Palestinian Detainees Announce General Mobilization: They Are Ready for Future Confrontations

January 8, 2023

Translated by Al-Ahed News

The Palestinian Prisoner’s Club Association said in a press statement that the detainees declared a state of general mobilization and are ready for an upcoming confrontation against the measures that the extremist “Israeli” government intends to impose, as well as the escalation of repression and abuse against them.

The statement added  that the extremist [Itamar] Ben Gvir, who last night visited the new sections of Nafha prison and issued more threats, to ask those ministers who preceded him and who had hinted at imposing the most extreme measures against the detainees for decades, what was the fate of their measures and how the prisoners managed over the course of these decades to accumulate a wide experience of struggle, even with the development of the mechanism that the prison system tried to impose.

It went on to say that the detainees undertook over 25 collective strikes, and imposed an equation as a result of their struggles over the course of these decades. The reality today in prisons is stronger and greater than what Ben Gvir imagines. The “Israeli” occupation authorities, led by the so-called “Israel” Prison Service, is aware that what Ben Gvir is requesting today has been requested by many before, and these threats actually evaporated due to the solidity, unity of the detainees and their willingness to confront every measure that affects their dignity or detracts from their rights.

The Prisoner’s Club pointed out that the great test for the occupation forces was actually after the heroic Operation Freedom Tunnel. However, by being united, the detainees were able to deter a number of measures that the prison administration was threatening to impose. Since September 2021, the detainees fought successive battles, and they did not stop. Indeed, those who monitor the details of the threats find that the prison administration has failed to enforce its measures. Behind these threats, it is trying to find a middle ground between what the extremist government wants and the imposed reality inside the prisons.

Freedom Tunnel heroes mourn Palestinian martyr Naim Al-Zubaidi

18 Dec 2022 08:28 

Source: Al Mayadeen Net

By Al Mayadeen English 

The heroes of Operation Freedom Tunnel mourn martyrs Naim Al-Zubaidi and Mohammad Al-Saadi who were killed by IOF forces in a raid on Jenin.

Heroes of Operation Freedom Tunnel

The heroes of Operation Freedom Tunnel mourned a leader of the Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement, Naim Al-Zubaidi, who was martyred two weeks ago by the occupation forces’ bullets in Jenin.

Conveyed by prisoner Mahmoud Al-Aridah, the letter read that Naim Al-Zubaidi arrived at martyr Nof Nufeiat’s section after being summoned by the Freedom Tunnel family in a hurry in mid-February 2021.

According to the letter, Al-Zubaidi answered the call and was heartened many times; once when he saw the Freedom Tunnel making its way towards Al-Qud, another when he learned that the Freedom Tunnel group unanimously chose the great leader Zakaria Al-Zubaidi, and a third time when he learned that his soldiers and the heroes of the Jenin camp, the great leader and fighter Mahmoud Shadim and the great fighter Qusai Merhi, are at the vanguard of those who create the nation and Palestine’s heroic epic in Bisan.

Al-Zubaidi did not hesitate to accept the mission and offered everything he had for the success of the freedom project, the letter read, adding that the martyr remained committed and kept the secret as a watchful eye that monitors the news and provides the heroes of the Freedom Tunnel with updates even before he became a leader in martyr Ahmad Yassin’s section and in command during emergencies in martyr Nidal Abu Shadouf’s section in Gilboa prison and after his transfer to Al-Naqab prison.

The heroes of Operation Freedom Tunnel mourned martyr Naim Al-Zubaidi, 27, and his friend Mohammad Al-Saadi, 26, who were killed by Israeli occupation forces during a raid on Jenin in the occupied West Bank.

Read more: Fifth episode of The Heroes: The story in full, down to every detail

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