There are links between Inmarsat, the company that unilaterally declared MH370 lost and Freescale Semiconductors

See also

Malaysia Airlines MH370, Lord Rothschild, and the CIA

Credit goes to Blind Prophet over at for bringing the Blackstone / Rothschild link to my attention.

When it was announced that 20 of the passengers on the missing Malaysian Airlines flight worked for a Texas company called Freescale Semiconductors, people naturally began to investigate them. The four major shareholders of Freescale are Blackstone Group, Carlyle Group, TPG Capital, and Permira.

Blackstone Group is notable because its board of directors and top executives are almost exclusively members of the notorious Council on Foreign Relations. Quite a few of them also belong to secret societies, including Skull & Bones, Kappa Beta Phi, and Quill and Dagger. Lord Jacob Rothschild is also on Blackstone’s international advisory board. In addition, there is a Randall Rothschild listed as a managing director.

Clearly Blackstone is worth keeping an eye on, but it may or may not be related to the disappearance of the plane. Blackstone and its affiliates do hold shares in many companies, totaling about $29 billion in assets. However, Freescale does seem to be one of its major investments. It is one of only eight companies listed in a short description on Blackstone’s wikipedia page.

The Carlyle Group is known in conspiracy circles because George H.W. Bush served as an adviser there, and Osama bin Laden’s brother, Shafiq bin Laden, invested with Carlyle Group. Bush had actually met the bin Ladens on two occasions while working at Carlyle.

Blackstone and Carlyle are two of the largest private equity firms, so the links to Freescale Semiconductor may be insignificant. Permira, however, is a smaller private equity firm.

One Permira acquisition worth mentioning is Inmarsat. Inmarsat is the satellite company which tracked Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 after the tracking devices were turned off. Some are questioning why we only have the final radar ping from Inmarsat, when we know the satellite received several pings which could be used to narrow the search field. The entire search seems to be dependent on data from Inmarsat.

The Harbinger Group controls 28% of Inmarsat. That name should set off some alarm bells. The Harbinger Group was formerly known as Zapata Corporation, George H.W. Bush’s company. It’s also a well known CIA front, with connections to the Bay of Pigs invasion, the Watergate scandal, and the Iran-Contra affair.

A CIA document obtained from a FOIA request also seems to suggest the agency had a hand in, or at least an interest in, the creation of Inmarsat.

These groups may or may not be related to the disappearance of Flight MH370. If they aren’t, however, it’s alarming that their tentacles have spread so far and wide that we are running into them where ever we turn. Has the beast grown so large that we’re bound to see it in the course of any investigation? Or does our investigation keep leading back to these groups because they are, in fact, the culprits?

One Response

    ” Carlyle is the 11th largest defense contractor in the US. It is 20%-owned by Mellon Bank ( and is controlled by the powerful Blackstone Group (seeOverthrow of the American Republic), which dined cheaply on the carcasses of looted S&L’s at auctions held by Bush Sr.’s Resolution Trust Corporation. ”
    Blackstone’s former director was Lord JACOB ROTHSCHILD, Soros’ old pal and financial colleague.”
    Blackstone is also related with the LCF EDMOND DE ROTHSCHILD, controlled by BENJAMIN DE ROTHSCHILD and by his wife ARIANE DE ROTHSCHILD, for example through the person of Daniel Costa Lindo that is a M&A Analyst at Blackstone and was Private Equity Analyst at LCF Edmond de Rothschild. Les-plus-grosses-fortunes-de-France/Benjamin-de-Rothschild-206941
    ” Blackstone was founded in 1985 as a mergers and acquisitions boutique by Peter G. Peterson and Stephen A. Schwarzman, who had previously worked together at Lehman Brothers, Kuhn, Loeb Inc. ”
    Peter G. Peterson ” is founding Chairman of the Peterson Institute for International Economics ”
    Lynn Forester de Rothschild, the wife of EVELYN DE ROTHSCHILD, is a director of the Peterson Institute for International Economics.

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