Tension prevails after ‘Israel’ transfers prisoners to Nafha Prison

OCTOBER 01, 2023

Source: Agencies + Al Mayadeen

By Al Mayadeen English

The PFLP holds “Israel” responsible for the lives of its chief Ahmad Saadat and other prisoners who were transferred to Nafha Prison.

The Handala Center for Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners Affairs reported that the Israeli occupation transferred the Secretary-General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Ahmad Saadat, and a number of prisoners, from “Ramon” Prison to Nafha Prison.

According to the Center, the transfer took place from Section 5 of “Ramon” Prison to Section 10 of Nafha Prison. It also reported a state of tension prevailing in PFLP sections in all Israeli occupation prisons.

On its part, the PFLP held the Israeli occupation prison administration fully responsible for the lives of its Secretary-General and the other prisoners who were transferred to the Nafha Prison.

In a statement, the PFLP confirmed that this Israeli attack targeting its leadership is an integral part of the comprehensive attack that the Captive Movement is being subjected to, pointing out that such attacks continued and surged after Itamar Ben-Gvir took over the Israeli occupation Police Ministry.

The statement announced that PFLP prisons declared a state of high alert in all Israeli occupation prisons and threatened to take comprehensive and continuous steps in order to respond to the crime committed by the prison administration.

According to the statement, a broad and comprehensive program of struggle would be implemented until the Israeli occupation reverses its measures in case the widespread attack on the Front’s leadership cadres and all the prisoners is not put to an end.

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The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine called on the Palestinian people, the national forces, the people of the Arab nation, and the free people of the world to provide the broadest support to its Secretary-General, its prisoners, and the whole Captive Movement.

Elsewhere, the PFLP concluded its statement by noting that its Secretary-General Ahmad Saadat and his comrades in Israeli occupation prisons achieved continuous victories over the Zionist jailer at various stages of struggle.

On Sunday morning, Israeli occupation repression units stormed Section 5 of “Ramon” Prison and transferred prisoners there to Nafha Prison.

The Palestinian Prisoners Information Office reported that the “Ramon” Prison administration shut down sections 2, 3, 7, and 8 amid a state of tension prevailing in the prison.

This comes ahead of the 22nd anniversary of the assassination of former Israeli occupation Minister of Tourism, Rehavam Ze’evi, which “Israel” accuses PFLP Resistance fighters of, in response to the occupation’s assassination of its former Secretary-General, Abu Ali Mustafa, on August 27, 2001.

After the assassination of Abu Ali Mustafa, Saadat was elected Secretary-General of the Front, only to be arrested by the occupation in 2006, on alleged charges including “indirect responsibility” for Ze’evi’s assassination.

In 2008, the Israeli occupation Military Court sentenced Saadat to 30 years in prison. During his captivity, the PFLP Secretary-General went on several hunger strikes and was transferred to solitary confinement several times by the Israeli occupation.

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