“Somewhere … Down There” – Was Our VT Combat Correspondent, Sirte, Libya, Nov 2011

Lavrov: People from outside Libya killed Gaddafi and returned to Europe and obtained nationalities



Sham Times claimed 

“Lavrov revealed in a press conference with Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shukri that the killing of Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi was carried out by people from outside Libya, adding that these people returned to Europe and obtained European nationalities”

لافروف: أشخاص من خارج ليبيا قتلوا القذافي وعادوا إلى أوروبا وحصلوا على جنسيات

عدد المشاهدات : 3735 | تاريخ النشر : 2017-05-30 08:20:20

وكالة أوقات الشام الإخبارية

كشف لافروف، فى مؤتمر صحافي مع وزير الخارجية المصري سامح شكرى، أن قتل الزعيم الليبي الراحل معمر القذافي تم على يد شخصيات من خارج ليبيا، موضحاً أن هؤلاء الأشخاص عادوا إلى أوروبا وحصلوا على جنسيات أوروبية، موضحاً أن عشرات الأعمال الإرهابية تمت فى أوروبا،

I checked both  Arabic and English versions of the press confirance and noticed that Lavrov never mentioned Moamer Kadhafi. He talked about regime change carried out by people from outside Libya, which has been a fact. I am posting both videos

I advise reader to check the VT Exclusive: VT at Gaddafi’s Capture written by  VT Editors Gordon Duff  and  Jim W. Dean on  November 3, 2011. VT editors admitted that their Libya Correspondent Leads Gaddafi Capture. VT Libya Correspondent Leads Gaddafi Capture.

there was one journalist present.  In this case, he was commanding a unit that had been tracking, had been hunting Gaddafi for weeks. 

“Somewhere … Down There” – Was Our VT Combat Correspondent, Sirte, Libya

Gordon Duff omitted the name of VT Correspondent saying:

I will omit the name of the writer who can make a longer version public when he is ready.

However, he is a well known journalist, born in Libya, who has worked for years in support of human rights projects around the world.  Almost all members of the independent press know this individual well.  Most consider him a friend and trusted colleague, in fact none have ever stated otherwise.

I claim that VT and their Combat Correspondent were involed in Gaddafi Capture that lead to his brutal killing. Their hands are soaked with Libyan blood,

On February 25, 2011, Gordon Duff wrote: AMERICA MUST ATTACK GADDAFI NOW!

Later, on  October 20, 201, Gordon Duff  tried to wash his bloody hands. He wrote

“I didn’t want to see Gaddafi arrested, killed or tried. However, I am an American and didn’t live under his rule for 42 years. Those who did, people I know of heroism and character, hated him.” Wrote Gordon Duff,

On that, I wrote on November 4, 2011

[Gordaffii’s – Gordon Duff- well known “independent journalist” “born in Libya, who has worked for years in support of human rights projects around the world.” “was commanding a unit – hand-picked squad – that had been tracking, had been hunting Gaddafi for weeks.”

Gordaffi is not talking about the French “Independant Philospher, Bernard-Henri Levy, born in Algeria, who has worked also in support of “human rights projects around the world” such as South Sudan, Darfour, Afghanistan, and Libya, wher he revived his image after his failed attempt to jump on the bandwagon of the Egyptian uprising]
“This first hand account of the capture of Colonel Gaddafi, will be not be redacted.
Our videographer was not there, having been assassinated by Gaddafi agents some weeks before, however there is enough video of this scene for everyone.”

Here is one titled Nato was there – Proof.

Gordaffi, don’t want you to see, inorder not “to make Gaddaf look like a victim of a NATO “holocaust”.

“Thus, when Gaddafi was captured alive and sent away in an ambulance, there was absolutely no NATO involvement of any kind. No NATO troops were ashore, no NATO planes above.” Gordaffi lied.

Let us check this LIE:

“Colonel Roland Lavoie, spokesman for Nato’s operational headquarters in Naples, said its aircraft today struck two vehicles of pro-Gaddafi forces “which were part of a larger group manoeuvring in the vicinity of Sirte”.

The Ministry of Defence in London confirmed that Nato warplanes today attacked a convoy of vehicles fleeing Sirte.”

Gaddafi was captured alive in Sirte by members of the Libyan National Liberation Army after his convoy was attacked by NATO warplanes as Sirte fell on 20 October 2011

Consequently, Nato hands are clean from the blood of Gaddafi, his “independant journalist” commanding a unit – hand-picked squad -” after “tracking, …hunting Gaddafi for weeks.”…..”on Thursday morning, 20 October, intercepted communications from his son Mu’tasim ordering his men to assemble in District No. 2 by 4 a.m.”

The hand-picked squad were appox half a km behind him but in the desert, south of the road they were using.” Out of sudden“a French Raphael jet appeared and hit his convoy several times.

The hand-picked squad just managed …..to corner Gaddafi, ….grabbed him and  his son, pulled them out of the sewer. Injured Gaddafi ” was escorted into an ambulance, “barely able to walk which headed west to Misrata.”

Fact check

“The following clip shows Gadhafi’s bloodied body being dragged through the streets of Sirte. Please be warned this graphic clip is not suited for the faint of heart and could ruin your morning.” – the Chip was removed by the user.


Gordon’s corropondace wrote to wash hid bloody hands:

At that point, after the ambulance headed west to Misrata”, the independant journalist” followed one of his “golden rules of survival (when your mission is accomplished, never hang about or dwell on things but just simply leave) I bid farewell to some of the fighters and headed for Benghazi. By the time I arrived there I heard that Gaddafi was dead. I have no idea what happened to him exactly and, to be honest, I really don’t care.”

“One final word. Some will be wondering whether we got a reward or in any way been paid for our troubles. The answer is an emphatic no. We did this out of a sense of duty to our country. For me personally, I lost approximately 12, 500 GBP in lost earnings while I was away fighting (July-October).”

Reading between the lines, here is the conclusion:

The so called “independent journalist”“born in Libya, who has worked for years in support of human rights projects around the world.” is a British sent to Libya to command a hand-picked squad. 
His mission was “tracking”, “hunting,” once the mission is accomplished,” he followed the“golden rules of survival” He left the crime scene.

More here

Like killary VT rejoiced killing Qaddafi :

[Editor Note: The post ops analysis of the media shilling on the Libyan Revolution will be providing VT many teaching opportunities for exposing who was who. The phonies lay back in the weeds in their chosen ideological target nests, sticking to their audience tested material to build readership. The Left has their ‘progressive’ smokescreen, and the Right has their ‘defending our culture against those that hate it’ silliness.

As live street interviews are pouring in from the Tripoli people, their intense joy of finally being free after 42 years. The most memorable was the young lady who was saying that if she died the next day after Gaddafi is captured she would still be happy to have lived one day of freedom.

To all the progressives out there that shilled for Gadaffi, especially the ones who got paid for it….eternal shame on you. We are coming for you…VT and the free Libyan people who will have something to say about your horrific conduct. They may be calling for no retribution in Libya, but I have not signed on. It’s time to begin the hunt for those that were working undercover…so they are not allowed to just moved on to the next game.  Jim W. Dean, editor]

[Syria] is the game as I shall illustrate later

Please Check my post dated November 4, 2011 on Biden prescription for winning wars without losing a single life. (Making new Bin Ladens), Bedin’s perscription for Lybia was a great success “thanks” for Nato, Arab leage and VT and their Correspondent, but so-far was a great failure in Syria.

Most likely reader are curious to know who is VT Libya Correspondent who led Gaddafi Capture?.

Please check the following links:

The Next Game

Listen to the same “amazing” GUY who called, On Nov 3rd 2011 AMERICA TO ATTACK GADDAFI saying the so-called “most honest truth about terrorism in SYRIA”

syria terror usa

Chk Link : http://wp.me/p2APzz-96E

“Incredible speech by Gordon Duff at the Syrian International Conference to Combat Terrorism. Gordon led a group that represented the United States at the conference!”

Gordon discusses who really runs the United States from the shadows! He names the US Generals and a Senator who runs ISIS! Never in history have the people of Syria been told the truth to this extent! I urge patriots worldwide to share this video and keep sharing all articles from VeteransToday.com Take over the comments for all controlled opposition in alternative media that censor VT! Take over comments and pages for all fake mainstream news! Patriots aroudn the world are now uniting behind our veterans putting out the truth! Never stop sharing VT and bringing more patriots to our team! VT for VICTORY!

Is it an awakening of conscience? I guess NO

Gordan’Speech indicate that his mission is something else:

Gordonsaid that Israel runs the United States from the shadows and named Senator John McCain as”  The Father of ISIS” – the terrorist group assembled by the US/Israeli criminal cabal.  

It’s time we simply said what we know – whether it’s classified information or not.  All of you have seen the results of what we’re saying.  What we’re saying will fit what has happened here and what facts you have been able to bring out.

Our hypothesis is based on solid information, solid research on the ground, using human signals intelligence from our extensive capabilities.  We don’t guess. We know what we’re talking about here….

I accept your statements and I recognize the truth and honesty of what you are saying but I do believe there are areas of misunderstanding how the United States works, politically.  This is a tremendous problem in the middle-east and one of the things that has driven us here…..

A little more than one week ago, the United States Defense Secretary, Chuck Hagel resigned.  Chuck Hagel was the individual who stopped the United States from bombing Syria over the False Flag gas attacks near Allepo….

It’s our goal – while we are here – to establish a method of communication that will allow Syria and other nations in the area, to understand Israel’s control of the United States, the control of the US by organized crime and how the US government is subservient to a world-wide criminal organization.

This may well have been the first time in history an American intelligence team of “non-activists” gave a military briefing to an audience of this type, including key military leaders of diverse tribal forces throughout Lebanon, Syria and Iraq, a Russian delegation and others from around the world.

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