US aggression on Baghdad kills leading figure in Kataib Hezbollah

7 Feb 2024 

Source: Al Mayadeen

A crane lifts the car in which leaders of the Iraqi Resistance were killed in a drone strike, in Baghdad, Iraq, on February 7, 2024. (Social media)

By Al Mayadeen English

The drone strike has killed and injured several people, including top officials of the Iraqi Resistance faction, Kataib Hezbollah.

An attack that targeted a car driving through a road in eastern Baghdad, Iraq, led to the martyrdom of a prominent leader of Iraq’s Kataib Hezbollah, Abu Baqer al-Saedi, also known as “Abu Baqer Diyala”, on Wednesday night, Al Mayadeen‘s correspondent in Iraq reported.

The US Central Command (CENTCOM) claimed that the targeted commander was “responsible for directly planning and participating in attacks on U.S. forces in the region.” 

Earlier, Iraqi media reported that strikes, possibly launched from a drone, on a car in al-Mashtal area, in Baghdad, led to the martyrdom of three individuals and injured two others. 

The US claimed responsibility for the attack, saying its forces conducted a unilateral strike in Iraq in response to the attacks on US service members, killing a Kataib Hezbollah commander.

In this context, Politico cited two US officials as saying that the US military carried out a drone strike in Iraq on Wednesday, adding that the attack was part of the Biden administration’s response to the killing of three US soldiers in Jordan on Jan. 28.

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The US claimed responsibility for the attack, saying its forces conducted a unilateral strike in Iraq in response to the attacks on US service members, killing a Kataib Hezbollah commander.

Angered by the US aggression, Iraqis gathered at the scene of the attack furiously chanting against the US presence in the region, specifically in Iraq.

The US Central Command (CENTCOM) claimed that the targeted commander was “responsible for directly planning and participating in attacks on U.S. forces in the region.” 

Several factions from the Axis of Resistance condemned al-Saedi’s assassination, affirming that the US presence in Iraq and the region is a major cause of undermining security and stability.

Read more: Iraqi PMF chief: Government’s work to end US occupation ‘essential’

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Infographics| 100 Days into Op. Al-Aqsa Flood: Gaza Resists, Axis of Resistance Supports

January 15, 2024

 Middle East – News – Palestine – Top

Mohammad Assaf

It has been 100 days since the launch of the brutal Zionist aggression on the Gaza Strip in occupied Palestine. The widespread massacres, destruction, and humanitarian crisis have not only shifted international public opinion but also ignited condemning demonstrations across many countries. In response, several nations have recognized the urgent need for intervention and stepped in to support the oppressed residents of the Strip.

Lebanon took the lead in providing support, initiating attacks on all enemy positions along the borders with occupied Palestine as the Islamic resistance gained momentum. Following Lebanon’s lead, Yemen and Iraq conducted operations against the Zionist entity and US military bases in Iraq and Syria. Noteworthy is the courageous decision of the Yemeni Armed Forces to target vessels en route to the entity, crossing the Red Sea. These actions taken by the supporting fronts in the Axis of Resistance had significant repercussions, all undertaken in the pursuit of the Palestinian cause and on the way to liberating occupied Al-Quds.

In this context, the Al-Manar website presents a set of statistics for the ongoing war:

The death toll in the Gaza Strip has surpassed 23,843 martyrs, with the majority being children and women
The aggressive onslaught has resulted in extensive destruction, sparing no Palestinian homes, hospitals, schools, mosques, or even churches.

IOF Attack Lebanese Civilians

IOF targeted Lebanese journalists, paramedics as well as ambulances

Hezbollah Backs Resistance in Gaza

Hezbollah has launched numerous attacks on occupied territories, resulting in severe damage to the Zionist entity

Islamic Resistance in Iraq Backs Gaza

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq also launched several attacks on US military bases and towards the occupied Palestinian territories

Yemeni Armed Forces Back Gaza

Yemeni Armed Forces fired ballistic missiles toward the occupied territories in Palestine

Palestinian Resistance Factions Valiantly Combat

The Palestinian resistance factions has been able to inflict great damage to the Zionist entity

Zionist Entity’s Human Cost 

As is customary, the Zionist entity conceals its losses, veiling them in secrecy and prohibiting its media from acknowledging the true extent of the damage incurred. Presented below are statistics on the losses sustained by the Zionist entity, compiled from Israeli media and statements by Zionist military officials.

Source: Al-Manar Website


محور المقاومة ينتقل جماعيّاً إلى التصعيد

الاثنين 12 كانون الأول 2023

ناصر قنديل

على إيقاع واحد تبدو جبهات المواجهة التي يخوض عبرها محور– المقاومة بقيادة واضحة للمقاومة في غزة، مواجهته المدروسة مع كيان الاحتلال ومن خلفه القرار الأميركيّ بالردع لمنع أي مؤازرة لغزة شعباً ومقاومة. وقد ظهر خلال يومين ماضيين، وبالتزامن مع وصول جيش الاحتلال إلى شوارع مدينة خان يونس، حيث يبدو أن فصائل المقاومة الفلسطينية، وخصوصاً قوات القسام وسرايا القدس، قد أعدّت ما يلزم لمواجهة شاملة نوعيّة وكميّة، ظهرت ساعة الصفر معلنة للانتقال إلى المواجهة المفتوحة في كل مناطق الاشتباك في غزة، شمالاً وجنوباً، مدناً ومخيّمات، وكأن قوات احتياطيّة كانت موجودة تنتظر لحظة الدخول إلى خان يونس بصفتها كلمة السر للهجوم الشامل، على طريقة ما جرى في غلاف غزة. واجه جيش الاحتلال عواصف ناريّة من كل حدب وصوب، تطويق وإطباق، كمائن وقذائف هاون، مشاة يهاجمون الدبابات ببسالة نادرة وحرفيّة عالية، فتحترق عشرات الآليات ويُصاب مئات الجنود والضباط.

– التوقيت لغزة، لكن الإعلان لليمن، فلم تكَدْ غزة تفتح نيرانها في افتتاح المرحلة الجديدة، حتى خرج الناطق العسكريّ اليمنيّ يعلن أن مضيق باب المندب مقفل أمام عبور أي سفن متّجهة الى موانئ كيان الاحتلال، وفق معادلة طالما غزة تحت الحصار فإن الكيان سوف يوضع تحت الحصار. وبدأ اليمن تنفيذ القرار فوراً، عبر تسيير دوريات من الزوارق للتفتيش عن السفن التي يشكّ بها وفقاً للوائح المتداولة على مواقع التجارة الدوليّة لوجهة السفن التجارية وحمولتها. وتم أمس، إيقاف سفينتين وإعادتهما من المضيق إلى المحيط الهندي، والقرار اليمنيّ تحدٍّ واضح ومباشر للاستراتيجية الأميركية حول دور قواتها العسكرية في البحر الأحمر طوال خمسين عاماً. ولسان حال اليمنيين، استخدمت أميركا الفيتو في مجلس الأمن الدوليّ لمنع وقف النار على غزة، ونحن نستخدم الفيتو في البحر الأحمر لمنع إمداد كيان الاحتلال بالنفط والمواد الاستهلاكيّة ومنع التجارة معه، فماذا سيفعل الأميركي، هل يذهب الى الحرب فيشتعل البحر الأحمر كلياً، أم يرتضي قواعد الاشتباك التي فرضها أنصار الله؟

– بالتوازي كانت القواعد الأميركيّة في سورية والعراق تتلقى أكبر عدد من الهجمات وأكثرها قسوة، عبر الصواريخ الموجّهة والطائرات المسيرة الانتحارية، وواشنطن أيضاً بين خيارَيْ الردّ الذي يجسّد الردع، كما ورد في البيانات الأميركية أول أيام حرب غزة. وهذا سوف يستدرج الحرب إلى البحر الأبيض المتوسط حيث تربض المدمّرات والحاملات الأميركيّة، ويصبح البحر الأبيض المتوسط ساحة حرب لا تجارة وتحاصر أوروبا بين بحرين مشتعلين بلا موارد طاقة، ولا تجارة مع الخليج أو مع الهند والصين، والتراجع الأميركي يعني إضافة لسقوط الردع والمهابة، أن الزمن بات ينفد بسرعة من طريق الحرب الإسرائيلية الأميركية على غزة، وقادة الكيان يقولون إن لم تفعل أميركا ما يجب مع اليمن سوف نضطر نحن لفعل ذلك، فهل يفعلون ويشعلون البحر الأحمر؟

– تبقى الجبهة العقدة بالنسبة لأميركا و»إسرائيل»، هي جبهة لبنان التي ادّخرت مقدراتها، سواء بالقدرة النارية أو بالقدرة البشرية، للمرحلة الفاصلة، وقد ارتفعت وتيرتها إلى الحدّ الذي لم يعد قادة كيان الاحتلال من سياسيين وعسكريين يملكون جواباً يقولونه لمئة ألف مستوطن هجروا من مستوطناتهم، وقد تحوّل شمال فلسطين المحتلة الى جبهة حرب، وضربت التحصينات والمواقع وأُحرقت الدبابات وقُتل الجنود أو جُرحوا، والمساعي الدبلوماسية التي تحدّث عن انتظار نتائجها وزير حرب الكيان يوآف غالنت انتهت بلا جدوى، وقد سمع الموفدون جواباً واحداً، تتوقف الحرب على غزة ثم نصغي ونجيب، فماذا سيفعل الإسرائيلي، هو يختنق عسكرياً في غزة، ويختنق سياسياً في العالم، كما يقول الشارع الذاهب إلى الإضراب الشامل اليوم والضاغط على حكومات اضطرت أن تؤيّد دعوة وقف إطلاق النار في مجلس الأمن، حتى وجدت واشنطن نفسها وحيدة تستخدم الفيتو وتتساءل إلى متى سوف تستطيع ذلك، وهي أيضاً تخسر في شارعها؟

– الوقت ينفد حتى داخل الكيان، ولم تعد للحرب خريطة طريق للنصر، وعائلات الأسرى تتحوّل شارعاً فاعلاً يستقطب المعارضين للحكومة والمعارضين للحرب على السواء، فهل يشكل توسيع الحرب نحو اليمن أو نحو لبنان، أو كليهما، طريقاً للخروج منها عبر توسيعها، بالنسبة لبنيامين نتنياهو؟

فيديوات ذات صلة

مقالات ذات صلة

Iraqi Resistance targets US Bases in Syria and Iraq

December 8, 2023

Source: Agencies

As of late, US occupation bases in Syria have been the targets of frequent operations by the Islamic Resistance in Iraq.

US occupation forces in patrol in eastern Syria. (AP)

By Al Mayadeen English

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq targeted the US base in Conoco field in Syria and Ain al-Assad US base in western Iraq with missile strikes, hitting its targets directly.

In a statement, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq stated, “In response to the crimes committed by the enemy against our people in Gaza, the fighters of the Islamic Resistance in Iraq targeted the American occupation base in Conoco oil field in Syria with a missile barrage, hitting its targets directly.”

In a subsequent statement, the Resistance announced the targeting of the US occupation base Ain al-Assad in western Iraq with a missile barrage, confirming a direct hit on its target.

Earlier, Al Mayadeen‘s correspondent reported that several rockets were launched at Baghdad’s heavily fortified Green Zone, which houses the US Embassy, during the early hours of Friday.

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In further detail, an Iraqi military official said as quoted by AFP that three rockets targeted the vicinity of the US Embassy located in the Green Zone in Baghdad on Friday morning.

The official, who preferred not to disclose his identity, stated, “We are awaiting official information about the nature of the attack.”

The US forces under fire amid Gaza genocide

Earlier, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq announced, on December 6, that it targeted the US occupation base of Ain al-Assad in al-Anbar Governorate in western Iraq, in response to Israeli war crimes in Gaza and the US backing of the Israeli occupation.

At the time, Al Mayadeen‘s correspondent reported that a drone attack targeted US forces at Harir base in Erbil Governorate, which was later claimed by the Islamic Resistance in Iraq.

It is worth noting that a Pentagon official said, on December 3, that US forces and the international coalition were attacked at least 76 times in Iraq and Syria since the start of Operation al-Aqsa Flood on October 7.

The US and international occupation forces came under fire from the Islamic Resistance in the region as the latter shows solidarity with the people of Gaza and all of occupied Palestine, while the US continues to funnel in weapons and equipment to the Israeli occupation.

The Resistance in Iraq affirmed, on December 3, that it would remain steadfast in its confrontations against its enemies, promising to intensify its attacks against the US occupation forces, until they leave “expelled, humiliated, and defeated from” Iraq.

Read next: Gaza death toll reaches 16,248, additional 43,616 wounded

Operation Al Aqsa Flood

Israeli soldiers killed, US base in Syria under fire as region heats

26 Oct 2023

Source: Al Mayadeen

A screengrab from a video published by the Military Media of the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon, Hezbollah, showing the targeting of the “Hanita” military outpost on the border area with Lebanon October 25, 2023 (Military Media)

By Al Mayadeen English

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has been conducting operations against US occupation bases in Iraq and Syria for 9 consecutive days.

Al Mayadeen sources reported today that two Israeli soldiers were killed, and 3 others were wounded, as a result of the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon targeting the “Hanita” military outpost on the Lebanese-Palestinian border, this afternoon. 

The Islamic Resistance had reported that its fighters, at 3:25 pm today, Wednesday, targeted the “Hanita” and Al-Bahri sites with guided missiles, confirming that “a number of their technical equipment were destroyed.

In another context, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq announced today, Wednesday, that its fighters targeted the American occupation base at “Abu Hajar Airport – Kharab al-Jir” in northeastern Syria, with a missile barrage, for the second time in recent hours.

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq claimed responsibility for an operation targeting US occupation “Abu Hajar Airport – Kharab al-Jir” in northeast Syria with rockets, the group said in a statement on Wednesday, confirming direct hits.

Read more: Rockets hit US Ain al-Assad as Resistance Axis gradually joins war

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Since day one of the launch of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, in response to the Israeli crimes against Palestinians and their holy sites, US President Biden announced “unwavering” support to the entity and immediately signed off on increased military assistance delivered daily.

This measure was a public admission of complicity in all Israeli crimes against civilians in Gaza, which has resulted in the martyrdom of over 6,700 civilians, most of whom are children, women, and the elderly.

In response, Iraqi Resistance factions declared that all US bases within reach had become legitimate targets, especially those in Iraq. “We will not stand idly by in the face of the ongoing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza,” the factions pledged earlier this week.

Earlier this morning, Al Mayadeen sources said that Kharab al-Jir airport was targeted with artillery shellings and rockets.

Washington admitted on Wednesday that, so far, 30 American military personnel have been wounded in the attacks, which have been ongoing for 9 consecutive days.

Read more: By targeting US bases, Iraqi Resistance joins in battle: Exclusive

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