Sayyed Nasrallah honors Raisi, comrades, vows ‘Israel’ more surprises

24 May 2024 

Source: Al Mayadeen

Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah

By Al Mayadeen English

On the occasion of the helicopter crash in Iran, Hezbollah’s Secretary-General reflects on the traits of the late Iranian President and FM and sheds light on the situation on the Lebanese-Palestinian border.

Hezbollah Secretary-General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, stressed that late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi strongly believed in the Palestinian cause, as well as the Resistance and all its factions, and was deeply committed to supporting the Resistance movements with money, weapons, training, and experience amid a strong hostility toward the Israeli occupation.

During the commemorative ceremony held by Hezbollah in honor of late President Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and their companions in the southern suburb of Beirut, Sayyed Nasrallah said that the Iranian president was “knowledgeable, humble, and very courageous in the face of hypocrites and enemies, as much as he was a believer in the Resistance and its project and a servant for his country, Iran.”

He added that the era of President Raisi witnessed huge development at the level of Iran’s diplomacy, not to mention that the notions of developing ties with Iran’s neighboring countries and heading East were deemed a priority while maintaining relations with the West within a certain level.

‘Martyrs Raisi and Amir-Abdollahian believed in the Resistance, its project’

On the helicopter crash, Sayyed Nasrallah expressed sadness and regret over the incident, stressing that it was painful and sad for people inside and outside Iran.

The martyrs “always stood with us and never abandoned us,” he affirmed. 

While the Secretary-General of Hezbollah referred to the need for role models so that “our beliefs do not remain mere ideas and ink on paper,” he stressed the necessity of regarding President Ebrahim Raisi as the “role model” he was “in all the positions for which he assumed responsibility.”

In this context, Sayyed Nasrallah pointed out that Raisi brought about a major transformation in the management and development of the Imam Reza Shrine when he assumed its responsibility, stressing that the disadvantaged and poor benefited from the services he provided.

Speaking about the late Iranian Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, Sayyed Nasrallah confirmed that he dearly loved Palestine, Lebanon, and all the Resistance movements and strongly believed in them

“We saw nothing but goodness, help, support, and love from martyrs Raisi and Amir-Abdollahian, and we thank them for all that they offered,” stressing that one of the most important things that distinguished these two personalities was their humbleness.

Funeral processions scenes confirm people’s commitment to Iran’s leadership

The Secretary-General of Hezbollah emphasized that Iran has withstood the dangers and challenges it has faced since the early days of the Islamic Revolution’s victory in 1979, including economic sanctions, increasing global pressures, and assassinations.

Sayyed Nasrallah referred to the massive scenes of the funeral processions held for the deceased officials, from Tabriz to the city of Mashhad, asserting that the message they convey is one of “loyalty and steadfast commitment” to the path of the leader and founder of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Imam Khomeini, and the leadership of the Islamic Republic.

He explained that one of the reasons behind the failure of the US policies toward the region is “the denial of reality and detachment from it,” affirming that Iran is “a strong, cohesive, and resilient state” and that while it was deeply pained by the death of its president and his companions, this did not weaken or disrupt it.

The Resistance leader stressed that Iran is “a state of institutions and laws, with a wise leader at its helm who governs this state, and it enjoys a very high level of popular will and confidence.”

Regarding Iran’s support for the Resistance movements, Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that those who expect Iran to abandon Palestine and the Resistance “are greatly delusional.”

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He pointed out that this support is part of the vision of the Islamic Republic and an integral part of its religion, and it does not change or alter with the departure of officials, confirming that Tehran continues to support Resistance movements and this support “is increasing and becoming more apparent.”

‘Israel’ should expect surprises from the Resistance

The Secretary-General of Hezbollah affirmed that the insistence of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on continuing his aggression on Gaza means that “Israel will fall into the abyss and plunge into disaster,” stressing that the Israeli occupation “failed to achieve any of its objectives.”

The Lebanese leader pointed out that Israelis, in the eighth month of the war, unanimously agree that what their entity has experienced during this year is unprecedented.

Regarding the southern front in Lebanon and Hezbollah’s operations in support of Gaza, Sayyed Nasrallah confirmed that the Resistance studied all possible scenarios that the Israeli occupation could resort to against Lebanon.

Addressing the Israeli occupation, Sayyed Nasrallah said that besieged Gaza surprised “Israel” on October 7 by launching its Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, while the Resistance in Lebanon surprised the occupation entity on October 8 by opening the northern front.

According to Hezbollah’s chief, the surprises continued with Yemen, alongside Iraq, joining in the battle “with such strength, resilience, and courage.”

Iran too surprised the occupation with its missiles, drones, and Operation True Promise, he maintained.

“Expect more surprises from our Resistance,” Sayyed Nasrallah addressed Netanyahu’s government saying.

Recognition of Palestinian state, ICC warrants for Israeli officials fruits of Al-Aqsa Flood

Additionally, the Secretary-General of Hezbollah spoke about the recognition of the Palestinian state by several European countries, which various groups within the Israeli occupation entity reject as it is deemed an existential threat.

Sayyed Nasrallah emphasized that the recognition of the Palestinian state by these countries, which is among the most significant challenges faced by Israeli officials, deals a mighty blow to the Israeli occupation.

He stressed that the expanding recognition of a Palestinian state is one of the outcomes of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood and its aftermath.

The Lebanese Resistance leader also mentioned that among the fruits of Al-Aqsa Flood and Palestinian steadfastness is the situation “Israel” is facing in international courts, including recent developments at the International Criminal Court (ICC), which has sought arrest warrants against Israeli officials.

Sayyed Nasrallah further emphasized that the Resistance’s October 7 operation has stirred humanitarian sentiments worldwide, expressing gratitude to professors and students worldwide who have demonstrated in support of the Palestinian people.

Touching on these protests, Sayyed Nasrallah considered that they “demonstrate the extent of the humanitarian sentiments ignited by Operation Al-Aqsa Flood worldwide.”

Read more: Preliminary probe says nothing unusual about Raisi helicopter crash

In memory of Iran’s president and fellow companions

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