69 days of Israeli genocide: Over 100 martyrs in Gaza today

December 14, 2023

Source: Al Mayadeen

Palestinians salvage belongings after an Israeli air strike targeting residential buildings in Rafah, Gaza Strip, on Thursday, December 14, 2023. (AP)

By Al Mayadeen English

On the 69th day of the Israeli war on Gaza, the occupation forces committed new atrocities in the north, center, and south of the Gaza Strip.

A new massacre was committed by the Israeli occupation in Jabalia al-Balad, located in northern Gaza Strip, on Thursday, according to Al Mayadeen‘s correspondent who underscored that over 100 people have been martyred at the location.

An Israeli raid targeted and destroyed buildings in the neighborhood, and our correspondent reported that dozens of martyrs have been recovered from under the rubble so far.

In parallel, it was reported that the occupation also carried out a series of intense raids on Jabalia, al-Zaytoun, and al-Shujaiya. The raids also actively aimed at preventing ambulance crews from reaching the targeted regions, and the Civil Defense spokesperson said that artillery shells were falling on the heads of citizens randomly in these areas.

Our correspondent also pointed out that occupation snipers targeted two children, no more than 6 years old, and that occupation artillery fired shells randomly at the al-Saftawi area, north of Gaza City.

Alongside these attacks targeting the north of the Strip, our correspondent also underscored that the occupation targeted the city of Deir al-Balah in central Gaza.

Moreover, in Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, Al Mayadeen’s correspondent reported that the occupation committed two horrific massacres, pointing out that more than 100 martyrs, most of them displaced, were killed by hysterical Israeli air strikes in the past five hours.

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Gazans face ‘darkest chapter of their history since 1948’: UNRWA chief

The head of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees warned Wednesday that the people of Gaza were “running out of time and options” amid the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Strip.

“They face bombardment, deprivation and disease in an ever-shrinking space,” UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini told the Global Refugee Forum in Geneva.

Lazzarini described the situation in Gaza as “hell on earth”.

People in the Strip were “facing the darkest chapter of their history since 1948, and it has been a painful history,” he expressed.

“Israel’s” relentless bombardment and ground invasion in Gaza has left the Strip in ruins, killing more than 18,600 people, mostly women and children, according to the Ministry of Health in the Strip.

The UN estimates that 1.9 million of Gaza’s 2.4 million people have been displaced and are receiving goods from only around 100 aid trucks per day.

“We are very far from an adequate humanitarian response,” Lazzarini said.

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Al-Qassam, al-Quds brigades jointly ambush unit of 15 Israeli soldiers

December 13, 2023

Source: Al Mayadeen

Al-Qassam Brigades announces targeting the “Ra’im” military base in the Gaza Envelope settlements with a barrage of rockets. 

Israeli soldiers prepare to enter the Gaza Strip, at a staging area, Wednesday, Dec. 13, 2023 (AP)

By Al Mayadeen English

Intense confrontations between the Resistance and Israeli occupation forces in the eastern axis of Khan Younis, al-Zaytun, al-Shujaiya, and Jabalia, Al Mayadeen‘s correspondent in Gaza reported today, Wednesday.

Al-Qassam Brigades targeted an Israeli Merkava tank in the Ma’an area of Khan Younis with an al-Yassin 105 RPG, setting it ablaze.

Additionally, seven Israeli tanks and two armored vehicles were targeted with al-Yassin 105 RPGs and Shawaz IEDs in the eastern and northern axes of Khan Younis.

Al-Qassam Brigades had also targeted the “Ra’im” military base in the Gaza Envelope settlements with a barrage of rockets. 

Meanwhile, al-Quds Brigades announced targeted a gathering of Israeli soldiers in the vicinity of the al-Thilal Mosque along the eastern axis in Khan Younis with a barrage of 60mm mortar shells.

Al-Quds Brigades fighters were also engaged in fierce confrontation with occupation soldiers in al-Zaytun neighborhood, east of Gaza, where they targeted two military vehicles with Tandem charges.

Read more: 6 officers, 4 soldiers of elite IOF units killed in Gaza’s al-Shujaiya

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The group also targeted three military vehicles and an armored personnel carrier with Tandem charges and point-blank IEDs in the Jabalia camp and the Tawam area, north of Gaza.

Al-Quds Brigades also announced targeting gatherings of Israeli soldiers with rockets and mortar shells in the vicinity of al-Mahatta area in Khan Younis.

The fighters also engaged an Israeli infantry force from point-blank range in al-Shujaiya neighborhood, leading to the death and injury of its members.

Al-Quds Brigades also announced a joint operation with al-Qassam, whereby together they ambushed a unit of 15 Israeli soldiers, in al-Mughraqa area, leading to their death and injury.

Furthermore, the group’s Resistance fighters targeted an Israeli Merkava tank with a Tandem charge in al-Shujaiya axis, setting it aflame. They engaged in fierce confrontations with Israeli occupation forces in al-Shujaiya, inflicting confirmed injuries among the occupation soldiers.

On its part, al-Mujahideen Brigades announced that its fighters in the northern Gaza brigade engaged in fierce and violent confrontations with occupation soldiers and vehicles along the Jabalia axis.

Meanwhile, alarm sirens were repeatedly reported to be sounding in the Gaza Envelope settlements. 

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Day 68: Palestinian Resistance Steadfastly Confronts Israeli Barbarism

December 13, 2023

Palestinian resistance fighters in Gaza.

The Palestinian resistance continues to fight against Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip, with heroic acts of defiance leading to heavy casualties among the Israeli occupation forces.

In a recent ambush in the neighborhood of Shujaiya in Gaza City, the Israeli occupation army admitted to the killing of 10 officers and soldiers, while seven others were wounded.

AL-Qassam Brigades, in their ongoing resistance against the invading occupation forces, announced the successful targeting of seven Zionist tanks and two personnel carriers using “Yassin 105” missiles and “shawaz” anti-armor device.

Al-Quds Brigades, on the other hand, reported fierce clashes with Israeli occupation soldiers in the Zeitoun neighborhood of eastern Gaza. They successfully targeted two military vehicles with “tandem” missiles. In Jabalia camp and the AL-Tawam area in northern Gaza, three companies of Al-Quds Brigades launched attacks on Israeli occupation military vehicles and a personnel carrier using “tandem” missiles. They also shelled military gatherings and Israeli soldiers in various locations.

Abu Hamza, a military spokesman for the Al-Quds Brigades, expressed unwavering determination, stating that the battle is not only about eliminating the resistance or securing the release of prisoners, but about settling scores with the Palestinian people and their resistance. He saluted fellow mujahideen in Lebanon, Iraq, and Yemen, highlighting their solidarity as Ansar Allah.

Abu Hamza Islamic Jihad
Abu Hamza, Spokesman of Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad resistance movement (photo from archive).

Meanwhile, the Al-Qassam Brigades released a photo of Zionist captives killed in Gaza, emphasizing that they will not be freed without a conditional exchange.

Israeli Aggression on 68th Day

‘Israel’ continued their brutal attacks on Gaza, this included hundreds of airstrikes, artillery shelling, and firebombing, resulting in numerous massacres and the destruction of homes. The occupation forces launched an artillery bombardment on Khan Yunis and its center, causing the death of four individuals, including two women, two children, and injuries to others. Additional casualties occurred when houses were targeted in Khan Yunis camp and Block G, as well as the fatayer family home in Deir al-Balah.

The Israeli occupation forces also fired flares and artillery shells near the Nasser Medical Complex Hospital in Khan Younis. In the midst of this ongoing aggression, the residents of southern Gaza faced flooding in their displaced tents due to heavy rains.

Furthermore, journalist Abdul Karim Odeh was among the many casualties, bringing the number of journalist martyred since October 7 to 87. Artillery shelling by the Israeli occupation forces continued in the neighborhoods of Al-Tafel and Al-Derg in eastern Gaza.

Palestinian Ministry of Health reported that there were 17 massacres and genocide crimes committed in the past hours, resulting in 207 deaths and 450 injuries. The toll from the Israeli aggression now stands at 18,412 martyrs and 50,100 injuries since October last year, as outlined by the Ministry of Health spokesperson.

Source: Al-Manar English Website and Agencies 

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Palestinian Resistance Unleashes Heroic Epics in Ongoing Confrontation with IOF in Gaza

 December 11, 2023

The Palestinian resistance continues to defy the Israeli occupation forces as they are trying to advance into Gaza. After 66 relentless days, the resistance’s unwavering determination has resulted in substantial losses among the enemy ranks.

Recent reports from Palestinian sources shed light on violent clashes between Palestinian resisters and occupation soldiers in Ma’an and Bani Suheila, located east of Khan Yunis. Meanwhile, the al-Qassam Brigades launched a series of mortar attacks on occupation military concentrations within the station area of Khan Yunis. The al-Quds Brigades also joined the fray by bombarding the enemy’s positions around the shadow mosque in the eastern axis of Khan Yunis using multiple mortar shells.

Speaking in a statement released on Sunday, the Qassam Brigades declared that their fighters had successfully destroyed forty-four military vehicles, either entirely or partially, in various battlefronts across the Gaza Strip over the past 48 hours. Furthermore, they confirmed the elimination of forty Israeli occupation soldiers while dozens of others were injured during assaults on their positions and encampments.

The attacks involved the use of anti-fortification missiles, shells, anti-personnel canisters, and engagement from point-blank range. Targets included field command headquarters, military gatherings, and strategically rigged buildings, resulting in massive explosions. Mortars and short-range rockets also played a significant role in demolishing occupation military infrastructure.

Abu Obeida, the military spokesperson for the Qassam Brigades, expressed his satisfaction with their performance and unity, stressing that thousands of fighters were awaiting their turn on the battlefield. He highlighted the successful targeting of the occupation forces in both old and new incursion axes.

Notably, the Qassam Brigades managed to destroy more than 180 military vehicles in prominent areas like Shuja’iya, Zeitoun, Sheikh Radwan, Jabalia camp, Beit Lahiya, Deir al-Balah, and Khan Yunis. These attacks included the use of Yasin shells, canisters, guerrilla tactics, ambushes, machine guns, booby-trapped tunnels, entrapment maneuvers, and sniping operations.

Abu Obaida remarked that the Qassam Brigades also launched mortar and rocket attacks, targeting occupied cities with dozens of explosive bursts. He confidently asserted that verified casualties occurred among the occupation forces, with most Qassam fighters returning to their positions unharmed.

In a powerful display of the resistance’s strength, photos were released showcasing wounded soldiers being airlifted by occupation helicopters following the bombing of the “sofa” military site.

Simultaneously, the Al-Quds Brigades revealed that its resistance fighters had bombarded gatherings of Israeli occupation military vehicles in progress axes using heavy-caliber mortar shells. In addition, they targeted several Israeli military vehicles in Jabalia, Falluja, and the Shujaiya camp in northern Gaza.

A moment that captured the resistance’s relentless spirit occurred when the Al-Quds Brigades blew up a house in the Shujaiya neighborhood, where more than thirteen Israeli occupation soldiers were attempting to locate a tunnel entrance. One of their martyred fighters successfully emerged from the tunnel and killed two occupation soldiers before demolishing the entire house, inflicting significant  casualties.

These fierce battles and clashes have forced the occupation to acknowledge the growing power of the resistance on the ground. The enemy finds themselves surprised daily by the resistance’s unwavering determination and resourcefulness during the ongoing conflict.

Source: Al-Manar Eglish Website

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Israeli vehicles go up in flames in Gaza’s Shujaiya

6 Dec 2023

Source: Agencies

Screengrab from a video depicting the destruction of an Akhzarit Israeli APC in Gaza’s Shujaiya neighborhood. The video was posted by al-Qassam Brigades military media on December 6, 2023 (Military Media)

By Al Mayadeen English

The Israeli occupation forces are going through a blitz in Gaza as the Resistance continues to destroy their supposedly sophisticated tanks with homegrown weapons.

The military wing of the Hamas Resistance movement, the al-Qassam Brigades, published footage on Wednesday evening showing the Resistance’s fighters confronting the Israeli forces invading the Shujaiya neighborhood in the Gaza Strip.

The Al-Qassam Brigades released never-seen-before footage from the Shujaiya neighborhood, one of the largest neighborhoods in Gaza, where the occupation repeatedly postponed its invasion and initiated it a few days ago.

Shujaiya holds great significance as it is the neighborhood where the Israeli soldier Oron Shaul was captured in 2014. Additionally, it houses the Shujaiya battalion, one of the top attack battalions within the Al-Qassam Brigades

The footage shows Al-Qassam fighters moving through the destroyed buildings, approaching closely to Israeli tanks, carrying the renowned Yasin-105 anti-tank RPG. They spotted three Israeli tanks and launched anti-tank missiles at them.

The fighters targeted the tanks from within the demolished buildings, destroying the vehicles and sending them up in flames. They then targeted a bulldozer passing through the area before attacking another group of tanks.

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The Israeli occupation forces admitted Wednesday to the killing of a first-class reservist during the ongoing battles in the northern Gaza Strip.

With the death of the Israeli soldier, the number of IOF’s casualties in the Gaza Strip has risen to 10 in the last 24 hours.

The IOF have announced the death toll of its forces has risen to 84 since their invasion of Gaza began, bringing the total death toll since October 7 to 408 Israeli soldiers.

The IOF revealed that a deputy company commander in the 53rd Battalion and an IOF soldier in the patrol company in the 6261st Battalion, affiliated with the 261st Brigade, were both killed in battles in the northern Gaza Strip on Monday.

According to a Channel 13 correspondent, despite the brutal assault on the strip, Palestinian resistance has confronted steadfastly the raids of the IOF, especially using anti-tank and anti-armor munitions against the Israeli forces.

Early on Monday morning, the Israeli Occupation Forces admitted that three soldiers were killed during confrontations with the Palestinian Resistance in Gaza.

This comes shortly after the Israeli army announced the death of a commander of the Gaza Division’s Southern Brigade, who was reportedly killed during confrontations on October 7, adding that his body was still held in Gaza.

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