Mofaz: Israel’s greatest fear is the Islamic takeover in Egypt


“…Never before seen in Cairo…”

[ 02/02/2011 – 09:41 AM ]

NAZARETH, (PIC)– Knesset member for Kadima party Shaul Mofaz described several possible scenarios for the events in Egypt in light of the popular uprising demanding Hosni Mubarak to step down.

Mofaz said that Mubarak may insist on curbing his people, especially since the protests have no organized leadership.

He added that in case Mubarak managed to end the protests, he would call for general elections in September, pointing that Israel prefers this scenario.

The second scenario, according to him, is that the Egyptian army could take control over the country and the last scenario is Israel’s greatest fear represented in the removal of Mubarak and the Muslim brotherhood’s takeover in Egypt.

For his part, head of the US foreign relations council Richard Haas said that the days of Mubarak are numbered and he has to give up power.

Haas added that there are several scenarios if Mubarak lost power including that his deputy Omar Suleiman might take his place or another interim president would be declared as a prelude to changing the constitution.

Many European newspapers also unanimously said that the regime of Mubarak started to fall apart.

In this regard, president Mubarak in a televised speech at night Tuesday tried to absorb the anger of the Egyptian people and declared he would not run for another presidential term.

Mubarak’s words were unlikely to carry much weight with the protesters at Cairo’s Attahrir square, who kept calling on him to leave power.

Shortly after his speech, clashes broke out between pro-Mubarak, who are believed to be members of the security in civilian clothes, and anti-regime protesters in Alexandria, according to Al-Jazeera satellite channel.

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