‘Democracy won, Western media lost’: Erdogan makes victory speech

May 29, 2023

Source: Agencies

Turkish President and People’s Alliance’s presidential candidate Recep Tayyip Erdogan, center, gestures to supporters at the presidential palace, in Ankara, Turkey, May 28, 2023 (AP)

By Al Mayadeen English 

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses his supporters after winning the Turkish presidential election and underlines that democracy won in Turkey.

The Turkish presidential election went smoothly without any problems, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Sunday during his victory speech, adding that the people gave him the responsibility of managing the country for another five years.

Erdogan also thanked the Turkish people from all walks of life, regardless of their allegiance to him or other parties, as well as all those who contributed to the success of the electoral process, especially the Turkish security forces.

“We won the Parliament in the first round, and in the second round, we took the presidency. Turkey and democracy both won,” the Turkish leader underlined. “No one lost in Turkey.”

The Republican People’s Party gave seats to certain parties despite the latter not having even 1% of the vote.

Western media lost

All the obstacles that once stood in Turkey’s face are a thing of the past now, Erdogan added, telling his supporters that Turkey was before a “new and strong” century, referring to the 100-year-anniversary of the founding of the Turkish republic.

The Justice and Development Party (AKP) gave strength to Turkey throughout the past because of the Turkish people,” Erdogan said, stressing that “democracy reigns victorious, and Western media, as well as those who sided with Western institutions, lost.”

“Turkey knows about the Western media and organizations’ plans: they want to obstruct the country’s progress. The Turkish people will not accept this,” he added.

The government will be moving in the direction of developing the country’s economy and dealing with inflation as well as the repercussions of the earthquake, the Turkish leader revealed. “We are the only ones capable of dealing with the country’s problems, not the resistance that has nothing to show but words.”

Turkey working on return of refugees

Upon paying off its debts, the Turkish government severed its ties with the International Monetary Fund, the Turkish president said.

“The opposition wanted to bring in debts from abroad, and if that were to happen, it will open the country up to foreign interventions. This is unacceptable,” Erdogan added.

The government previously worked on and will continue working on extracting Turkish oil and gas, he stressed, pledging to work on developing the country’s tech sector and will increase the number of hospitals and investments in the energy sector.

“We are working on returning the refugees. We have repatriated a million refugees as of late.

Speaking on Turkey’s ties with Russia, Erdogan promised to work on developing economic ties with Russia while also bolstering the tourism and service sector.

The Supreme Election Council chief said on Sunday that Erdogan won the presidential election with 52.14% of the vote.

“After processing 99.43% of the ballots from polling stations in Turkey and in foreign missions and border crossings, Erdogan received 52.14% of the vote, while [Kemal] Kilicdaroglu received 47.86%,” Ahmet Yener told a press conference.

In the wake of learning of his election victory, Erdogan, alongside his supporters, celebrated the victory at his home in Istanbul before the official election results not being declared yet.

Speaking from the porch of his home in Istanbul, the Turkish President hailed his supporters and the Turkish people.

Saying: “Bye, bye, bye, Kemal,” referring to his opponent, opposition leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu, Erdogan declared his victory before thousands of his supporters in Istanbul as he prepared to lead the country for an additional five years while the country’s major cities were celebrating the major victory.

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‘Bye, bye, bye Kemal’, Erdogan declares election victory

28 May 2023

Source: Al Mayadeen

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech to supporters outside his residence in Istanbul, Turkey, Sunday, May 28, 2023 (AP Photo/Francisco Seco)

By Al Mayadeen English 

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan declares his election victory after garnering the majority of the vote in the country’s runoff election.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan won Sunday the Turkish presidential election in the runoff round, and he, alongside his supporters, celebrated the victory at his home in Istanbul despite the official election results not being declared yet.

After 99.08% of the votes were counted, Erdogan had 52,07% of the vote, with opposition leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu lagging behind at 47,93%.

Speaking from the porch of his home in Istanbul, the Turkish President hailed his supporters and the Turkish people.

“We will be ruling the country for the coming five years […] God willing, we will be deserving of your trust,” he said.

Saying: “Bye, bye, bye, Kemal,” referring to his opponent, Erdogan declared his victory before thousands of his supporters in Istanbul as he prepared to lead the country for an additional five years while the country’s major cities were celebrating the major victory.

“The people has given us the responsibility [to lead the country] for the next five years,” Erdogan said. “We have repeatedly said that those who serve the people will never be defeated.”

According to the Turkish President, Kilicdaroglu, the leader of the Republican People’s Party, leased parliamentary seats to certain parties.

“The supporters of the Republican People’s Party will hold the party’s leader accountable for these results,” the leader underlined. 

“From now on, we will continue our struggle for Turkey […] the only true winner today is Turkey,” he added. 

The AKP leader, 69, overcame Turkey’s biggest economic crisis in generations and the most powerful opposition alliance to ever face his party, winning the election by a landslide.

Near complete results showed him leading Kilicdaroglu by four percentage points.

Turks returned to the polls on Sunday for the runoff round of the Turkish election to decide whether President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will extend his rule or will be unseated by his opponent Kemal Kilicdaroglu who promised to “restore a more democratic society” in Turkey.

Polls opened at 8 am local time, and the process ended at 5 pm local time, while results are expected to be announced a few hours after polls close.

On May 14, no presidential candidate ensured 50%+1 of the vote in the first round of the elections.

More than 191,000 ballot boxes are set up in 973 districts and 1,094 electoral boards across the country.

Ogan, who won 5.2% of the votes in the first round, asked his voters to support Erdogan in the second round.

Many are attributing Erdogan’s victory to the move done by his third-party opponent in the first round, though the president had already garnered the majority.

Read next: Round II: Erdogan, Kilicdaroglu heading for presidential runoff

Is NATO falling apart?

November 22, 2022

Something quite amazing has just happened.  Following the terrorist attack in Ankara which killed 34 people and injured another 125, Turkish authorities first declared that they will not accept US condolences.  Then the Turks launched a military operation against “Kurdish terrorists in northern Syria“.  Turkey then claimed to have neutralized 184 terrorists.

What is not mentioned in those articles is that the target of the Turkish strike was the US-run center for the training and education of PKK militants in Rojava.  There are rumors that the Turks gave the US enough warning time to evacuate most of its personnel.

Does that sound familiar?

If it does, it is because it is very similar to what the Iranians did when they hit US bases in Iraq following the murder of General Solemani in a US drone strike.

If the above is true, and rumors are very much “if” and cannot be considered as proven fact, then that means that a NATO member state (Turkey) just attacked a US base and, like Iran, got away with it: the “The Finest Fighting Force in the History of the World” just got whacked hard and humiliated for a second time and could do absolutely nothing to defend itself or even save face.

How big a slap in the face did Uncle Shmuel get this time?  According to the Turkish defense minister, Hulusi Akar,

Terrorists’ shelters, bunkers, caves, tunnels, and warehouses were successfully destroyed,” Akar said, adding that “the so-called headquarters of the terrorist organization were also hit and destroyed.” Overall, the Defense Ministry claimed that the strikes hit nearly 90 targets, which it said were connected to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and the Kurdish People’s Defense Units (YPG).

Even allowing for some “patriotic exaggeration”, it is pretty clear that Ergodan’s revenge strike was both quite substantial and, apparently, rather effective.

So, what do we have here?  A NATO member state all but accused the US of a major terrorist attack against its capital city, and then that NATO member state openly attacked a US-run facility (let’s not call it a base, that would be inaccurate).

Is Erdogan’s claim even credible?  Absolutely!  Not only has the US already attempted to overthrow and kill Erdogan, who was saved in extremis by Russian special forces (same with Ianukovich), but we also know that the US overthrew General de Gaulle in 1968-1969 and that NATO covert forces were used to stage false flag attacks against NATO allies (especially Italy) in the so-called GLADIO operation.

NATO is not a defensive alliance – it never was –  but it is a tool of US colonial domination.

This was always true, hence the famous words spoken  in the now faraway 1950s when the first NATO Secretary General, British General Hasting Ismay, bluntly admitted that real the purpose of NATO was to keep the “Russians out, Americans in, Germans down“.  Let’s take these elements one by one, starting with the last one:

  • “Keep the Germans down”: here the word “Germans” is a placeholder for any and all European leaders or countries who want true sovereignty and agency.  Translation: enslave the Europeans
  • “Keep the Americans in”: in order to crush any European liberation movement. Translation: place US overlords over all the EU nations.
  • “Keep the Russians out”: make sure that Russia does not liberate Europe.  Translation: demonize Russia and do anything and everything to prevent peace on the European continent.  If possible, break-up, subjugate or otherwise destroy Russia.

Need proof?  How about the undeniable act of war against Germany (and, I would argue, the entire EU) when the Anglos blew up NS1/NS2?  Is that not proof enough?

Against that background, we have to ask yourselves: what does it even mean to be a NATO member state in 2022?

The truth is that NATO was a pure creation of the Cold War and that in the real world of 2022 it is a total anachronism.  Being a NATO member state really means very little.  Not only are some “more equal than others” in NATO, but there are also non-NATO states which are far more “NATOized” than actual NATO members states (I think of Israel or, of course, the Nazi occupied Ukraine).  And being a member of NATO does not protect you from anything, not from external attacks and not against internal ones either.

According to Col (Ret) MacGregor, the war in the Ukraine might well bring about the collapse of both NATO and the EU.  I very much agree with him.  I would say that such a collapse will not so much be the result of embarrassing defeats as it will be due to the deep internal contradictions inside both organizations.

By the way, this is not our topic today, but I think that the CSTO has much of the same problems and contradictions as NATO.  So is what we observe a “NATO problem” or a problem of artificial and generally obsolete alliances?  I would argue for the latter.

But let’s leave a discussion of the CSTO for another day.

In the case of Turkey this problem is made even worse by a total incompatibility between Islam and the Woke ideology now openly promoted (and enforced) by the US and NATO.

Then there is geography.  Turkey has some pretty powerful regional neighbors, including not only Greece or Israel, but also Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Syria and, course, Russia.  Can Turkey count on any type of US/NATO “protection” from such powerful neighbors?

Ask the Saudis how much the US/NATO helped them against the Houthis!

Ask the Israelis how much the US/NATO helped them against Hezbollah?

If anything, the Iranian strikes on CENTCOM bases have demonstrated that the US does not have the stomach to take on Iran.  In sharp contrast, the Russian and Iranian intervention in Syria defeated the US plans for a “New Middle East” or, shall we say, it did bring about a “new Middle-East”, but most definitely not the one the US Neocons were hoping for!

Add to this is major deterioration in the relationship between the US and MBS’ Saudi Arabia and we get an amazing picture: the USA and NATO (which the US dragged into the region) are gradually becoming irrelevant in the Middle-East.  Instead, new “big actors” are gradually filling the void, including Russia and Iran who are now even gradually allowing Saudi Arabia to participate in a much needed regional dialog about the future of the region.

The phenomenal weakness of the US/NATO/CENTCOM is best illustrated by the US reaction to the Turkish strikes: Uncle Shmuel endorsed (no kidding!!!) the Turkish strikes 🙂

How absolutely pathetic is that for a wannabe superpower?

Will this process have an impact on the NATO war against Russia?

Well, let’s imagine that Russia would really strike some target inside Poland (which is what the Ukies claimed, as did the Poles until Uncle Shmuel told them to cool it).  What would happen next?

Does anybody still remember what happened when Erdogan flew to Mons to beg for NATO protection against Russia (following the downing of a Russian Su-24 over northern Syria by a joint US-Turkish operation, possibly executed without Erdogan’s knowledge, at least that was his claim).  What did NATO promise or give the Turks?  Absolutely *nothing* (other than “consultations”).

Now the Poles might be delusional enough to think that a US President might order a retaliatory attack on Russia if Russia strikes Poland, but those of us who know the USA and its ruling elites know that this is nonsense.  Why?  Simply because a US/NATO counter-strike on Russian forces would result in an immediate Russian response.

And then what?

The truth is very stark in its simplicity:

  • The US/NATO do not have the manpower or firepower needed to take on Russia in a conventional combined arms war.
  • Any use of nuclear weapons will result in an immediate retaliation most likely resulting into a unwinnable full-scale nuclear war.

So here is the deal: whether western politicians understand that or not, military professionals all know the truth – NATO can’t defend ANY of its members against a truly modern military.   Why?

Let’s look at what capabilities the US/NATO truly have:

  • The USN has a superb submarine force (both SSNs and SSBNs) capable for firing large numbers of relatively obsolete cruise missiles (and plenty of SLBMs)
  • A still very capable, if rather old, nuclear triad
  • A quantitative (only!) conventional advantage over Russia
  • Superb (but very vulnerable!) C4ISR capabilities
  • A printing press allowing for the quasi infinite printing of dollars
  • comprador elite ruling over all the NATO/EU countries
  • The most formidable propaganda machine in history

So what does NATO lack to be a credible military force?

Obviously, “boots on the ground”.   And I don’t mean a few subunits from the 101st or 82AB or US special forces or even a so-called “armored brigade” which, in reality, lacks adequate TO&E to qualify as such.  I am talking about a “land warfare” force capable of fighting a modern and extremely determined enemy.

[Sidebar: if this is a topic of interest to you, may I recommend my article “Debunking popular clichés about modern warfare” written in 2016 but which is still mostly relevant]

The USA, Israel and the KSA all fell into the same trap: the delusion that by spending billions and billions of dollars on massively over-priced and massively under-performing military hardware will allow you to defeat an enemy assumed to be “less sophisticated”.  Hence the need to use:

  • Proxy forces
  • PMCs
  • Corruption

All of the above are a normal part of any modern war, but in the case of the US/NATO they are not just part of a bigger plan, they are central to any US/NATO operation, thereby dramatically decreasing the true capabilities of the US/NATO.  In sharp contrast, countries like Russia or Iran can deploy “boots on the ground”, and very capable ones at that (remember that the Iranians are those who trained Hezbollah!).

What does all this mean practically?

It means that even if the Russians decided to strike at a NATO country, the tensions would go through the roof, but it is highly UN-likely that any US President would allow any action which could result in a full-scale nuclear war!  Remember, for Russia, this is an existential war, no less than WWII, whereas no Anglo leader would ever dare launch a suicidal attack on Russian forces which would most likely result in the full obliteration of the US/UK and any other country participating (for example by hosting forward deployed standoff weapons) in such an attack.

Does that mean that we have to anticipate a Russian strike on Poland, Romania or the UK?

No, not at all.  In fact, it would be very dangerous for the Russians to only leave a stark choice to the Hegemony: admit defeat or commit suicide.  And since the Russians do have escalation dominance (that is to say that they have balanced capabilities from the small-arms fire level to a full intercontinental nuclear war, and with all the stages in between these two extremes) they, unlike the US/NATO. are not stuck between the choice of surrender or suicide.

That being said, it would also be misguided to assume that Russia “would never dare strike a NATO member state”.  The Poles might be willing to wager their future and even existence on such a invalid inference, but not the folks at the Pentagon or elsewhere in the decision centers of the Hegemony.


Douglas MacGregor is right, the NATO war against Russia might very well result in the collapse of both NATO and the EU which, in turn, will place an official “last nail”, into the coffin of an already long-deceased Hegemony which currently still exists only because of its momentum and its propaganda machine.

I would argue that NATO is already falling apart before our eyes, a process which the economic, social, political, economic and spiritual crises which are plaguing the entire EU will only accelerate.  And, of course, the most amazing thing about this is that this collapse is not the result of some Machiavellian plan cooked up by the Russians, the Chinese or the Iranian, but a direct consequence of decades of truly suicidal policies: they did it to themselves!

Now, the Russians, the Chinese and the Iranians are mostly waiting, watching (probably smiling) and planning for the Hegemony-free multi-polar world they want to bring about, with or without the participation of the USA and Europe.


Videos| 6 Killed, Dozens Injured in Istanbul Blast

 November 14, 2022

Ambulance vehicles and emergency services rush to scene of blast in Istanbul (Sunday, November 13, 2022).

At least six people were killed and 81 others were wounded in an explosion in a busy area of central Istanbul, Turkish authorities have said on Sunday.

The blast happened at about 16:20 local time (13:20 GMT) on a shopping street in the Taksim Square area, the Turkish city’s governor Ali Yerlikaya said.

The area, in the Beyoglu district of Turkey’s largest city, had been crowded as usual at the weekend with shoppers, tourists and families.

Vice-President Fuat Oktay said the blast was thought to be a terrorist attack carried out by a woman.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said before his departure to the Group of 20 (G20) summit in Indonesia that the perpetrators would be punished.

Speaking at a news conference in Istanbul, he condemned what he called the “vile attack” and said “the smell of terror” was in the air.

Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag told Turkish media a woman had sat on a bench in the area for more than 40 minutes, leaving just minutes before the blast took place.

No one has so far claimed responsibility for the blast.

Government minister Derya Yanik wrote in a tweet that a government ministry employee and his young daughter were among the victims.

Source: BBC and Reuters

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Erdogan says initial signs point to ‘terror’ attack in Istanbul

13 Nov, 2022 

Source: Agencies

By Al Mayadeen English 

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan condemns the “vile attack” that left dozens of people injured and six people dead as it tore through the heart of Istanbul.

Turkish President speaking at a news conference, on October 11, 2021 (Presidential Press Office/Handout via Reuters)

The explosion in Istanbul on Sunday that left six people dead and 53 injured, according to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, appeared to be the result of a “terror” attack.

“It might be wrong if we say for sure that this is terror but according to first signs… there is a smell of terror there,” Erdogan told a televised press conference.

He condemned the “vile attack” that left dozens of people injured and six people dead as it tore through the heart of Istanbul. “The relevant units of our state are working to find the perpetrators… behind this vile attack,” Erdogan said.

According to the President, a “bomb attack” was what caused the explosion in Istanbul’s Istiklal Street, and six people died as a result of the incident.

Before leaving for the G-20 summit in Indonesia, Erdogan said Sunday that the explosion was a “treacherous attack” and that those responsible would face consequences. According to information he obtained from the governor of Istanbul, another 53 people were hurt.

Istanbul attacker appears to be a woman: Turkey’s Vice President

Turkish authorities classify the Sunday explosion in the center of Istanbul as a terrorists attack that was carried out by a woman, Vice President Fuat Oktay said, citing preliminary data.

“We consider it a terrorist act, carried out by a perpetrator, who is believed to be a woman, detonating a bomb, according to preliminary information,” Oktay said.

The number of injured people rose from 53 to 81, with two in serious condition, the senior official said.

Oktay pledged that Turkish authorities would promptly investigate the terrorist act and bring those responsible for it to justice.

“According to preliminary data, as a result of the explosion on Istiklal Avenue, four people were killed, and 38 people injured. The injured received medical assistance,” the governor, Ali Yerlikaya, said earlier on Twitter.

According to a source familiar with the situation who spoke to Sputnik, Turkish law enforcement officials are looking into whether the explosion that occurred on Sunday in the heart of Istanbul was a terrorist attack.

Read next: Explosion rocks Taksim Square in Istanbul, Turkey

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