How Clinton and the Jew U.S. Green Party Candidate Jill Stein Are Planning a Coup to Defeat Trump




How Clinton and the Jew-controlled US Green Party Plan a Recount Coup to Defeat Trump

By BuckleYourSeatBeltsEveryone

November 25th, 2016

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[Editor’s Note: The following article came in to RP as a comment associated with an earlier article titled, Donald Trump wins U.S. election in astonishing victory by ZBC. I felt that the information contained in the comment deserved to be given additional exposure in the event that these Satanic psychopaths actually attempt to pull this massive scam off.]

As of today (November 25th 2016) we have some “new developments” arising on the still on-going 2016 US Presidential Election Results “Front”. . .

As one would expect, we have a heavily promoted (((Jewess))) in the mix causing trouble, so please keep reading- because as at this point, practically anything could happen- and we all need to keep abreast of the situation . . .

First off, Who is Jill Stein?

Jill Stein was the Green Party candidate in this past 2016 US Presidential Election.

Jill Stein is a heavily promoted (MSMI and MSMII) Jewess.


By the way, something everyone needs to know about the Green Party…

Jews know that Native Americans and non-Jewish White-skinned Americans of European Christian descent- including any and all percentages of mixtures between those two peoples, are very compatible with one another. One of their common interests is the Love of Life- that is to say “Nature.” It’s a known fact. The Jews exploit this common Love continuously. They try to pit the two aforementioned compatible peoples against one another- including each of the peoples mentioned themselves. Furthermore, the Jews will even use this common, essentially unbreakable, bond to pin the American Individual against his own self! Enter the Jew-created, Jew-run “Green Party”…

“In a nutshell, the Green Party is nothing more than a “closet” Judeo-Fabian Socialist front. Yep, it’s true- and to say it is so, is not to say that you don’t Love Nature- you can still Love Nature and The Great Spirit (the Father of Jesus Christ) without having to join a Collectivist front organization. Remain an American Individual, and voluntarily cooperate with your like-minded friends without each of you having to combine (chain) your interests to that of the GROUP. Tangentville, anyway- all you need to know (for now) is that the Jews run the Green Party- and you still Love Nature, Nature still needs to be protected, respected, and revered- nothing has changed, so don’t freak out. You’ve only just (possibly) discovered that the Green Party ain’t maybe the best way to go- it’s possibly another trap- so keep your knee down. Got it? Good…”

Back to the Jewish Green Party Jewess Jill Stein . . . .

Jill Stein has recently demanded (and since been granted) a “vote recount.”

I know, I know- “Why Stein and NOT Clinton?” you’re probably (and logically) asking . . .

Because Stein is clearly operating as a “proxy” (or straw man) for Hillary Clinton. As rumor has it, (((Stein))) has been offered the job of Secretary of the Interior, or the Director of the Jew-infested US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) if she can pull off a legit looking recount request, without the American public catching wind to it- where Clinton could “take it from there” so-to-speak, thereby paving the way for Mrs. Clinton to possibly be legally and officially named the US President upon subsequent appeal.

SHHHHuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuZZZZZZZZaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMMMM ! ! !

[LOL – in the spirit of the American TV Show “Green Acres”]

This rumor has a great deal of credibility. Why? Because Stein, from an election standpoint, has absolutely nothing (repeat) nothing to gain from any recount anywhere WHAT-so-EVER!

Always remember to ask:

Who Benefits?

The only beneficiary, with respect to a vote recount, is Hillary Clinton. This is obviously a case of Jewish “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.”

Thus far (11/25/2016), Hillary Clinton has gained, through proxy, a recount of the following three very important states:

1. Michigan

2. Wisconsin

3. Pennsylvania

Official Presidential Vote Recount for the State of Wisconsin:

Jill Stein supposedly raised enough money “all on her own” via website “donations” to pay for a recount in Wisconsin.

Enter the Jewish “Shell Game” . . . . .

Many of you are probably unaware of the above, or the backstage stuff at least.

Most of you however, have heard plenty (from the JMSM) about Colorado this and Colorado that.

Likewise, you’ve been hearing also a lot about Washington State this and Washington State that.

[Note: the state of Washington (WA) is not the same as the US capital “The District of Columbia” aka “Washington DC” over on the East Coast beside the Atlantic Ocean]

So what’s the deal with Colorado and Washington State?

Shell Game – Magic – Jewish Kaballah – That’s the Deal.

Let me explain . . .

First off, you’ve got to understand just what and who the Electoral College is…

Electoral College

The Constitution for the united States of America provides that the President shall be elected by a body of presidential electors chosen by all the states. This body is the Electoral College.

Every state has as many votes in the Electoral College as the total of its Senators and Representatives in Congress. Amendment 23 to the US Constitution, ratified in in 1961, gave the District of Columbia [Washington DC] three electoral votes (but don’t pay that any attention here or get that “territory” confused with Washington State located over on the West Coast up against the Pacific Ocean- it’s a point that needs to be made, but don’t let it serve as a spot of confusion- since we will be dealing with Washington State later on here) .

State committees or conventions of each political party usually select the candidates for potential Presidential Electors. In some states, the ballots list the presidential and vice-presidential candidates, but do not list the proposed electors. For this reason, many voters (the man on the street) have never actually realized that they do not actually vote directly for the President and Vice-President. Instead, they vote “indirectly.” In the election, the candidate who wins a plurality (the highest number) of a state’s “popular votes” usually receives all the state’s “electoral votes.” Thus, a candidate may be elected without a majority of “popular votes.”


Majority = More than half (50%) of a given number of votes.

Say it’s a tiny USA, and 100 people Voted for President in one of the 50 tiny states…

Example 1:

1. Steve 80 Votes (won 80% of the total votes cast)

2. Jason 10 Votes (won 10% of the total votes cast)

3. Bobby 5 Votes (won 5% of the total votes cast)

4. James 5 Votes (won 5% of the total votes cast)

Steve won the plurality (highest number of votes) and also the Majority- because 80% of the votes is well over half (50%) of the total votes that were cast. Steve was a really popular guy! Steve received all this state’s electoral votes.

Example 2:

1. Steve 40 Votes (won 40% of the total votes cast)

2. Jason 30 Votes (won 30% of the total votes cast)

3. Bobby 26 Votes (won 26% of the total votes cast)

4. James 4 Votes (won 4% of the total votes cast)

Steve won the plurality (highest number of votes) however failed to win the Majority- because 40% of the votes is under half (50%) of the total votes that were cast. There was no real popular “stand-out” winner like up in Example1. Steve received all this state’s electoral votes. Hence, this was a perfect example where a somewhat “lackluster” candidate may still be elected- even without having ever received a majority of the “popular votes” within the state.

But wait, there’s more ! . . . . .

In the December following the presidential election (coming up), on a day set by law, the aforementioned duly elected presidential electors in each state (and the District of Columbia etc) assemble. State electors usually meet in their respective state’s capital. The electors then cast their ballots for President and Vice-President. Either by custom, or in a few states, by law (Hence in those particular states- News Agencies can sometimes go ahead and “call it” on Election Night in November without waiting til later in December), electors vote for their party’s choices for the two offices. The lists of these (December) elections are physically sent under protected seal to the president of the United States Senate and to the Administrator of General Services in Washington, D.C. In January (2017), at a joint session in the House of Representatives, the president of the Senate opens the certificates. Then four tellers, one Democrat and one Republican from each house (House of Representatives and Senate), count the votes in the presence of both houses of Congress. The candidate who receives a majority of the electoral votes for President is declared the elected. If no candidate has a majority, the state delegations in the House of Representatives choose the President from the three candidates having the highest number of of electoral votes. Each state has only one vote in such an election. If no candidate wins a majority of the electoral votes for Vice-President, the Senate elects the Vice-President from the two candidates with the highest number of electoral votes.

Reasons for the Electoral College

The manner of electing the President was a major problem at the Constitutional Convention of 1787. The convention rejected the proposal that the chief executive (President) be elected by Congress, on the grounds that he would then be under the control of the Legislature. The proposal that the people elect the President was also rejected- and at that time in history, perhaps rightly so.

To solve this problem, the Constitutional Convention agreed on the method of indirect popular election which became the Electoral College. The Fathers of the Constitution hoped this procedure would promote calm deliberation and selection of the best-qualified man.

Now back to present matters, being churned up everywhere by the Jewish-controlled Main Stream Media (JMSM) in regards to the states of Colorado and Washington State . . . . .

The MSM keeps making a big deal about Electors in certain states that told/ensured the media (on November 8th – the popular election day/night) that they were going to vote for candidate X come December, as explained above- going back upon their word, and turning, or “flipping” their December electoral vote over to candidate Y instead! So instead of the Elector voting for Candidate X as promised to the media on popular “Election Night” (11/8/2016), they are now allegedly (per a lying scheming Jewish media) telling the media that they have essentially changed their minds- in some cases a legal impossibility, that they are instead voting for Candidate Y! How absurd!

For example, the (((media))) is now claiming the following…

That 6 Colorado Electors have decided to “flip” their votes away from Clinton, as originally claimed, and plan to instead vote for Trump. That claim is of course absurd. Why? Because in the state of Colorado an elector cannot do that- he has no choice– period. In a Presidential election held in the state of Colorado- Colorado state law confirms that a candidate that wins a plurality (the highest number) of the state’s “popular votes” receives ALL of the state’s “electoral votes.” So in the case of Colorado, Clinton won the highest number of votes in the popular election- therefore Clinton receives ALL of Colorado’s “electoral votes”- it doesn’t matter what 6 of the individual electors have to say! LOL The media is betting on Coloradins’ and Americans’ ignorance of their own election laws and procedures!

6 Colorado electors threatening to instead vote for Trump in December- against what they had promised on November 8th is ridiculous! It is meaningless, and doesn’t help Trump at all, because the popular vote in CO [which went to Clinton] automatically becomes the actual vote cast for each elector there- the JMSM is running a “shell game”- playing upon the ignorance of the public. See next for more details on that…

The (((media))) is also now claiming that…

Another Colorado Elector, a Jew named Michael Baca, may also “flip his vote”- however he intends to flip his particular vote away from Trump (as originally promised on Nov 8th) and cast it over to Clinton in December. Again, rubbish. He could not vote for Trump even if he wanted to, because he is an Elector in the state of Colorado, one of many states where the state’s popular vote BECOMES essentially that state’s electoral votes! In other words, in those particular states, no matter who the “Electors” each votes for, the Will of the People prevails- by state law! Thus, since the majority of the popular vote in Colorado went for Clinton, it doesn’t matter if ALL of the Electors in Colorado went against the majority of the voters, and voted for Trump- their own personal favorite, ALL electoral votes from the State of Colorado would go to Clinton- not Trump. Those states just keep the Electoral College around for legal reasons, the popular vote IS all of the electoral votes in those particular states where the state legislature decided to do it that way over time. Trump never had one single electoral vote in Colorado state- no matter what the electors originally promised to vote for, or may “flip” over to- because the majority of the public voted for Clinton, therefore ALL electoral votes in that state are to automatically be cast for Clinton. Thus, Trump cannot lose what he never had to begin with- it’s a MSM “shell game”- apparently priming the ignorant/unsuspecting American public for something real sinister somewhere down the pipeline.

What the (((media))) is now claiming about Washington State…

A Washington State Elector, Bret Chiafalo, has allegedly “flipped his vote” (in his mind, mind you) away from Clinton over to Trump- but once again, such statements are meaningless- because Washington is one of the states that automatically (no matter how much each “human” elector balks), casts the popular vote winner as the candidate that each elector voted for- it’s meaningless what the human elector does- the process is ensured to always operate that way- it’s protected by law. The elector in December cannot over-ride the majority vote winner (from November 8th) of the people in those states set up that way. It is illegal for human electors in such states to “go rogue” in December and vote against the way of the popular majority back in November- should they try to do so anyway- it’s considered by law to be invalid, and the elector can be punished- just for being a “pain in the rump,” as he did not harm anyone- he has no “true voting power” (recognized by law) in those states. Again, Trump never had one single electoral vote in this state- no matter what the electors originally claimed who they were going to vote for in December, or may “flip” over to- because, once again, the majority of the public in Washington voted for Clinton, therefore ALL electoral votes in that state are to automatically be cast for Clinton. So Trump can’t lose what he never had to begin with. Shell game.

So what else is the Jew-controlled media, Green Party Jewess Jill Stein, and crypto-Jewess Hillary Clinton up to, besides a little “Never Let em’ Know Where They Stand” terror/destabilization here and there? Let’s try to follow the shell . . .

Normally the margins would be too large to allow for a recount, but the ploy is that TRUMP “hacked” the Electronic Voting machines (which technically is impossible), but regardless [go figure], they are investigating an alleged “hack” anyway. LOL

With Jew (((George Soros))) [real name: György Schwartz] in control of the machines, a “hack” WILL MOST LIKELY INDEED be found, and then authentic Americans could find themselves to be in HUGE trouble! Massive fallout/destabilization, Martial Law declared, FEMA, a Rabbi Alex Jone$tein “The Works” type of fiasco. You get the drift.

Let’s go take a look at Stein’s “Federal Reserve Note Machine” . . .

Jill Stein’s Election Recount “Phony Fundraiser” Page:

It has been stated that (((Jill Stein))) supposedly raised enough money to fund a recount (attempting to steal the election away from Trump via a “recount”) in only 5 hours!

One observer allegedly reported:

Go to Jill Stein’s fundraiser page and watch the progress. You will see that her funding is coming in at a PERFECTLY CONSISTENT [$]160,000 an hour. I watched this yesterday and last night carefully, and noted that at night, when everyone [in the USA] is sleeping and right through the time when the whole world slows down, her donations for this [recount project] came in like clockwork [steadily and consistently without any derivation], with no deviation from the steady pace whatsoever.

The only way that [type of steady, non-stop flow] can happen is if a [computer Ro]bot was set up to fake her getting donations from multiple [real] people [as if in fact they were all authentic], and whoever set it up [programmed the page or WebBot] did not consider the fact that practically everything [as far as any donations would be concerned] would [be] come[ing] from America, and practically everyone [that could possibly be donating in America] is [usually] asleep at 3AM [in the morning]. LAST NIGHT IT [THE DONATIONS] SHOULD HAVE SLOWED DOWN. IT [THE ONLINE DONATIONS] DID NOT. IT JUST MARCHED RIGHT TOWARD THE FINISH LIKE AN OBEDIENT SOLDIER. It went straight to 2.65 million [US Dollars] by six AM [in the morning in the USA]. I can calculate: IT WILL GO TO 4.5 MILLION IN 28.125 HOURS. Oh, a few people will pitch in [actually donate] for real, so I’ll say 27 hours.

EASY MATH. JILL STEIN WILL GET THE [$]4.5 MILLION [Dollars] SHE NEEDS BETWEEN 4 AND SIX PM TONIGHT, DEPENDING UPON HOW MUCH REAL PEOPLE PITCH IN [in addition to the computer code dropping amounts in from who even knows where]. Actual math progression based on the steady rate lands squarely on 6:10 PM tonight, but I am guessing a few real people will pay in.

Don’t be fooled by the slick language on the [website’s] donation page, if those donations did not virtually stop at night [as would be normal, then] they are not coming [in] from the American people.

Yes folks, we are watching an attempted election steal occurring within the USA as it happens. It apparently could not be pulled off realistically by threatening electors, so now we have this. And it is all based on false claims, because Michigan CANNOT BE HACKED.

Michigan has a CERTIFIED VOTE. There is NO WAY THIS IS LEGIT. And that means ONE THING – there are liars doing it, powerful mostly-Jewish TRILLIONAIRE liars who know in advance that they are going to “find” what they have been searching for.

Michigan had all paper ballots and cannot be hacked. But that won’t stop liars of the caliber we are up against. Michigan has a different vote counting process than other states. First, Michigan does a quick count. Then, automatically, they do a certified count. That count was certified today. It is an un-hackable process. If Hillary takes Michigan when Michigan can’t be hacked, and the vote is certified, it will prove fraud of the highest order.


Trump may have taken Michigan, but that will not make a difference. Jewess Jill Stein demanded a recount, and the election WILL be rigged. They have had ALL THE TIME they need to fill out a whole bunch of blank ballots and throw the election to Clinton. No one was watching. It happened, GAME OVER. All 3 states, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania will most likely be thrown to Hillary.

So that is how it was planned to be “stolen” all along, since election day at least. And Hillary get’s to skate home free, saying “Hey, I wasn’t the one that asked for it.”

Every last request (((Jill Stein))) has will most likely be granted, and every last request Trump asks for will most likely be denied. There may be nothing that can be done to stop it, because they would not have planned this unless they knew for certain they had it in the bag.

Bringing newcomers here up to speed…

They had a bunch of fake computer consultants state that there were voting anomalies in favor of Trump, and that they proved Russia rigged the vote. On those grounds, Green Party candidate (((Jill Stein))) called for a recount, and was handed all the money she needed to do it (practically out of nowhere) in a single day. In the background, leading up to this, (obviously) they wrote in a huge number of fake ballots for Clinton. The recount will “magically” discover all those “new” (but actually fake) votes for Clinton, and she’s going in. AT A BARE MINIMUM, SOMEONE OTHER THAN TRUMP WILL BE ELECTED. They would not be doing this unless they knew they had it in the bag.

They are saying the election was hacked, when Pennsylvania does not even have a way to hack it. They are BRAZENLY lying about EVERYTHING. The Jewish Main Stream Media (MSM) is backing them up, and Jewish-controlled (((Google))) is destroying dissent. And ALL the comment sections are suddenly “open for business” for a change- as in no longer on “Total Lock Down” as before- like during and right after the election, with 100 percent Jewish/Hasbara trollage in favor of it, (or when real opinion is allowed to post through as a comment, they have trolls waiting in lay to have it perfectly answered, via pre-written scripts, to have the legit commenter’s comment bashed into the ground- then ban the commenter from being able to reply).

This is such a brazen steal they would not even think of doing it unless they KNEW FOR SURE they have it in the bag.

Eye Roll [Looking Way Down the Roller Coaster] – Buckle Up – Oh Here We Go . . .


[ Wide Open Roller Coaster Yell ]