Resistance confronts IOF in West Bank; operations in Tulkarm

June 25, 2024

Source: Al Mayadeen + Agencies

 Israeli occupation forces remove the body of a man killed during a raid into the West Bank town of Qabatiya, on June 13, 2024. (AP)

Resistance fighters in the West Bank confront IOF incursions, carry out operations in Tulkarm.


By Al Mayadeen English

Resistance fighters in the West Bank responded to incursions by Israeli occupation forces on Tuesday with a series of operations involving explosives and gunfire. Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades’ Knights of the Night group, along with the Martyr Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades in Tulkarm, announced carrying out an operation against occupation forces.

In detail, the Resistance fighters targeted a vehicle carrying several occupation soldiers behind the wall near al-Jarushiya and the Shweika suburb in Tulkarm, successfully retreating to their positions unharmed.

In the Balata camp, east of Nablus, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades announced that its fighters responded to the occupation forces storming the camp. They targeted the forces with a heavy barrage of bullets and explosive devices, engaging in violent confrontations. This came after the occupation forces stormed the camp and besieged a number of its neighborhoods before confrontations broke out with the Resistance fighters who faced them.

Local media reported that an occupation bulldozer began sabotaging infrastructure in the Balata camp’s market during the massive incursion into the camp.

The Palestinian Red Crescent announced that two children were slightly injured during the occupation’s storming of Balata camp, east of Nablus. It also stated that the occupation forces blocked the ambulance crews by detaining them and confiscating the vehicle keys and communication equipment.

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Violent confrontations in Tammoun

In turn, Tammoun’s groups in the al-Quds Brigades announced that their Resistance fighters responded to the occupation forces storming the town with bullets from more than one axis, confirming the detonation of several explosive devices in the occupation vehicles.

Local media reported that violent confrontations broke out between Resistance fighters and occupation forces during the storming of the town of Tammoun, south of Tubas in the West Bank. 

A series of intrusions into West Bank cities 

Simultaneously, the Israeli occupation forces stormed several towns in the city of Ramallah, while the occupation forces stormed the al-Tira neighborhood and were confronted by the Resistance fighters. 

According to Al Mayadeen‘s correspondent, the occupation forces also stormed the town of Beitunia and the town of Beit Ur, located west of Ramallah in the West Bank. 

They also stormed the town of al-Ram, near occupied al-Quds, amid heavy firing of sonic and gas grenades at Palestinians, and the town of Bir Nabala, northwest of occupied al-Quds, in addition to storming the city of Beit Lahm in the southern West Bank. 

The occupation is escalating its campaign of daily raids and arrests in various areas of the West Bank, while martyrs rise and others are injured by occupation fire during their confrontation, in conjunction with its aggression against the Gaza Strip that has been ongoing for more than nine months.

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