Joint operation: Yemen and Iraq target Israeli ship in Haifa port

26 Jun 2024

Source: Al Mayadeen

The spokesperson for the Yemeni Armed Forces Brigadier Yahya Saree during a speech (Screengrab)


By Al Mayadeen English

The Yemeni Armed Forces, in cooperation with the Iraqi Islamic Resistance, carried out a joint military operation targeting the Israeli occupation’s ship MSC Manzanillo in the port of Haifa with several drones.

The Yemeni Armed Forces, in cooperation with the Iraqi Islamic Resistance, carried out a joint military operation targeting an Israeli ship in the port of Haifa, within the occupied Palestinian territories.

The spokesperson for the Yemeni Armed Forces, Brigadier General Yahya Saree, confirmed that the Israeli ship MSC Manzanillo was targeted in the port of Haifa with several drones, and the joint operation successfully achieved its objectives.

Saree emphasized that the Yemeni Armed Forces will continue to carry out joint military operations alongside the Islamic Resistance in Iraq in support and victory for the Palestinian people until the aggression stops and the siege on Gaza is lifted.

For its part, the Iraqi Islamic Resistance confirmed the execution of a joint military operation with the Yemeni Armed Forces against the same ship.

The Resistance stated that its operations to strike the enemy strongholds will continue with increasing intensity.

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On another note, the Yemeni military media published a video of what was described as a hypersonic ballistic missile of the Hatem 2 type.

The missile was revealed for the first time, as well as a video showing the moment of its launch on the Israeli ship MSC SARAH V in the Arabian Sea.

Hezbollah, Yemen drone downing challenge ‘Israel’, US air dominance

The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon – Hezbollah and Yemen’s Armed Forces carried out a series of operations downing drones, revealing their enhanced air defense capabilities and tactics, which are now believed to be pushing “Israel” and the United States to review their air operations plans in the region, experts told Breaking Defense

Since the outbreak of confrontations between Hezbollah and the Israeli occupation along the Lebanese border, the Israeli occupation force suffered the loss of five medium-altitude long-endurance (MALE) and high-altitude long-endurance (HALE) Hermes-450 and Hermes-900 drones to missiles fired by the Resistance in South Lebanon.

During the same period, the United States lost three MQ-9 Reapers over Yemen to Yemeni missiles fired by the Yemeni Armed Forces (YAF), according to the report. 

The Breaking Defense report highlights that those numbers were never seen before by Hezbollah or the Yemeni Armed Forces, describing the recent Yemeni downing of an MQ-9 drone as “record-breaking”.

Read more: Sayyed al-Houthi calls US ‘arrogant tyrant of this era’

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