Thinking Beyond The Great Reset To The Unthinkable

By Kevin Smith


Thinking Beyond The Great Reset To The Unthinkable

Has anyone got a conspiracy theory I can borrow, mine have all come true?

God Save Us From Celebrities

I guess I’m not unique in disliking most modern-day celebrities. I hate their tendency for identity politics and virtual signaling while at the same time demonstrating breath-taking hypocrisy, aculture which has filtered down to us.

During the lockdown restrictions, close behind many politicians and scientists who’ve broken their own unnecessary and ridiculous rules, it’s always the celebrities doing the opposite of what they preach to theirTwitterfollowers.

The matter that has recently annoyed me is celebrities coming out telling the public to take the Covid vaccines. But not their Vitamin D or spinach, more on that later.  This strikes me as incredibly reckless given the vaccine is experimental and independent scientists are raising concerns on so many levels.

But these experts are excluded from mainstream debate, so to a degree you might understand the ignorance in vast swathes of the population. 

However, I think advising people to take the vaccine, or not, is not for celebrities.

As I said previously it is all about informed consent of the individual and weighing up the risk versus benefits. 

Anyway, here’s some of my latest observations and thoughts on Covid-19, each time I return to write here they’ve evolved yet further, as mad just gets madder. 

Enter The Black Celebs – Lenny Henry And Co.

Today I overheard one TV set blaring out in a room in my house speak of the take-up of vaccines among ethnic-minority Britons being lower than the general population. I’ve heard this before and there are probably a number of different reasons.  They’ve now wheeled out the black celebrities to persuade everyone to be vaccinated. 

Certainly, there will be religious and cultural and I suspect historical rooted objections which have filtered down generations. I’ve heard someone say black ethnic-minorities are generally skeptical of ‘white man’s vaccines’ and I suppose the closer-knit structure of these communities tends to mean more will follow the lead of their relatives over government minister’s, media hacks and celebrities, such as Lenny Henry

I’m middle-aged and white, though not unqualified to speak.   I have two ex-sister- in laws and nieces of WestIndian heritage, from one I hear her mother and sister have said they are not having the vaccine.  And my elder niece refuses, referring to the ‘New World Order’ and sinister agendas which may well include vaccines.

My ex-wife is from Serbia so our two children therefore are half-Serb and bi-lingual from an early age.   A few years ago, I used to complain to my then-wife that the BBC News was on constantly in the house and after the NATO bombing campaign of her country. I asked why on earth she still watched it. 

Perhaps during our difficult relationship, she did it to spite me, a kind of psychological warfare to get me to leave home.  Yet, despite the NATO destruction of her country, she still seems to largely accept the illusion of reality the BBC spin out on present day matters. 

However, on a more positive note, I hear there is at least some skepticism for this vaccine from my sons still living at home with the BBC, particularly in terms of fertility and it has any benefit for their age-group.  That’s probably more skepticism than you will come across in the average UK household.    

But these examples aside, generally in ethnic communities perhaps there are more sensitivities and less trust and automatic acceptance of authority. 

I used to quite like Lenny Henry but what black person would listen to him now?  He’s past his sell-by date.  Besides, I always viewed him as someone who has not really got involved in black issues before in any meaningful way.  

 I hope following the Queen’s disgraceful intervention on this vaccine and that of other corrupt officials will have the opposite effect and make their audience sit up and wonder why such pressure and coercion is necessary for a ‘miracle vaccine’. 

These events got me thinking more about certain recent disturbing articles and clips I’ve reviewed about Covid-19, lockdowns and vaccines, which go even further beyond the horrors of the Great Reset.

This also led me to the question, why are celebrities doing this? And why are people wearing masks outside and even on their Twitter profile? I think a lot of it is general fear and ignorance. But it strikes me some are trying to make a statement and, more recently, some of this behavior has started to really creep me out. 

Dumb Or Complicit? 

Now that’s the big question.  Are these celebrities and others mentioned somehow complicit with the wider agenda which is the Great Reset and possibly far worse? 

Or are they simply dumb, reading off a government script? My view, it’s possibly a mixture of both.   Some surely can’t believe what they are saying, others do but work on a vaccine premise provided to them by the government, no matter if it makes no sense after 10 minutes of reflection.  

Obviously, the fear factor of Covid-19 has entered into the minds of many.  Fear causes irrational behavior.  But are there other are factors in play? 

Various Theories And The Alleged Depopulation Agenda? 

Recently I’ve started to wonder if David Icke has a point. After all, he’s been right on many things.  And he’s not been the only commentator with similar views about what is truly the driving force behind Klaus Schwarb, Bill Gates, their cronies and their eco-communist agendas.  

In the above clip, he suggests that part of the reason people are becoming disconnected from reality is due to the material in vaccines and a deliberate attempt by the shadowy elites pushing and profiting from them to disconnect our senses and effectively remove the soul from people. 

I can’t endorse this theory. In fact, to me it sounds unlikely.  But I can no longer dismiss the theories I’m hearing purely because such scenarios are too calculating and evil for comprehension.  The elites and their puppets have shown how evil they are given what we now know about their attempt to bring about the Great Reset through the backdoor to enslave and impoverish humanity. 

Months ago, I would have dismissed any of this talk as too unbelievable to entertain.  In my view, after what has gone on this last 12 months, I think we all need to keep an open mind on everything Covid-19 related. 

Last week I came across quite a convincing clip that Covid-19 was man-made and deliberately released across the world.   

Motive, means and opportunity. And past track record too. 

And I’ve watched a lot of presentations about the vaccines, many people, including serious commentators such as Dr Michael Yeadon and Dr Vernon Coleman, suggesting they may be related to an intention to depopulate the world

It appears the Great Reset has an agenda to reduce population and towards ‘sustainability’. I don’t think a few months ago, many would have equated this agenda to some present-day predictions that they wish to wipe out 90% of the world’s present population. 

But given everything that has happened this last 12 months, almost 100% of Covid-19 and lockdown narratives being outright, proven lies, the rapid rollout of experimental ‘vaccines’ and the coercing of millions to take it, I really think more of us should wake up to the possibility something is seriously wrong.   

From a collective sum-up of circumstantial evidence and my instinct, such ‘conspiracy theories’ should be entertained.    As the saying goes “have you any conspiracy theories I can borrow, mine have all turned out true?”. 

The links above explain the means they could do this, ranging from the vaccines themselves to pathogenic priming when the vaccinated are exposed to the wild virus again.   

At the moment, the pathogenic priming  scenario worries me and perhaps is the most convincing scientific explanation for how we could all be done away with, either intentionally or not. 

The other day I came across this presentation.  It probably represents the so-called fringe on the Christian Right.

It makes the assertion that humanity is about to enter a new dark period, famines, war and mass depopulation, much of which was written in sections of the bible. Outlandish it may be for some but it seems to fit in with the many various events around the world in recent times.

Don’t close your mind to any of this.  Research the motives and don’t accept that such evil on this scale doesn’t exist.  It does. It’s just whether such evil is prevalent enough in elite society and has spread its tentacles to our governments, media, other institutions and even the general public. 

Some Suggestions 

As I said before, there’s very little doubt the Great Reset is upon us. That is evil enough.   Stay vigilant for possibly even worse.  If there’s a god as many believe, then there’s a devil. 

Humanity may be on the back foot right now, but these are a few things I recommend. This clip from Vernon Colman is useful but here’s some of mine. 

1)The Power Of Spinach, Vitamin D, And Zinc 

In these times where the elites are attempting a global coup and possibly our demise, strengthening our psychological and immune systems could be vital.  So, I conducted an experiment on a few family members.  

Before the trial, they wore trendy masks, seemed brain-dead and had a docile yet hostility to sceptic-lockdown narratives.

Over a period of 3 days, I fed them a diet of a type of beef/spinach casserole (a Serbian dish with original Turkish origins) and mixed in some Zinc and Vitamin D pills.  In every instance, each patient emerged with a healthy glow in the face and was lucid and socially engaging for 7 days following. Try it.   

2Depopulate The Celebrities 

Turn off the TV and celebrity Twitter profiles. 

3) Pray To God

For protection but also patience and forgiveness to others. Have faith that there is a God who will protect the good and aware on this planet against the evil.

At present I find my faith keeps me going. I feel my prayers are answered and are being listened to.  I tentatively became involved in religion 5 years ago after a life-changing experience.  I feel I was saved to be able to carry out the work I was destined for.  

That is to write articles for OneWorld Press and one day be personally decorated by President Putin.  

Seriously gang, religious or not, be strong have faith. Laugh. Good always overcomes evil.