Gaza destroyed by ‘Israel’ more than German cities in WWII: Borrell

24 Apr 2024 

Source: News websites

European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell speaks during a debate on Iran’s retaliatory strike against “Israel”, on Wednesday, April 24, 2024, in Strasbourg, eastern France. (AP)

By Al Mayadeen English

The top EU chief highlights that 35% of Gaza is now fully destroyed as he calls on “Israel” to “respect international law.”

The EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, compared yesterday between Gaza now and Germany during World War II, saying that “Israel” has exposed areas in the Gaza Strip to greater destruction than that dealt to cities in Germany back in the 1940s. 

During his speech at a plenary session of the European Parliament in the French city of Strasbourg, Borrell cited the climbing casualties of the war on Gaza, saying, “I can say that more than 60% of the physical infrastructure has been damaged, and 35% fully destroyed.”

“The cities in Gaza have been more destroyed than the German cities during the Second World War – just imagine the comparison,” he noted, highlighting the “killing of 249 humanitarian workers and around 100 journalists in Israeli attacks on Gaza.”

It has been confirmed by the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS) that at least 140 journalists in Gaza have been killed since October 7.

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Borrell sees that “Israel must respect international law, implement the International Court of Justice’s provisional measures, ensure the protection of all civilians, and allow humanitarian workers to do their lifesaving job without being targeted.”

Read more: In controversial statement, Borrell claims ‘Israel’ ‘created’ Hamas

Last month, Borrell condemned Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and called on “Israel” to allow land deliveries of food as soon as possible.

“Before the war, Gaza was the greatest open-air prison. Today it is the greatest open-air graveyard,” he chillingly said.

Even though Borrell has been more outspoken and critical of “Israel” and its plans alongside the US, it’s noteworthy that the European Union and the United States have been the main allies of “Israel” in its ongoing genocidal war against Palestinians in Gaza. Both entities possess the potential to exert pressure on “Israel”, calling for an immediate ceasefire and the unrestricted entry of humanitarian aid.

Palestinians have expressed doubt regarding the EU and US plans, fearing that such moves could be a prelude to international military presence on Palestinian soil and to the expulsion of Palestinians under different pretexts. 

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War on Gaza

Day 83: Palestinian Resistance Inflicts More Losses upon Israeli Enemy as War on Gaza Persists

December 28, 2023

The aftermath of Israeli strikes in Gaza’s Maghazi refugee camp (December 28, 2023).

Middle East – News – Palestine – Story of the day – Top

The Zionist occupation forces on Thursday presses on with its genocide in Gaza for the 83rd consecutive day, with strikes pounding different areas across the besieged enclave and occupation soldiers attempting to advance amid a catastrophic humanitarian situation.

In northern Gaza, Al-Manar correspondent reported at least 30 people martyred as Israeli warplanes struck a residential area in Beit Lahia.

Meanwhile in central Gaza Strip, Israeli strikes and shelling targeted residential areas in Al-Maghazi and Al- Nusseirat refugee camps, killing dozens of civilians, mostly shildren and women.

Elsewhere in southern Gaza, the Palestinian Red Crescent announced that at least 10 people have been martyred and 12 injured in an attack near El Amal City Hospital in the southern city of Khan Yunis.

For its part, Health Ministry in Gaza put the death toll of the Israeli aggression on Gaza since October 7 at 21,110, noting that the number of injured people reached 55,243.

On the other hand, Government Media Office in Gaza said two more journalists were martyred during Israeli strikes in the last 24 hours, putting the death toll of the Palestinian journalists at 105.

“Catastrophic Hunger”

Tackling the catastrophic humanitarian conditions in Gaza, the UNRWA reiterated its call for a humanitarian ceasefire.

“Gaza is grappling with catastrophic hunger. Every day is a struggle for survival, finding food and finding water,” Thomas White, director of UNRWA affairs in Gaza was quoted as saying on X.

“40 percent of the population are now at risk of famine,” the UNRWA added.


For its part, the Palestinian Information Center reported that the Israeli occupation forces “are carrying out horrific crimes in areas that they are attempting to advance in, including field executions, raids, looting and destroying homes and facilities, as well as laying siege to home where Palestinian citizens are being trapped in.”

The center reported high number of injured people and martyrs in both streets and houses, noting that the ambulances can’t reach these areas.

The occupation forces also carry out random arrests against citizens, including widespread harassment, according to the Palestinian Information Center.

The Palestinian resistance continued on Thursday confronting the Zionist occupation forces invading Gaza, inflicting heavy losses upon them.

Al-Qassam fighters target five Israeli Merkava tanks in Khan Younis and two others in Central Gaza, according to media reports.

Al-Qassam Brigades also announced downing a Zionist drone (SkyLark-2) while it was carrying out an espionage mission over northern Gaza.

Al-Qassam military media also released a video which displays a song which addresses the Israelis in Hebrew with English and Arabic subtitles. The main idea of the song is the long agonies of the israelis with Netanyahu and his war decisions.

Source: Al-Manar English Website and Palestinian media

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Israeli Occupation Forces Assault Palestinian Journalists, Worshippers in Jerusalem – VIDEO

October 1, 2023

Israeli occupation forces assault Palestinian worshippers in Jerusalem. (Photo: via Palestine Online TW Page)

Israeli occupation forces assaulted Palestinian journalists and worshippers on Sunday, as hundreds of Israeli Jewish settlers forced their way into Al-Aqsa Mosque complex, in occupied East Jerusalem, to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Sukkot.

Sukkot is a week-long holiday, which started on September 29 and will continue until October 6.

In a statement, the Jordan-run Islamic Waqf Department said Israeli forces closed the Al-Mughrabi Gate, southwest of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, “after allowing 602 Jewish extremists” into the site.

The Palestinian Jerusalem Governorate published a video on its Facebook account of Jewish settlers trying to enter animal sacrifices inside the complex.

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By Fayha Shalash Every time that Israel celebrates a Jewish holiday, new restrictions are imposed on Palestinians. But what is the relationship between both events and what do Palestinians experience during these times?  Closed roads, … Continue reading Palestine Chronicle

Israeli police began allowing the settler incursions into the Al-Aqsa Mosque complex in 2003, despite repeated condemnations from Palestinians.

Al-Aqsa Mosque is the world’s third-holiest site for Muslims. Israel occupied East Jerusalem, where Al-Aqsa is located, during the 1967 Arab-Israeli War. It annexed the entire city in 1980, a move never recognized by the international community.



Iran UNHRC envoy grills Israeli mission on flagrant violations, crimes

Sep 29, 2023

Source: Al Mayadeen

In response to Israeli accusations at the UNHRC, Iran’s representative slams Israeli hypocrisy and sheds light on the entity’s own heinous crimes in occupied Palestinian territories.

A Palestinian protester yells at an Israeli occupation soldier as he confronts him atop a vehicle during a protest against an incursion of Israeli occupation forces in Naqura, Nablus, in the occupied West Bank, Palestine, on September 4, 2019. (AFP)

By Al Mayadeen English

Iran’s representative at the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) sternly responded to accusations made by the Israeli representative at the council’s meeting on Thursday.

After the Israeli occupation’s representative alleged that Iran is committing human rights violations, Hamid Ahmadi, the Iranian diplomat, called out “Israel’s” crimes in occupied Palestinian territories.

Ahmadi went on to detail a list of Israeli violations in occupied Palestinian territories. He pointed to the racist nature of the Israeli entity, which, in itself, constitutes a violation of international law.

Ahmadi took a dig at Israeli diplomats calling out their hypocrisy for lecturing others on human rights violations while overlooking their own heinous crimes.

He told the member of “Israel’s” mission at the UNHRC to self-reflect and examine her government’s bloody record in occupied Palestinian territories, adding that it would be wiser if the Israeli representative investigated the deaths of Palestinian women and children at the hands of Israeli occupation soldiers.

The Iranian diplomat pointed to “Israel’s” forced displacement of Palestinian residents from their homes, as it continues to build settlements which are illegal under international law in occupied territories. He also listed its violations against members of the civil society, particularly against journalists who have been deliberately targeted by occupation forces, and Shireen Abu Akleh is standing proof of this policy.

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Ahmadi said “Israel” seeks to exploit the UNHRC to cover up its own brutal crimes, which it has avoided punishment for for the past 80 years.

He also called for an immediate end to the occupation’s crimes, demanding accountability for its flagrant human rights violations.

Earlier last week, the Israeli occupation Ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, was kicked out by a UN security officer after the former raised a photo in protest during Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s address to the United Nations General Assembly.

Newsmax posted a video showing security officers escorting the Israeli diplomat out of the room shortly after his one-man show.

The Jewish News Service also cited the Israeli occupation delegation as saying that Erdan was “temporarily detained” but “released with the assistance of Israel’s security and diplomatic teams.”

“There was indeed an incident when the permanent representative of Israel walked down the aisle and unfurled a photo during the speech by the president of Iran in the general assembly,” media reports quoted a UN spokesperson as saying.

“UN security spoke to him. At no time was the ambassador detained in any way, shape or form. As far as we are concerned, the incident is closed,” the spokesperson claimed.

Read more: Israeli envoy to UN kicked out of UNGA hall after one-man show

Palestinian Journalist Seriously Injured as Israeli Army Raids Ramallah (VIDEO)

June 8, 2023

Palestinian photojournalist Momen Samreen was shot in the head while covering the Israeli military raid in Ramallah. (Photo: via WAFA)

By Palestine Chronicle Staff

The official Palestinian news agency WAFA reported that photojournalist Momen Samreen was shot in the head while doing his job and covering the Israeli military raid.

Two journalists were injured early on Thursday after Israeli forces raided the Palestinian city of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank, Israeli and Palestinian media reported.

A large military convoy arrived in downtown Ramallah, the seat of the Palestinian government, leading hundreds of Palestinians to gather in the area.

Some Palestinian youth hurled stones at the Israeli forces, who fired live bullets, stun grenades, and tear gas at the crowd, according to eyewitnesses.

The Palestinian Health Ministry said at least six people were transferred to the hospital for treatment, including two journalists who were injured by Israeli gunfire.

The official Palestinian news agency WAFA reported that photojournalist Momen Samreen was shot in the head while doing his job and covering the Israeli military raid.

The Israeli army claimed its forces were operating in Ramallah to demolish the residence of a Palestinian man who allegedly carried out a bombing attack in Jerusalem last November.

According to the Palestinian Health Ministry, at least 158 Palestinians, including women and children, have been killed by Israel since the beginning of the year in the occupied territories and the besieged Gaza Strip.

(The Palestine Chronicle)

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PA Suppresses Protest Calling for Release of Political Prisoners in Nablus (VIDEO)

January 11, 2023

Confrontations between Palestinian youth and Palestinian Authority’s ‘security forces’ in Nablus. (File Photo: via QNN)

The Palestinian Authority security forces on Tuesday suppressed a protest in Nablus to demand the release of political prisoners held by the PA, Quds Press news site reported.

Dozens of masked members of the PA security forces attacked the participants, including the families of political detainees, and fired gas canisters at them, suffocating a number.

The PA forces also assaulted journalists covering the event and prevented them from filming, confiscating their mobile devices.

The participants demanded the release of Musab Shtayyeh and other political detainees currently held by the Palestinian Authority, who are being pursued by the Israeli occupation.

Lawyers and human rights organizations confirmed earlier that 2022 witnessed a significant rise in the campaigns of prosecution, arrests, and summons orders issued by the Palestinian Authority security services against politicians, activists, freed prisoners, and university students.


New York Times fires Palestinian journalist over pro-resistance social media posts

October 07 2022

Hosam Salam claims that the Israeli lobby organization ‘Honest Reporting’ exists to deliberately sabotage the Palestinian cause in the West

ByNews Desk- 

Demonstrators march on Times Square in New York City to express their solidarity with Palestinians on 12 May, 2021. (Photo credit: Eduardo Munoz/Reuters)

Palestinian photojournalist Hosam Salam was fired from the New York Times on 7 October over social media posts supporting Palestinian resistance factions against the Israeli occupation.

The freelance journalist was dismissed after a pro-Israeli organization alerted the publication of Salam’s previous Facebook posts in which he had expressed support for Palestinian resistance.

Salem claims that the Israeli lobby organization Honest Reporting exists to deliberately sabotage the Palestinian narrative in the West, essentially discrediting him and two other Palestinian colleges.

On the same day, Salem tweeted: “What is taking place is a systematic effort to distort the image of Palestinian journalists as being incapable of trustworthiness and integrity, simply because we cover the human rights violations that the Palestinian people undergo on a daily basis at the hands of the Israeli army.”

Earlier last month, Palestinian journalists in the Gaza Strip and occupied East Jerusalem say social media giants like WhatsApp, Facebook, and TikTok have closed the accounts of those reporting on Israeli war crimes.

On 8 September, Amazon and Google employees held a rally against their companies’ recent $1.2 billion-dollar contract with Israel.

The rally was referred to as a “Day of Action,” with the social movement demanding the cancellation of the Project Nimbus contract over Israel’s constant human rights violations.

Project Nimbus’ provides Tel Aviv with advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and machine-learning tools, which raises concerns over increased human rights abuses in occupied Palestine.

Earlier this year, Israeli media revealed that the Israeli forces are required to capture and enter the pictures and details of at least 50 Palestinians during their shift into the so-called ‘Blue Wolf’ facial recognition system.

Blue Wolf works as a smartphone application and is described as the occupation army’s secret “Facebook for Palestinians.”

Over the past year, occupation forces have also been installing face-scanning cameras at various checkpoints across the West Bank.

Israeli Human Rights Violations in Palestine (Weekly Update 01-07 September 2022)

08. 09. 2022

Violation of right to life and bodily integrity:

Five Palestinians were killed, and 31 others were injured, including 9 children, a woman and a paramedic, while dozens of others suffocated in Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) attacks in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem.  Also, a Palestinian detainee died due to medical neglect policy.  Details are as follows:

On 01 September 2022, IOF shot dead Yazan Na’iem ‘Afanah (24) after being wounded in his chest during their incursion into Ramallah in the West Bank. (Details available in this press release).

On 02 September 2022, Fadi Mohammed Ghattas (24), from Dheisheh refugee camp in Bethlehem, was killed after IOF fired 6 live bullets at him and left him to bleed for 40 minutes at the entrance to Beit ‘Einun Road in northern Hebron.  IOF took the dead body and kept it in custody, claiming that he stabbed and wounded an Israeli soldier. Later, IOF summoned Ghattas’s father for interrogation and to identify the corpse.

On 03 September 2022, Palestinian Detainee Mousa Haron Abu Mehamid, from Bethlehem, died at the Israeli hospital “Assaf Harofeh.” ( Details available in this press release).

On 05 September 2022, IOF killed Taher Zakarna (19) after they fired a live bullet at his head during the suppression of protestors after IOF moved into Qabatia village, southeast of Jenin in the West Bank. Before their withdrawal, IOF arrested two Palestinians. (Details available in this press release).

On 06 September 2022, Mohammed Saba’nah was killed, and 17 other Palestinians were injured, including 6 children, a woman and a paramedic, by IOF fire during the latter’s incursion into Jenin, northern West Bank, and demolition of the house of a Palestinian who was killed after carrying out a shooting attack in Israel in April. The house demolition falls under IOF’s collective punishment policy against the families of Palestinians who are allegedly accused of carrying out attacks against Israeli targets. (Details available in this press release).

On 07 September 2022, Yunis Ghassan Tayeh (21) was killed by IOF fire during the latter’s incursion into al-Far’a refugee camp, south of Tubas in the West Bank. Before their withdrawal, IOF arrested Yunis’s uncle. (Details available here)

Meanwhile, those injured were victims of excessive use of force that accompanied IOF incursions into cities and villages and suppression of peaceful protests organized by Palestinian civilians, and they were as follows:

On 02 September 2022, 7 Palestinians, including 2 children, were shot with rubber-coated bullets during clashes that followed IOF’s suppression of Kafr Qaddoum weekly protest in northern Qalqilya.  On the same day, several Palestinians sustained wounds after being beaten, and others suffocated due to teargas inhalation, while 4 Palestinians, including a child, were arrested during IOF’s suppression of a peaceful protest organized in solidarity with Nabi Samuel villagers near al-Jeeb military checkpoint in occupied East Jerusalem.

On 06 September 2022, a child was hit with a stun grenade in his head during clashes with IOF at the western entrance to al-‘Arroub refugee camp in Hebron. On the same day, 5 Palestinians sustained wounds after IOF opened fire and fired teargas canisters during their incursion into Jalazone refugee camp, north of al-Bireh city. Before their withdrawal, IOF arrested 4 Palestinians, including 2 siblings.

On 07 September 2022, a Palestinian was shot with a live bullet after IOF opened fire at him, noting he was riding his motorcycle by Salem Palin in Nablus. IOF then arrested him.

In the Gaza Strip, 2 shootings were reported on agricultural lands in eastern Gaza Strip, and 4 other shootings were reported on fishing boats off the western Gaza Strip shore. On 01 September 2022, a burnt boat was pulled out of Khan Yunis Sea, and it turned out that Israeli gunboats fired several live bullets at the boat. 

So far in 2022, IOF attacks killed 116 Palestinians, including 84 civilians: 24 children, 8 women, 2 Palestinians killed by Israeli settler and the rest were activists; 15 of them were assassinated. Thirty-two of those killed, including 19 civilians: 8 children and 3 women were in the latest Israeli offensive on the Gaza Strip. Also, 1,308 Palestinians were wounded in IOF’s attacks, including 204 children, 40 women, and 22 journalists, in the Gaza Strip and West Bank. Moreover, 4 Palestinian detainees, including a woman, died in the Israeli jails.

Land razing, demolitions, and notices

IOF demolished 3 houses, rendering 4 families of 18 persons, including 6 women and 7 children, homeless. Also, IOF demolished 9 civilian economic facilities and razed a plot of land and property in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Details are as follows:

On 02 September 2022, upon an Israeli municipal demolition decision allegedly for unlicensed construction, a Palestinian self-demolished his house in Ras al-‘Amoud neighborhood in occupied East Jerusalem, rendering his family and his two brothers’ families of 11 persons, including 4 women and 3 children, homeless.  On the same day, upon a similar decision, a Palestinian self-demolished part of his 80-sqaure-meter house in occupied East Jerusalem. The house sheltered a family of 7 persons, including 2 women and 4 children.

On 03 September 2022, IOF’s bulldozers razed 8 dunums in Sinjil village, east of Ramallah. The levelled land is located in an area of 5200 dunums that IOF attempt to seize them, as these dunums are surrounded by 3 Israeli settlements and a military camp.

On 03 September 2022, IOF razed 8 dunums in Sinjil village, eastern Ramallah.  This plot of land is part of 5200 dunums, which IOF try to seize, and is surrounded by 3 settlements and an Israeli camp.

On 06 September 2022, IOF demolished 2 agricultural facilities, sealed off a water well and seized two containers full of construction equipment in Al-Khader village, southwest of Bethlehem, under the pretext of unlicensed construction. Also, IOF demolished for the second time a 95-meter retaining wall surrounding a plot of land in Jabal Mukaber in occupied East Jerusalem.

On 07 September 2022, IOF demolished a house and 7 civilian economic facilities, including 3 livestock barns, a carwash, tires shop, and 2 stores, in the rented Islamic Endowment property (Waqf) at ‘Anata entrance in East Jerusalem, under the pretext of unlicensed construction.

Since the beginning of 2022, Israeli occupation forces made 112 families homeless, a total of 666 persons, including 129 women and 307 children. This was the outcome of IOF demolition of 116 houses and 41 residential tents. IOF also demolished 89 other civilian economic objects, leveled vacant areas of land and delivered dozens of notices of demolition, cease-construction, and evacuation.

Settler-attacks on Palestinian civilians and their properties:

On 02 September 2022, under IOF’s heavy protection, hundreds of Israeli settlers accompanied by the Extremist Israeli Member of Knesset (MK), Itamar Ben Gvir, moved into Nabi Samuel village in occupied East Jerusalem. They roamed its streets raising Israeli flags and attempted to provoke Palestinians. The settlers then gathered at the village’s entrance opposite to a protest organized by the village’s residents.

On 06 September 2022, Israeli settlers, under IOF’s protection, attacked Palestinian houses in Khelet al-Nahlah and Khalayil al-Louz areas opposite to “Efrat” settlement, south of Bethlehem. They attempted to raid the houses by force, beat their residents and threw stones at them. As a result, many residents sustained bruises. Also, IOF attacked the residents, who tried to confront the settlers, and arrested 6 of them. 

Since the beginning of the year, settlers conducted at least 178 attacks. In two of the attacks, 2 Palestinians were killed.

IOF incursions and arrests of Palestinian civilians:

 IOF carried out 190 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Those incursions included raids and searches of civilian houses and facilities and establishment of checkpoints. During those incursions, 96 Palestinians were arrested, including 3 children and a female journalist.  In the Gaza Strip, on 07 September 2022, IOF conducted two limited incursions into eastern al-Bureij camp in central Gaza Strip and into eastern Khuza’a in Khan Yunis.

So far in 2022, IOF conducted 5,930 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem; during which, 3,540 Palestinians were arrested, including 334 children and 31 women. IOF also conducted 28 limited incursions into eastern Gaza Strip and arrested 78 Palestinians, including 45 fishermen, 28 infiltrators, and 5 travelers via Beit Hanoun “Erez” Crossing.

Israeli collective punishment and closure policy and restrictions on freedom of movement:

IOF maintains an illegal and inhuman 15-year closure on the Gaza Strip. Details available in PCHR’s monthly- update on the state of Gaza crossings in July.

On 06 September 2022, Mohammed Yaser al-Leddawi (32), from Rafah, died after IOF obstructed his travel to receive treatment at Patient’s Friends Society Hospital in Nablus and at Al-Mutala’ Hospital in occupied East Jerusalem, after he applied for a travel permit 8 times in a row to receive treatment for lymphoma.

In the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, IOF continues to impose restrictions on the freedom of movement. On top of its 108 permanent checkpoints, IOF established 104 temporary military checkpoints in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, and arrested 8 Palestinians at those checkpoints.

On 04 September 2022, IOF closed the metal detector gate established at the main entrance to Nabi Saleh village in Ramallah, and reopened it on 07 September 2022, as part of the collective punishment policy for an alleged shooting at the military watchtower established there.

So far in 2022, IOF established at least 3,005 temporary military checkpoints and arrested 142 Palestinians at those checkpoints

Palestinians mourn slain Al Jazeera journalist as calls grow for independent investigation

May 12 2022

Palestinians refused calls for a joint investigation of Shireen Abu Aqla’s murder, citing Tel Aviv’s track record of inaccurate investigations of their soldiers’ crimes

(Photo credit: The Times UK)

ByNews Desk 

Thousands of Palestinians in the occupied West Bank joined the funeral procession of murdered Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Aqla Nasri on 12 May, one day after she was shot in the head by Israeli soldiers.

Her funeral procession started from the Istishari Hospital in Ramallah, before arriving at the presidential compound of the Palestinian Authority (PA), where President Mahmoud Abbas bid her farewell.

During the ceremony, Abbas said Israel was “fully responsible” for Abu Aqla’s death.

Her body will make its way to Sheikh Jarrah in occupied East Jerusalem, where her family lives, before being laid to rest on 13 May.

The colleagues of Abu Aqla, who also came under fire on 11 May while covering Israeli raids on Jenin, said the occupation troops deliberately targeted the senior Al Jazeera correspondent, despite wearing a bulletproof vest clearly labeled PRESS.

“The [bullet] that killed Shireen was intended to kill her because the sniper fired the bullet at an area of her body that was not protected,” fellow journalist Shatha Hanaysha said.

Hanaysha also highlighted that the Israeli snipers who opened fire could clearly see that they were journalists.

In response to the accusations, Israeli officials initially tried to dodge the blame for the murder, blaming Palestinian factions instead.

“There is a good chance that armed Palestinians, who fired widely, are the ones who led to the unfortunate death of the journalist,” Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett told reporters hours after the murder.

However, later in the day, Lieutenant General Aviv Kochavi said it was “unclear” who fired the shot that killed the journalist.

“At this stage, we cannot determine by whose fire she was harmed and we regret her death,” the Israeli officer told Hebrew media.

Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz also struck a more cautious note, saying: “We are trying to figure out exactly what happened … I don’t have final conclusions.”

For their part, the PA has rejected a US-backed call for a joint investigation into the murder with Tel Aviv.

“Israel has requested a joint investigation and to be handed over the bullet that assassinated the journalist Shireen. We refused that, and we affirmed that our investigation would be completed independently,” Palestinian Civil Affairs Minister Hussein al-Sheikh said on 12 May.

The official also added that all evidence and witness statements confirm that the Palestinian-American journalist was assassinated by Israeli special units.

As international condemnation grows, the EU and UN have joined calls by right groups for an independent investigation into the murder of Abu Aqla.

The office of UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres issued a statement saying he was “appalled by the killing of Shireen Abu Aqla, a Palestinian-American reporter for Al Jazeera TV.”

The lead spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the EU, Peter Stano, said that it is vital for a “thorough, independent investigation to clarify all the circumstances of this incident as soon as possible and for those responsible to be brought to justice.”

Rights groups, lawyers and Palestinian authorities, however, say they do not expect a credible investigation into the killing by Israel, which has a track record of not thoroughly investigating crimes committed by the Israeli army.

Last month, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS), and the International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP) submitted a formal complaint to the International Criminal Court (ICC) accusing Israel of systematically targeting journalists working in Palestine.

The IFJ has repeatedly condemned Israel’s deliberate targeting of journalists and media facilities in occupied Palestine.

According to WAFA, least 55 Palestinian journalists have been killed since 2000, with no one ever being held responsible.

229 Rights Groups: “Israel” must Be Held Accountable for Premeditated Assassination of Palestinian Journalist

May 13, 2022 

By Staff, Agencies 

Some 230 international rights organizations and networks have strongly condemned the assassination of veteran Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh by ‘Israeli’ occupation forces in the occupied West Bank, calling for the Zionist entity to be held accountable for the brutal crime.

The Palestinian Ma’an news agency said the 229 signatories affirmed in a statement that the “Israeli” occupation forces’ targeting of the Palestinian journalist was a “deliberate and premeditated act and a full-fledged assassination operation.”

“Martyr Shireen Abu Akleh is a direct victim of organized terrorism [by ‘Israel’], which behaves with the mentality of criminal gangs,” the signatories stressed.

The statement said the killing was a result of systematic incitement against Palestinian journalists by the occupying regime for their professional role in revealing the truth and exposing the “Israeli” entity’s crimes.

It further criticized the international community’s silence over atrocities committed by “Israeli” troops against Palestinians, saying it exposes their double standards.

“The ‘Israeli’ occupation forces, with their heinous act, want to obscure the truth and cover up their horrendous crimes against the sons and daughters of the Palestinian people. Moreover, the regime, with its heinous act, wants to scare and intimidate journalists to prevent the conveyance of the truth to the world,” the signatories underlined.

The statement also called for the opening of a “neutral, independent and transparent” international investigation into the “Israeli” targeting the Palestinian journalist under the supervision of the International Criminal Court [ICC].

The signatories stressed the need to launch an international campaign by the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate, the International Federation of Journalists, international nongovernmental organizations, and Palestinian human rights institutions to hold “Israeli” war criminals accountable, prevent impunity for the perpetrators, and bring a legal human rights case at the ICC to prosecute “Israeli” leaders and politicians, who publicly incite the killing of Palestinian civilians, including journalists.

Shireen Abu Akleh, a longtime TV correspondent for Al Jazeera Arabic, was martyred on Wednesday after being shot in the head while covering the “Israeli” army’s raids in the city of Jenin in the northern occupied West Bank.

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