Jewish settlers revel in Ibrahimi Mosque of Al-Khalil


[ 07/03/2011 – 12:01 PM ]
Al-KHALIL, (PIC)– Extremist Jewish settlers held earlier this week a boisterous party in the courtyards of the Ibrahimi Mosque of Al-Khalil city in which they used fireworks, played loud music and hysterically danced.
The settlers also attacked Palestinians and verbally abused them in different areas of Al-Khalil.

Last Saturday, hundreds of settlers gathered outside Abraham Obinwa settlement outpost in the heart of Al-Khalil and started to dance, sing, laugh and throw stones at the Palestinians amid racist slurs.

The settlers marched the streets of Sahla, Shuhada and Ikhwan Muslmoun while chanting racist slogans and threatening the Palestinians with death.

Right-winger and Jewish extremist Baruch Marzel, students of extremist rabbi Anat Cohen and other fanatic figures participated in the marches and attacks on Palestinians.

During the marches, the settlers attacked several Palestinian neighborhoods in the old city and hurled stones and empty bottles at Palestinian homes and residents.

They also smashed the windows of Palestinian homes and cars in these neighborhoods and spread terror among children and women.

Similar attacks were reported on a daily basis in the areas of Bab Azzawiya, Shalala and Beersheba, and in the vicinity of Tel Rumeida settlement.

In addition to the settlers’ attacks, the Israeli occupation forces demolished Palestinian property, including water wells in Wadi Gharos and Baqa’h areas east of Al-Khalil, bulldozed agricultural lands in Atwanah areas and around Susya settlement east of Yatta, and kidnapped many Palestinians from the towns of Beit Omar, Seir, Halhoul in the north of Al-Khalil.

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