Jenin Brigades releases footage of the bombing of Israeli bulldozer

8 Jul 2023

Source: Al Mayadeen

scene from the footage released by Jenin Brigade on Telegram showing the bombing of an Israeli bulldozer (Social media)

By Al Mayadeen English

The footage released by the Jenin Brigades depicts the detonation of a Tariq 1 bomb near an IOF bulldozer during the IOF raid last Monday.

The Jenin Brigade shared these scenes on their Telegram account, under the authorized publication category. The footage showcases the engineering unit successfully detonating an explosive device known as Tariq 1 within the military bulldozer during the battle of Jenin.

This evening, the Jenin Brigades released footage depicting the moment when an Israeli occupation military bulldozer was detonated during its incursion into the Jenin camp last Monday.

Al-Quds Brigades – Jenin Brigade celebrated on the victory of the Palestinian Resistance over the invading Israeli forces in the West Bank city of Jenin on Wednesday. 

“The Palestinian Resistance, chiefly Al-Quds Brigades – Jenin Brigades, wrote in the battle of the Fury of Jenin the most magnificent epics of heroism and sacrifice,” the armed wing said. It cost the enemy heavy losses in this round of confrontations which will go down in the history of the struggle of the Palestinian people, it added.

The group thanked the steadfast Palestinian people residing in the Jenin camp, its countryside, and the cities that embraced its people. The Jenin Brigade also saluted the families of those martyred, injured, and detained during the battle for the great sacrifices they made.

On his part, Hamas politburo chief Ismail Haniyeh said, “All options to support Jenin and its people were on the table,” adding that the heroic operation in “Tel Aviv” and other acts of Resistance which took place all over Palestine came in support for Jenin and its people. 

He also added that Hamas sent clear messages to the occupation through third parties to inform it that the Resistance was aware of the situation in Jenin pushing it to stop its aggression on the camp.

Echoing Haniyeh’s remarks, the Al-Qassam Brigades congratulated the residents of the camp as well as its fighters, the fighters of Al-Quds Brigades, and those of Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, for their steadfastness during the battle.

Read more: Jenin Fury carving new rules of engagement, deterrence in WB: Analysis

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Al-Nakhalah: Jenin Brigade led victory, these are historic moments

July 5 2023

Source: Al Mayadeen

Secretary-General of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, Zyiad Al-Nakhalah. (File photo) 

By Al Mayadeen English

The Secretary-General of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, Ziyad Al-Nakhalah, says that the Jenin Brigade led this great victory and that the Palestinian people proved that unity could defeat the enemy.

The Secretary-General of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, Ziyad al-Nakhalah, said that the Palestinian people achieved a victory by ending the occupation’s aggression against Jenin and its camp.

He added that the Jenin Briage led this victory, noting that “the Palestinian people, with their unity and rallying around the resistance fightersproved that they can defeat the enemy.”

Al-Nakhalah added, “The Palestinian people have proven that they can conquer the Israeli occupation in every battle against it, from the battle of Seif Al-Quds to the Fury of Jenin.”

He pointed out that “during these historical moments, the entirety of Jenin is cheering for the resistance fighters and the Jenin Battalion,” describing these moments as “moments of pride and glory that will persist until our victory.”

Al-Nakhalah called for national solidarity to strengthen the steadfastness of the Jenin camp so that it “remains an inspiring model for revolution, defiance, struggle, and resistance.”

Palestinian factions in Jenin 

Al-Quds Brigades-Jenin Brigade saluted the victory achieved in Jenin against the Israeli aggression. It affirmed that the Palestinian resistance was a model of heroism and redemption in the Jenin camp and that it inflicted heavy losses on the occupation at all levels.

The leader revealed that “The resistance in Jenin is preparing to announce its victory and break the enemy’s arrogance, which was unable to achieve its goals despite the scale of aggression and  destruction it left behind.”

For his part, the head of the political bureau of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, saluted the Resistance fighters in the Jenin camp, and those stationed there, stressing that Jenin was and still is “the incubator of the resistance.”

The Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, issued a statement in which it praised “our people in the Jenin camp,” as well as the freedom fighters from all Palestinian factions “for their legendary steadfastness.”

Munther al-Hayek, the spokesperson for the Fatah movement, saluted the victory in Jenin, stressing that “the devastation left by the occupation in Jenin will increase our people’s determination to maintain confrontation.”

This came after several Israeli media outlets reported, quoting a spokesperson for the Israeli occupation army, that “Israeli forces have begun withdrawing from Jenin.”

Al Mayadeen’s correspondent in occupied Palestine confirmed that the people are returning to the Jenin camp after the occupation forces withdrew from it, and the resistance fighters are roaming the streets.

Read next: Jenin Fury carving new rules of engagement, deterrence in WB: Analysis

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Jenin ambush complex, exceptional, Israeli media say

June 21, 2023

Source: Agencies

Israeli media comment on the ambush that hit the Israeli occupation forces in Jenin, calling what happened exceptional in terms of the capabilities utilized.

Photos of Israeli disabled vehicles in the aftermath of the Jenin ambush, June 19, 2023 (Social Media)

By Al Mayadeen English

Israeli media outlets commented Monday on the ambush that the Israeli occupation forces were hit by in Jenin, describing what happened as “very painful and exceptionally tragic.”

The Israeli occupation forces were hit by an ambush in Jenin, which included the detonation of improvised explosive devices and gunfire, resulting in the injury of six Israeli soldiers, according to Israeli media. “The army is still trying to retrieve the vehicle that fell into the ambush,” the media outlets said.

According to the military correspondent at the Israeli Walla! website, Amir Bohbot, an Apache attack helicopter was called in to assist in the evacuation of the wounded IOF soldiers, and it was shot at from the ground, which forced the pilot to use flares in order to avoid getting hit with a rocket.

The next storming of Jenin will not be easy, Bohbot added, stressing that the question remains: “How did the intelligence and the operations branch not know the range of these explosive devices?”

Israeli Channel 13 military affairs correspondent Or Heller said what happened was “exceptionally painful, tragic, and very complex,” explaining that “the explosive device exploded under an armored military jeep, apparently penetrating it and causing injuries.”

The situation “prompted the Air Force to deploy an Apache attack helicopter in the sky of the area, something that has rarely happened since the Second Intifada.”

“The Apache fired a missile or two toward Jenin,” Heller noted, highlighting that the shooting was documented on camera and that the media was awaiting official confirmation from the Israeli occupation forces.

“The Palestinian militants studied the entry and exit methods of the undercover forces from the camp and planted explosive devices there with large payloads,” Israeli Channel 13 military affairs correspondent Alon Ben-David said. 

Moreover, Walla! quoted a military source as saying that the yield and payload of the IEDs used against the Israeli occupation forces caught the soldiers by surprise. “The usage of such IEDs signifies that [the Resistance] is an advancement in terms of the capabilities.”

“There were concerns about there being more highly-explosive IEDs in the area,” the source added.

Channel 13 Arab Affairs correspondent Hezi Simantov described what happened in Jenin as a “battle in every sense of the word.”

Israeli KAN broadcaster military affairs correspondent Itai Blumental said: Jenin was undergoing a “‘Lebanonization’ process,” which he said was “extremely worrying”.

“The Israeli forces have been conducting arrest and raid operations in the West Bank for a year and a half, but Palestinian attacks have not decreased there. On the contrary; their methods have evolved,” Israeli Channel 12 military correspondent Nir Dvori noted.

Operation Fury of the Free

The Al-Quds Brigades – Jenin Brigade confirmed that its fighters opened fire at the IOF during the raid on the camp and detonated a number of explosive devices that targeted several military vehicles.

A statement issued by the Al-Quds Brigades announced the launch of Operation Fury of the Free in response to the aggression and incursion of the occupation forces into the city of Jenin, affirming its continued fight against the occupation forces.

Read next: Palestinian Resistance confronts IOF incursion into Jenin

The Jenin Brigade stated that it still had more surprises in store, warning the occupation forces against persisting in their aggression against the homes of the innocent and targeting civilians.

A large Israeli occupation force had stormed the Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank, leading to armed clashes that resulted in the injury of several civilians.

An Al Mayadeen correspondent reported that the occupation forces deployed snipers on the rooftops of several homes and targeted civilians.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health reported that four Palestinians have been martyred thus far, with over two dozen wounded, 5 of which are in critical condition.

Meanwhile, Israeli media reported that seven soldiers were injured in the ambush.

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