Hamas strikes Tel Aviv for first time since February

MAY 26, 2024


The rockets were fired from the southern city of Rafah, where Israel is currently carrying out an indiscriminate military operation

(Photo credit: Atia Mohammed/Flash90)

Hamas’ Qassam Brigades announced on 26 May that it targeted Tel Aviv with a large barrage of rockets, marking the first salvo launched by the group towards the heart of Israel for the first time since February. 

The Qassam Brigades “bombarded Tel Aviv with a large rocket barrage in response to the Zionist massacres against civilians,” it said in a statement on Sunday afternoon. 

The Israeli army admitted that the rockets were launched from Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah, where the Israeli army is carrying out extensive operations under the cover of indiscriminate bombardment from its fighter jets. 

The rockets were reportedly fired from very close to where Israeli forces are stationed. They appeared to be long-range rockets, and Israel’s Iron Dome had great difficulty intercepting them.

Video footage and images circulating social media confirm that rockets made impact in several areas, causing damage and resulting in three injuries. 

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) movement’s Quds Brigades also announced a rocket barrage targeting the settlements of the Gaza envelope on the same day. 

“Hamas launched a volley of ten rockets at noon today (Sunday) at the cities of Ramat Hasharon, Petah Tikva Ra’anana in Basra, Yakum, Rashpon Herzliya, Kfar Saba, and Tel Aviv,” Hebrew newspaper Maariv reported. 

It notes that Hamas has been conducting “psychological terror” against Israel, particularly with its latest announcement of taking new soldiers as prisoners in northern Gaza on 25 May and the videos of prisoners’ bodies released that same day. 

According to Hebrew Channel 13, rockets were also fired from north of the strip towards Sderot. 

Nearly eight months into the war, Hamas’ military capabilities remain intact. 

The attacks coincided with rockets fired at northern Israel from Lebanon, resulting in extensive fires near the Israeli Malikiya site, according to Al-Mayadeen’s correspondent. 

“Ten rockets fell in the center of the country, and the media is in an uproar – the country is in turmoil. Every day, dozens of rockets are fired towards the … conflict zone settlements and the Galilee, including anti-tank missiles and suicide drones, and the country remains silent. Once again, it’s proof that the north is not being counted,” said the head of the Mateh Asher settler council in the Galilee, Moshe Davidovitz.