“Russian tanks” sold by Hungary to Ukraine for use in fake invasions

Sold for the price of scrap army tanks – on the way to the war in Ukraine


A vigilant reader sent in the following photos, which were made in Nyíregyháza railway station on August 2. According to the information provided on the trains headed Záhony, which crossed the state border to the Ukraine. The photo is interesting that these T-72 ever for the average stock of Hungarian Army tanks are visible.

Hídfő.net | scrap sold for the price of army tanks on the way to civil war in Ukraine

Hídfő.net | scrap sold for the price of army tanks on the way to civil war in Ukraine

Hídfő.net | Nyíregyháza railway station

Since the outbreak of the Hungarian Armed Forces of Ukraine crisis means selling stocks extracted from HM EI Inc.. (Ministry of Defence Electronics, Logistics and Asset Management Company Private Limited), two applications have been announced for T-72 battle wagons. From March 2014 to the first year could be applied, it is 58 pieces, mainly produced in Belarus harcjárműre concerned. This tender was founded in October 2013 – allegedly held by individuals Czech – Company, Ltd. won the Excalibur Defense. The second tender offer was made in July 2014, and by August it had already been criticized. This is the above-named company won, which appears in the list of registered firms licensed to practice in military technology trade also.