Iran’s First Lady Visits Beirut, Stresses Solidarity with Resistance

December 29, 2023

Jamileh Alamolhoda, Iran’s first lady along with Lebanese Minister of Culture in Beirut Airport (December 29, 2023).

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Iranian first lady Jamileh Alamolhoda arrived in Beirut on Friday in an official visit to Lebanon.

She was welcomed by Minister of Culture Mohammad Wissam El-Mortada, Iranian Ambassador to Lebanon Mujtaba Amani and women delegates representing Lebanese and Palestinian political parties including Hezbollah, Amal Movement and the Islamic Jihad.

“I came to Lebanon, the land of intellectuality, to convey to you the greetings of the Iranian president and my greetings to this people,” Alamolhoda, wife of President Ebrahim Raisi, said at Beirut International Airport.

“We hope that Allah protect the Lebanese youth who are backing the Palestinian resistance,” the first Iranian lady said.

She stressed that her visit is aimed at underlining solidarity with Palestinian and Lebanese resistance against the Israeli occupation.

“The Iranian youth today is learning lessons from the Palestinian and Iranian people,” she said in remarks carried by Al-Manar.

Alamolhoda then took part in a meeting held in Beirut’s southern suburb (Dahiyeh) by female delegates representing the Lebanese and Palestinian resistance, including families of Martyrs All the Way to Al-Quds, as well as different political parties in Lebanon.

“Palestine has been for long years occupied by the Zionists. (Late founder of Islamic Revlution) Imam Khomeini called for confronting hegemony since the start of the Islamic Revolution,” she addressed the meeting in Risalat.

The first Iranian lady also visited Rawdat al-Shahidain Cemetery, which holds the bodies of resistance martyrs.

Source: Al-Manar English Website