Alex Salmond raises prospect of Tony Blair being tried for war crimes in Scottish courts

Alex Salmond raises prospect of Tony Blair being tried for war crimes in Scottish courts

The reckoning: Blair faces action over Iraq, says Salmond, as Chilcot report is published on Wednesday

The reckoning: Blair faces action over Iraq, says Salmond, as Chilcot report is published on Wednesday

TONY Blair faces a “judicial or political reckoning,” Alex Salmond has insisted, raising the prospect that the former prime minister could be tried for war crimes in the Scottish courts.

Ahead of the eagerly-awaited publication of the £10 million, 2.6m word report by the Chilcot Inquiry on Wednesday, the former First Minister stressed how he and other MPs believed evidence existed for “action to be taken” against Mr Blair.

READ MORE: Alex Salmond: The coup against Corbyn was planned to stop him calling for Blair’s head after Chilcot