Ansarallah holds massive military parade in Yemeni capital

SEP 21, 2023

(Photo credit: Saba)

The parade marks nine years since Ansarallah assumed control of Sanaa, and comes just days after a successful round of peace talks in Riyadh

News Desk

Yemen’s Ansarallah resistance movement held a massive military parade on 21 September, marking the anniversary of the 2014 revolution, which saw the group assume control over the capital Sanaa. 

The parade comes just days after an Ansarallah delegation visited Saudi Arabia for the latest round of peace talks with the kingdom, which were recently described as being in their final stages. 

During the parade, Yemen’s Armed Forces – who are allied to and aligned with the Ansarallah movement – revealed for the first time a number of new weapons, including ballistic missiles, naval vessels, and armored vehicles, including the Sejjil sea missile, a winged cruise missile with a range of 180 kilometers. 

Other weapons revealed for the first time included the Bariq 1 and 2 anti-aircraft missiles, with a 50 and 70 kilometer range each; others were the Badr 4, Quds 4, Aqil missile, Toofan missile, and Mutee’ missile. The Toofan and Mutee’ are ballistic missiles. 

A variety of armored boats and naval mines were also displayed, alongside a fighter jet, which soared through the skies as the parade went on. 

Throughout the ceremony, Defense Minister of Sanaa’s Ansarallah-led government, Major General Mohammad Nasser al-Atifi, said via loudspeaker: “There is no peace with a full end to the aggression, a lifting of the siege, and departure of foreign forces. There is no peace without fulfilling the demands of the Yemenis.” 

“We will not accept invaders, occupiers’ presence on our lands … They will face Yemen’s anger,” Atifi said, adding that Yemen is ready to “engage in battle … if the Saudi aggression does not adhere to the requirements of an honorable peace and fulfills the legitimate, just, and rightful aspirations of Yemenis.” 

Two days ago, the Ansarallah delegation visiting Riyadh met with Saudi Arabia’s Defense Minister Khaled bin Salman

According to Arabic media reports, a recent meeting was also held in Muscat between the delegation and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS), during which the crown prince provided “guarantees to Sanaa regarding all points of disagreement, including the American position opposing peace.” 

Omani-mediated peace talks, which began in April this year, collapsed not long after over what Ansarallah referred to as US interference. According to the movement, Washington was trying to obstruct the payment of the salaries of public servants in Yemen, one of the Sanaa government’s leading demands for peace. 

The main terms include a full lifting of the blockade on Hodeidah Port and Sanaa International Airport. 

Tawfiq al-Humairi, information ministry advisor in the Sanaa government, said on 17 September that “Riyadh has accepted the terms that it had refused in the previous period.” 

However, US, British, French, and Emirati military forces continue to illegally occupy the country. Ansarallah has repeatedly threatened to confront these forces.

The UAE specifically has maintained an illegal presence over Yemen’s oilfields, ports, islands, and waterways. 

During the parade, the defense minister vowed that “our islands, seas, and the Bab al-Mandab Strait will be under Yemen’s decision.” 

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