israel whitewashes itself of war-crimes

Israel whitewashes itself of war-crimes

Canadian law professor William Schabas has called Israel’s investigation report into its 50-day attack on Gaza last year, released on Sunday as ‘cover-up’.

The 275-page report, which Israeli officials say has been in the making ever since the war ended in late August 2014, places the blame for the war’s casualties squarely on Hamas and armed factions operating in the Strip,” the Times of Israel reported on June 14, 2015.

The report also claimed Jewish army’s killing of 550 Palestinian children as “moral, defensive war conducted in accordance with international law.”

In February 2015, Schabas resigned as head of a 3-member panel to investigate Israel for war crimes in Gaza as result of a vicious propaganda by Tel Aviv and western Jewish lobby groups against him. They accused him of anti-Semitism for providing legal advice to PLO in the past.

When it suits Israel, it cooperates with the commission of inquiry, but in the case of the commission of inquiry set up by the Human Rights Council, it hasn’t cooperated and I think that’s unfortunate,” Schabas said. “I think it’s not in Israel’s best interests to boycott the commission of inquiry.”

On June 11, 2015, the United Nations released its report on ‘Child Abuse’ which admitted that Israeli army killed 200 more children during the 2014 war on Gaza than total numbers of children killed in Syria as result of West’s war on president Bashar al-Assad. However, under pressure from US ambassador Samantha Power (married to a Zionist Jew academic) and Israeli prime minister Netanyahu, UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon decided to drop Israel’s name from the annex, a blacklist of the most egregious child abusing parties.

Israel’s assault on the laws of war takes aim at the core, guiding principles in IHL – precaution, distinction, and proportionality – in order to strip them of their intended purpose: the protection of civilians during armed conflict. If successful, the victims of this assault will be in the Occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip, Lebanon – and in occupations and war zones around the world,” Ben White, a British Jewish writer wrote on May 3, 2015.

Robert Allison, a Canadian Jew by accident, from Hamilton, Ontario, visited Israel recently for the first time to make his Israeli Jewish wife happy. Read his impressions of Israeli racism and brutality here.