Israeli forces commit 50 massacres in past hours

October 29, 2023

Source: Al Mayadeen

Palestinians walk about buildings destroyed in the Israeli bombardment in the Nusseirat refugee camp in the Gaza Strip on Sunday, Oct. 29, 2023. (AP)

By Al Mayadeen English

The spokesperson of the Palestinian Civil Defense says that they were surprised to find the bodies of martyrs in the streets after the resumption of communications and internet.

The Spokesperson of the Palestinian Civil Defense , Ashraf al-Qudra, announced on Sunday that 50 massacres were committed by the Israeli occupation against civilians in the Gaza Strip.

The spokesperson warned that the healthcare system is severely deteriorating due to the lack of fuel and medical supplies.

“We have reached a stage where the provision of medical services is faltering,” al-Qudra said in a press release, explaining that there are hundreds of wounded in need of urgent surgery.

He called for immediate international action to save the healthcare system in the face of Israeli threats, adding that hospitals in Gaza are at 170% capacity.

Death toll on the rise in Gaza

In the same context, our correspondent reported new casualties and injuries as a result of the Israeli shelling of the Awdeh family house in the middle of the Jabaliya camp in the northern Gaza Strip. At least 9 casualties, all of them women and children, were recorded.

The Israeli occupation also targeted the Kahlout family house in the Safi area in the middle of the Jabalia camp, as well as a vehicle in the southern part of the Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza.

In a not-unprecedented move, the IOF is threatening to bomb Al-Quds hospital, as reported by the #Palestinian Red Crescent.

Al-Quds Hospital is currently holding 14,000 Palestinians seeking refuge, not to mention scores of injured.#Palestine #Gaza #GazaGenocide— Al Mayadeen English (@MayadeenEnglish) October 29, 2023

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Our correspondent announced that the Israeli occupation shelled a house in the Jneina neighborhood in Rafah, southern Gaza.

Read more: ‘Israel’ isolates Gaza from the world, intensifies aggression

Our correspondent confirmed that the number of casualties in the Tamous family had risen to 16 after their home was shelled in in Khan Younis.

MSF: Global leaders ‘too weak and slow’

The spokesperson for the Civil Defense in Gaza said that the Civil Defense teams were surprised, after the resumption of communications and the internet, to find the bodies of martyrs lying in the streets and unidentified martyr’s remains.

Earlier today, the humanitarian organization Medicins Sans Frontieres (MSF) or Doctors Without Borders said that the actions of global leaders are too weak and slow to impact the cessation of atrocities in Gaza.

“Médecins Sans Frontières calls for an immediate ceasefire to prevent more deaths in Gaza and allow desperately needed humanitarian supplies in. Since Friday 27 October, the bombing by the Israeli forces has intensified to a degree not seen until now: northern Gaza is being razed to the ground, while the whole Strip is being hit and civilians have no place to take shelter. The actions of world leaders are too weak, too slow, as a non-binding UN resolution for a ceasefire has done nothing to reign in the indiscriminate violence unleashed on a helpless people,” they said in a statement. 

“People are being killed and forcibly displaced from their homes, and water and fuel are running low. The atrocity is on a scale never seen before in Gaza,” the MSF stated.

MSF further urged the international community to act quickly and take stronger action in enforcing “Israel” to stop the bloodshed and massacres.

Read more: Three martyrs killed with Israeli fire amid West Bank raids

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