كيف نفهم أخبار محاولة الانقلاب في الاردن؟ الحديقة التوراتية الخلفية لإسرائيل How do we understand the news of the coup attempt in Jordan? Israel’s Biblical Back Garden

**Please scroll down for the English Machine translation **

كتب نارام سرجون: كيف نفهم أخبار محاولة الانقلاب في الاردن؟ الحديقة التوراتية الخلفية لـ “اسرائيل”.

كتب نارام سرجون

كيف نفهم أخبار محاولة الانقلاب في الاردن؟ الحديقة التوراتية الخلفية لإسرائيل

من يعرف تكوين النظام الاردني لن يشغل نفسه بأخبار الانقلاب الملكي في الاردن.. فالأردن نظام يستحيل فيه قيام انقلاب من داخل القصر او خارجه لأن كل ما في القصر مضبوط الحركة ومراقب بالمخابرات البريطانية والصهيونية.. منذ ان نشأ هذا الكيان الوظيفي كان معلوما انه غير قابل للحياة بفصله عن محيطه السوري الطبيعي.. انه الحديقة التوراتية الخلفية لإسرائيل التي تحمي ظهرها.. فهو اقتصاديا لا يقدر على ان يجد حتى الماء .. وليست فيه اراض زراعية كافية ولا ثروات.. فهو صحراء كبيرة.. لا زراعة ولا صناعة ولا سياحة ولا نفط ول اغاز .. ولكنها تحقن بالكورتيزون الاقتصادي كي تبقى منتعشة وواقفة ومستيقظة ….

ومع ذلك فمنذ ان دخلت جيوش لورنس العرب الى الاردن لم تحدث فيها اي حركة تمرد واعطيت ادارتها لموظف سمي ملكا من بني هاشم.. وهو يتبع للتاج البريطاني.. فالملك حسين تربية بريطانية صرفه.. وكان يدرك انه ليس ملكا الا امام شيوخ العشائر الاردنية، ولكنه امام السفير البريطاني هو موظف بريطاني.. وكان الرئيس حافظ الاسد قد سئم من سلوك هذا الملك وأصر على وصفه بما يليق به في خطاب شهير قال فيه (ان الملك حسين جاسوس بريطاني يقضّي اجازاته في الأردن) وكان هذا التوصيف أفضل تلخيص حقيقي دون مبالغة.. وهذا الشعور من الملك ان ملكه مجرد نكتة ربما كان السبب في ان يقبل بعمل اضافي كموظف في السي أي ايه وعمل كجاسوس باسم مستر (نو بيف) مقابل مليون دولار سنويا وفق الوثائق الأميركية التي اكدت ان كارتر هو من اوقف هذا الراتب واعتبر انه لا يجوز لملك ان يعمل كجاسوس بأجر..

القصر الملكي الاردني هو ملحق بالسفارة البريطانية ولا تصدر عنه اي قرارات مصيرية الا بالرجوع للمملكة المتحدة.. والبريطانيون لا يسمحون لأحد ان يلعب في ملعبهم.. ولذلك فان الملك حسين تم تزويجه من الملكة نور وهي امريكية اسمها اليزابيت (ليزا) الحلبي ويقال انها من أصول يهودية سورية.. ثم عندما زوجته من الفلسطينية علياء طوقان وجدت ان ذلك الاختراق للقصر قد يخلخل او يسرب بعض اسراره.. فتم التخلص منها.. لتدخل الملكة منى بدلا عنها.. والملكة منى هي يهودية ايضا واتخذت اسم منى للتمويه واسمها الحقيقي هو أنطوانيت غاردنر ..
لذلك التمرد الوحيد والتحدي الذي تعرض له الموظف البريطاني حسين بن طلال كان مع المنظمات الفلسطينية التي اصطدم معها في ايلول وقام بتصفيتها بمساعدة بريطانية واسرائيلية وسعودية ..
وعندما اقتربت وفاته تقررت ولاية العهد في بريطانية التي أرسلت على الفور البديل المناسب وهو عبد الله (ابن اليهودية منى) والذي كان لا يعرف النطق بالعربية.. ولكن البريطانيين لا يسمحون لهذا العرش الوظيفي ان يتم تداوله الا وفق قرار مدروس يكفل ان تستمر وظيفته كحديقة توراتية خلفية لإسرائيل التي هي حديقة للمملكة الصليبية القديمة …

لذلك إذا كان هناك كلام عن انقلاب في الاردن فأنني لا أبالي به لإنه يستحيل فالمخابرات الاردنية محشوة بالمخابرات الاسرائيلية والانكليزية.. ولا يمكن ان تحدث مؤامرة بسبب ان اجهزة الامن تشرف عليها المخابرات البريطانية من الألف الى الياء..

لا أتذكر في اخبار الانقلاب الا حكاية الانقلاب التركي المسرحي على اردوغان الذي كان طريقة وسيلة للقبض على التيارات التركية التي كانت تتململ.. فالتهديد بالخطر من الكيان الموازي لفتح الله غولن كان كفيلا بالسماح لأردوغان بأخونة الجيش وأخونة كل المؤسسات التركية والتسلط على كل شيء ومراقبة المعارضة وتخوين كل من يعارضه.. انها نفس طريقة احداث نيويورك فالقبض على كل السياسة الخارجية الامريكية قد تم وكذلك فان تنفيذ المحافظين الجدد لمخططهم كان لابد له من ان يمر عبر بوابة احداث سبتمبر ..
فماذا وراء الاكمة في الاردن؟؟ وهل هناك من يريد ان يصنع من الملك بطلا وهو ليس بطلا؟؟ ام اسرائيل تريد ان تضغط على الاردنيين وتقول لهم ان ملكهم العظيم في خطر لأنه يعترض على مخططات اسرائيل..

البطل الهصور في خطر .. وحامي القدس العظيم.. وبطل الهلال الشيعي.. في خطر.. ويا خوفي يقولو ان حزب الله وإيران وسورية خلف المؤامرة!!!

فيديوهات متعلقة

مع الحدث – قاسم عزالدين

مقالات متعلقة

How do we understand the news of the coup attempt in Jordan? Israel’s Biblical Back Garden

Naram Sergoon

Who knows the composition of the Jordanian regime will not bother with the news of the coup d’état in Jordan? Jordan is a system in which it is impossible to stage a coup from inside or outside the palace, because everything in the palace is controlled and monitored by British and Zionist intelligence. Since the creation of this functional entity, by separating it from its natural Syrian surroundings it has been known that it is not viable.

However, since the armies of Lawrence of Arabia have gone to Jordan, there has been no rebellion and their administration has been given to an employee named King of Bani Hashem, belonging to the British Crown.

King Hussein is a purely British upbringing. He knew he was not king but the sheikh of the Jordanian tribes, but in front of the British ambassador he was a British employee.

President Hafez al-Assad was fed up with the king’s behavior and insisted on describing it as appropriate in a famous speech in which he said that King Hussein was a British spy who was on vacation in Jordan. The king’s feeling that his king was a joke may have been the reason why he accepted overtime as a CIA employee and worked as a spy on behalf of Mr. No Bev for a million dollars a year, according to U.S. documents that confirmed that Carter had stopped the salary and considered that a king should not work as a paid spy.

The Royal Palace of Jordan is attached to the British Embassy and does not make any fateful decisions except to return to the United Kingdom. And the British don’t let anyone play in their own court. King Hussein was therefore married to Queen Noor, an American named Elizabeth (Lisa) al-Halaby, who is said to be of Syrian Jewish origin. Then, when his Palestinian wife, Alia Toukan, found that the breach of the palace might disturb or leak some of his secrets .. She was disposed of … so Queen Mona entered instead of her … Queen Mona is also Jewish, and she took the name Mona for disguise, and her real name is Antoinette Gardner ..

The only rebellion and challenge to British employee Hussein bin Talal was with the Palestinian organizations with whom he clashed in September and liquidated it with British, Israeli, and Saudi assistance.  

When his death approached, the Covenant state in Britain, which immediately sent the appropriate alternative, Abdullah (son of The Jew Mona), who was not known to  speak Arabic.  

Therefore, if there is talk of a  coup in Jordan, I don’t care because it is impossible because Jordanian intelligence is stuffed with Israeli and English intelligence.

I don’t remember the news of the coup except the story of the Turkish coup d’état against Erdogan, which was a way of catching the Turkish currents that were fidgeting.

What is behind the heap in Jordan ?? Is there anyone who wants to make the king a hero when he is not a hero ?? Israel wants to pressure the Jordanians and tell them that their great king is in danger because he objects to Israel’s plans.    

The hero is in danger. And the great protector of Jerusalem. And the hero of the Shiite crescent. In danger. Oh my fear, they say that Hezbollah, Iran and Syria are behind the plot !!!

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Analyst: An Islamic and United Front against Normalization

Analyst: An Islamic and United Front against Normalization

By Nour Rida

There has been recent agreements between the UAE and Bahrain with ‘Israel’ to open formal diplomatic ties as total departure from the Arab consensus over the resolution of the Palestinian issue. ‘Israel’ and the UAE on August 13 reached a deal that will lead to full normalization of diplomatic relations between the two sides, in an agreement apparently brokered by US President Donald Trump. Bahrain also signed the controversial and US-brokered normalization agreements with ‘Israel’ during a ceremony in Washington on Tuesday.

Commenting on the matter, political analyst and expert on Palestinian affairs, and also professor at the University of Tehran Dr. Hadi Borhani told al-Ahed news “At a certain point, all the countries of this region had opposed the presence of the ‘Israeli’ entity in the Middle East and this totally makes sense. ‘Israel’ and the ‘Israelis’ do not belong to the Middle East, they came from thousands of kilometers away from Europe. Their issue was an issue with Europe to begin with, and the British colonialists were the ones who exported this issue to the Middle East by bringing the ‘Israelis’ to the region. The people of the region are well aware of the Sikes-Picot agreement, the Balfour declaration issued by the British government and they saw with their bare eyes how ‘Israel’ occupied Arab and Muslim lands, kicked out its people and removed Palestine off the world map.”

According to the analyst, every person who has reason understands the ‘Israeli’ project and its aggressions and acknowledges it is an occupation. “The majority of the people of the region do enjoy this sense of reason and have eyes that see the reality, including regular people and rulers and officials. This is the general atmosphere. However, some country rulers and governments were pushed into this treason, as ‘Israel’ exploits their weakness points. The major issue in the region, in my opinion, is that Arab governments are busy accusing each other of extremism, westernization, and orientalism and turned these conflict with ‘Israeli’ to one among themselves.”

He went on to explain “You see this in the wars between Arab nationalism and Arab kingdoms, Islamist versus nationalist, etc. If these countries try to respect each other and put differences aside, then they can remain united in face of the ‘Israeli’ occupation and presence in the region. We also see pressure put on Egypt by cutting off the Nile waters, and on Sudan by promising it will be removed off the list of supporters of terrorism if it acknowledges ‘Israel’ as an independent state, and so on.”

Dr. Borhani also noted that “The region does not stand in a right position. If the governments of the region do not wake up and decide to take a serious stance on the presence of the ‘Israeli’ occupation, then the situation will keep deteriorating and it will take the region into historical misery. The countries of this region must be able to see and understand the history of this issue well and make a serious decision to get out of this cycle of humiliation. The first step towards such an accomplishment would be to recognize each other’s existence and differences in opinion and position. The countries of the region must avoid division and enmity and find areas of cooperation and synergy.”

As the expert expresses, “According to Imam Khomeini, if Muslims do not disperse, and unite together, and each one of them pours a bucket of water on ‘Israel’ that would be enough to solve the problem. But without such cooperation, even the most advanced weapons cannot do anything because these weapons are used to weaken each other and that strengthens ‘Israel.’”

Touching on Kuwait’s stance, Dr. Borhani praised Kuwait for its good position on the Palestinian issue. “Kuwait’s relations with Palestine are rooted in history. This position is not only limited to its rejection to the normalization with ‘Israel’ today. Many Palestinian refugees grew up in Kuwait. Many pro-Palestinian organizations were supported by Kuwait as well. This all goes back to the status of Kuwait; its democracy is the best among the GCC and many Arab league countries. Also, the Assembly of the nation of Kuwait is a real assembly and that makes the voice of the people heard. The majority of people in Kuwait oppose ‘Israeli’ presence, and so the resistance against ‘Israel’ will continue in that small country. Moreover, Kuwait is a country of education and culture and this matters a lot. Hence, we can say that the Kuwaiti people are aware of the history of the region and the history of colonization and the occupation of Palestine. This awareness for sure has a positive effect on Kuwait’s position on the Palestinian issue and all Arab countries should follow its lead.” 

As for Iran’s position, Dr. Borhani said that Iran is the most important provider of security in the Persian Gulf. “The security of the Gulf waterway is vital for Iran and the region. ‘Israel’s’ presence in these waters is a matter of concern and could affect the security of the region. Iran has made it clear to the UAE and Bahrain that the countries that provided the ground for ‘Israel’ are responsible for any insecurity and disturbance in the region.”

In terms of Iran’s position, the analyst concluded that “Iran must avoid unilateralism and take positions that are supported and approved by Arab nations and the countries of the region. Iran must enter into serious cooperation with Arab countries to counter the normalization of relations and form an Islamic front against normalization. Many countries in the region oppose normalization. Turkey, Qatar, Kuwait, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Tunisia, Morocco, Jordan, Pakistan, Malaysia, Palestine and other countries are in this group.”