Sayyed Nasrallah Grieves Sayyed Fadlullah; Hezbollah Announces 3-Day Mourning

04/07/2010 Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah on Sunday mourned Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Mohammed Hussein Fadlullah, vowing to stay faithful for the sacred goals Sayyed Fadlullah had sacrificed his life to achieve them.

“Today, we have lost a compassionate father, a wise guide, a fortified shelter, and a strong support that was present at all stages,” Sayyed Nasrallah said in a mourning statement. “Sayyed Fadlullah was all the above mentioned for us and for the whole religious and resistant generation since we were youngsters praying behind him,” his eminence said.

“This is what his eminence was to us, and to all this faithful, struggling, and resisting generation, since the time we were youths praying in his assembly (congregational prayers), guided by his words, and learning beneath his pulpit,” Sayyed Nasrallah went on to say. “In his school, he taught us to advocate with wisdom and kind preaching, to be people of dialogue with others, to reject tyranny, to resist occupation, to adore meeting God the Almighty with certitude, and to be people of patience, steadfastness, and determination even with all the calamities, hardships, and distress we face. “To us, he was the teacher, instructor, the knowledge, and the light that lights up our way through every hardship.”

Hezbollah Secretary General stressed that “Sayyed Fadlullah’s pure soul, enlightened intellect, kind words, compassionate smile, chaste biography, and firm stances will remain within us as a guide, conduit, and progressing strong motive that pushes us forth to continuous hard work and jihad.”

Sayyed Nasrallah concluded his statement by vowing to remain faithful to the sacred goals Sayyed Fadlullah has lived, worked, and sacrificed for, day and night.

Earlier, Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem offered condolences for Sayyed Fadlullah’s great loss. Speaking to Al-Manar, Sheikh Qassem said that Sayyed Fadullah raised the flag of the resistance high and supported it. “His eminence was one of the symbols of unity as he confronted all conspiracies of tyrann,” Sheikh Qassem said.

“Sayyed Fadlullah always called for unity and for the elimination of discord and strive among the people of the nation,” Sheikh Qassem said. “We cannot separate Sayyed Fadlallah from jihadist resistance work which he used to follow up with and continuously ask about, he always made sure the resistance is untroubled.”

“Sayyed Fadlullah was a great Islamic Symbol and a great Figure in the Islamic Sphere in all its fields,” Sheikh Qassem concluded.

Earlier, Hezbollah issued a statement in which it offered condolences, saying that the Islamic nation and the entire world have lost “an eminent Muslim scholar who clearly and bravely supported the Resistance and heroic Mujahedeen against the Zionist enemy.”

“Sayyed Fadlullah has filled the entire world with his knowledge, struggle, stances, and writings. Grand Ayatollah Fadlullah stood in face of the Zionist enemy as he audaciously supported the Resistance and the heroic Mujahideen, as the world witnessed his defiance and resistance to the occupation and its criminal actions and the price he paid for his stances as he expressed his rejection to the conspiracies of arrogant states,” Hezbollah said in its statement.

“It is a great loss to us as he is a symbol we need. The death of a religious scholar causes such a void in Islam that nothing can fill up. To God we belong, and to him we shall return. His knowledge, jihad, and stances will always be a minaret to the free mujahideen.”

While calling for a wide participation in his funeral, Hezbollah declared the three coming days as mourning to express sadness and consolation.

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