Kashmiris observing Black Day today


Srinagar, January 26 (KMS): Kashmiris on both sides of the Line of Control and across the world are observing Indian Republic Day, today, as Black Day in protest against India’s continued denial of Kashmiris’ right to self-determination.

Call for the observance of the Black Day has been given by the All Parties Hurriyat Conference Chairman, Syed Ali Gilani, and other Hurriyat leaders and organizations including Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai and Mirwaiz Umar Farooq-led Hurriyat forum. The day is marked with a complete strike in occupied Kashmir and anti-India demonstrations and rallies in world capitals.

This year, the observance of the Black Day is also aimed at registering protest against the continued lockdown of occupied Kashmir imposed by India for the past almost six months since August 5, last year.

Meanwhile, stringent measures in the name of security have been taking on the India’s Republic Day, today, brining more miseries to the already besieged people in occupied Kashmir. Indian troops have intensified checking and frisking in Srinagar city and other parts of the territory.

While the Kashmir Valley remains under strict military lockdown on 175th straight day, today, Indian troops and police personnel have been deployed in strength to keep a watch on the movement of people. The forces’ personnel have set up check points on every road and chowk where commuters and pedestrians are being frisked and vehicles are checked thoroughly.

In Srinagar, all roads leading towards a cricket stadium, where the main function of 26th January is scheduled to be held, have been sealed with barbed wire and barricades have been erected around the stadium. Unprecedented arrangements have been made in and around the stadium.

A close vigil is being maintained on all vehicles and pedestrians entering the city. Police personnel can be seen carrying out surprise checking of the vehicles on the entry and exit points in the summer capital. The cops are also frisking motorcyclists and passengers of vehicles in the city. Similar reports have emerged from other parts of the territory.

The occupation authorities have ordered closure of all tuition and coaching centres as well as computer institutions.