IOF Withdraws from Jenin after Costly Battle

July 5, 2023

After a 48-hour military aggression, the Israeli occupation forces have withdrawn from the city of Jenin and its camp in the northern occupied West Bank. During the operation, twelve Palestinians martyred and over 120 were wounded. However, the resistance wrote a heroic epic, and in the end, the Israeli occupation forces failed to break them.

The withdrawal of IOF occurred at midnight, after the death of a soldier of the occupation army. Sergeant First Class David Yehuda Izhak, from the occupied West Bank settlement of Beit El, was killed in an exchange of fire with Palestinian youths in Jenin on Tuesday, according to a statement from the occupation army.

Immediately afterwards, thousands of Jenin camp citizens were able to return to their homes, having previously left under the threat of an Israeli attack. Celebrations spread throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip to honor the victory of the Palestinian resistance.

Jenin Brigades Celebrate Victory

Al-Quds Brigades – Jenin Brigade celebrated the victory with a statement, saying, “The Palestinian Resistance, chiefly Al-Quds Brigades – Jenin Brigades, wrote in the battle of the Fury of Jenin the most magnificent epics of heroism and sacrifice.” They went on to say that the operation cost the enemy heavy losses and thanked the Jenin people and families of those who were martyred, injured, and detained.

Meanwhile, Hamas politburo chief Ismail Haniyeh stated that all options were on the table to support Jenin and its people, and that the Resistance in “Tel Aviv” and other areas were in support of them. Similarly, Al-Qassam Brigades congratulated the people and fighters of Jenin camp for their steadfastness.

Al-Nakhalah Declares Victory

The Islamic Jihad Movement’s Secretary-General, Ziyad al-Nakhalah, announced that the Palestinian people have achieved a significant victory against Israel’s occupation of Jenin and its camp. He credited the triumph to the leadership of the Jenin Brigade, praising the unity and support shown by the Palestinian people towards the resistance fighters.

“The people of Palestine have demonstrated that they have the power to defeat the enemy,” Al-Nakhalah declared. He continued, “From the Battle of Seif Al-Quds to the Fury of Jenin, the Palestinian people have proved that they can overcome Israel’s occupation in every battle.”

The Palestinian people are returning to the Jenin camp and the resistance fighters are roaming the streets, signaling a new chapter in their fight against the Israeli occupation.

Source: Palestinian and Israeli media (translated and edited by Al-Manar English Website)
