Israeli occupation uses snakes in an attempt to assassinate Saadat

[ 11/10/2011 – 10:47 AM ]
RAMALLAH, (PIC)– Director of Abu Jihad Centre for Prisoners’ Studies at the Jerusalem Open University, Fahad Abu al-Haj, said on Monday that the Israeli prison service planned to assassinate the Secretary General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Ahmad Saadat through a number of means the latest of which was the use of snakes.
Abu al-Haj said in a press statement: “Occupation authorities place snakes inside Saadat’s solitary cell, in addition to keeping him in solitary confinement and denying him the most basic of human rights including visitation rights.”
Saadat, who has been kept in solitary since his arrest in 2006, discovered a snake in his cell and informed the prison guards who killed the snake, but was surprised to discover another snake the following day. Abu al-Haj considered this is clear evidence of foul play and believes the Israeli prison service intends to kill Saadat.
Saadat has been on hunger strike for about 14 days, his health condition has badly deteriorated prompting PFLP activists to appeal to the Red Cross and Amnestry International to intervene to save the life of Saadat.
Thousands of prisoners went on an open ended hunger strike to protest solitary confinement and the pan on university education as well as general conditions.

[ 11/10/2011 – 11:34 AM ] 
RAMALLAH, (PIC)– Palestinian captives on hunger strike in Israeli occupation jails accused the Palestinian Authority under the leadership of Mahmoud Abbas of reneging on its responsibilities towards them.
A prisoners’ leader said in a phone call to “Sawt al-Hurreyya”, a local radio station, on Monday: “the captives have not felt any action taken by the Palestinian political leadership [of the PA] to support the action of the captives after 15 days of hunger strike.”
The captive who wished to remain anonymous for security reasons added: “We have not witnessed any serious effort on the part of the political leadership despite the fact that we communicated with it and asked it to take steps because the prison service is denying us the right to strike and refuses to resolve prisoners issues, while the prisoners’ conditions are worsening.”
He called on the PA to take the issue of the captives, especially those in solitary to the highest level in terms of human rights organisations and international political institutions through serious efforts by the political leadership to end the catastrophic conditions inside occupation jails.
He added that no serious talks have taken place so far between the captives and the prison service apart from meetings with intelligence officers who are touring various prisons.
He added that since the prison authorities chose to ignore the captives’ demands, the captives decided to escalate their hunger strike, whereby hundreds of other prisoners would join the hunger strike on Monday.
He also warned that the health situation of the hunger strikers is likely to worsen and their might be some deaths amongst them as they decided to stop taking water in response to the prison authority’s withdrawal of salt from prisons.
He said that the captives issued a statement calling on the public to support them by going on a one day hunger strike, but the PA leadership dwarfed this into a two hour hunger strike, adding that going on hunger strike for a day was a symbolic step to give moral support to the prisoners who have been on hunger strike for two weeks.

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