Sayyed Nasrallah: Battlefield Has the Final Say, Our Drones Reach Israeli Depth Daily

November 11, 2023

Hezbollah S.G. Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah during televised speech via Al-Manar (Saturday, November 11, 2023).

Marwa Haidar

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah stressed on Saturday that in the Lebanese front, eyes should be on the battlefield, noting that the events taking place in the combat zone will dictate the course of the war against the Israeli enemy.

In a televised speech addressing a ceremony marking Hezbollah Martyr’s Day, Sayyed Nasrallah said that the front in Lebanon witnessed an escalation last week as the resistance used, for the first time, onslaught UAVs and Bukran missiles.

He revealed that the Lebanese resistance flies drones that reach Haifa and the Israeli depth daily.

In this context, the Lebanese resistance leader noted that Hezbollah had warned the enemy via mediators that targeting civilians in Lebanon won’t be tolerated and will be harshly met.

Sayyed Nasrallah lashed out the Israeli savagery in targeting civilians and hospitals in Gaza, emphasizing that such crimes represent the reality of the Israeli occupation.

Meanwhile, his eminence lauded the “glorious and legendary” fight of the Palestinian resistance fighters who are defending their land against the Israeli invaders.

Sayyed Nasrallah also hailed the “magnificent resolution” of Gaza people who have been for weeks subjected to all forms of genocide.

The Hezbollah S.G. vowed victory as he voiced hope that the current generations will witness the liberation of Al-Quds and will perform prayers at Al-Aqsa Mosque.

About the Occasion

As in every address, Sayyed Nasrallah started his speech talking about the occasion. He recalled the heroic operation carried out by self-sacrifice martyr Ahmad Kassir at the headquarters of the Israeli military command in Tyre on Nov. 11, 1982.

“Martyr Ahmad Kassir’s blood defeated the sword of the US and the Zionist entity in our region. His operation is still the greatest and the most significant one in the resistance’s history,” his eminence said.

“11/11 is the day of all those who have sacrificed their lives on the path of resistance since 1982 till today. We feel the sacrifices of our martyrs as we live in security and dignity.”

“Our martyrs are those who shouldered their responsibilities towards the Ummah (nation) despite the high cost,” Sayyed Nasrallah stated, noting that this year’s Martyr Day coincides with significant events taking place in Palestine and Lebanon.

“Savage Aggression”

Sayyed Nasrallah lashed out at the Israeli occupation over the brutal aggression on Gaza, stressing that the “Zionist attacks expose the reality of this cruel enemy.”

“The Israeli enemy is ramping up the brutal aggression on Gaza as the resistance fighters are heroically defending their land.”

“The Israeli enemy flagrantly attacks Gaza hospitals and civilian targets before the eyes of the entire world.”

He stated that one of the major aims behind the Israeli crimes is to subdue the people of the region, noting that “despite the Israeli atrocities throughout 75 years, the people of this region have been sticking to the choice of resistance.”

In this context, Sayyed Nasrallah pointed to a shift in the international public opinion.

“Time is running out for the Zionist entity as its savagery and cruelty are exposed in front of the international community.”

“Israeli Failure”

He stressed that the US is the side who runs the war and decides on the ceasefire in Gaza.

“In the Zionist entity, there are only idiots who are just thinking about their personal political future.”

Sayyed Nasrallah addressed the US by saying: “If you don’t want a regional war then stop the aggression in Gaza.”

Meanwhile, he slammed the stance of the Arabs, wondering: “Can’t 57 states open the (Rafah) crossing in order to facilitate the delivery of aid and fuel to Gaza?”

His eminence praised the resistance fighters in Gaza whom he said “despite horrible conditions are standing firm and defending their land.”

“The glorious and legendary battlefield in Gaza is the decisive factor in the course of the war.”

Touching upon the Israeli performance, Sayyed Nasrallah described it as a failure.

“When Israel sends elite forces to Gaza then this is a failure. Israel failed to portray itself as the victorious power.”

“Axis of Resistance Backs Gaza”

The Lebanese resistance leader lauded the Yemeni and Iraqi resistance movements over their intervention against the Israeli enemy in support of Gaza.

“Yemen’s leadership and people took a brave, bold, official and public stance and sent missiles and drones to Palestine. This had important effects, even if was right that the missiles and drones did not reach its targets as the Israelis claim.”

“Attacks by the Iraqi resistance represent high courage in defiance of the US occupation forces stationed in the Arab country.”

Sayyed Nasrallah then revealed that the US pressed the resistance movements in the region in a bid to stop the attacks against its bases in Iraq and Syria.

“The US has been futilely pressing the resistance in Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen via Western and Arab channels. The only way to halt the Iraqi and Syrian attacks is to stop the war on Gaza.”

His eminence hailed the unwavering Iranian support to the resistance movements across the region.

Lebanon Front

Sayyed Nasrallah said operations on the Lebanese front have been continuing since October 8 until today, and despite all preventive measures and the constant presence of armed Israeli drones.

His eminence said that last week, the resistance in Lebanon ramped up operations against the Israeli enemy on both qualitative and quantitative levels

“Onslaught UAVs and Burkan missiles, which weighs 300 to 500 kgs, entered service last week,” Sayyed Nasrallah said.

In this context, he revealed that Hezbollah has been flying drones over the occupied Palestinian territories.

“Our reconnaissance drones fly daily over Safad, Acre, Haifa and sometimes to regions that are farther.”

The resistance leader noted that the resistance in Lebanon retaliated instantly to the horrible crime that killed Lebanese women and her three granddaughters in Aynata last week.

“We’ve informed the Israeli enemy that we won’t be lenient regarding targeting civilians.”

His eminence, meanwhile, hailed the Lebanese political and popular stance in Lebanon which supports the resistance.

Regarding the coming steps, Sayyed Nasrallah said he is “not the one who announce such moves.”

“Our policy in the current battle is that the battlefield speaks louder than the words. In the Lebanese front eyes should be on the combat zone.”

“We look forward to the victory of Palestine and to the Israeli defeat. The Victory is coming, our generations will witness the liberation of Al-Quds and will pray at Al-Aqsa,” Sayyed Nasrallah concluded his speech.

Source: Al-Manar English Website

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كاتب سياسي فلسطيني

عمرو علان

كان آخر ما كتب أنيس فلسطين، الراحل أنيس النقاش، رفيق أبو جهاد وخليل العِماد: “أنا انتهيت” نفهم من هذه العبارة الصادمة أن أجَله قد حان ولن يشهد الفصل الأخير من رواية الصلاة في القدس، لكن روحه المناضلة لن تفوّت المشهد، تلك الرواية التي نذر أنيس النقاش حياته لها بكل جِدٍ وإخلاص. وكان مشروع “التشبيك” من أجل “المشرقية” الذي أمضى النَّقاش سنواته الأخيرة فيه، أحد الركائز على طريق القدس، وهذا المشروع منسجم مع وعي الراحل السياسي المبكر وخطه النضالي، فيقول النَّقاش: “في سياق التحالف مع القوى الثورية – ومنذ البداية – قمتُ بمطالعات ودراسات معمقة عن حلف شمال الأطلسي وحلف “السنتو” وفهمت مخاطر الدور التركي والدور الإيراني، وكتبت يومها تقريراً للأخ أبو جهاد أقول فيه: الإمبريالية تخطط بشمول وعلى الثورة أن ترد بشمول، وكنت أعتقد أن للولايات المتحدة الأمريكية حليفين كبيرين في المنطقة هما تركيا وإيران، ونحن إذا أردنا أن نغير الموازين في المنطقة علينا أن نعمل على التغيير في هاتين الدولتين”، وقد وافق أبو جهاد على السير قدما في هذه الرؤية.

يُعد انتصار الثورة الإسلامية في إيران وتأسيس الجمهورية الإسلامية فيها، وتبدل موقع إيران الجيوسياسي من حليف للاستكبار العالمي إلى نصير لحقوق الأمة الإسلامية والمستضعفين المدماك الأول على هذا الطريق، ولقد كان النَّقاش ممن ساهموا في إنجاز هذا الانتصار.

يتقاطع مشروع “التشبيك عوضاً عن الاشتباك” في العديد من جوانبه مع مشاريع مشابهة تبنتها شخصيات أخرى فاعلة ومخلصة في المنطقة {فَمِنْهُم مَّن قَضَىٰ نَحْبَهُ وَمِنْهُم مَّن يَنتَظِرُ}، ولكن المهم أن فلسفة هذا المشروع تنبع من نظرة وحدوية شاملة لبلاد المشرق العربي والإسلامي، وتميّز النَّقاش بعمله الدؤوب على أرض الواقع وفي الميادين من أجل إتمام هذا المشروع، لا سيما في العشرية الأخيرة من عمر الحرب – الإمبريالية بأيادي محلية – المفروضة على الدولة السورية.

لكن الراحل كان يدرك أن هكذا مشوار هو أطول من عمر الجسد، وأن بذور المشروع الوحدوي كامنة في الظروف الموضوعية الراسخة أصلاً في أرضنا ضمن حقائق التاريخ والجغرافيا، ويمكن هنا الاستئناس بما قاله عن نشْأت المقاومة الإسلامية في جنوب لبنان، حيث كان دوره في العمل ضمن مشروع تأسيسها قد انقطع نتيجة اعتقاله في فرنسا مما ساهم في تأخير بزوغ فجرها، حيث قال: ” لكن الأمور تجري بنا ومن دوننا، وهذا درس سياسي مضمونه أن الظروف الموضوعية هي الأقوى دائماً من الظروف الذاتية، أي أن الإنسان جزء من آلة كبيرة، ربما تستفيق على فكرة اليوم وتكون السبّاق إليها والرائد فيها، لكن عدم تنفيذك الفكرة لا يعني أن هذه الفكرة لن تنبت في مكان آخر أو لدى شخص آخر”.

لهذا بعد رحيل أحد فرسان المشاريع الوحدوية البارزين ينتقل عبء إتمام المسيرة إلينا، فهم روَّوا بالدم والحِبْر والعرق بذور الوحدة المزروعة في أرضنا، وعلينا إكمال المشوار كي تُزهِر هذه البذور تعاوناً إقليمياً في الأمن والاقتصاد والثقافة، مما سَيُعَبِّد الطريق واسعاً نحو الصلاة في المسجد الأقصى وكنائس القدس بلا أدنى شك.

ولعل المشيئة الإلهية قدّرت أن يكون أجَل أنيس النقاش المكتوب بسبب “الكورونا” اللعينة، مما يضيف إليه بعداً إنسانياً وعاطفياً يحاكي أثَر رحيل الشهداء، ونحسبه بإذن الله كذلك على ما قدم، ويُجزئ في هذا ما كتبه المفكر العربي منير شفيق – أحد أقطاب الفكر الوحدوي ومن المنظّرين لفكرة تحديد التناقض الرئيسي – في نعي الفقيد المنشور على جريدة الأخبار، ولعله بهذا يتحقق في رحيل أنيس النقاش مقولة الشيخ راغب حرب: “دمُ الشهيد إذا سقط فبيد الله يسقط، وإذا سقط بيد الله فإنه ينمو”.

رحمة الله عليك يا أنيس فلسطين وأنيس المقاومين، فالقدس اليوم فقدت أحد فرسانها المخلصين.

كاتب سياسي فلسطيني

Nasrallah: ‘Israel is not a Jewish State and will be destroyed, the settlers will be expelled or decimated’


Date: 13 July 2020

Author: lecridespeuples

Extract from an interview with Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on May 26, 2020, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Liberation of southern Lebanon. The interview lasted almost 3 hours.
Will Al-Quds (Jerusalem) be ‘liberated’ like the Crusaders in 1099, who put to the swords all the Muslims & Jews, including women and children, or like Saladin in 1187, who allowed the Christian occupiers to leave safe and sound? For its part, in 1948, Israel largely resorted to massacres in order to terrorize and expell the Palestinian population. Nasrallah clearly marks his preference, but as he explains, it will not be up to him, and once the Great War of Liberation has started, “there may be no more time for [the Jews] to leave Palestine, and there might be no safe place for them in occupied Palestine. […] And the scale of the massacres committed by Israel against the Palestinian people and the peoples of the region, its partnership with Daesh and its open complicity in the project of partition of our region […], all this will push the people of the region to issue a capital verdict against them.”
Translation :
Journalist: […] Eminent Sayed (descendant of the Prophet), we started (this interview) by tackling (recent statements by Ehud Barak affirming that as early as 1985, he had foreseen the Israeli debacle which occurred in 2000), and you declared that as early as 1982, the Resistance envisaged victory as a certain horizon. Now, I look to the future and ask you: in the eyes of Hezbollah and the Resistance, how do you envisage the year 2035 (regarding the existence of Israel)?
Hassan Nasrallah : 2035? You are therefore asking me about the 25 years (of maximum existence) predicted by His Eminence the Supreme Guide (Sayed Khamenei in 2015). His Eminence the Guide, may God preserve him, did not declare that Israel would disappear in 2035, but said that he was not even sure (and that it was even unlikely) that it would survive until then.
This is an intimate conviction, an absolute certainty in our eyes. This entity —we no longer speak only of (the occupation) of southern Lebanon, but of (the very existence of) the Israeli entity— is, firstly, an artificial entity, fabricated from scratch and (a body) foreign to this region, it is a foreign body (implanted by force) in the Middle East.
Second, there is a very important point, that it is a racist entity. His Eminence the Imam Musa al-Sadr, may God bring him back safe and sound among us, insisted a lot on a very important point, namely that Israel is not a Jewish State. They claim it is a Jewish state, but it is (by no means) a religious State. Why, is Netanyahu someone pious? If we consider his government, there are a few ministers of religious parties, but the Israeli right and left (who are the majority) are not pious or religious. It cannot be said that it is a religious State governed by the Torah. Why is it a racist state? Because they consider themselves to be the descendants of the children of Israel (another name for Prophet Jacob), they consider this land to be their (exclusive and eternal) property, that they are God’s chosen people, that it is their right, (that the Goyim are inferior creatures vowed to serve them), etc., etc., etc. And it behaves racistly.
On the one hand, it is therefore a racist, artificial state, foreign to the region and its texture. On the other hand, fundamentally, it is based on terrorism, murder, rape, and has no legality, no legitimacy, no moral or ethical foundation, no humanitarian foundation. And it relies partly on its limited intrinsic force, which is not an absolute force, partly on the passive environment (of the Arab regimes subservient to Washington), and on its main support force, namely the United States of America and the West. All of this is not going to last (forever).
The pre-2000 Israel —and they themselves recognize it today— is no longer the post-2000 Israel. The allegedly invincible army has become a defeated army, not only in southern Lebanon, but even in Gaza. And it will be defeated in any new confrontation, with the grace of God. The situation of our region must not deceive them because of the complacency of some regimes (Arab-Muslim vassals of the United States). For the peoples (of the region), the faith in the (armed) Resistance and the credibility of this choice in the eyes of the Arab-Muslim peoples are stronger than ever, despite the lies of the electronic armies.
And the foundation on which Israel fundamentally rests, their true pillar, namely the United States, is not meant to always remain so powerful, so imposing and so arrogant, capable of threatening the whole region, all the Arab regimes, and constituting an unwavering and eternal support for the Israeli entity. Recently, one of the great intellectuals of our time, Chomsky, said that the United States is headed for disaster. Whoever looks at this President (Trump), this administration, his behavior, it is clear that they are heading (straight ahead) towards a disaster, a disaster in every sense of the word.
A State whose very existence relies on a foreign element is bound to collapse when the foreign element weakens. This is why we consider that it is only a matter of time (before Israel disappears). The future we are looking at (with certainty) is not only that of the year 2000 (an Israeli withdrawal from this or that area); it is that of a region in which it is absolutely impossible —this is how I see it— it is absolutely impossible for this cancerous tumor to remain, this germ of corruption, this absolute evil, this artificial entity devoid of any legitimacy, any ethical foundation, based on racism and terrorism, and which only endures thanks to foreign support. When the equations are changed, (the Zionist settlers) will have no choice but to pack up and leave.
As far as I am concerned, the spectacle of the Zionist settlers packing their bags and boarding planes or boats to return to where they come from is an absolute certainty, an inevitable necessity. It’s just a matter of time. And that day, I hope that the Resistance movements in the region will allow them to pack up and flee (safe and sound), just like they fled (from southern Lebanon) in 2000 and like they fled from the Gaza Strip (in 2005).
Journalist: “We will be praying at al-Quds soon”, (you said). This certainty that you have…
Hassan Nasrallah : I cannot say exactly what length of time we should put behind the word “soon”, but it is only a matter of time. I see it as a spectacle that will inevitably happen. It is above all a divine promise, and a well-rooted historical tradition. The whole story (shows that the Empires collapsed and that the colonists and invaders ended up packing up). We are not talking about something that would be unprecedented or contravene historical experience. It is history itself and its laws that predict such an outcome.
Journalist : Eminent Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of Hezbollah, what you are saying is a strong, existing and present opinion. But on the other hand, there are people who consider that Israel has succeeded in creating changes (in its favor) in the strategic environment. We know that Israel often holds conferences and likes to talk about its “strategic environment” (in the Middle East). Some believe that Israel has succeeded in bringing about (profound) upheavals which will enable it to restore its capacity for initiative. They maintain that in 2000, the strategic environment was much more favorable to Hezbollah than today: you had the upper hand, there was an Intifada in occupied Palestine (from 2000 to 2005), there were armed operations (of the Palestinian Resistance) in the heart of Tel Aviv, there was universal and massive Arab popular support (for the Palestinian cause), there were Arab regimes embarrassed (by their inaction & alliance to the West), stability reigned in Syria, and even Turkey then approached the Resistance Axis and distanced itself from Israel. But today, the United States has been present in our region for 20 years (since the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 and then Iraq in 2003), Syria has withdrawn from Lebanon, the Arab Spring led to the targeting of Arab armies (destruction of major Arab countries like Syria and Libya), Arab countries normalize their relations (with Israel), and even in Lebanon, there is no internal stability. Is all this true? And my second question is this: to whom does the strategic environment give the capacity for initiative today?
Hassan Nasrallah : These are very broad questions… Even in the clues you mentioned… There are things that have not changed, at least not in favor of Israel, and may have improved (in our favor) in some way.
For example, in 1982, in Lebanon, there was a civil war. There were fundamental divisions, frontlines (in Beirut itself), battles, Lebanese (movements) who fought alongside the Israelis against other Lebanese (like the militias of Samir Geagea, Bachir Gemayel, etc.). Today, there is no more civil war. There are no more frontlines, are there? There are certainly…
Journalist : But I asked you about the situation in 2000. It was in 2000 that the strategic environment was particularly favorable to the Resistance, and (obviously) not in 1982.
Hassan Nasrallah : All right, let’s not talk about 1982. But even in 2000, I don’t consider that the interior atmosphere in Lebanon was much better than that of today, if we want to speak of the interior atmosphere. Some of the fundamental divisions persist internally (between the pro-Westerners of the so-called March 14 alliance and the pro-Iran sovereignists of the March 8 alliance).
And there is something I want to focus on: when we talk about near or distant history, we should not embellish reality. You have to describe the history as it is. In 2000, there was no unanimity on the principle of Resistance (to the Israeli occupation). There was no union of the Lebanese (besides Hezbollah). It’s a fiction. On the contrary, there were severe differences on the question of the Resistance, and some Lebanese forces considered that Hezbollah was not even a patriotic movement or linked to Lebanon, and was only fighting in the interest of Syria and Iran. (Resistance) operations in the south were mentioned as (reprehensible) violence, and some Lebanese media did not designate our martyrs as martyrs, but simply as “killed”: the young resistance fighters were “killed”, and the Israeli soldiers were “killed” (they made no difference between the two). I don’t want to reopen this page of history. But I emphasize that there was no unanimity. Contrary to all those who claim that Hezbollah would have lost the unanimity it enjoyed before, I maintain that since 1982 to this day, the Resistance has lost nothing, for there was NEVER unanimity on the question of the Resistance. This has always been a point of disagreement.
Regarding the points you raised about the strategic environment, we interpret the arrival of the Americans in the region (in 2001) differently. In our eyes, this is proof of the advance of the Axis of Resistance: when the United States realized that Israel alone was unable to protect the interests of Washington, which is its fundamental role, because this entity is an instrument (of British and then American imperialism); when the United States became convinced that the regimes in the region it supports (Saudi Arabia, Gulf countries, Egypt, etc.) became incapable of protecting the interests of Washington, when they started to be afraid of certain States in the region (Syria, Iran) and of the peoples of the region, who risked transforming the Middle East in a direction contrary to Washington’s interests, this forced them to be present directly with their fleet, their military bases, their armed forces, etc. It is a sign of the strength of the strategic environment in our favor, not in favor of the enemy. So much for the first point.
Second, so as not to tackle all the points you mentioned one by one, let’s look at the other side. Where was the Resistance? Today, when we ask to Israel if the Hezbollah of 2000 is the same as that of today, Israel answers: “Of course not ! It has grown and strengthened, and it is dozens of times more powerful than before!” We went from the status of a (guerrilla) Resistance, a small group of young people, people with faith but with (very) limited capacities, to that of a “terrorist army”, in the words of the Israeli chief of staff, but I underline the word “army”. And he adds that Israel must work to widen the gap between the Resistance and the Israeli army again, which indicates that Hezbollah is on the rise.
If we consider the Palestinian people, there were a lot of people within Palestine who were counting on negotiations (to achieve a peace agreement and a Palestinian State), but today negotiations have reached an dead end. Today, the level of support of the Palestinian people for the choice of the Armed Resistance is higher than ever. So we are talking about an upheaval in the strategic environment (but it is certainly not in favor of Israel). Because the Palestinian people are the key. The main element that will decide the future of the (Zionist) entity is the state of mind, the point of view and the convictions of the Palestinian people, as well as their will and determination.
And with regard to Gaza, which was occupied in 2000, to speak of the year 2000, today, Gaza is in the hands of the Resistants. After 2000, all that the Israelis feared from the Palestinians was an ambush, an explosive charge, or a martyrdom (operation) here or there. But today, the leaders of the factions of the Resistance in Gaza (Hamas and Islamic Jihad) claim that their ballistic capacity allows them to strike all the cities of occupied Palestine. Who is this development favouring? And this is happening in the very heart of Israel, in its security and existential depth!
In our view, the transformations in the region are in our favor, not in favor of the enemy. We are not saying that the strategic environment is entirely in our favor, but it is not entirely in favor of the enemy. There are strengths on both sides…
Journalist: Is there a balance?
Hassan Nasrallah : Yes, there is a high level of balance. Without this balance, Israel would have waged a war against Lebanon now (taking advantage of the war in Syria and the economic and health crisis in Iran).
Journalist: Does the current strategic environment give Hezbollah the initiative, the capacity for initiative?
Hassan Nasrallah : Hezbollah has the capacity for initiative, and the enemy also has the capacity for initiative. But because of the balance (mutuel deterrence) between the two, each one thinks twice (before attacking the other). Everyone thinks twice. […]
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