Western Media Break Their Silence on Aleppo With Flagrant Lies, Omissions, Obfuscations

In Gaza

Syrian News: “Abdulrahman was killed by a terrorist rocket on his way home back from school today (April 25).”

-Eva Bartlett

Terrorists mortars, rockets, and Hell Cannon-fired gas canister bombs continue to rain down on Aleppo for the past few days (a dramatic increase from the sporadic but frequent terrorism Aleppo residents have been ravaged by over the years). Since April 23, over 1000 terrorists’ rockets/missiles/gas canisters have ravaged Aleppo (see: Syria: Aleppo is Burning and Western Media is Silent), killing at least 40 residents and injuring over 300, according to al-Alam journalist, Rabea Kalawandy‘s April 27 report.

In a more recent update, Kalawandy  wrote:


٨” شهداء لحد اللحظة في ‫#‏حلب‬ نتيجة قذائف المعارضة المعتدلة بينهم أطفال ونساء

8 martyrs so far. In ‪#‎Aleppo‬ as a result of the moderate opposition shells including children and women.”

The actual number of those murdered…

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