Imam Khamenei: Al-Aqsa Flood Operation to Seal Fate of ‘Israel’, Hamas & Hezbollah Poised for Victory

June 3, 2024

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In a powerful speech marking the anniversary of Imam Khomeini’s passing, His Eminence Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei declared that the recent Al-Aqsa Flood operation carried out by Palestinians has cornered the Israeli entity, leading it down a path towards destruction and elimination.

Al-Aqsa Flood Operation: A Fatal Blow to ‘Israel’

Imam Khamenei stated that Western nations have acknowledged that there is no escape for ‘Israel’ following the Al-Aqsa Flood operation, which dealt a devastating blow to the Zionist entity. He highlighted the failure of Israel’s plans in the region and warned against placing hope in ceasefire agreements in Gaza.

Western Support for Israeli Genocide in Gaza Undermined

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution praised the resilience of the Palestinian people and the resistance factions such as Hamas and Hezbollah, asserting that the Israeli army has been defeated. He criticized Western support for Israel’s actions in Gaza and emphasized the global consensus against ‘Israel’.

President Raisi’s Legacy of Service

Imam Khamenei paid tribute to the late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his companions, describing them as martyrs of service to the Iranian people. He commended Raisi’s leadership and dedication to the principles of the revolution, pointing out the massive outpouring of support from the Iranian people following his martyrdom.

Election in Iran

The Imam concluded by addressing the upcoming presidential elections in Iran, calling them a great opportunity for the Iranian people to further support the Islamic Revolution. He highlighted the significance of the elections in the context of recent events and expressed confidence in the people’s unwavering commitment to the revolution.

The following video shows the hospital room where Imam Khomeini (RA) passed away.

Source: Iranian media and Al-Manar English Website

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Rescue Efforts Underway after Helicopter Carrying Iran’s Raisi Made Hard Landing

May 19, 2024

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi as he lands to take part in a ceremony to open a dam on Iran’s border with Azerbaijan (May 19, 2024).

Iran – Live News – Middle East – News – Story of the day – Top – Videos

A helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and senior officials went missing on Sunday after Iranian media reported hard landing in northwestern province of East Azarbaijan, with security and military forces staring a large-scale rescue operation amid bad weather conditions.

President Raisi was returning from a ceremony to open a dam on Iran’s border with Azerbaijan when his helicopter made hard landing in Varzaqan region on Sunday.

Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, Governor of East Azarbaijan Province Malek Rahmati, Tabriz Friday prayer leader Hojjatoleslam Al Hashem and a number of others were also on board the helicopter.

Iranian media reported that rescue and relief teams have been dispatched to the area and search operations were underway.

Foggy weather and the impassability of the area has made the search operations difficult.

Iranian Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi has confirmed to the national TV that one of the copters of the president’s convoy had a hard landing.

“Various rescue groups are moving towards the site, but due to the fog and bad weather, it may take time to reach the area. The work is under control,” Vahidi said.

“There have been contacts with [the president’s] companions, but given that the area is mountainous and it is difficult to establish contacts, we hope that the rescue teams will reach the site of the incident sooner and give us more information,” the interior minister added.

Local Iranian media have reported that it is heavily raining in the area in Varzaghan District and it is hard for the rescue and search teams to walk in the dense fog.

Source: Agencies and Iranian media