Ben-Gvir Visits Israeli Prison as Palestinians’ Acts of Resistance Persist

January 6, 2023

Thousands of Palestinians perform Friday prayers at AL-Aqsa Mosque (January 6, 2023).

Palestinians are persisting in forms of resistance against Israeli occupation on Friday, a day after the Zionist entity’s so-called National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir paid his first visit to a security prison in the occupied terriotries.

Clashes between Palestinians erupted in Jabal Sabih near the village of Beita south of Nablus at noon on Friday, Al-Quds News Network reported.

Meanwhile, 60,000 Palestinian worshipers performed Friday prayers in Al-Aqsa Mosque, defying Israeli restrictive measures in occupied Al-Quds, according to Al-Qastal News Network.

Earlier at dawn on Friday, Palestinian resistance fighters attacked Israeli post of Al-Jalma near Jenin, Palestinian sources reported.

Jenin witnesses nearly-daily raids by Israeli occupation, leading to clashes with Palestinian resistance.

Ben-Gvir Visits Israeli Prison

On the other hand, Zionist supremacist Itamar Ben-Gvir paid his first visit late Thursday to a security prison to “make sure that inmates’ conditions haven’t improved in the wake of a High Court ruling in their favor,” Israeli media reported.

Ben-Gvir storms Al-Aqsa Mosque (Tuesday, January 3, 2023).

“I came last night to Nafha Prison to make sure murderers of Jews don’t receive better conditions since the construction of new prison cells,” Ben-Gvir was quoted as saying by Haaretz on Friday.

Ben-Gvir was accompanied on his visit by Prison Service Commissioner Katy Perry and senior prison service officials. He visited the new wings built last year for security prisoners, “which have mechanisms that make it harder for them to escape,” the Israeli daily reported.

Earlier on Tuesday, Ben-Gvir visited Al-Aqsa for first time as a security minister, prompting wide condemnations by Palestinian resistance factions, Palestinian Authority and several Arab states.

Source: Palestinian and Israeli media (translated and edited by Al-Manar English Website)

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