Hezbollah Honors Martyred Commander: ‘Israel’ Must Prepare Itself for Further Lamentation (Videos)

June 12, 2024

Hezbollah and loyal supporters held Wednesday a massive funeral in Beirut’s  Dahiyeh in order to bid farewell to the military commander Talib Sami Abdallah (Abu Talib) who embraced martyrdom in a deadly Israeli attack on a residential building in Jwaya, South Lebanon.

Hezbollah also mourned the martyrdom of three fighters in separate statements released on Wednesday, including Mohammad Hussein Sabra, Ali Salim Soufan, and Hussein Qassem Hmayyid.

The Islamic Resistance fighters carried the pure coffin of the martyr and performed the military salutation, reiterating allegiance to the jihadi path, during the solemn funeral.

It is worth noting that martyr Abu Talib will be laid to rest in his hometown, Adsheet, South Lebanon, at 6 p.m.

Head of Hezbollah Executive Council Sayyed Hashem Safieddine led the ritual prayers at the funeral and delivered a speech.

Sayyed Safieddine indicated that the Israeli enemy has not learned from its past experiences, adding that it mistakenly believes that assassinating leaders weakens the resistance.

“Experience has proven that whenever leaders are martyred, the resistance becomes more steadfast and firm.”

“Our definite and inevitable response after shedding this pure blood is that we will increase the intensity, strength, and diversity of our operations. The enemy will witness those who are the brothers and sons of Abu Talib.”

“If the enemy is screaming and moaning over what has befallen them in northern Palestine, let it prepare itself for weeping and lamentation.”

Palestinian Factions

Martyr Abu Talib was also mourned by the Palestinian resistance factions, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

Hamas mourned “the great leader in Hezbollah, ‘Talal Abdullah’, who rose up in defense, support, and heroic participation in the battle of our Palestinian people, and after a life of jihad filled with striking the enemy, and bombarding their strongholds in southern Lebanon and northern occupied Palestine.

Hamas Palestinian resistance movement logo.

The Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine extended its sincere congratulations and condolences to the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, His Eminence Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah, the fighters of the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon, and the brotherly Lebanese people on the martyrdom of the great and heroic mujahid Talib Sami Abdullah (Hajj Abu Talib).

“He had a significant and distinguished presence in the path of resistance, particularly in the heroic confrontations carried out by the Hezbollah fighters on the southern Lebanese front, defending Lebanon and Palestine and its people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.”

Islamic Jihad movement

In Hadatha town, South Lebanon, Hezbollah mourned martyr Mohammad Hussein Sabra amid a massive participation.

In response to the Zionist crime, Hezbollah hammered Israeli targets in the largest rocket attack since the Lebanese resistance group opened up the front against the Zionist entity in support of Gaza on October 8, 2023.

Source:<a href=”http://&lt;!– wp:paragraph –> <p><strong>Source: </strong>Al-Manar English Website</p>  Al-Manar English Website

Hezbollah Honors Martyred Commander: ‘Israel’ Must Prepare Itself for Further Lamentation (Videos)

June 12, 2024

The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon – Hezbollah is mourning the loss of leader Talib Sami Abdallah, known as “Haj Talib”, after a deadly Israeli attack on a residential building in Jwaya, South Lebanon.

Martyr Hajj Talib, born in 1969 in Aadchit, South Lebanon, was a well-respected leader within the ranks of the Islamic Resistance. The attack, which occurred early Wednesday morning, also resulted in injuries to several others.

In addition to the loss of Haj Talib, Hezbollah is also mourning the martyrs of three fighters in separate statements released on Wednesday.

Martyr Mohammad Hussein Sabra, also known as “Baqer”, was born in Haddatha, South Lebanon, in 1973.

Martyr Ali Salim Soufan, known as “Koumayl”, was born in Jwayya in 1971.

Martyr Hussein Qassem Hmayyid, known as “Sajed”, was born in Bint Jbeil, South Lebanon, in 1980.

Source: Hezbollah Military Media

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