Sayyed Nasrallah Speaks Sunday on Mourning Service of Jihadi Commander Martyr Wissam Tawil

 January 10, 2024

 Lebanon – Live News – News – S. Nasrallah Speeches – Top

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah is going to address the mourning ceremony scheduled to be held on Sunday at 14:30 in the Southern town of Khirbet Selem to commemorate jihadi commander Wissam Tawil one week after his martyrdom.

Hezbollah military media mourned in a statement issued on Monday that the commander martyr Tawil from the southern town of Khirbet Selm who embraced martyrdom all the way to Al-Quds.

Hezbollah and the locals of the martyr’s hometown Khirbet Selem held a massive funeral to bid farewell to martyr Tawil.

On Tuesday, Hezbollah military media announced that the Islamic Resistance struck the headquarters of the Northern Command of the Israeli occupation army in response to the Zionist crime of assassinating martyr Tawil in addition to the earlier targeting of Beirut’s Dahiyeh which claimed Hamas leader Saleh Al-Arouri.

Sayyed Nasrallah had affirmed that Hezbollah may never accept the dangerous Israeli assassination policy, confirming response to the enemy crimes.

Source: Al-Manar English Website

Islamic Resistance Mujahidin Address Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah

January 11, 2024

Lebanon – News – S. Nasrallah Speeches – Top – Videos

Amid the ongoing confrontations along the Lebanese borders with occupied Palestine, the valiant Mujahedeen in the Islamic Resistance have penned a heartfelt letter to their Secretary-General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, expressing their dedication to continue on this sacred path and affirming their unwavering commitment to fulfill their duty. Al-Manar English Website translated this letter, which says:

In the Holy Quran, Allah, the Most Gracious, instructs believers, “When you are greeted, respond with a better greeting, or at least similarly. Surely, Allah is a vigilant reckoner of all things.” {Surah An-Nisa, 86}

To our beloved Sayyed, a paragon of honesty and sincerity,

Dear father of the mujahedeen and martyrs, please accept our heartfelt greetings and profound respect. We consistently include you in our prayers, and we earnestly offer our love and unwavering loyalty to you.
You have extended your greetings and included us in your prayers. Indeed, those supplications have provided us with strength and motivation on the battlefield, alleviating the weariness of both nights and days.

You entrusted our hands, which were gripping the trigger, and in turn, we heeded your call. Our response unfolded on the battlefield, where our shots were fired, echoing our proclamation, “You killed them not, but Allah killed them.” We made our enemies experience the might we possess, as the sweat on our foreheads mingled with the scent of blood. Neither cold nor heat can undermine our resolve. The clouds offer us shade, and the soothing fog assists us in combating our foes.

Our revered Sayyed, the exemplar of love and martial prowess, you have instilled in us the virtues of courage and bravery. From you, we have imbibed lessons in valor and resilience, ensuring that neither enemies nor hordes can deter us.

Your genuine supplications for us, along with those of our family and brothers, are the secret to our unwavering resolve, enabling us to achieve victory through patience and sincere dedication. We have pledged you and our loyal people to faithfully uphold the will of the martyrs. We have also pledged to you that the banner of jihad will continue to soar high, even if it means sacrificing every drop of our blood to pursue the truth and support the oppressed.

Our dear Sayyed, the living testament to Allah’s true promise and the witness to His might, your soldiers offered their skulls to Allah, anchoring their feet firmly in the ground and fixing their gaze upon the people. They are at your disposal, so that Allah may punish enemies through their hands, healing the hearts of believing people.

May peace and mercy be upon you
Your loyal sons, the Mujahedeen of the Islamic Resistance

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