Hezbollah Defenses Repel again Israeli Violations of Lebanon’s Airspace: Videos

  June 11, 2024

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In support of the Palestinian people and resistance in Gaza and in light of the Israeli aggression on the various South Lebanon villages, the Islamic Resistance continued striking the Zionist occupation sites near Lebanon border.

Hezbollah military media issued consecutive statements to illustrate the attacks and their outcomes.

The first statement mentioned that the Air Defense Unit of the Islamic Resistance intercepted a hostile Zionist aircraft that violated Lebanese airspace at midnight on Monday-Tuesday, 11-06-2024.

“They launched a surface-to-air missile at it, forcing the aircraft to retreat towards occupied Palestine and immediately leave Lebanese airspace.”

The second statement maintained that the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted a gathering of “Israeli” enemy soldiers in the vicinity of Netu’a settlement at 9:00 am on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, with appropriate weapons, inflicting direct hits, causing casualties among the enemy forces, resulting in deaths and injuries.

The third statement affirmed that, in response to the aggression by the Zionist enemy targeting the Bekaa region, the fighters of the Islamic Resistance launched dozens of Katyusha rockets at the headquarters of the Artillery Battalion and Armored Brigade of the Golan Brigade 210 in Yarden barracks.

Hezbollah Military Media issued three statements to mourn the resistance fighters Abbas Mohammad Nasser, Bilal Wajih Alaeddine, and Hadi Fouad Moussa who embraced martyrdom all the way to Al-Quds.

The following video also shows the Islamic Resistance attack on the spy devices at Al-Radar occupation site in the Lebanese Shebaa Farms.

Hezbollah Military Media issued three statements to mourn the resistance fighters Abbas Mohammad Nasser, Bilal Wajih Alaeddine, and Hadi Fouad Moussa who embraced martyrdom all the way to Al-Quds.

Abbas Mohammad Nasser
Hadi Fouad Moussa
Bilal Wajih Alaeddine

In support of the steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in backing their brave and honorable resistance, the Islamic Resistance fighters carried out a number of operations against “Israeli” army positions and deployments along the Lebanese-Palestinian border on Monday, 10-06-2024, as follows:

– Eastern Sector:

1. The Islamic Resistance fighters targeted two buildings where “Israeli” soldiers were stationed in the settlement of Al-Manara with appropriate weapons, achieving a direct hit and causing casualties among the soldiers. This was in response to the enemy’s attacks on the resilient southern villages and safe homes, especially the towns of Houla and Shebaa.

2. At 11:00, the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted newly installed surveillance equipment at the Ramim barracks with appropriate weapons, directly hitting and destroying it.

3. At 10:30, the Islamic Resistance targeted Bayad Blida site with a assault drone, hitting the target accurately.

4. They targeted Al-Radar site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms and its garrison, as well as the technical and surveillance equipment, with artillery shells and guided missiles, achieving direct hits and destroying the targeted equipment. This was in response to the “Israeli” enemy’s attacks on the resilient southern villages and safe homes, especially the town of Shebaa.

5. The Islamic Resistance fighters launched an aerial attack with a squadron of assault drones on a command headquarters of the Golan 210 Brigade in Sha’al, targeting the positions of “Israeli” officers and soldiers, causing confirmed injuries, and destroying part of the headquarters, which caught fire.

6. During continuous monitoring of “Israeli” enemy movements in Lebanese airspace, the Islamic Resistance fighters ambushed a Hermes 900 drone armed with missiles meant for attacks on our areas. Upon reaching the kill zone, the fighters targeted it with air defense weapons, hitting it directly and downing it before it could carry out its attack.

7. At 17:25, the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted Bayad Blida site with rocket weapons, achieving a direct hit.

– Western Sector:

1. The Islamic Resistance fighters targeted a building used by “Israeli” enemy soldiers in the settlement of Yir’on with appropriate weapons, achieving a direct hit and causing casualties inside. This was in response to the enemy’s attacks on the resilient southern villages and safe homes, especially the towns of Houla and Shebaa.

2. The Islamic Resistance fighters targeted a building used by “Israeli” soldiers in the settlement of Avivim with appropriate weapons, achieving a direct hit. This was in response to the enemy’s attacks on the resilient southern villages and safe homes, especially the town of ‘Aitaroun.

3. The Islamic Resistance fighters launched an aerial attack with a squadron of assault drones on the newly established command headquarters of the 146th Brigade east of Nahariya (which had relocated from the Ga’aton area after being previously bombed), targeting the positions and resting places of “Israeli” officers and soldiers. The direct hit resulted in its destruction, causing fires and casualties among the enemy. This was in response to the “Israeli” enemy’s attack on the towns of ‘Aitaroun and Markaba on Saturday, 08-06-2024, and the martyrdom of fighters.

4. The Islamic Resistance fighters targeted a building used by “Israeli” soldiers in the settlement of Shtula with appropriate weapons, achieving a direct hit, which led to a fire and casualties inside. This was in response to the enemy’s attacks on the resilient southern villages and safe homes, especially the towns of ‘Aitaroun and ‘Aita Al-Shaab.

5. The Islamic Resistance fighters targeted a building used by “Israeli” soldiers in the settlement of Even Menachem with appropriate weapons, achieving a direct hit. This was in response to the enemy’s attacks on the resilient southern villages and safe homes, especially the towns of ‘Aitaroun and ‘Aita al-Shaab.

Source: Al-Manar English Website

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