Saadat calls for reactivating the PLO

Saadat calls for reactivating the PLO

[ 06/04/2009 – 07:45 AM ]

RAMALLAH, (PIC)– Ahmed Saadat, the secretary general of the popular front for the liberation of Palestine, has called for reactivating the PLO and for insisting on conditions for the release of Israeli captured soldier Gilad Shalit.

Saadat told Ibtisam Enati, the lawyer of the center for the defense of liberties and civil rights, during her visit to Askalan jail on Sunday that the PLO should be reactivated in its capacity as the sole, legitimate representative of the Palestinian people following the endorsement of Palestinian political partnership.

There should be a unified political leadership the first mission of which would be rebuilding the PLO according to the Cairo agreement and the national entente document, he explained.

The incoming Palestinian government should concentrate on the Palestinian people’s aspirations and should pursue democratic path, he elaborated.

The PFLP secretary general told the lawyer that the Israeli poisons authority was holding him in solitary confinement along with 8 other prisoners.

He said that the IPA was barring them from buying their special needs, depriving them of watching Al-Jazeera TV channel and adopting other repressive measures, adding that the IPA has been blocking family visits to the prisoners for three months and is threatening more penal measures if they refused to wear the newly designed “orange uniform” for the prisoners.

Saadat said that four prisoners threatened with deportation after concluding their sentences have gone on hunger strike to protest their planned exile.

He finally asked the Palestinian resistance factions capturing Shalit to insist on their demands mainly the release of prisoners serving high sentences, appreciating their negotiating position in this regard.