Trump Regime’s Kurdish SDF Separatist Terrorists Kidnap Syrians


July 5, 2020 Miri Wood

Kurdish PYD Asayish SDF Torching Wheat Farms in Qamishli
Trump SDF forces burn Syrian wheat, June 2019.

The Trump regime continues to lead the attempt to impose a NATO Sykes-Picot on the Syrian Arab Republic. As part of its efforts to carve up the Levantine country, Trump has accelerated Obama‘s unindicted war crimes. Trump illegals — American troops — continue to illegally bring in weapons — a criminal enterprise began in August 2019 — and logistical equipment for criminal bases and stealing Syrian oil. Trump regime forces fire-bombed wheat fields in May; Trump signed the updated unconstitutional, 3,488 page NDAA bill which included the criminal, fake Caesar legislation the vermin on Capitol Warmonger Hill had been unable to get passed, since 2016.

On the 4th of July — while many Americans were deprived of celebrating their Declaration of Independence from British tyranny because of COVID-19 restrictions, and while small businesses are being crushed by them — US tax dollars were busy at work kidnapping Syrians from their homes in Tal Hamis.

From SANA:

Hasaka, SANA – Qasad (SDF) groups, which are backed by US occupation forces, kidnapped a number of locals in Tal Hamis district in Hasaka countryside, amid a state of wide-scale rejection by locals of these groups and their oppressive practices.

Civil sources told SANA reporter that members of Qasad stormed people’s houses in Tal Hamis township on the background of protests against Qasad that had taken place there recently, and kidnaped a number of locals.

During the past few days, Tal Hamis district witnessed protests against Qasad practices, calling for the groups to leave the area.

Syria News reminds our readers that the criminal SDF was launched as a foreign mercenary militia under the Obama regime, after US General Raymond Thomas convinced the cannon fodder armed separatist YPG to change its name for new marketing, as the YPG just happened to be on the US terror list.

During these times of domestic unrest in the US of A, we especially remind our American readers of the horrors their tax dollars have funded against Syrians, specifically by the SDF:

Let US also remember that while the fascist coalition created by Obama and continued by Trump obliterated al Raqqa, Syria, from the sky, the peon SDF demolished the remnants from the ground.

CNN cheers destruction as far as the eye can see. This is al Raqqa, courtesy of the US-led war criminal coalition.

As Americans demonstrate the success of Operation Mockingbird, bickering over the domestic mobs acts of arson and other destruction, with some laying the blame only at Trump’s feet, may the more reasonable minds recognize that our country has bipartisanly normalized violent chaos around the non-western world, throughout our lifetime.

— Miri Wood