Zionist Kenneth Feinberg, 9/11 Cover Up Agent, to Administer BP’s $20 Billion Claim Fund

In case you missed it

kenny’s sideshow

Kenneth Feinberg, cover up artist par excellence for ‘events’ whose true nature must be kept hidden is handed the job of administering BP’s $20 billion fund
for damage claims to economic victims of the Gulf oil spill.

Some background on Feinberg from Chris Bollyn

Kenneth Feinberg was the Special Master of the 9-11 Victims Compensation Fund.

He alone was responsible for distributing some $7 billion of taxpayer money to the families of the victims of 9-11. In this he was supported by some 30 lawyers from his law firm and his wife, Diane “Dede” Shaff Feinberg. Diane is also an executive member of the United Israel Appeal and the Jewish Federation of Washington. She also happens to be a member of the Board of Governors of the Jewish Agency – the parent organization of the Mossad.

The non-investigation of 9-11 was controlled by Michael Chertoff, the son of an Israeli Mossad agent and an orthodox rabbi. Chertoff oversaw the destruction of the thousands of tons of steel from the World Trade Center – crucial evidence that was shipped to Asian smelters and melted down. While Chertoff supervised the confiscation and destruction of the critical evidence, government appointed doctors “medicated” the grieving relatives with mood-altering Prozac, and Kenneth Feinberg began his war of attrition on the families of the victims of 9-11.
As the sole person responsible for distributing the money from the Victims Compensation Fund, Feinberg paid out nearly $7 billion to families in compensation – if they would sign the agreement not to sue the airlines or the Israeli airport security firm involved in 9-11 (Huntleigh USA/ICTS). More than 98 percent of the families accepted the money from the Feinberg-managed fund. The amounts of the payments and the amounts paid to Diane Feinberg and the 30 lawyers are not known. The American people deserve to know how the funds were used and who got paid.

Feinberg’s actions were crucial to removing more than 98 percent of the families from the litigation process. Kenneth Feinberg and Alvin Hellerstein have waged a war of attrition against the 9-11 relatives. Of the thousands of families that could have used the courts to find justice and legal discovery for what happened on 9-11, Feinberg was successful in removing 98 percent. Of the 96 families that chose to go to court, all but one or two cases have settled out of court after enduring years of obstruction in the court of Alvin K. Hellerstein. Thanks to Feinberg and Hellerstein there may never be a trial for a single victim of 9-11.

Kenneth Feinberg is known for wearing expensive Brioni suits, smoking Cuban cigars, and driving his black Jaguar to his home in Bethesda, Maryland, where he has avoided paying taxes thanks to a few legal loopholes he knows about. Kenneth Feinberg was the co-chair (along with his wife) of a recent Zionist event in which Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak, two prime suspects in the Israeli terrorism of 9-11, participated. Feinberg’s role in covering up the truth about 9-11 is connected to his relationship to the state of Israel. Kenneth Feinberg wasn’t working pro bono on the 9-11 victims fund out of compassion for the victims of 9-11, or for America. He was doing it to serve Israel and the murderous Mossad. {more}

Besides 9/11, other compensation ‘events’ that Feinberg resided over were the shootings at Virginia Tech, Hurricane Katrina, the original Zapruder film of the Kennedy assassination, the Holocaust slave labor litigation, Agent Orange litigation, human radiation experiments, catastrophic nuclear accidents and was the ‘Special Master’ for TARP executive compensation.

It’s increasingly becoming apparent that the BP ‘spill’ is more than an accident. Feinberg’s task will be to see that there are no compensation cases brought to court that could expose any of the deep secrets of the disaster and to protect those at the top of the money pyramid.

Feinberg has a track record of success but even the best of criminal enterprises reach the limits of what they can pull off. This may be one of those times.

h/t Facts Not Fairies

Posted by kenny’s sideshow at 11:02 PM

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