Biden Forces Secretly Withdrawing from the Oil Fields Northeast of Syria


US Biden forces troops in Syria

Biden forces illegally deployed in Syria stealing Syrian oil, wheat, barley, cotton, and the food and future of Syrian children have evacuated 3 of its positions in the northeast of the country, Al Alam TV reported on the 2nd of September.

The report based on ‘private military sources’ identified the three oil fields left by the Biden forces as Al Omar oil field, the largest in Syria and is located in the eastern Deir Ezzor countryside, in addition to Tal Baidar, and Qasrak in Qamishli, Al-Hasakah province northeast of Syria.

Biden forces continuing the legacy of Trump’s “keeping Syria’s oil because he likes oil” and we “don’t want to fight ISIS, let others fight terror”, maintains up to 13 illegal military bases in Syria breaching international law, the UN Charter, and exposing the lies about humanitarian intervention claims the US regimes ever claimed.

The video is available on BitChute

Transcript of the Al Alam TV video report:

A secret withdrawal, apparently, by the American forces present in Syria, where private military sources told Al-Alam TV that the American forces evacuated their positions from three military sites, adding that the evacuated sites are two of them in Al-Hasakah Governorate and the third in the areas of Deir Ezzor countryside.

The areas that were evacuated include the Al-Omar field area near the oil wells in Deir Ezzor and the areas of Tal Baidar and Qasrak in Qamishli, Al-Hasakah Governorate.

The US military bases are distributed in eastern Syria in the region extending from the east of the Euphrates River from southeast Syria near the Al-Tanf border crossing to the northeast near the Rmelan oil fields, and they are distributed in Al-Hasakah and Deir Ezzor.

The sources revealed that the number of American sites in Syria exceeds 13, but the Rumailan base, which is the first in Syria, Al-Malikiyah base, Tal Baidar base and Life Stone base are the most important of these American bases and sites.

The US presence in Syria faced rejectionist reactions, including by military attacks against this presence, and the Syrian government repeatedly demanded the US occupation forces to leave, the Syrian tribes in these areas also called on the occupation forces to leave and said that their presence is illegal.

Conoco Gas Field - Deir Ezzor, northern Syria

Transcript of the Al Alam TV video report:

A secret withdrawal, apparently, by the American forces present in Syria, where private military sources told Al-Alam TV that the American forces evacuated their positions from three military sites, adding that the evacuated sites are two of them in Al-Hasakah Governorate and the third in the areas of Deir Ezzor countryside.

The areas that were evacuated include the Al-Omar field area near the oil wells in Deir Ezzor and the areas of Tal Baidar and Qasrak in Qamishli, Al-Hasakah Governorate.

The US military bases are distributed in eastern Syria in the region extending from the east of the Euphrates River from southeast Syria near the Al-Tanf border crossing to the northeast near the Rmelan oil fields, and they are distributed in Al-Hasakah and Deir Ezzor.

The sources revealed that the number of American sites in Syria exceeds 13, but the Rumailan base, which is the first in Syria, Al-Malikiyah base, Tal Baidar base and Life Stone base are the most important of these American bases and sites.

The US presence in Syria faced rejectionist reactions, including by military attacks against this presence, and the Syrian government repeatedly demanded the US occupation forces to leave, the Syrian tribes in these areas also called on the occupation forces to leave and said that their presence is illegal.

Biden Forces Occupying Syrian Conoco Gas Field Bombed with Rockets

This American step comes in light of American fear of attacks on its bases and forces in the region, especially in light of the pressures that the American administration was subjected to in Afghanistan and the military defeat it received there.

Most sources say that the US administration is preparing for a total exit from the region due to its failure to manage the Afghan file and its exit from Kabul, which has sparked disputes within the United States itself.

End of the transcript.

Biden under Obama, later Trump, and now Biden again have deployed thousands of troops in Syria to fight for ISIS, not against it, to steal Syrian resources, and to divide the country into smaller isolated cantons based on ethnic lines which it can control through divide and conquer strategy, the goal was also to strangle both Iran and Russia economically allowing a Qatari gas pipeline to go through Syria to the Mediterranean and then Europe bypassing both countries, and the final goal was to secure Israel’s expansionist into more land to achieve the ‘Greater Israel Project’ dubbed the ‘Greater Middle East Project’ in which the Turkish madman Erdogan plays a leading role in as he stated he was tasked to play by George W. Bush in an interview on a Turkish TV.

Despite series of failures in achieving any of its goals and instead, losing more strategically while killing, maiming, and displacing millions of innocent people both in Syria and in Iraq, the Biden Obama, Trump, Biden again regimes needed a lesson like the defeat in Afghanistan to wake up.

Will the Kurdish SDF separatist terrorists wake up before it’s too late when they find themselves alone facing the Syrian people after their employers abandon them?

Hoping the above report is true, more pressure should be mounted on the oil thieves to force them to leave Syria and west Asia completely, US soldiers killed abroad are not heroes defending their country and families, they are war criminals, mercenary forces, oil thieves, who get killed while making few of the haves in the USA have more.

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One Response

  1. I trust that this is true, and I expect that “3 withdrawals” will very soon become “13 withdrawals.”

    Viva a whole, unoccupied, safe-and-secure, peaceful, proud Syria!

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