Rafah Hit by Most Violent Israeli Bombings Since Start of Gaza War

 May 28, 2024

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In a brutal escalation of violence, the city of Rafah in Gaza experienced the most violent Israeli bombings since the Israeli aggression began last October.

The attacks, which continued throughout Monday night, targeted residential areas and resulted in a high number of casualties.

Israeli occupation forces focused their airstrikes and shelling on the western part of Rafah, with the Emirati Hospital and the Tell al-Sultan neighborhood suffering heavy bombardment. Civilian structures, including homes and a clinic, were hit by Israeli artillery, trapping medical staff and displaced persons inside.

Forcibly Displaced Families Trapped by Bombings

Forcibly displaced families in Rafah found themselves trapped as the relentless Israeli bombardment prevented rescue teams and medics from reaching them. Israeli quadcopters roamed the area, opening fire at civilians and journalists attempting to flee the violence.

Confrontations Between Palestinian Resistance and IOF

Amid the intense Israeli attacks on western Rafah, fierce confrontations erupted between Palestinian Resistance fighters and Israeli occupation forces near the Zaarib roundabout. The central Rafah City also saw heavy battles around key locations, resulting in further casualties.

The Israeli assaults extended beyond Rafah, with strikes reported in central Gaza, eastern Khan Younis Governorate, and northern Gaza.

Residential buildings were demolished, and airstrikes caused casualties in various areas including Jabalia, Beit Hanoun, and Beit Hanoun.

Source: Al-Manar English Website and Palestinian media

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The Battle of Jabalia: A Palestinian lesson in war of attrition

MAY 23, 2024


Israel seeks fast, hard wars, while its opponents seek slow-boiling, irregular wars of attrition. Now, with the resurgence of resistance ops in Jabalia and Gaza areas, Israel has lost both the field and the war.

(Photo Credit: The Cradle)

Khalil Harb

The ground situation in Jabalia refugee camp, north of Gaza City, is more than merely a military clash between an invading force and resistance fighters fighting a “guerrilla war.” The deeper implication of the sudden battles that have sprung up in Gaza’s largest camp is that Israel is far more entangled than it wants to acknowledge, mirroring the US experience in its disastrous Vietnam quagmire.

Unlike the Ho Chi Minh Trail in Vietnam, however, Gaza is a flat strip of land that lacks crossings, mountain passes, or forests for the resistance to move personnel and weapons with ease across swathes of terrain. Egypt, which shares the Rafah Crossing with Gaza, has distanced itself from the Strip, and Gazans share no other borders with the outside world.

The resurgence of resistance in Jabalia, in fierce battles that have caught the Israeli army off guard, therefore, points to what some may call a ‘miracle.’ 

More than a guerrilla war 

Speaking to The Cradle, a Hamas leader says that Tel Aviv’s claims of controlling the north and center of the Strip before focusing on the south were always false and that the resistance still retains its strength and leadership. 

Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) spokesman Mohammed al-Haj Moussa assesses the situation similarly, telling The Cradle, “We are ready for a long battle of attrition” – echoing the words of Qassam Brigades spokesman Abu Obeida.

Their comments that northern Gaza is not under Israeli control, as it has often claimed, are evidenced by today’s resurgent battles in the north of the Strip.

At the war’s onset, Israeli forces moved from several directions toward the Strip, including Al-Atatreh, Beit Lahiya, Beit Hanoun, and Shujaiya in the north and northeast, and from central axes like Juhr al-Dik and Al-Zaytoun neighborhood towards Sheikh Ajlin near the coast – ostensibly to further tighten their control over Gaza’s north.

However, in January, Israel announced the redeployment of its forces, withdrawing from most northern areas and stationing mainly in Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, intending to move toward areas where resistance continued, mostly southward of the Strip.

Tel Aviv’s confidence that matters had swung in its favor in Jabalia was misplaced. Today’s the occupation army’s announced losses – in both soldiers and hardware – confirm that a fierce fight is taking place in the camp and its environs.

A senior Hamas source informs The Cradle that Israel’s “mowing the grass” strategy, intended to weaken or cripple Gaza’s resistance periodically, has failed to make the desired dent, even after 225 days of war.

The real war of attrition

Sources in the Palestinian resistance report that even Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, a major stronghold for Israeli forces to counteract the ‘Palestinian Viet Cong’ in northern Gaza, was unstable for Israeli soldiers. Palestinian fighters regularly emerged from the rubble and underground to fight a real war of attrition against the thousands of soldiers stationed there.

Resistance sources also say that a range of explosive weapons were used in ambushes and attacks: “Al-Shuath bombs” and “Tandem” to destroy Merkava tanks and other armored vehicles, “Al-Yassin 105” shells, and bombs and booby-traps in houses using rockets and shells that didn’t explode during earlier raids, detonated when soldiers take cover inside.

Additionally, there are also ongoing sniper operations, mortar shelling, and sudden face-to-face clashes with enemy soldiers by fighters who emerge from tunnels.

The aforementioned Hamas leader tells The Cradle that these operations reveal “the IDF’s loss of control” and adds:

“The enemy is not ready for long and multi-front battles, and this is what made it lose its balance and, at the same time, began to lose the theory on which it was based, which is a policy of deterrence and pre-emptive operations.”

A particularly ironic aspect is that the Israeli military claimed it had ‘dismantled’ 20 of the original 24 Hamas battalions, giving Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu an excuse to move ahead with his invasion of Rafah.

“We can’t leave them there,” Netanyahu said of the intact battalions in an interview earlier this month. “What they are trying to do is extort [or] blackmail us to leave Gaza. Leave them in place, these battalions, leave their leadership in place, and they go take over Gaza again and do it again.”

A stalled ‘victory’

But Netanyahu’s relentless efforts to overwhelm Gaza and declare ‘victory’ over the resistance keep hitting the wall of the Palestinian Viet Cong and their nonstop display of new tactics: deception, ambushes, sabotage, espionage, sacrifice, and, importantly, strategic patience.

Jabalia serves as a quintessential lesson from this new-and-improved resistance. It is a resounding slap to the prime minister and his war cabinet, undermining an Israeli ‘victory’ at every turn. It exposes the futility of the proposed plans – whether Israeli, American, or Arab – to occupy, administer, or impose authority over Gaza.

The PIJ’s Haj Moussa says the military battles in Jabalia and Rafah, where occupation forces are also suffering increased losses, show that Israel “has not been able, for about eight months, to reach any of its declared goals in Gaza, neither at the level of uprooting the resistance nor the expulsion of Zionist prisoners.”

Despite unconditional US and western security band military support, Tel Aviv has been unable to definitively impose its control over Jabalia or other areas. The PIJ official emphasizes that the Al-Quds Brigades, his movement’s military wing, is still present throughout the Gaza Strip, and there is no fear of resistance weakening.

Analysts, including some within the Biden administration, agree that Israel is far from achieving victory. It has neither captured land, freed prisoners, nor killed senior resistance leaders. Lacking a credible plan for the “next day” and unable to destroy the labyrinth of tunnels, Israel is lost in the labyrinths above ground, not just below.

What happened to Tel Aviv’s boasts of killing 13,000 Hamas militants (out of 30,000–40,000 fighters), or its identification and destruction of “Hamas tunnels,” or its “cleansing” of entire areas from resistance control? What happened to Netanyahu’s claims that only “four battalions” were left in Hamas?

How is the Palestinian resistance still fighting fiercely in Shujaiya, Jabalia, Al-Zaytoun, Deir al-Balah, all the way to Rafah in Gaza’s south? How are Israeli tanks and armored vehicles being depleted so quickly, and the occupation forces dying in larger numbers than before?

If Netanyahu was betting that the subjugation of Jabalia, Rafah, and other key areas would facilitate his ability to negotiate the release of Israeli prisoners, he should cut his losses quickly to evade two defeats: a political one from his coalition partners and an angry public, and a military one in Gaza.

It is only a Gaza ceasefire that can save the Israeli prime minister from a Palestinian war of attrition, which will wear down Israeli morale, drain its economy, and frustrate its western allies.

For Haj Moussa, “the talk of Netanyahu and the occupation leaders about the expected victory, it is nothing but an illusion, and they are nothing but slogans that have nothing to do with the truth.”

Israeli Aggression on Gaza Continues: 228 Days of Targeting Palestinians as Death Toll Rises

May 21, 2024

EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / TOPSHOT – Injured Palestinians are transported to the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir al-Balah following Israeli bombardment of al-Bureij in the eastern Gaza Strip on May 21, 2024, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the militant group Hamas. (Photo by AFP)

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Since October 7th, Israeli occupation forces have maintained their relentless attacks on Gaza, resulting in numerous casualties and widespread destruction. On the 228th day of aggression, multiple Palestinian lives have been lost, including women and children, with many more injured or missing.

Israeli raids and artillery shelling targeted various areas including Beit Lahia, Khan Younis, Nuseirat Camp, al-Bureij Camp, and Jabalia refugee camp, along with al-Zaytoun Neighborhood, Rafah city, and Sheikh Ajlin. The violence has escalated in recent hours, with homes being bombed and innocent civilians bearing the brunt of the attacks.

In a sad incident, a little girl lost her life after the oxygen machine at Martyr Kamal Adwan Hospital was stopped due to the ongoing siege. This heartbreaking event underscores the dire humanitarian situation facing the people of Gaza amidst the continued Israeli onslaught.

Al-Manar English Website and Palestinian media

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Special coverage | The resistance continues its battles in Jabalia and Rafah… and snipers an Israeli soldier in the “Netzarim” axis.

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Israel’s Willing Executioners

MAY 14, 2024


Chris Hedges

Hundreds of thousands of people are being forced to flee, once again, after more than half of Gaza’s population took sanctuary in the border town of Rafah. This is part of Israel’s sadistic playbook.

Run, the Israelis demand, run for your lives. Run from Rafah the way you ran from Gaza City, the way you ran from Jabalia, the way you ran from Deir al-Balah, the way you ran from Beit Hanoun, the way you ran from Bani Suheila, the way you ran from Khan Yunis. Run or we will kill you. We will drop 2,000-pound bunker buster bombs on your tent encampments. We will spray you with bullets from our machine-gun-equipped drones. We will pound you with artillery and tank shells. We will shoot you down with snipers. We will decimate your tents, your refugee camps, your cities and towns, your homes, your schools, your hospitals and your water purification plants. We will rain death from the sky.

Run for your lives. Again and again and again. Pack up the pathetic few belongings you have left. Blankets. A couple of pots. Some clothes. We don’t care how exhausted you are, how hungry you are, how terrified you are, how sick you are, how old, or how young you are. Run. Run. Run. And when you run in terror to one part of Gaza we will make you turn around and run to another. Trapped in a labyrinth of death. Back and forth. Up and down. Side to side. Six. Seven. Eight times. We toy with you like mice in a trap. Then we deport you so you can never return. Or we kill you.

Let the world denounce our genocide. What do we care? The billions in military aid flows unchecked from our American ally. The fighter jets. The artillery shells. The tanks. The bombs. An endless supply. We kill children by the thousands. We kill women and the elderly by the thousands. The sick and injured, without medicine and hospitals, die. We poison the water. We cut off the food. We make you starve. We created this hell. We are the masters. Law. Duty. A code of conduct. They do not exist for us.

But first we toy with you. We humiliate you. We terrorize you. We revel in your fear. We are amused by your pathetic attempts to survive. You are not human. You are creatures. Untermensch. We feed our libido dominandi – our lust for domination. Look at our posts on social media. They have gone viral. One shows soldiers grinning in a Palestinian home with the owners tied up and blindfolded in the background. We loot. Rugs. Cosmetics. Motorbikes. Jewelry. Watches. Cash. Gold. Antiquities. We laugh at your misery. We cheer your death. We celebrate our religion, our nation, our identity, our superiority, by negating and erasing yours.

Depravity is moral. Atrocity is heroism. Genocide is redemption.

Jean Améry, who was in the Belgian resistance during World War II and who was captured and tortured by the Gestapo in 1943, defines sadism “as the radical negation of the other, the simultaneous denial of both the social principle and the reality principle. In the sadist’s world, torture, destruction, and death are triumphant: and such a world clearly has no hope of survival. On the contrary, he desires to transcend the world, to achieve total sovereignty by negating fellow human beings – which he sees as representing a particular kind of ‘hell.’”

Back in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa, Netanya, Ramat Gan, Petah Tikva who are we? Dish washers and mechanics. Factory workers, tax collectors and taxi drivers. Garbage collectors and office workers. But in Gaza we are demigods. We can kill a Palestinian who does not strip to his underwear, fall to his knees, beg for mercy with his hands bound behind his back. We can do this to children as young as 12 and men as old as 70.

There are no legal constraints. There is no moral code. There is only the intoxicating thrill of demanding greater and greater forms of submission and more and more abject forms of humiliation.

We may feel insignificant in Israel, but here, in Gaza, we are King Kong, a little tyrant on a little throne. We stride through the rubble of Gaza, surrounded by the might of industrial weapons, able to pulverize in an instant whole apartment blocks and neighborhoods, and say, like Vishnu, “now I have become death, the destroyer of worlds.”

But we are not content simply with killing. We want the walking dead to pay homage to our divinity.

This is the game played in Gaza. It was the game played during the Dirty War in Argentina when the military junta “disappeared” 30,000 of its own citizens. The “disappeared” were subjected to torture – who cannot call what is happening to Palestinians in Gaza torture? – and humiliated before they were murdered. It was the game played in the clandestine torture centers and prisons in El Salvador and Iraq. It is what characterized the war in Bosnia in the Serbian concentration camps.

This soul crushing disease runs through us like an electric current. It infects every crime in Gaza. It infects every word that comes out of our mouths. We, the victors, are glorious. The Palestinians are nothing. Vermin. They will be forgotten.

Israeli journalist Yinon Magal on the show “Hapatriotim” on Israel’s Channel 14, joked that Joe Biden’s red line was the killing of 30,000 Palestinians. The singer Kobi Peretz asked if that was the number of dead for a day. The audience erupted in applause and laughter.

We place “booby-trapped” cans resembling food tins in the rubble. Starving Palestinians are injured or killed when they open them. We broadcast the sounds of women screaming and babies crying from quadcopters to lure Palestinians out so we can shoot them. We announce food distribution points and use artillery and snipers to carry out massacres.

We are the orchestra in this dance of death.

In Joseph Conrad’s short story “An Outpost of Progress,” he writes of two white, European traders, Carlier and Kayerts. They are posted to a remote trading station in the Congo. The mission will spread European “civilization” to Africa. But the boredom and lack of constraints swiftly turn the two men into beasts. They trade slaves for ivory. They get into a feud over dwindling food supplies. Kayerts shoots and kills his unarmed companion Carlier.

“They were two perfectly insignificant and incapable individuals,” Conrad writes of Kayerts and Carlier:

“…whose existence is only rendered possible through the high organization of civilized crowds. Few men realize that their life, the very essence of their character, their capabilities and their audacities, are only the expression of their belief in the safety of their surroundings. The courage, the composure, the confidence; the emotions and principles; every great and every insignificant thought belongs not to the individual but to the crowd; to the crowd that believes blindly in the irresistible force of its institutions and its morals, in the power of its police and of its opinion. But the contact with pure unmitigated savagery, with primitive nature and primitive man, brings sudden and profound trouble into the heart. To the sentiment of being alone of one’s kind, to the clear perception of the loneliness of one’s thoughts, of one’s sensations – to the negation of the habitual, which is safe, there is added the affirmation of the unusual, which is dangerous; a suggestion of things vague, uncontrollable, and repulsive, whose discomposing intrusion excites the imagination and tries the civilized nerves of the foolish and the wise alike.”

Rafah is the prize at the end of the road. Rafah is the great killing field where we will slaughter Palestinians on a scale unseen in this genocide. Watch us. It will be an orgy of blood and death. It will be of Biblical proportions. No one will stop us. We kill in paroxysms of excitement. We are gods.

Gaza Day 214: IOF Launches Intense Aggression on Rafah, Halting Aid and Passenger Movement

May 7, 2024

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Israeli aggression against Gaza Strip on its 214th day continues, with intense bombardment in Rafah and raids in Gaza City and north. The Yarmouk area, east of Jabalia, Beit Lahia, and Beit Hanoun were targeted, leading to casualties among citizens. Reports indicate Israeli military vehicles entering Rafah land crossing, with buildings being hit by artillery shells.

Movement Halted at Rafah Crossing

Reports indicate that the Israeli military vehicles entered the direction of the Rafah land crossing, causing a halt in passenger movement and preventing aid from entering the Gaza Strip. The occupation forces have targeted crossing buildings with artillery shells, further escalating the situation.

Escalation of Violence in Northern Gaza Strip

In addition to the attacks on Rafah, the Israeli occupation forces have also targeted areas in the northern Gaza Strip, including towns like Beit Hanoun and Jabalia. The raids have resulted in casualties and further destruction in the region, adding to the already dire situation in the besieged territory.

Calls for Ceasefire Amid Continuing Aggression

Despite mediation efforts for a ceasefire in Gaza, the Israeli forces have continued their military operation in Rafah, aiming to pressure Hamas.

Source: Al-Manar English Website and Palestinian media

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200 days of Israeli aggression, 34,183 killed, 77,143 injured in Gaza

 April 22, 2024

Source: Agencies + Al Mayadeen

A Palestinian youth mourns his relative killed in the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip, at the morgue of the Kuwaiti Hospital in Rafah refugee camp, southern Gaza Strip, early Saturday, April 20, 2024. (AP Photo/Ismael Abu Dayyah)

By Al Mayadeen English

The Government Media Office in Gaza confirms the Israeli occupation forces committed a total of 3,025 massacres against Palestinians in the Strip.

The Ministry of Health in Gaza confirmed Tuesday that the number of Palestinians killed as a result of the ongoing Israeli aggression since October 7 has risen to 34,183 and those injured to 77,143.

In its daily report, the Ministry said that the Israeli occupation forces have committed three massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, resulting in 32 martyrs and 59 injuries who were transferred to hospitals in the past 24 hours.

It noted that many victims of the Israeli aggression remain trapped under rubble and on roads inaccessible to ambulance and civil defense crews.

A total of 3,025 massacres

On its part, the Government Media Office in Gaza confirmed that the Israeli occupation forces have committed a total of 3,025 massacres against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and dropped 75,000 tonnes of explosives on the enclave.

In an update on the figures resulting from 200 days of “Israel’s” genocidal war on Gaza, the Office emphasized that out of the 34,183 martyrs who reached hospitals, 14,778 are children and 9,752 are women. It added that 30 children lost their lives due to famine, confirming that 72% of the victims of the Israeli war were children and women.

According to the report, the Israeli occupation forces killed 485 medical staff, 67 civil defense crews, and 140 journalists.

It said that 7,000 are still missing and 17,000 children are now orphaned, living without one or both parents.

1,090,000 people suffered from infectious diseases

The Office mentioned that 11,000 wounded people are in need of travel for surgical procedures, while 10,000 cancer patients are facing death in need of treatment.

Touching on the collapsing health sector in the Strip, the report said that 32 hospitals and 53 health centers are now out of service due to the Israeli war on Gaza. It added that the occupation forces targeted 160 healthcare facilities and 126 ambulances.

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It said that 1,090,000 people suffered from infectious diseases, and 8,000 cases of viral hepatitis infections due to displacement were reported.

In addition, the lives of 60,000 pregnant women and 350,000 patients with chronic diseases are at risk due to the lack of healthcare and medication.

According to the Office, Israeli occupation forces detained 5,000 people, including 310 healthcare professionals and 20 journalists, during its genocidal war on the Gaza Strip.

Two million people displaced

Two million people are now displaced due to the Israeli war on Gaza, with the occupation forces completely destroying 86,000 residential units and partially destroying 294,000, the report confirmed.

It added that the Israeli occupation forces destroyed 181 governmental buildings, completely destroyed 103 educational institutions, and partially destroyed 309.

The Israeli occupation forces also did not spare places of worship from its strikes, destroying 239 mosques and partially destroying 317, in addition to targeting and destroying three churches.

Elsewhere, the report said that the Israeli occupation destroyed 206 archaeological and heritage sites in the Gaza Strip.

In total, the Israeli genocidal war on Gaza has caused 30 billion dollars in direct initial losses.

Israeli forces attempting to empty schools sheltering displaced Palestinians

In a related context, Al Mayadeen‘s correspondent in Gaza reported that the Israeli occupation forces have been carrying out airstrikes on the Strip coinciding with excavation operations since last night.

Our correspondent mentioned that Israeli naval vessels opened fire toward the coast of Deir al-Balah city in central Gaza, adding that Israeli warplanes launched an airstrike east of Salah al-Din Street in al-Bureij camp.

This comes in parallel with confrontations between Palestinian Resistance fighters and the raiding Israeli occupation forces, especially in the eastern areas of Beit Hanoun and east of Jabalia camp.

According to our correspondent, Israeli occupation forces are attempting to empty schools sheltering displaced Palestinians, including the Tal al-Rabi’ and Tal al-Zaatar schools.

He mentioned that Israeli warplanes carried out a series of airstrikes on Highway 10 south of the al-Zaytoun neighborhood, adding that Israeli shelling of a house in the Nuseirat camp, in central Gaza, killed one Palestinian and injured several.

Elsewhere, our correspondent in Gaza said another Palestinian was killed by Israeli drone fire targeting a group of civilians at a playground in Beit Lahia, northern Gaza Strip.

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War on Gaza

Gaza Massacres Proceed on Day 193 of Israeli War

 April 16, 2024

A screengrab by Al-Jazeera shows destruction in Gaza city due to the Israeli aggression.

Middle East – News – Palestine – Story of the day – Top

Brutal massacres went ahead in Gaza on the day 193 of the Israeli war on the besieged enclave, with international organizations warning against humanitarian crises.

Continuing Israeli attacks on central Gaza’s Nuseirat refugee camp killed several Palestinians, local media reported.

In northern Gaza Strip, casualties were reported as Israeli warplanes pounded Jabalia, targeting a mosque there.

Israeli army vehicles reportedly surrounded a school where hundreds of people were sheltering amid gunfire and explosions in Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip.

Separately, four people, including a child, were martyred and several wounded in an Israeli attack on a house west of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, the Wafa news agency reported.

Earlier on Monday, two mass graves were discovered by Gaza’s Ministry of Health and the Civil Defense Forces in the north of the Gaza Strip on Monday. The first mass grave was discovered at Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, and the second was found in Beit Lahiya.

Death Toll and “Health Disaster”

Health Ministry in Gaza announced that 46 people were martyred and 110 injured by Israeli strikes in the past 24 hours.

It put the death toll of citizens martyred since the start of Israeli aggression on October 7 at 33,843. The ministry added that the number of injured Palestinians reached 76,575.

Meanwhile, the ministry warned that generators powering Gaza’s few functional hospitals around the clock for months could now lose power “at any moment.”

Doctors perform surgery at the European Hospital in Khan Younis (Anadolu news agency).

Such a loss would bring about a “major health disaster”, it said, issuing an urgent appeal for new generators and the restoration of power lines in the besieged territory.

For its part, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) reported in its latest situation update that the amount of aid entering Gaza is far below the operational capacity of the open border crossings of the besieged enclave.

It added that an average of 181 aid trucks reaching Gaza daily fails to meet the Israeli occupation’s stated goal of facilitating the entry of 500 trucks per day.

One Gaza Child Killed or Injured Every 10 Minutes

On the other hand, a UNICEF official said that Gaza children have become the faces of the continuing war as their stories paint a “harrowing picture” of the human consequences of the conflict.

“Children are wearing a tremendous share of the scars of this war,” UNICEF communications specialist Tess Ingram – who left Gaza on Monday after spending two weeks there – told a UN press briefing in Geneva.

Tess Ingram, UNICEF communications specialist.

More than 12,000 children were injured in Gaza since October 7, 2023, she said, and this is “almost certainly an underestimate”.

“With at least 70 children injured every day, we need the number of medical evacuations to increase so children can access the care they urgently need. And with one child killed or injured every 10 minutes, above anything else we need a ceasefire.”

Source: Palestinian media and (edited by Al-Manar English Website

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Israeli onslaught on Gaza continues for 153rd day, 5 Martyrs in Rafah shelling

 March 7, 2024

TOPSHOT – A general view shows destroyed building and the rubble of the al-Faruq mosque on February 22, 2024, following an overnight Israeli air strike in Rafah refugee camp in the southern Gaza Strip, amid continuing battles between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas. (Photo by SAID KHATIB / AFP)

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As the Israeli aggression on Gaza entered its 153rd day, the violence escalated with Israeli occupation forces shelling areas in south and central Gaza.

The Israeli aggression led to five Palestinians being martyred in an airstrike on a house in the al-Jenenah neighborhood east of Rafah in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

The strikes occurred amidst confrontations between Palestinian Resistance fighters and Israeli occupation forces in the southern regions of Gaza. The Israeli artillery shelling also targeted the outskirts of Deir al-Balah in central Gaza.

Earlier reports indicated that five Palestinians were martyred and over 24 others injured in a separate attack near the al-Nabulsi and Kuwaiti roundabouts in Gaza City. In total, 17 Palestinians were killed in airstrikes targeting homes in refugee camps, with several more still missing under the rubble.

Furthermore, at least 29 people lost their lives in an Israeli shelling in Khan Younis. The al-Salah Mosque in Jabalia city was also targeted by Israeli forces, resulting in the deaths of five Palestinians, including two children and a woman.

The Health Ministry in Gaza reported a staggering 86 people killed and 113 injured in just 24 hours due to Israeli violence. The total number of Palestinians killed since the start of the Israeli aggression stands at 30,717, with 72,156 injuries reported.

some victims remain trapped under rubble, while others have succumbed to malnutrition and dehydration in hospitals due to the limited aid available.

The Ministry’s spokesperson confirmed the deaths of a 15-year-old child and a 72-year-old man due to these conditions.

The dire situation in Gaza continues to worsen, with the Israeli occupation hindering the arrival of crucial aid and emergency response teams to those in need.

Source: Palestinian media (translated by Al-Manar English Website)

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Day 148: Massacre in Jabalia, 30,320 killed, 71,533 injured in Gaza

March 2, 2024

Source: Al Mayadeen English

A Palestinian woman mourns a child killed in the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip, occupied Palestine, at a morgue in Khan Younis, Tuesday, February 27, 2024. (AP)

By Al Mayadeen English

In the past 24 hours, the Israeli occupation forces committed 10 massacres killing 92 Palestinian people and injuring 156 others.

On the 148th day of the Israeli aggression on Gaza, the Gaza Ministry of Health reported 10 massacres against families in the region. The tragic toll includes 92 martyrs and 156 injuries within the past 24 hours alone.

Compounding the devastation, some victims are still trapped under rubble and on roads, with the Israeli occupation hindering the arrival of ambulance and civil defense teams.

The overall impact of the Israeli aggression has now surged to a grim total of 30,320 martyrs and 71,533 injuries since October 7th of the previous year. The situation remains dire as Gaza faces continuous challenges amidst the ongoing conflict.

The Israeli occupation, according to Al Mayadeen’s correspondent in Gaza, killed 20 Palestinians and injured dozens as the Israeli occupation forces targeted an residential building west of Jabalia Camp in the northern Gaza Strip.

The correspondent also reported injuries among a group of farmers in the north of Beit Hanoun, north of Gaza after they were targeted by the IOF.

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Moreover, our correspondent indicated that an Israeli drone targeted a civilian car in the vicinity of the Al-Salah Association in Rafah, resulting in several injuries, and the wounded were transported to Al-Kuwait Specialized Hospital.

Several media outlets demand journalist protection in Gaza

More than 30 news organizations have signed an open letter expressing solidarity with journalists working in Gaza and demanding their safety and freedom to report.

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) coordinated the letter, which was signed by global news agencies AFPAP, and Reuters, as well as prominent media publications such as The Guardian, The New York Times, BBC News, and other outlets.

The letter explained that journalists and media workers in Gaza for almost 5 months have “overwhelmingly” been the main source of reporting in occupied Palestine and have been operating in “unprecedented conditions”.

The CPJ reported that at least 89 journalists and media workers in Gaza have been murdered during the war on Gaza.

Read more: Gaza Resistance inflicts heavy losses on Israeli troops in Khan Younis

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War on Gaza

Day120: Palestinian Resistance Continues Confronting Israeli Barbaric Attack on Gaza

February 3, 2024

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On the 120th day of its aggression on the Gaza Strip, the Israeli enemy continued committing genocidal crimes against the civilians, claiming more martyrs.

The Zionist warplanes targeted the various towns and cities of Gaza, especially Khan Younis, leaving hundreds of martyrs and injuries.

Meanwhile, the Zionist artillery targeted Al-Nasr neighborhood in Gaza city, claiming two martyrs.

12 martyrs were claimed in a Zionist bombardment at the residence of Hijazi family in Rafah, south of Gaza.

The Palestinian resistance, on the other hand, continued confronting the Zionist aggression on Gaza, inflicting losses upon the invading forces.

In this regard, Al-Quds Brigades fighters managed to down a Zionist spy drone in Khan Younis,

Al-Aqsa Brigades announced destroying an Israeli military vehicle and firing mortar shells at the enemy gatherings in Gaza city.

The video, which follows, shows Al-Mujahideen Brigades bombarding the Zionist occupation forces with short-range missiles in western Gaza city.

The following video displays Al-Quds Brigades fighters targeting an observatory tower for the IOF in eastern Jabalia camp.

Source: Al-Manar English Website

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الثلاثاء 23 كانون الثاني 2024

يوسف فارس

المقاومون خاضوا مواجهات عنيفة جداً في مختلف محاور القتال (أ ف ب)

غزة | في اليوم الثامن بعد المئة من الحرب الإسرائيلية على قطاع غزة، والخامس والثمانين على بدء العملية البرية، زادت قوات العدو من توسّع انتشارها الأفقي في مدينة خانيونس جنوب القطاع. وفي «يوم المعارك الصعب»، بحسب وصف الإعلام العبري، أقرّ جيش العدو بصورة أولية بمقتل 3 ضباط وإصابة نحو 20 آخرين، بعد أن نفّذت القوات البرية الإسرائيلية، عملية التفاف من عدة محاور، وصلت فيها إلى المنطقة الإنسانية الآمنة غرب المدينة. أما في شمال وادي غزة، فقد انسحبت الدبابات المتوغّلة من محور القرم وحي السلام شرق مخيم جباليا، بعد نحو خمسة أيام من المواجهات الضارية التي استطاعت فيها المقاومة استهداف أكثر من عشر آليات، بالقذائف المضادّة للدروع. على أن الانسحاب الأخير لم يخفّف من حدّة العمل المقاوم، إذ لاحق مقاومو «سرايا القدس»، القوات البرية التي تراجعت إلى تخوم مدنية جباليا، بالقرب من المقبرة الشرقية. وهناك، أُطلقت صليات كثيفة من الأسلحة الرشاشة، تجاه مواقع تخييم ومبيت الجنود. كما أعلنت كل من «سرايا القدس» و«كتائب القسام»، عن عملية استهداف مشتركة، بقذائف الهاون النظامية، لخطوط انسحاب وإعادة تموضع العدو شرق مخيم جباليا.الشهادات الميدانية التي قدّمها الأهالي في خانيونس، أكّدت أن المقاومين خاضوا مواجهات عنيفة جداً في مختلف محاور القتال. ووفقاً لشاهد عيان تحدّث إلى «الأخبار»، فقد شوهدت آليات إسرائيلية كثيرة وهي تحترق بعد استهدافها بالقذائف المضادّة للدروع. وفيما تؤخر المواجهات المشتعلة حتى اللحظة، خطوط التواصل بين الميدان و«الإعلام العسكري» التابع لـ«كتائب القسام»، يشير ما رشح من معلومات إلى أن الجهد الميداني لم يشهد أي فتور، على رغم كثافة الغارات الجوية والأحزمة النارية التي مهّدت كل شبر من الأرض تقدّمت إليه الدبابات. وفي هذا السياق، عرضت «سرايا القدس» مشاهد من عملية استحكام مدفعي، دكّت فيها تجمّعات لآليات وجنود الاحتلال في خانيونس.

غير أن ما هو نوعي في هذه العملية، هو أن الإحداثيات الدقيقة لتموضع الجنود، حصل عليها مقاومو السرايا، من طائرة استطلاع إسرائيلية مُسيّرة تمكّنوا من السيطرة عليها. كذلك أعلنت «كتائب القسام»، أنها تمكّنت من تفجير دبابة إسرائيلية في محور التقدم الجديد غرب مدينة خانيونس. وفي المنطقة الوسطى، أعلنت مجموعات «الشهيد عمر القاسم» التابعة لـ«الجبهة الديموقراطية لتحرير فلسطين»، عن تمكّنها من إيقاع قوّة إسرائيلية في كمين محكم، داخل «البلوك 7» في مخيم البريج.

المقاومة حصلت على إحداثيات دقيقة لتموضع الجنود، من مُسيّرة إسرائيلية وقعت في يدها

ولم تؤدّ العمليات البرية الموسّعة في جنوب القطاع، والجراحية الدقيقة في شماله، حتى اللحظة إلى الرضى المنشود، لا من المؤسسة العسكرية الإسرائيلية، حيث أعلن جنود الاحتياط الذين سُرّحوا من الحرب أخيراً، في لافتات علّقوها على آلياتهم العسكرية، أنهم لم يحققوا شيئاً، ولا من المحللين العسكريين الإسرائيليين، إذ أقرّت مصادر في جيش الاحتلال لصحيفة «يديعوت أحرونوت»، بأن «كتائب القسام» و«سرايا القدس»، تمكّنتا على نحو سريع، من إعادة ترميم البنية العسكرية لديهما، في كل منطقة انسحبت منها دبابات العدو، في شمال القطاع ووسطه. كذلك أقرّت مختلف الصحف العبرية، بأن القتال في غزة أصعب بكثير مما كان متوقّعاً، إذ فاقت منظومة التصنيع المحلية، وشبكات الأنفاق، تقديرات المؤسسة الأمنية الإسرائيلية.
من جهتها، تؤكد مصادر مطّلعة على مستوى تسليح المقاومة، ومخزونها البشري، أن التقديرات الإسرائيلية بأن حركة «حماس» لديها قدرة لا متناهية على تعويض الفاقد من مقاوميها، صحيحة ودقيقة، وذلك لأن غالبية قوات الاحتياط في تخصّصات غير النخبة، لم تشارك فعلياً حتى اللحظة في القتال، إذ إن طبيعة الميدان تقتضي الاعتماد على زمر قتالية لا تتجاوز أعدادها أصابع اليد الواحدة، تتولّى مهمة مشاغلة وإرباك وإلحاق الخسائر بألوية كاملة من جيش الاحتلال.

من ملف : خانيونس: أيام إسرائيل الأصعب

فيديوات ذات صلة


مقالات ذات صلة

Day 78: Gaza Resistance Still Steady Despite Israeli Carpet Bombing

December 23, 2023

Screen shot of a video showing Al-Qassam fighters targeting Israei occupation forces in Beit Lahia.

Israeli occupation continues its deadly bombardment of Gaza as the Palestinian resistance shows ultimate levels of resilience and courage on day 78 of the brutal aggression.

Al-Qassam and Al-Quds Brigades, the military wings of Hamas and Islamic Jihad resistance movements said their fighters have been engaging Israeli occupation forces in several areas across the Gaza Strip’s north and center.

Al-Qassam declared that its fighters detonated the shaft of a tunnel as an Israeli special force approached the tunnel in Juhr Al-Deek area in central Gaza strip. The resistance fighters then fired mortar shells at an Israeli unit which tried to save the first force.

The resistance group also said that one of its fighters managed to kill four Israeli soldiers after firing at them at point-blank range in Al-Qasasib neighborhood in Jabalia refugee camp.

Al-Qassam also announced that its fighters relaunched two unexploded missiles fired from Israeli warplanes. The missiles destroyed five tanks, inflicting losses upon their crews.

The military wing of Hamas resistance movement released two videos showing the clashes with occupation forces in Beit Lahia and Al-Magharka.

For its part, Al-Quds Brigades said their fighters destroyed a Merkava tank with a tandem charge projectile in Abu Sharakh roundabout in the Gaza Strip’s north.

Meanwhile, Al-Quds Brigades issued a video showing rockets launched towards the Israeli settlements bordering Gaza.

Israeli media, for its part, reported that sirens sounded in Gaza envelope settlements.

Al-Quds Brigades also released a video showing sniper activity against Israeli occupation forces east of Shejaiya neighborhood.

Carpet Bombing

On the other hand, the Israeli occupation pressed on with its deadly bombardment, described as carpet bombing, in several areas across the besieged enclave, as international organizations called for ceasefire, citing catastrophic humanitarian conditions.

The relentless strikes targeted, among other regions, Jabalia in the north, Nusseirat refugee camp in central Gaza and Deir Al-Balah in the strip’s south.

Earlier on Friday, the Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza put the death toll of the Israeli aggression at 20,057, adding that the number of injured people reached 53,320.

Thomas White, director of UNRWA affairs in Gaza, said the UN Security Council’s resolution “falls well short of what we need here in Gaza”.

“We need a ceasefire that will stop the killing of civilians and the destruction of civilian infrastructure in Gaza, but most importantly, to enable conditions on the ground here so we can effectively deliver aid to the people of Gaza,” White told Al Jazeera.

On its turn, Doctors Without Borders (MSF) has reiterated the need for a ceasefire to deliver aid.

“The way Israel is prosecuting this war, with US support, is causing massive death and suffering among Palestinian civilians and is inconsistent with international norms and laws. Even war has rules,” MSF said on X.

“Stop attacks on hospitals, healthcare workers and ambulances.”

Source: Al-Manar English Website


Day 77: Israeli Quest for Military Success in Gaza Hits Roadblocks

December 22, 2023

Israeli occupation troops in the Gaza Strip in a photo released on December 21, 2023.

The Israeli occupation is hardly looking for a military achievement to announce in Gaza on the 77th day of the brutal aggression on the besieged enclave.

The Israeli occupation army has been boasting with resounding statements by claiming to “destroy Hamas leaders tunnel network in Gaza city,” and “turning Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar’s home to dust.”

Such statements have been aimed at raising the morale of the Israeli army’s whose Golani Brigade’s 13th Battalion withdrew from Gaza after suffering significant losses.

Israeli Toll

The Israeli occupation army announced on Friday the death of two Israeli soldiers, taking the death toll of Israeli troops since the start of the ground offensive in Gaza to 139 and the total number of troops killed since Operation Al-Aqsa Flood to 470.

Meanwhile, the occupation army said that 23 soldiers have been injured in the ground battles in the last 24 hours, taking the number of wounded troops since the start of the ground offensive to more than 600 including 179 seriously injured and 302 others in moderate condition.

Israeli occupation forces in Gaza (photo released by occupation military on December 16, 2023).

On the other hand, according to figures offered by Beirut-based Union Center for Research and Development (known as U-Feed), 720 Israeli vehicles and tanks have been destroyed or damaged during the ground battles in Gaza.

Fierce Clashes

Meanwhile on Friday, fierce clashes were reported in Jabalia in northern Gaza Strip, indicating that the occupation army hasn’t been able yet to control the northern region of the strip as the Israeli media has been propagating.

Al-Qassam resistance fighter confronting Israeli occupation troops in Gaza’s Zeitoun Neighborhood (December 2023).

Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad resistance group announced that its fighters managed to down an Israeli drone over Gaza on Friday. It added that the resistance fighters fired heavy mortar shells on gatherings of Israeli occupation troops stationed in Al-Qurm roundabout in northern Gaza Strip.

Continuous Massacres

On the other hand, the Israeli occupation went ahead with its brutal aggression against the besieged enclave, staging more strikes and shelling against several areas across the strip including Jabalia in the north and Al-Bureij refugee camp in central Gaza Strip as well as Khan Yunis and Rafah in the south.

Palestinian Health Ministry announced on Friday that 390 Palestinians have been martyred and 734 injured in the past two days, raising the toll of martyrs to 20,057 and the number of injured to 53,320 since the start of the aggression on October 7th.

Source: Al-Manar English Website

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69 days of Israeli genocide: Over 100 martyrs in Gaza today

December 14, 2023

Source: Al Mayadeen

Palestinians salvage belongings after an Israeli air strike targeting residential buildings in Rafah, Gaza Strip, on Thursday, December 14, 2023. (AP)

By Al Mayadeen English

On the 69th day of the Israeli war on Gaza, the occupation forces committed new atrocities in the north, center, and south of the Gaza Strip.

A new massacre was committed by the Israeli occupation in Jabalia al-Balad, located in northern Gaza Strip, on Thursday, according to Al Mayadeen‘s correspondent who underscored that over 100 people have been martyred at the location.

An Israeli raid targeted and destroyed buildings in the neighborhood, and our correspondent reported that dozens of martyrs have been recovered from under the rubble so far.

In parallel, it was reported that the occupation also carried out a series of intense raids on Jabalia, al-Zaytoun, and al-Shujaiya. The raids also actively aimed at preventing ambulance crews from reaching the targeted regions, and the Civil Defense spokesperson said that artillery shells were falling on the heads of citizens randomly in these areas.

Our correspondent also pointed out that occupation snipers targeted two children, no more than 6 years old, and that occupation artillery fired shells randomly at the al-Saftawi area, north of Gaza City.

Alongside these attacks targeting the north of the Strip, our correspondent also underscored that the occupation targeted the city of Deir al-Balah in central Gaza.

Moreover, in Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, Al Mayadeen’s correspondent reported that the occupation committed two horrific massacres, pointing out that more than 100 martyrs, most of them displaced, were killed by hysterical Israeli air strikes in the past five hours.

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Gazans face ‘darkest chapter of their history since 1948’: UNRWA chief

The head of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees warned Wednesday that the people of Gaza were “running out of time and options” amid the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Strip.

“They face bombardment, deprivation and disease in an ever-shrinking space,” UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini told the Global Refugee Forum in Geneva.

Lazzarini described the situation in Gaza as “hell on earth”.

People in the Strip were “facing the darkest chapter of their history since 1948, and it has been a painful history,” he expressed.

“Israel’s” relentless bombardment and ground invasion in Gaza has left the Strip in ruins, killing more than 18,600 people, mostly women and children, according to the Ministry of Health in the Strip.

The UN estimates that 1.9 million of Gaza’s 2.4 million people have been displaced and are receiving goods from only around 100 aid trucks per day.

“We are very far from an adequate humanitarian response,” Lazzarini said.

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Operation Al Aqsa Flood

Al-Qassam, al-Quds brigades jointly ambush unit of 15 Israeli soldiers

December 13, 2023

Source: Al Mayadeen

Al-Qassam Brigades announces targeting the “Ra’im” military base in the Gaza Envelope settlements with a barrage of rockets. 

Israeli soldiers prepare to enter the Gaza Strip, at a staging area, Wednesday, Dec. 13, 2023 (AP)

By Al Mayadeen English

Intense confrontations between the Resistance and Israeli occupation forces in the eastern axis of Khan Younis, al-Zaytun, al-Shujaiya, and Jabalia, Al Mayadeen‘s correspondent in Gaza reported today, Wednesday.

Al-Qassam Brigades targeted an Israeli Merkava tank in the Ma’an area of Khan Younis with an al-Yassin 105 RPG, setting it ablaze.

Additionally, seven Israeli tanks and two armored vehicles were targeted with al-Yassin 105 RPGs and Shawaz IEDs in the eastern and northern axes of Khan Younis.

Al-Qassam Brigades had also targeted the “Ra’im” military base in the Gaza Envelope settlements with a barrage of rockets. 

Meanwhile, al-Quds Brigades announced targeted a gathering of Israeli soldiers in the vicinity of the al-Thilal Mosque along the eastern axis in Khan Younis with a barrage of 60mm mortar shells.

Al-Quds Brigades fighters were also engaged in fierce confrontation with occupation soldiers in al-Zaytun neighborhood, east of Gaza, where they targeted two military vehicles with Tandem charges.

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The group also targeted three military vehicles and an armored personnel carrier with Tandem charges and point-blank IEDs in the Jabalia camp and the Tawam area, north of Gaza.

Al-Quds Brigades also announced targeting gatherings of Israeli soldiers with rockets and mortar shells in the vicinity of al-Mahatta area in Khan Younis.

The fighters also engaged an Israeli infantry force from point-blank range in al-Shujaiya neighborhood, leading to the death and injury of its members.

Al-Quds Brigades also announced a joint operation with al-Qassam, whereby together they ambushed a unit of 15 Israeli soldiers, in al-Mughraqa area, leading to their death and injury.

Furthermore, the group’s Resistance fighters targeted an Israeli Merkava tank with a Tandem charge in al-Shujaiya axis, setting it aflame. They engaged in fierce confrontations with Israeli occupation forces in al-Shujaiya, inflicting confirmed injuries among the occupation soldiers.

On its part, al-Mujahideen Brigades announced that its fighters in the northern Gaza brigade engaged in fierce and violent confrontations with occupation soldiers and vehicles along the Jabalia axis.

Meanwhile, alarm sirens were repeatedly reported to be sounding in the Gaza Envelope settlements. 

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Operation Al Aqsa Flood

Day 68: Palestinian Resistance Steadfastly Confronts Israeli Barbarism

December 13, 2023

Palestinian resistance fighters in Gaza.

The Palestinian resistance continues to fight against Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip, with heroic acts of defiance leading to heavy casualties among the Israeli occupation forces.

In a recent ambush in the neighborhood of Shujaiya in Gaza City, the Israeli occupation army admitted to the killing of 10 officers and soldiers, while seven others were wounded.

AL-Qassam Brigades, in their ongoing resistance against the invading occupation forces, announced the successful targeting of seven Zionist tanks and two personnel carriers using “Yassin 105” missiles and “shawaz” anti-armor device.

Al-Quds Brigades, on the other hand, reported fierce clashes with Israeli occupation soldiers in the Zeitoun neighborhood of eastern Gaza. They successfully targeted two military vehicles with “tandem” missiles. In Jabalia camp and the AL-Tawam area in northern Gaza, three companies of Al-Quds Brigades launched attacks on Israeli occupation military vehicles and a personnel carrier using “tandem” missiles. They also shelled military gatherings and Israeli soldiers in various locations.

Abu Hamza, a military spokesman for the Al-Quds Brigades, expressed unwavering determination, stating that the battle is not only about eliminating the resistance or securing the release of prisoners, but about settling scores with the Palestinian people and their resistance. He saluted fellow mujahideen in Lebanon, Iraq, and Yemen, highlighting their solidarity as Ansar Allah.

Abu Hamza Islamic Jihad
Abu Hamza, Spokesman of Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad resistance movement (photo from archive).

Meanwhile, the Al-Qassam Brigades released a photo of Zionist captives killed in Gaza, emphasizing that they will not be freed without a conditional exchange.

Israeli Aggression on 68th Day

‘Israel’ continued their brutal attacks on Gaza, this included hundreds of airstrikes, artillery shelling, and firebombing, resulting in numerous massacres and the destruction of homes. The occupation forces launched an artillery bombardment on Khan Yunis and its center, causing the death of four individuals, including two women, two children, and injuries to others. Additional casualties occurred when houses were targeted in Khan Yunis camp and Block G, as well as the fatayer family home in Deir al-Balah.

The Israeli occupation forces also fired flares and artillery shells near the Nasser Medical Complex Hospital in Khan Younis. In the midst of this ongoing aggression, the residents of southern Gaza faced flooding in their displaced tents due to heavy rains.

Furthermore, journalist Abdul Karim Odeh was among the many casualties, bringing the number of journalist martyred since October 7 to 87. Artillery shelling by the Israeli occupation forces continued in the neighborhoods of Al-Tafel and Al-Derg in eastern Gaza.

Palestinian Ministry of Health reported that there were 17 massacres and genocide crimes committed in the past hours, resulting in 207 deaths and 450 injuries. The toll from the Israeli aggression now stands at 18,412 martyrs and 50,100 injuries since October last year, as outlined by the Ministry of Health spokesperson.

Source: Al-Manar English Website and Agencies 

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Palestinian Resistance Unleashes Heroic Epics in Ongoing Confrontation with IOF in Gaza

 December 11, 2023

The Palestinian resistance continues to defy the Israeli occupation forces as they are trying to advance into Gaza. After 66 relentless days, the resistance’s unwavering determination has resulted in substantial losses among the enemy ranks.

Recent reports from Palestinian sources shed light on violent clashes between Palestinian resisters and occupation soldiers in Ma’an and Bani Suheila, located east of Khan Yunis. Meanwhile, the al-Qassam Brigades launched a series of mortar attacks on occupation military concentrations within the station area of Khan Yunis. The al-Quds Brigades also joined the fray by bombarding the enemy’s positions around the shadow mosque in the eastern axis of Khan Yunis using multiple mortar shells.

Speaking in a statement released on Sunday, the Qassam Brigades declared that their fighters had successfully destroyed forty-four military vehicles, either entirely or partially, in various battlefronts across the Gaza Strip over the past 48 hours. Furthermore, they confirmed the elimination of forty Israeli occupation soldiers while dozens of others were injured during assaults on their positions and encampments.

The attacks involved the use of anti-fortification missiles, shells, anti-personnel canisters, and engagement from point-blank range. Targets included field command headquarters, military gatherings, and strategically rigged buildings, resulting in massive explosions. Mortars and short-range rockets also played a significant role in demolishing occupation military infrastructure.

Abu Obeida, the military spokesperson for the Qassam Brigades, expressed his satisfaction with their performance and unity, stressing that thousands of fighters were awaiting their turn on the battlefield. He highlighted the successful targeting of the occupation forces in both old and new incursion axes.

Notably, the Qassam Brigades managed to destroy more than 180 military vehicles in prominent areas like Shuja’iya, Zeitoun, Sheikh Radwan, Jabalia camp, Beit Lahiya, Deir al-Balah, and Khan Yunis. These attacks included the use of Yasin shells, canisters, guerrilla tactics, ambushes, machine guns, booby-trapped tunnels, entrapment maneuvers, and sniping operations.

Abu Obaida remarked that the Qassam Brigades also launched mortar and rocket attacks, targeting occupied cities with dozens of explosive bursts. He confidently asserted that verified casualties occurred among the occupation forces, with most Qassam fighters returning to their positions unharmed.

In a powerful display of the resistance’s strength, photos were released showcasing wounded soldiers being airlifted by occupation helicopters following the bombing of the “sofa” military site.

Simultaneously, the Al-Quds Brigades revealed that its resistance fighters had bombarded gatherings of Israeli occupation military vehicles in progress axes using heavy-caliber mortar shells. In addition, they targeted several Israeli military vehicles in Jabalia, Falluja, and the Shujaiya camp in northern Gaza.

A moment that captured the resistance’s relentless spirit occurred when the Al-Quds Brigades blew up a house in the Shujaiya neighborhood, where more than thirteen Israeli occupation soldiers were attempting to locate a tunnel entrance. One of their martyred fighters successfully emerged from the tunnel and killed two occupation soldiers before demolishing the entire house, inflicting significant  casualties.

These fierce battles and clashes have forced the occupation to acknowledge the growing power of the resistance on the ground. The enemy finds themselves surprised daily by the resistance’s unwavering determination and resourcefulness during the ongoing conflict.

Source: Al-Manar Eglish Website

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Yemeni threat poses very serious strategic threat to ‘Israel’: Media

December 10, 2023

Source: Israeli media

A picture taken during an organized tour by the Yemeni Ansar Allah movement on November 22, 2023, shows the Galaxy Leader cargo ship, seized by the Yemeni Navy, docked in a port on the Red Sea in the Yemeni province of Hodeida, with Palestinian and Yemeni flags installed on it. (AFP)

By Al Mayadeen English

Israeli media say “Israel” is framing the Yemeni threats in the Red and Arabian Seas as detrimental to global trade and shipping routes.

Israeli media outlets commented Saturday on Yemen’s recent decision to prohibit any ship from reaching Israeli ports via the Arabian and Red seas if Gaza’s needs for food and medicine are not met.

Tamir Hayman, the former head of the Israeli occupation’s military intelligence division, said that the Yemeni threat is a problem for “Israel’s national security” and poses a very serious strategic threat to “Israel’s maritime freedom,” pointing out that Yemeni threats would impact Israelis in terms of higher living costs.

In a related context, the military commentator for the Israeli Channel 12, Nir Dvori, mentioned that “Israel” is attempting to convey a message to the United States that the Yemeni threats are not just “Israel’s” problem but a global issue, requiring not only Israeli intervention but global attention.

Dvori emphasized that “Israel” is framing the Yemeni threats as detrimental to global trade and shipping routes, stressing the importance of addressing this matter globally rather than “Israel” tackling it alone.

On his part, Chen Herzog, the Chief Economist at BDO Consulting, warned that the Yemeni threat to maritime shipping to “Israel” could lead to a hefty economic price in living costs and supply chains, highlighting that “Israel’s” annual import volume of goods amounts to around 400 billion shekels, with 70% arriving by sea.

Herzog explained that the Yemeni threat impacts “Israel” at three levels: firstly, an increase in insurance costs for maritime transport to “Israel” due to heightened risks. Secondly, the potential shift in shipping routes from the East to “Israel” may require vessels to circumnavigate Africa instead of passing through the Bab el-Mandeb Strait and the Red Sea. This would extend sailing time by 30 days, resulting in increased maritime shipping costs. The third level is manifested in foreign shipping companies entirely avoiding Israeli ports to mitigate risks or due to insurance company restrictions.

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The Yemeni Armed Forces announced on Sunday the introduction of a new actionable decision in support of Gaza, which will see the prohibition of all ships bound to the occupation entity, regardless of their nationality, from passing through the Arabian and Red Seas until food and medicine sufficient to the needs of the population enter the besieged Strip.

In a statement, Yemeni Armed Forces Spokesperson Brigadier General Yahya Saree declared that this prohibition is “effective immediately,” noting that Sanaa, “out of its commitment to the safety of maritime navigation, warns all ships and companies against dealing with Israeli ports.”

“The Yemeni Armed Forces emphasize their full commitment to the continuity of global trade movement through the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea for all ships and all countries, except those ships associated with Israel or those that will transport goods” to the occupation entity.

It is worth noting that the spokesperson did not void the earlier equation, which constitutes that the Yemeni army will continue targeting Israeli ships in the Red Sea until the war on Gaza stops.

Implementing previous warnings, the Yemeni Armed Forces captured last month the Israeli Galaxy Leader vessel in the Red Sea via a naval operation landing on its deck, before leading it to the sea off the coast of Hodeidah.

The army also successfully targeted two Israeli cargo ships earlier this month, using a drone and missiles, while forcing several shipping vessels to reroute or entirely change course away from the Red Sea, subsequently increasing delivery periods, costs, and insurance rates.

Read more: Yemeni decision against ‘Israel’-bound ships is in response to US veto

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Operation Al Aqsa Flood

Israel’s 43-minute Hamas atrocity video exposed

DEC 6, 2023

From private screenings to media manipulations and outright lies, the Israeli military is pulling out all the stops in its propaganda blitz to justify a total war on Gaza

William Van Wagenen

As the third month unfolds since the Hamas-led 7 October Al-Aqsa Flood operation and Israel’s scorched earth response on the Gaza Strip, it is evident that all is not progressing as planned for Tel Aviv. Both on the ground and in the online propaganda war, Israel’s claims are consistently debunked and exposed as fake news.

Under scrutiny now is the much-ballyhooed 43-minute video compilation of 7 October events that the Israeli army has screened exclusively for select journalists and dignitaries. The footage allegedly shows the “worst atrocities” committed that day – acts that Israel says are too brutal for viewing by the general public.

When first presented to 100 international media representatives on 23 October, Israeli army spokesperson Daniel Hagari drew parallels between Hamas and ISIS. He stated Hamas had:

“Decided to commit this crime against humanity … to rape, to kill indiscriminately, to behead people. And yes … also babies. And they did this with complete understanding of what they were doing and what will happen afterward in Gaza as a consequence.”

But now prominent Guardian journalist Owen Jones, who watched the footage at a private screening, has emerged to say that not only does the video fall short of those claims, but it is being deliberately used to justify Israel’s horrific assault on Gaza’s civilians.

Horrific scenes

The fact that Jones is one of the few journalists questioning Israel’s video narrative speaks volumes about how carefully the Israeli army has screened its invitation list and limited invites to a trusted coterie of VIPs.

Like many others, Owen’s Guardian colleague Rory Carroll, who wrote about the footage after its first screening at a military base in Tel Aviv, dutifully recited the Israeli narrative without questioning its purpose. Although it is unclear whether Carroll himself viewed the video, he lists some truly horrific scenes that “left some reporters in tears,” and “included the killing of children and decapitation of some victims.” 

Carroll’s only hint at a possible motivation behind the Israeli army’s video is in his penultimate paragraph: “The screening took place amid renewed appeals to Israel to halt its bombing of Gaza, which killed at least 400 Palestinians in the past 24 hours,” while adding that Israeli bombing had killed more than 5,000 Palestinians including 2,055 children, since 7 October.

But when fellow Guardian journalist Owen Jones was finally granted access to the video a month later, he found plenty of inconsistencies in the Israeli military’s assertions. 

Jones acknowledged the horrific nature of many scenes in the video, such as a Hamas fighter using a grenade to kill a father and injure his two young sons, and another brutally beheading a Thai farm worker with a garden tool. However, Israel’s most high-profile claims were conspicuously absent. Jones explains that,

“We were told of large-scale beheading, including of 40 babies … [But] we don’t see children being killed … If there was torture, no evidence is given … If there was rape and sexual violence committed, we don’t see this on the footage either.” 

Similarly, Jones’ Guardian colleague had written that the footage showed Hamas attackers entering a house and killing a young girl, perhaps 7 years old, whom they found hiding under a table. But Jones confirmed that no such footage of a young girl being killed existed in the video of the screening he attended.

Jones also states that the video included an audio recording of a Hamas fighter who calls his mother from the phone of one of his Israeli victims, bragging to her of having killed “ten Jews.” 

However, Jones notes that the Israeli military has previously released audio recordings “whose veracity has been challenged by experts” to bolster its propaganda since 7 October. For example, Israel has conveniently produced dubious audio recordings helpful in covering up its bombing of hospitals and ambulances.

Defending Israel’s massacres

By showing the footage only to select journalists viewed as sympathetic to Israel, rather than releasing it publicly for broader scrutiny, the Israeli military appears to be seeking to to justify its own war crimes in Gaza. 

Jones stated that he and the other journalists were “told at the beginning of the screening, the point of this exercise was to encourage us to use our platforms to defend Israel’s onslaught on Gaza.”

It is a shocking directive from the Israeli military, one that hundreds of other journalists did not bother to reveal to their global audiences.

But Jones refused to use his platform for that purpose, stating instead that: “Watching this film of horrors, and they are horrors, does not lead me to want to support other horrors.” 

Jones explained that by the time of the screening, the death toll in Gaza had already reached some 20,000, including 8,000 children. Jones pointed out that just the number of children Israel had killed in Gaza was almost ten times greater than the 900 Israeli civilians Hamas had allegedly killed on 7 October.

In this regard, Jones agreed with the son of Vivian Silver, a Canadian-Israeli woman thought kidnapped by Hamas on 7 October but later found dead. When asked if he agreed with the Israeli government’s actions in Gaza, he responded: “No, I don’t think you can heal pain with more pain.”

But the Israeli army’s private screening of Hamas attacks on 7 October had an additional objective. 

Eylon Levy, an Israeli government spokesperson, said the video was being shown to counter the “Holocaust denial-like phenomenon” about the scale of Hamas atrocities. Levy was concerned that Israel’s propaganda had already lost credibility, even among US officials and western journalists. 

The claim of Hamas’ wide-scale beheading of children originated on 10 October when the i24 news site, seen as close to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, claimed that, “Some soldiers say they found babies with their heads cut off, entire families gunned down in their beds. Multiple babies and young children have been taken out on gurneys — so far.” 

This merged with another unverified claim from the outlet that Hamas had killed 40 children to become 40 beheaded babies.

An Israeli military spokesperson stated the claims could not be confirmed but asked reporters to believe them anyway. “We couldn’t see it with our own eyes, but obviously, it happened … This stuff happens,” he told the Intercept on 11 October.

US President Joe Biden even repeated the allegation, saying the Israelis had shown him “confirmed pictures of terrorists beheading children.” But a White House spokesperson later clarified that neither the president nor US officials had seen images or heard independently confirmed reports of beheaded children.

Ashes and bones

At the time of the first video screening, Israeli spokespersons Levy and Hagari were also dealing with the fallout from Israeli media reports showing that, in addition to those killed by Hamas on 7 October, many Israeli civilians and soldiers had been killed by the army itself.

To regain control of the military bases and settlements taken over by the resistance, and to prevent them from taking soldiers and civilians captive back to Gaza, the Israeli military employed overwhelming firepower, including armed Zik drones, Apache helicopters, and Merkava tanks. In accordance with the Hannibal Directive, occupation forces massacred many of their own civilians and soldiers. 

The video showing Hamas’ actions, some real but others imagined, was therefore needed to deflect responsibility for these deaths. This included responsibility for the killing of 12-year-old Liel Hetzroni.

Naftali Bennett, the former Israeli Prime Minister, expressed his outrage over her death on the social media site X, claiming “Liel Hetzroni of Kibbutz Beeri was murdered in her home by Hamas monsters.”

However, Israeli eyewitnesses revealed that the young girl, her twin brother, and her aunt were killed by Israeli tank fire, along with at least eight other captives barricaded in a home with Hamas fighters.

When the remains of Liel’s body were identified, only ash and bone fragments remained.

But Bennett used the horror of Liel’s death to justify further horrors in Gaza, claiming, “We’re fighting the most just war: to ensure this can never happen again.”

Just one day after Bennett’s post about 12-year-old Liel, Reuters reported the plight of a four-year-old Palestinian child, Ahmed Shabat. 

“The boy keeps asking for his parents, and he wants to get up and walk, but his parents are dead and his legs have been amputated,” after an Israeli airstrike hit their home in the town of Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza.

The force of the blast threw the boy into a neighboring house. His two-year-old brother survived the Israeli attack, but 17 members of the boys’ family were killed, Reuters added.

Amateurish and crooked

As the Israeli army’s killing of Palestinians in Gaza continues, so do its efforts to manipulate the media to justify them.

On 28 November, Ishay Cohen of Kikar HaShabbat, a Haredi news website, published an interview with an Israeli soldier who claimed that dead “babies and children were hung in a clothesline in a row,” by Hamas on 7 October.

Cohen later deleted the video, as the claim could not be confirmed, but not before it went viral.

One X user criticized Cohen, writing, “How do you upload such a video online without having 100% certainty? Why is everything here amateurish and crooked?”

Cohen explained the reasons for his mistake, saying: 

“I admit that I didn’t think it was necessary to check the truth of a story brought by a lieutenant colonel, a general officer of the Gaza division … Why would an army officer make up such a horrific story? I was wrong.”

Tragically, Israeli propaganda to win support for its onslaught in Gaza has so far been a success, at least based on the inaction of the international community to hold the occupation state accountable for its war crimes. Moreover, despite feigning concern about protecting Palestinian civilian life, the Biden administration has provided Israel roughly 57,000 artillery shells and 15,000 bombs, including 100 BLU-109, 2,000-pound bunker buster bombs since 7 October.

The Wall Street Journal reported that according to US officials, Israel used one such bomb in “an attack that leveled an apartment block in Gaza’s Jabalia refugee camp, killing more than 100 people.”

While the tragic killing of 112 Israelis in Kibbutz Be’eri on 7 October will long be remembered as part of “Israel’s 9/11,” the killing of 100 Palestinians in Jabalia on 31 October was only briefly in the headlines. It was quickly overwhelmed in the following days and weeks by almost daily additional Israeli massacres, the videos of which anyone can freely see online for themselves – with no invitation-only, private screenings involved.

The views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of The Cradle.

Israeli Aggression on Gaza Reaches 61st Day: Brutal Massacres and Genocide Continue

December 6, 2023

The Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip has entered its 61st consecutive day. Today, the occupation forces intensified their raids, shelling, and brutal attacks on innocent Palestinian civilians. Amidst this unimaginable tragedy, the Palestinian resistance continues to show heroic resilience and fight back against the occupation forces.

According to the Palestinian Information Center, the occupation’s aircraft, artillery, and boats have carried out countless raids and bombardments across the Gaza Strip, resulting in hundreds of martyrs and wounded individuals. The southern regions, particularly Khan Yunis, have been heavily targeted by the violent bombings and ground incursion, unleashing chaos and devastation on the area.

Reports indicate that the Palestine School for displaced persons in Jabalia was bombed by Israeli forces, causing a significant number of casualties. The innocent casualties include a child martyr from the Baraka family, who fell victim to gunfire from the occupation forces near the Malak School for the Displaced.

Additionally, Israeli helicopters have unleashed fire towards eastern areas of Khan Yunis, while launching smoke bombs at a school for displaced people. The occupation forces have also engaged in massive bulldozing and destruction operations in towns like Bani Suhaila, Abasan, and Al-Qarara.

The situation has worsened to the point where many families in different neighborhoods of Bani Suhaila are now besieged, with appeals made to the Red Cross to coordinate their safe exit due to the deteriorating humanitarian conditions and fear of indiscriminate bombing.

The relentless onslaught by the occupation forces continues with no respite. The unrelenting airstrikes have targeted civilian houses, including a house in “Block 2” in the Jabalia camp, killing innocent people, including children.

In a cruel new raid, the house of the Abu Mustafa family in the western camp of Khan Yunis was bombed, resulting in the deaths of three individuals, including a young girl. Medical sources confirmed the tragic deaths of Ramez Al-Najjar, director of the Khuzaa Governmental Clinic, and his son Zaid, during the occupation army’s storming of the Rumaydah area in Bani Suhaila.

The occupation aircraft and artillery have shown no mercy, bombing various areas like Al-Tuffah, Al-Daraj, and Al-Shuja’iya neighborhoods in Gaza City. Khuza’a, Abasan, Al-Fukhari, and the Nuseirat camp have also been subjected to intense artillery shelling and airstrikes, causing further injuries and devastation.

The use of phosphorus bombs by the occupation forces in the Jabalia refugee camp has added to the horror experienced by the innocent civilians. The western areas of Khan Yunis were bombed by occupation aircraft late into the night, claiming more innocent lives and causing further destruction.

In a horrifying event, seven citizens lost their lives when the occupation targeted a house belonging to the Younes family in the Nuseirat camp. The extent of the devastation and the number of casualties continue to rise, with hundreds of martyrs still buried under the rubble and their bodies yet to be recovered by overwhelmed civil defense crews.

The government media office revealed that since the refusal of the humanitarian truce, the Israeli occupation army has committed 77 massacres, resulting in the death of 1,248 martyrs who arrived at hospitals. This brings the total number of martyrs who have reached hospitals to a staggering 16,248, in 1,550 massacres since the start of this brutal war. Among the victims are 7,112 children and 4,885 women.

The medical teams have also suffered immense losses, with 286 martyrs, including 32 civil defense crew members, and 81 journalists losing their lives. The number of missing individuals has reached 7,600, either buried under the rubble or their fate unknown.

The Gaza Strip is also grappling with a high number of infections, with 43,616 individuals reported to be infected.

Source: Palestinian media and Al-Manar English Website

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