Hamas Joke: Al-quds waiting for “men”, the half-men fighting Syria

Really what a joke,Al Qods needs true Arabs true theists not American Rats.

10169273 629846527084516 1408566514 n Is This Hamass New Joke
Now,not to forget that Hamas,the so called Palestinian resistance is nothing but a traitor who betrayed  the SAA and Hizbollah
The Palestinian Hamas movement put large billboards with both Erdogan and Ismail Haniyeh and Khaled Meshaal, and the current and previous Emirs of Qatar  with the words: Jerusalem, waiting for the men ..

It seems that the traitors leading Hamas want Jerusalem to wait forever if Hamas   await such so-called men .

Jerusalem is waiting the men who fought the Israelis in southern Lebanon ,the men who funded, trained and armed Hamas and other Palestinian resistance factions.

  Jerusalem await the real men in Lebanon and in Syria and in Iran and in all Arab land supporting the resistance , but they definitely are not in Qatar .. nor in Astana .

Definitely, they are not the “half-men.” who have criticized Hezbollah for July war


حماس.. لهذه الأسباب لن تتحرر القدس

وكالة أوقات الشام الإخبارية
قامت حركة حماس الفلسطينية بوضع لوحات اعلانية كبيرة تضم كل من أردوغان و اسماعيل هنية و 
خالد مشعل و كل من أمير قطر الحالي و السابق مع عبارة: القدس تنتظر الرجال

يبدو أن الاخوة في حماس يريدون من القدس أن تنتظر الى الابد.. اذا كانوا هؤلاء هم الرجال الذين
ان الرجال الذين تنتظرهم القدس هم من قاتلوا الاسرائيليين في جنوب لبنان, هم من سلحوا حماس و غيرها من الفصائل الفلسطينية المقاومة و مدوهم بالمال و السلاح و التدريب.. الرجال الذين تنتظرهم حماس في لبنان و في سوريا و في ايران و في كل أرض عربية شريفة تدعم المقاومة,

لكنهم و بالتأكيد ليسوا في قطر.. ولا في الأستانة.

مسيرة بغزة احتفالاً بفوز العدالة والتنمية التركي

مسيرة بغزة احتفالاً بفوز “العدالة والتنمية” التركي

Haneyya congratulates Erdogan on local elections

[ 02/04/2014 – 08:56 AM ]

GAZA, (PIC)— The Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haneyya congratulated his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the victory of his Justice and Development Party (AKP) in the recent local elections in Turkey.

In a telephone conversation with Erdogan on Tuesday, Haneyya said that AKP victory came in a very accurate timing.

For his part, Erdogan expressed gratitude to Haneyya for the congratulation, saying that his party’s victory reflects the Turkish people’s will.

Erdogan stressed his total support for the Palestinian cause particularly the besieged Gaza Strip.

The two men discussed ways to lift the siege on Gaza Strip and to put an end to the Palestinian people’s suffering.
