Video documentary exposing Jewish ISIS فيديو وثائقي يفضح “داعش”

فيديو وثائقي يفضح “داعش”

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القناع | غالب قنديل | ادارة التوحش ودولة الخلافة | المسيرة 

حديث الساعة | ادمون بطرس _ محمد عميرات | المنار

قضية ساخنة | الازمة السورية والرهان الاميركي على فرزنة الارهاب | الكوثر

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   

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One Response

  1. SKULLDUGGERY: Staged Egyptian Executions in Libya ‘Expose’ ISIS Fraud Again

    In the latest highly produced video released by ISIS media arm Al Hayat Media Center, we see a very stylized event, complete with professional editing, positional audio and carefully planned multi-cam shots, producing shocking images that evoke an emotional response, rather than a rational one…

    The new ISIS propaganda video entitled “Signed With Blood: To The Nation Of The Cross,” depicts 21 Coptic Christian Egyptians being ‘beheaded’ in unison at the hands of masked Sunni militants – but is that what really happened?

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