Rough day for ‘Israel’ as Hezbollah bombards north

May 27, 2024

Source: Agencies

The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon is having a field day in northern occupied Palestine as it bombards northern Israeli settlements and positions all day long.


A screengrab from a video posted on social media depicting a fire raging in Israeli settlements as a result of Resistance retaliatory operation, 27 May 2024 (Social Media)

By Al Mayadeen English

The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon is having a field day in northern occupied Palestine as it bombards northern Israeli settlements and positions all day long.

The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon carried out a series of operations against the Israeli occupation forces’ positions in northern occupied Palestine and occupied southern Lebanon, inflicting severe damages upon the IOF’s military infrastructure.

Early in the morning, Hezbollah’s fighters targeted a building used by Israeli soldiers in the Margaliot settlement, reporting confirmed strikes, which they underlined were a direct response to Israeli aggressions on steadfast southern Lebanese villages and residential homes.

The Resistance also bombarded the Malikiyah site, first launching a devastating barrage of rockets and artillery shells before sending in drones to carry out precision airstrikes on numerous targets within the military site.

Later in the day, Hezbollah struck newly erected surveillance equipment at the Misgav Am site, which was quickly followed by another drone strike on a military base in Beit Hillel, home to the 769th Brigade, also attacking an Iron Dome battery at the location.

Hours later, Hezbollah launched a huge salvo of Grad rockets targeting the settlements of Meron, Safsoufa, and Tziv’on, causing paramount destruction, underlining that this was in retaliation for the Israeli attack on the Martyr Salah Ghandour Hospital in Bint Jbeil, which injured several civilians.

Israeli media said this strike included no less than 50 rockets, revealing that settlers were asked to remain in fortified locations “until further notice” and adding that the attack caused a power outage in the area. The rockets that hit Safsoufa caused a fire to break out in the area.

After monitoring a group of Israeli soldiers entering a building northeast of the Metula settlement, Hezbollah fighters attacked the building using precision missiles.

Moreover, Hezbollah bombarded the Kiryat Shmona settlement with dozens of Grad and Falaq rockets before simultaneously attacking the Summaqah military site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Chouba hills and the Zibdine barracks in the occupied Shebaa Farms.

This comes as the Israeli occupation forces continue their aggression on southern Lebanon, with the bombardment affecting the Lebanese towns of Kfar Kila, Odeissah, and Bint Jbeil. 

‘Israel’ lost al-Jalil

The former General Director of former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s office, Shimon Sheves, said that “Israel” has clearly lost occupied al-Jalil, adding that “The simple truth must be said: Israel’s security belt with Lebanon now passes through the Amiad-Acre line.”

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The political analyst and former Israeli official referred to the area evacuated of Israeli settlers in northern occupied Palestine, which reaches the borders of Kibbutz Am’ad near Lake Tiberias to the east and Akka to the west. 

Sheves believes that the performance of the Israeli government and security establishment over the past eight months up until now has been a miserable failure, noting that 80,000 Israeli settlers have been expelled from the occupied land and have been “refugees” for eight months. 

He stressed that without a serious security belt, the Israeli settlers of the North will not go back there, considering that “Israel’s” withdrawal in 2000 is what led to the second war with Lebanon and the growth of Hezbollah’s strength.

Operations overview

– At 08:25, the Islamic Resistance’s fighters attacked a building used by the Israeli occupation forces for military purposes in the settlement of Margaliot.

– At 08:30, the Islamic Resistance’s fighters launched an intense barrage of missiles and artillery shells at the Malikiyah military site.

– At 08:30, the Islamic Resistance’s fighters launched drone strikes on several targets within the Malikiyah military site.

– At 12:25, the Islamic Resistance’s fighters attacked Israeli espionage equipment at the Misgav Am military site.

– At 12:40, the Islamic Resistance’s fighters launched suicide drone strikes on the headquarters of an Israeli unit and an Iron Dome battery in Beit Hillel.

– At 17:00, the Islamic Resistance’s fighters attacked an Israeli assembly point northwest of the settlement of Metula.

– At 16:50, the Islamic Resistance’s fighters attacked Meron, Safsoufa, and Tziv’on using dozens of Grad rockets.

– At 18:30, the Islamic Resistance’s fighters attacked the settlement of Kiryat Shmona with dozens of Grad rockets.

– At 18:15, the Islamic Resistance’s fighters attacked the Israeli Summaqah military site.

– At 18:15, the Islamic Resistance’s fighters bombarded the Zebdine barracks in the occupied Shebaa Farms.

– At 21:30, the Islamic Resistance’s fighters launched a drone strike on an Israeli military site east of Nahariya.

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Hezbollah Responds to Israeli Crime in Mais Al-Jabal: Dozens of Missiles Hit Israeli Settlements (Video)

May 5, 2024

 Lebanon – Live News – News – Story of the day – Top

In response to the Israeli crime of raiding a residential area in Mais Al-Jabal and killing four civilians, Hezbollah fired dozens of missiles at Kiryat Shmona settlement.

Hezbollah military media issued a statement which affirmed that, in response to the heinous crime committed by the “Israeli” enemy in the town of Mais Al-Jabal, resulting in the martyrdom and injury of civilians, the Islamic Resistance fighters bombarded Kiryat Shmona settlement with tens of Katyusha and Falaq rockets on Sunday noon, May 5, 2024.

The Israeli war jets raided a house in Mais Al-Jabal town when its dwellers trying to move some piece of furniture out into the residence of displacement. The father, mother and two children were killed, and the rest of the family members were injured.

Hezbollah carried out more operations in response to the Zionist aggression on South Lebanon and support of Gaza.

The second statement mentioned that the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted the surveillance equipment at Ramya site with appropriate weapons at 3:20 pm on Sunday, May 5, 2024, and directly hit it.

The third statement maintained that, in response to the heinous crime committed by the “Israeli” enemy in the town of Meiss Al-Jabal, resulting in the martyrdom and injury of civilians, the Islamic Resistance fighters bombarded the enemy’s artillery bunkers and the deployment of its soldiers and vehicles in Al-Zaoura with tens of Katyusha rockets on Sunday afternoon, May 5, 2024, resulting in its hit and fires breaking out in it.

The fourth statement affirmed that, in response to the heinous crime committed by the “Israeli” enemy in the town of Mais Al-Jabal, resulting in the martyrdom and injury of civilians, the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted a building in Avivim settlement with appropriate weapons on Sunday afternoon, May 5, 2024, and directly hit it.

In response to the heinous crime committed by the “Israeli” enemy in the town of Meiss Al-Jabal, resulting in the martyrdom and injury of civilians, the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted a building in the settlement of Shtula with appropriate weapons on Sunday afternoon, May 5, 2024, and directly hit it, according to the fifth statement.

The sixth statement indicated that the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted at 6:00 pm on Sunday, May 5, 2024, the spy devices at Malikiyah occupation site with appropriate weapons, hitting them directly.

The seventh statement underlined that the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted Al-Samaqa site with missile weapons at 6:15 pm on Sunday, May 5, 2024, inflicting direct hits.

The eighth statement emphasized that, in response to the “Israeli” enemy’s attacks on the resilient southern villages and civilian homes, especially the martyrdom of civilians in the town of Mais Al-Jabal, the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted Kfar Yuval settlement with missile weapons on Sunday, May 5, 2024.

The ninth statement underscored that, in response to the “Israeli” enemy’s attacks on the resilient southern villages and civilian homes, especially the martyrdom of civilians in the town of Mais Al-Jabal, the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted the settlement of Kfar Giladi with missile weapons on Sunday, May 5, 2024.

The tenth statement highlighted that, in response to the aggressions of the “Israeli” enemy against the resilient southern villages and civilian homes, especially the martyrdom of civilians in the town of Meiss Al-Jabal, the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted, on Sunday, May 5, 2024, Margaliot settlement with rocket weapons.

Hezbollah military media had released a video which shows the Islamic Resistance attack on two buildings housing Zionist soldiers in Shtoula settlement.

In support of the steadfast Palestinian people in Gaza and in endorsement of their courageous and honorable resistance, the Islamic Resistance carried out several operations against the positions and deployments of the “Israeli” enemy army on the Lebanese-Palestinian borders on Saturday, May 4, 2024, as follows:

– Eastern Sector:

1- At 00:50, the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted “Israeli” enemy soldiers while they were moving inside Bayyad Blida site with artillery shells.
2- At 15:30, the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted Al-Radar site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms with rocket weapons, hitting it directly.
3- At 19:05, the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted Al-Mutela site, and its garrison and espionage equipment with appropriate weapons, hitting them directly, in response to the “Israeli” enemy’s attacks on the resilient southern villages and civilian homes, most recently in Kfar Kila.

– Western Sector:

1- At 14:10, the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted the spy equipment at Al-Raheb site with appropriate weapons, hitting it directly.

Source: Al-Manar English Website


Hezbollah Bombards Israeli Settlements in Response to Aggression on South Lebanon

February 22, 2024

 Lebanon – Live News – News – Top

In support of the Palestinian people and resistance in Gaza and in light of the Israeli aggression on the various South Lebanon villages, the Islamic Resistance continued striking the Zionist occupation sites near Lebanon border.

Hezbollah military media issued consecutive statements to illustrate the attacks and their outcomes.

The first statement mentioned that the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted, at 07:30 am on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, a military positioning of “Israeli” enemy soldiers in Even Menachem settlement with appropriate weapons, inflicting direct hits.

Islamic Resistance fighters targeted, at 07:30 am on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, a military positioning of “Israeli” enemy soldiers in Shomera settlement with appropriate weapons, inflicting direct hits, the second statement pointed out.

“In response to the Israeli attacks on southern villages and civilian homes, including the recent ones in Hula, Blida, Aita, Kfar Kila, and Khiam villages, the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, two buildings where Israeli enemy soldiers were stationed in Avivim settlement with appropriate weapons, causing direct hits on both buildings,” the third statement maintained.

The Islamic Resistance fighters targeted, at 12:05 PM on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, a gathering of Zionist soldiers in the vicinity of Al-Marj occupation site with missiles, achieving direct hits, according to the fourth statement.

The fifth statement noted that the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted, at 12:20 PM on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, Ruweisat Al-Alam site in Lebanon’s occupied Shebaa Farms with appropriate weapons, hitting it directly.

The sixth statement mentioned that the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted, at 1:35 pm on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, Zibdeen site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms with appropriate weapons, inflicting direct hits.

The seventh statement indicated that the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted, at 1:45 pm on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, Zar’it barracks with appropriate weapons, inflicting direct hits.

“In response to the Israeli aggression on the southern villages and civilian homes, including the recent attacks on Khiam, the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted, at 02:00 PM on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, Al-Mutela settlement and the positioning of enemy soldiers in it using appropriate weapons, inflicting direct hits,” the eighth statement mentioned.

The ninth statement affirmed that the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted, at 03:10 pm on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, a gathering of Zionist soldiers in Al-Mutela settlement with appropriate weapons, hitting it directly.

ِAccording to the tenth statement, the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted, at 4:25 pm on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, Ruwaisat Al-Alam site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms with missile weapons, achieving direct hits.

The eleventh statement reported that the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted, at 5:05 pm on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, a military positioning of “Israeli” enemy soldiers in Avivim settlement with appropriate weapons, resulting in casualties among them, including fatalities and injuries.

“In response to the Israeli attacks on villages and civilian homes, especially the aggression against civilians in Majdal Zoun, the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted, at 5:22 pm on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, Matsuva settlement with Katyusha rockets,” the twelfth statement mentioned.

The thirteenth statement emphasized that the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted, at 9:00 pm on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, Hadab Yarin site with two Burkan rockets, achieving a direct hit.

Hezbollah military media released a video that shows Hezbollah attack on a number of IOF border sites.

Israeli Aggression

An Israeli air raid on Majdal Zoun town claimed two female martyrs. Zionist war jets also targeted Al-Khiyam, Marwaheen and Umm Al-Tout.

The Israeli artillery targeted the outskirts of Alma Al-Shaab, Al-Dahira, and Al-Jebbein.

Source: Al-Manar English Website

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Hezbollah Deals More Blows to Israeli Occupation Sites Near Lebanon Border: Video

December 22, 2023

Screen shot of a video provided by Hezbollah Military Media Center showing resistance strikes on Israeli border ports (November 2023).


In support of the Palestinian people and resistance in Gaza and in light of the Israeli aggression on the various South Lebanon villages, the Islamic Resistance continued striking the Zionist occupation sites near Lebanon border.

Hezbollah military media issued consecutive statements to illustrate the attacks and their outcomes.

The first statement affirmed that the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted the enemy’s soldiers’ gatherings around the Shomera barracks (the occupied Lebanese village of Tarbikha) with missile and artillery weapons at 8:30 AM on Friday, December 22, 2023, causing direct injuries.

The Islamic Resistance fighters targeted at 9:35 AM on Friday, December 22, 2023, Shomera barracks(the occupied Lebanese village of ) with appropriate weapons, according to the second statement.

Israeli media indicated that a building in the Shomera settlement was hit by a rocket launched from Lebanon, with the possibility of casualties.

The third statement mentioned that the fighters of the Islamic Resistance targeted an Israeli infantry force in the vicinity of Al-Mutela site with rocket weapons at 02:20 PM on Friday, December 22, 2023.

According to the fourth statement, the fighters of the Islamic Resistance targeted a gathering of “Israeli” enemy officers and soldiers in the settlement of Even Menahem (occupied Lebanese village of Tarbikha) with rocket weapons before noon on Friday, December 22, 2023, causing confirmed injuries among them.

The fifth statement emphasized that the fighters of the Islamic Resistance targeted a gathering of enemy soldiers and their vehicles in the vicinity of Al-Manara site with appropriate weapons at 02:30 PM on Friday, December 22, 2023.

The sixth statement emphasized that the Islamic Resistance targeted at 4:15 PM on Friday, December 22, 2023, a command and control center at Point 430, opposite the town of Kfar Kila, with appropriate weapons, causing direct injuries.

This video shows footage of the Islamic Resistance targeting the settlement farms of Doviv near the Lebanese-Palestinian border.

Meanwhile, Hezbollah military media mourned the two fighters Hussein Ali Ezzeddine and Abd Al-Aziz Ali Meselmani who embraced martyrdom on the way to Al-Quds.

Martyr Hussein Ali Ezzeddine
Martyr Abd Al-Aziz Ali Meselmani

Source: Al-Manar English Website

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Hezbollah’s Swift Response: Precision Strikes on Israeli Sites Following Al-Mayadeen Crew Assault

November 21, 2023

The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon swiftly retaliated against the Israeli deliberate targeting of journalists from Al-Mayadeen Channel, including the martyrs Farah Omar and Rabih Al-Me’mari, alongside other civilian casualties.

In a resolute response, the Resistance carried out a series of ten intensive operations targeting Israeli sites and bases.

These actions were not only a show of solidarity with the steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip but also a robust endorsement of their courageous and honorable resistance.

Furthermore, in direct response to the recent targeting of the aluminum factory in Al-Kfour, in South Lebanon, the Islamic Resistance targeted a factory owned by the Israeli Rafael Military Industries Company in the Shlomi area.

In a series of statements on Tuesday afternoon, the Islamic Resistance emphatically declared its unwavering support for the Palestinian people and their resistance, responding decisively to provocations by the enemy against journalists from Al-Mayadeen Channel and civilians.

In an initial and swift response to the targeted attacks on journalists from Al-Mayadeen channel and the consequent loss of martyrs, the Islamic Resistance took decisive action on Tuesday, 21-11-2023.

The resistance fighters targeted a force affiliated with Israeli military intelligence, identified as the ‘Military Assembly,’ situated in a house on the outskirts of Al-Manara settlement.

Executing the operation with precision, two guided missiles were deployed, leading to casualties among its members.

Secondly, resistance fighters targeted a gathering of enemy soldiers within a residence in the Avivim settlement at 03:45 (Beirut Time), employing guided missiles that inflicted casualties among the members present.

In another strategic move, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance bombed at 04:10 (Beirut Time) the Beit Hilal military base with Grad (Katyusha) missiles, achieving a direct hit on the facility. This action served as a resolute response to enemy aggression and a testament to the Resistance’s commitment to supporting the Palestinian cause.

Additionally, in retaliation for the Zionist enemy’s bombing of the aluminum factory in the Al-Kfour area, north of Nabatieh, the Mujahideen at 4:15 on Tuesday launched missiles at a factory owned by the Israeli Rafael Military Industries Company in the Shlomi area, resulting in a direct hit.

The Islamic Resistance continued its targeted operations, hitting the Jal al-Deir site and a gathering of occupation soldiers at the al-Malkieh site with precision weaponry, causing direct hits. An enemy tank near the Notoa settlement was also targeted and directly hit with appropriate weapons.

Notably, one of the most prominent Israeli artillery positions in the western sector was targeted with heavy Burkan missiles, and the Zionist “Jal al-Alam” site at the Naqoura border in the western sector of southern Lebanon was subjected to resistance missile strikes. Furthermore, the Al-Manara settlement in the eastern sector was hit by missiles, targeting a military installation.

Israeli media reported the launch of two anti-tank missiles from Lebanon toward the Avivim settlement, underscoring the Resistance’s proactive stance against aggressions.

The retaliation underscores the resilience and solidarity of the Islamic Resistance with the brave Palestinian people in Gaza, emphasizing that victory is sought through steadfastness against oppression.

Earlier in the day, Hezbollah Media Relations issued a statement vehemently condemning the heinous crime, extending deepest condolences to colleagues at Al-Mayadeen Channel and the families of the two martyrs, and asserting that such aggression and the accompanying martyrdom of fellow citizens will not go unanswered.

“We assert that this aggression and the accompanying martyrdom of fellow citizens will not go unanswered from the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance, who are engaging the enemy in the field with the most remarkable heroism and redemption,” Hezbollah said hours before the operation took place.

Following is the full statement of the initial response to the martyrdom of Al-Mayadeen Crew:

In unwavering support of our resilient Palestinian brethren in Gaza and in solidarity with their valiant and honorable resistance, the Islamic Resistance issues this statement. Responding to the Zionist enemy’s targeted aggression against journalists at Al-Mayadeen channel, resulting in the tragic loss of martyrs Farah Omar and Rabih Al-Me’mari, alongside other civilian casualties, the fighters of the Islamic Resistance executed an in initial targeted operation at 02:25 on Tuesday, 21-11-2023.

This operation focused on a force affiliated with Israeli military intelligence, identified as the ‘Military Assembly,’ situated in a house on the outskirts of Al-Manara settlement. Two precision-guided missiles were deployed, resulting in casualties among its members.

The second retaliation:

In solidarity with our unwavering Palestinian brethren in the Gaza Strip and in unequivocal support of their courageous and honorable resistance, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance launched a targeted attack at 03:45 in the afternoon on Tuesday, 11/21/2023. This action was a direct response to the Zionist enemy’s deliberate targeting of journalists from Al-Mayadeen Channel, including the martyrs Farah Omar and Rabih Al-Me’mari, alongside other innocent civilians who lost their lives. Employing precision-guided missiles, the Mujahideen struck a gathering of Zionist enemy soldiers inside a house in the Avivim settlement, resulting in casualties with both fatalities and injuries among its members.

The Third one:

In solidarity with our unwavering Palestinian brethren in the Gaza Strip and in unequivocal support of their courageous and honorable resistance, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance executed a strategic operation at 04:10 in the afternoon on Tuesday, 11/21/2023. This action was a direct response to the Zionist enemy’s deliberate targeting of journalists from Al-Mayadeen Channel, including the martyrs Farah Omar and Rabih Al-Me’mari, alongside other innocent civilians who lost their lives. The Islamic Resistance targeted the Beit Hilal military base with Grad (Katyusha) missiles. The precision of the attack led to a direct hit on the military base.

Retaliatory Actions Follow Enemy Attacks

In a series of calculated maneuvers earlier in the day, the Islamic Resistance fighters executed targeted operations against key locations controlled by the Israeli enemy forces on Tuesday, 11/21/2023.

At 6:40 a.m., the resistance fighters struck a house in the Metula settlement where Israeli soldiers were stationed, using appropriate weaponry that resulted in a direct hit.

This was followed by another operation at 9:50 a.m., when the Mujahideen targeted the Hadab Al-Bustan site, achieving direct hits with precise weaponry.

The resilience of the Islamic Resistance was further demonstrated at 11:45 p.m. when the Raheb site was targeted, once again yielding direct hits with suitable weaponry.

Israeli Attacks Leave Tragic Toll

Amidst the ongoing assault on border villages in the south, Al-Mayadeen Channel mourned the loss of correspondents Farah Omar and photographer Rabih Al-Me’mari, martyred in a treacherous Zionist attack at the Al-Jebain-Tayr Harfa junction in southern Lebanon.

Tragedy struck the town of Kfar Kila as an enemy Israeli shell targeted the home of 80-year-old citizen Laeka Sarhan, resulting in her martyrdom and the injury of her granddaughter, Alaa Al-Qasim. Despite the devastation, a number of Sarhan’s children and grandchildren, who were present in the house during the enemy bombing in Kfar Kila, managed to survive.

Al-Manar’s correspondent provided a grim account of the areas subjected to Zionist attacks since the morning, including air strikes in Kfarshouba Heights, Aita Al-Shaab, and Al-Jebeen, as well as artillery bombardment in Tair Harfa, Naqoura, Aita Al-Shaab, Yaroun, Rub Thlathin, Odeisseh, Kfar Kila, and Al-Khiyam.

Source: Al-Manar English Website

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Source: Al Mayadeen

The Israeli settlement of Metulla is seen from the Lebanese village of Kfar Kila, in southeast Lebanon, Wednesday, May 20, 2020 (AP)

By Al Mayadeen English 

An Israeli official describes the confrontations in Kfar Chouba as Hezbollah taking advantage of internal strife to challenge “Israel”.

In an interview with Channel 12, Yuli Edelstein, chief of the Foreign Affairs and Security Committee of the Israeli occupation, described the confrontation as Hezbollah’s taking advantage of intra-zionist strife to challenge “Israel”.  

“What happened today on the Lebanese border is a challenge to Israel and a provocation that it does not want to be dragged into,” Yuli Edelstein told Channel 12.

“This is exactly what I warned about previously, which is that our enemies, Hezbollah and the likes of it, could misinterpret the problems we have, and decide that this is the right time to challenge us.”

“They feel that there are cracks between us so that they can at least unite, and this is exactly what is happening,” he added. 

The Lebanese Army set up points in Kfar Chouba, southern Lebanon, near the borders in an affirmation of Lebanon’s sovereignty and its territorial integrity over the land, an Al Mayadeen correspondent reported on Friday.

The correspondent reported that there was relative calm on the borders, adding that one Israeli military vehicle stood near the withdrawal line after the Israeli occupation forces stopped bulldozing the area, though there was no escalation of any sort.

The people of Kfar Chouba and Al-Arqoub took to praying near the withdrawal line, challenging the Israeli occupation soldiers who had been mobilized there on high alert. Meanwhile, the Israeli occupation forces remained in the area near their sites, an Al Mayadeen correspondent reported.

On Thursday, Israeli occupation forces carried out bulldozing operations outside what is known as the “withdrawal line” in Kfar Chouba.

The official spokesperson of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) Andrea Tenenti announced that they were following closely the recent events in the border village (in the triangle border intersection between Lebanon, Syria, and Palestine), and called for employing coordination mechanisms to diffuse the tense situation to prevent any violations. 

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Army Shoos Away ‘Israeli’ Bulldozer that Violated Lebanon’s Sovereignty at Border with Occupied Palestine

January 19, 2023 

By Staff, Agencies

The Lebanese Army confronted on Wednesday an ‘Israeli’ violation of the country’s sovereignty at the border area of Metula, Al-Manar TV correspondent in South Lebanon reported.

As the ‘Israeli’ occupation bulldozer attempted to cross the so-called Blue Line between Lebanon and the occupied Palestinian territories, the Lebanese Army forced the occupation forces to stop the work of the bulldozer and to stay behind the Blue Line.

Al-Manar correspondent Ali Shoeib added that tensions were high, noting that an ‘Israeli’ military delegation came to the border area with Lebanon after the measure taken by the Lebanese Army.

The Lebanese Army frequently confronts Zionist occupation forces attempts to cross the Blue Line in a clear violation of the Lebanese sovereignty.

Meanwhile, the Lebanese Army Command – Directorate of Orientation issued a statement that read the following:

“On 18/01/2023, between 09:00 and 13:00, a blade of a bulldozer belonging to the ‘Israeli’ enemy breached the Blue Line in Marjeyoun Valley near the town of Kfarkila in two stages and for a 2-meter distance. An Army force was deployed to the scene of violation and obliged the ‘Israeli’ enemy to stop its operating along the Blue Line. Additionally, a UNIFIL patrol came to the scene to verify the violation. The breach is being followed up in coordination with the UNIFIL.”

The Lebanese army confronts a breach of the Israeli enemy at the border and forces it to retreat