts on this. And, truth be told, all the senior Jewish Members of the House are tight with AIPAC. Also, the two biggest AIPAC enforcers, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor and his Democratic counterpart, Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer, are fierce AIPAC partisans, and they make sure to seek out Members on the floor to tell them how they must vote. On anything related to Israel, they speak in one voice: AIPAC’s.”

As it has done since it first occupied Palestine more than six decades, the Zionist regime has tried, with remarkable degrees of success, to intimidate the Arab “League” countries and much of the international community with calumnies and unconvincing boasting of its invincible military power while all the time demanding, as Simon Wiesenthal did again this week, that “America and its allies keep their promises to protect Israel.”

Recent projects designed to pressure particularly Europe and North America include the vicious campaign targeting President Obama over his policy to give diplomacy a chance as he seeks to improve and indeed normalize relations between the two countries. Recent polls show that 2/3 of the Israeli public believe that  Barack Obama is increasingly not trusted not to do a deal with Iran while Obama is seen as a traitor in Israeli government circles and within the international Zionist lobby. Hence the recent unleashing of Israeli agents in congress to push for war with Iran above all else and it spills over into Syria.

As the chaos escalates in Syria, publicly Zionist officials are claiming that they have no firm plans to intervene. Instead, they have embraced what has been labeled  “a castle mentality”, hoping the moat they have dug — in the form of  supposed high-tech border fences, intensified military deployments and sophisticated intelligence will buy them time in face of vows among many of the jihadists now fighting in Syria to liberate Palestine.

Michael Herzog, a retired Israeli general said this week: “The U.S. accepts the basic Israeli argument that given what’s happening in the region — suddenly jihadists are taking over Syria, and there’s no telling what will happen elsewhere or when they will come here. There is a legitimate cause for concern.”  The intensified fighting has convinced many Israelis that the region will be unstable or even anarchic for some time, upending decades of strategic positioning and military planning.

Israeli security and political officials have been unsettled by the rapid developments on the ground and in the diplomatic arena in recent weeks. Washington’s gestures toward Iran, not only on the nuclear issue but also with regard to Syria and Iraq, underscore a divergence in how the United States and Israel, close allies, view the region. At the same time, Saudi Arabia, which shares Israel’s concern about an emboldened Iran, is financing Sunni groups that view Israel as the ultimate enemy.

Dore Gold of “Let’s put Gaza on a diet” infamy is Israel’s former ambassador to the United Nations, and currently a foreign policy adviser to PM Netanyahu told the New York Times recently that “The region is full of bad choices. What that requires you to do is take your security very seriously. And you shouldn’t be intimidated by people saying, ‘Well, that’s a worst-case analysis,’ because lately, the worst is coming through.”

Indeed, the “worst may be coming through” for the Zionists illegally occupying Palestine and their international supporters are faced not just with the fact that in dozens of forms these days, the Resistance is growing and advancing, as history is rejecting the sustainability of their occupation, but increasingly doubts are growing among the Zionist as well.

Source: Al-Manar Website
25-01-2014 – 12:55 Last updated 25-01-2014 – 14:39