Palestinian Resistance Responds to Martyrdom of Sheikh Khader Adnan: Missiles Strike Israeli Settlements (Videos)

May 2, 2023

The Palestinian resistance in Gaza fired on Tuesday 22 missiles at the Israeli settlements in the Strip’s vicinity in response to the martyrdom of the prisoner Sheikh Khadr Adnan.

Israeli media indicated that the “Iron Dome” intercepted only four of the 22 missiles, adding that sirens were sounded in Sderot, Sha’ar Hanegev, Ibim, Erez and Nir Am.

Zionist settler injured by missile fire from Gaza

Zionist circles indicated that the enemy’s government will seek self-restraint instead of escalation, underscoring teh dangers that may be posed by a miscalculated operation.

Yossi Yehoshua, a military analyst, warned that any escalation on border with Gaza may lead to a wider confrontation, highlighting the link between the various fronts endangering the entity.

Military analyst Yossi Yehoshua

Sheikh Adnan died on Tuesday in Israeli jail after 86 days of hunger strike in protest against his arbitrary detention.

The Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine martyrdom of Sheikh Adnan, one of its senior members, inside the Israeli prison of Ramla.

The resistance group released a statement describing Adnan as a leader and fighter who paved the way for those who seek freedom in Palestine and the world.

The so-called Israel Prison Service (IPS) said Sheikh Adnan was found unconscious early on Tuesday. It added that he was taken to hospital but attempts to resuscitate him failed.

In response to the announcement, a general strike in Jenin and Gaza, as well as other cities across the West Bank.

Source: Al-Manar English Website

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