إلى أين تتجه المنطقة بعد ليلة الرد الإيراني؟

نيسان 18 2024

سيتوجب على أميركا كبح جماح ربيبتها “إسرائيل” ومنعها من الذهاب بعيداً.
عمرو علان كاتب وباحث فلسطيني

لكن نجاح أميركا في تفادي الحرب الإقليمية الشاملة، إذا ما توفرت لديها إرادة جادة لذلك، يظل متوقفاً بقدر كبير على كون جولة الرد والرد المقابل المرتقبة بين إيران والكيان كافيةً لتظهير حدود قوة الأطراف وتوازناتها الجديدة.

ثمّة إجماع على أن اعتداء الكيان الغاصب على القنصلية الإيرانية في دمشق، وما تبعه من رد صاروخي إيراني مباشر وغير مسبوق على الكيان، أدخل منطقتي المشرق العربي وغرب آسيا في مرحلة مختلفة نوعياً في غاية التعقيد والخطورة، وفتح الباب واسعاً أمام احتمالات تدحرج الأمور إلى حرب شاملة لا يريدها أي من أطراف الصراع، عدا الكيان الغاصب وحكومة نتنياهو، فهل بالإمكان التنبؤ بمسار الأحداث؟ وما السيناريو الأكثر ترجيحاً للأيام القادمة؟

لا تزال الوقائع تتسارع بطريقة دراماتيكية منذ الزلزال الجيوسياسي الذي ضرب المنطقة صبيحة 7 تشرين الأول 2023، فقد كانت عملية “طوفان الأقصى” عملاً استراتيجياً بارعاً بامتياز، كما أرادتها قيادات كتائب القسام أن تكون، إذ لا يمكن فصل أي من التطورات اللاحقة التي شهدتها المنطقة عن تلك العملية ولا عن سياقاتها، فلولا طوفان 7 تشرين الأول 2023 الفلسطيني لما كانت عملية 14 نيسان 2024 الإيرانية.

لقد جاء “طوفان الأقصى” عقب عدة منعطفات متراكمة مر بها الإقليم خلال العقدين الأخيرين، كانت حصيلتها من الناحية النظرية اختلال التوازنات الحاكمة إقليمياً، ولم يكن قد تم بعد ترسيم ذلك الاختلال واختبار الموازين المستجدة ميدانياً، ومن ثم جاء “طوفان الأقصى” ضمن هذا السياق الممتد لعقدين، فكانت باكورة نتائجه إبراز تراجع مستوى قدرة الاحتلال الردعية وترسيخ تهشيم فكرة “الجيش الذي لا يقهر”، ليفتح الباب أمام مرحلة ترصيد موازين المنطقة الجديدة ميدانياً وعملياً.

مذاك، شن العدو عدوانه الهمجي الأخير على غزة لتعديل الكفة لمصلحته واستعادة صورة الردع، لكنه لم يستطع بعد أكثر من 6 أشهر القضاء على المقاومة الفلسطينية، فيما في المقابل لم يستطع محور المقاومة إجبار العدو على القبول بوقف إطلاق النار بشروط المقاومة الفلسطينية، لتدخل الحرب فترة مراوحة عسكرية مع انسداد الأفق أمام الاحتلال لتحقيق أي إنجاز على جبهة غزة، بما يعني أن درجة الاختلال في موازين القوى، التي يتم اختبارها من خلال الحرب الدائرة، لم يتم حسمها بعد ميدانياً.

لذلك، دفع انسداد الأفق أمام الاحتلال في غزة للهروب إلى الأمام، فاقترف عدواناً فجاً على القنصلية الإيرانية في دمشق، أملاً في خلط الأوراق، لكن الاستخبارات العسكرية لدى “جيش” الاحتلال وشبكة أمان في الكيان أخطأتا بتقديم تقدير دقيق لرد الفعل الإيراني، كما كشف الإعلام العبري. وقد فوجئ كل من الكيان الغاصب وأميركا بقوة الرد الصاروخي الإيراني المباشر ليلة 14 نيسان، بحسب ما أوردت الصحافة الأميركية.

لقد جاءت ضربة 14 نيسان الصاروخية لتعمق من مأزق الكيان الغاصب عقب أحداث 7 تشرين الأول، إذ إنها أمعنت في تهشيم صورة القدرة الردعية لجيش الاحتلال، لكن تلك الضربة بدورها لم تكن كافيةً لرسم حدود توازنات المنطقة الجاري صرفها ميدانياً منذ تشرين الأول الفائت.

لذلك، رغم تحذيرات بايدن لنتنياهو من خطورة التصعيد وحثه على ابتلاع الضربة الإيرانية، فالأرجح أن يقوم العدو برد فعل عسكري ما مباشر ضد إيران، وهذا ما تشير إليه تصريحات مسؤولي كيان الاحتلال المتكررة مؤخراً. وبناء عليه، صار السؤال الأكثر منطقيةً ليس ما إذا كان الكيان سيقوم بعمل استفزازي ضد إيران، بل ما إذا كان بمقدور أميركا منع انزلاق الإقليم إلى حرب شاملة؟

لقد كانت تصريحات المسؤولين الإيرانيين واضحةً وحاسمةً بأن يكون رد الجمهورية الإسلامية فورياً وأكثر حزماً على أي استفزاز صهيوني جديد.

وقياساً على وقائع ليلة 14 نيسان، يمكن القول إن إيران قادرة على تنفيذ وعيدها، كما أن من نافلة القول إن جيش الاحتلال كذلك قادر على شن اعتداء على إيران، لكن على الأرجح أن يكون التصعيد المحتمل بين إيران والكيان في مراحله الأولى منضبطاً، على شاكلة ضربات متزامنة، لكنها محسوبة، بما يشبه صيغة “المعركة بين الحروب” التي كانت تدور لأيام محدودة بين حركات المقاومة والكيان الغاصب.

مع ذلك، تبقى معادلات الردود المتقابلة بين حركات مقاوِمة واحتلال مختلفةً في حالات الدول، بمعزل عن تصنيفنا للكيان من الناحية السياسية، ما يجعل احتمال تصاعد الردود المتقابلة إلى حرب شاملة بمشاركة كل الجبهات أكبر من أي وقت مضى.

سيتوجب على أميركا في المرحلة القادمة كبح جماح ربيبتها “إسرائيل” ومنعها من الذهاب بعيداً في التصعيد إذا ما أرادت تفادي انزلاق المنطقة إلى حرب شاملة لا تريدها، إذ يلزمها ممارسة ضغوط فاعلة وأكثر جديةً على الكيان من أجل التوصّل إلى صيغة تهدئة مع إيران ضمن نطاق زمني محدود، إضافة إلى التوصل إلى وقف لإطلاق النار يلبي شروط حركة حماس على جبهة غزة، وذلك بصفتها الجبهة الرئيسة التي ترتبط بها باقي الجبهات.

لكن نجاح أميركا في تفادي الحرب الإقليمية الشاملة، إذا ما توفرت لديها إرادة جادة لذلك، يظل متوقفاً بقدر كبير على كون جولة الرد والرد المقابل المرتقبة بين إيران والكيان كافيةً لتظهير حدود قوة الأطراف وتوازناتها الجديدة.

أما ما دون ذلك، فإنه يجعل إمكانية التدحرج إلى حرب كسر عظم بين الأطراف الإقليمية احتمالاً معقولاً. وآنذاك، لن تكون القوى الكبرى الدولية بمنأى عن عموم المشهد بدرجات متفاوتة.

تعيش منطقتنا مرحلةً في غاية الحساسية والخطورة لم تعش نظيراً لها منذ 1973، مع فارقين أساسيين يرفعان درجة المخاطر ويزيدان تعقيد

عموم المشهد

أولهما، أن قوى التحرر العربية والإسلامية اليوم هي قوى مبدئية، وتعمل وفقاً لاستراتيجية “معركة تحرير” لا “معركة تحريك”، ما يجعل ظروف التوصل إلى صفقة كبيرة تفرط بالحقوق العربية والإسلامية غير موجودة.

أما ثانيهما، فيتمثل في حالة السيولة التي يعيشها النظام الدولي والصراع بين غرب استعماري في طور الأفول وشرق صاعد يطمح إلى إعادة التوازن في المنظومة الدولية التي ترسخت في أعقاب الحرب العالمية الثانية، في تحول عالمي جذري يرى فيه كثيرون وضعاً لم يتكرر منذ نهايات القرن السادس عشر.

لهذا كله، نجد أن عبارة “كل الاحتمالات مفتوحة” باتت منذ 7 تشرين الأول 2023 العبارة التي يكررها المتابعون والسياسيون، بمن فيهم قادة الصف الأول لحركات المقاومة، في مصداق لمقولة أن “ما بعد طوفان الأقصى ليس كما قبله”.

إن الآراء المذكورة في هذه المقالة تعبّر عن رأي صاحبها حصراً

No country wants normalization with a weak Israel

OCT 10, 2023

The Palestinian resistance’s successful strikes against Israel have buried prospects for Saudi-Israeli normalization, as global attention pivots to the plight of Palestinians under a brutal occupation.

Photo Credit: The Cradle

Mohamad Hasan Sweidan

Immediately following the launch of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood in occupied Palestine, a chorus of analysts surfaced to express their grave concerns about the prospects for Saudi-Israeli normalization, which up until now, had been getting “closer every day.” 

According to most experts, the significant blows dealt to Israel by the Palestinian resistance since last Saturday have ignited a debate about the overall feasibility of further Arab normalization with the occupation state. This view only strengthened in the wake of reports that Saudi Arabia has pulled out of such talks. 

In an article for the Washington Post last month, US writer Jonathan Hoffman delved into the motivations behind Arab countries’ decision to normalize relations with the occupation state. 

The primary objectives of normalization, he says, are twofold: first, Arab states aim to enhance their ties with what they perceive to be a ‘formidable’ global player, and second, they seek to forge closer bonds with Washington through the conduit of normalization with Israel.

This perspective is corroborated by Brandon Friedman, director of research at Tel Aviv University’s  Moshe Dayan Center for Middle East and African Studies. The Arab states have a keen interest in establishing relations with Israel, he claims, because they believe ties can bolster their strength via intelligence exchanges, the utilization of Israeli missile defense systems, and further acquisitions of Israel’s cutting-edge weaponry and technology.

Shock and Awe

It is the same language that underpinned the 2020 Abraham Accords: the nonstop narrative that Arabs should embrace an entity that possesses significant military, technological, and economic advantages, in order to strengthen their capacity to confront the common threats posed by Iran. 

But this narrative began to unravel – at least in part – on what has come to be known as “the day that stunned Israel,” as aptly described by the Financial Times. On the morning of 7 October, the Palestinian resistance announced the commencement of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, which, to date, has resulted in over 1,000 dead Israelis and the capture of at least 150 prisoners of war – who will serve as valuable bargaining chips and possible deterrence against the full force of Israeli aggression against Gaza. 

Western media outlets have characterized this Palestinian operation as the most substantial blow to Israel in decades. US columnist Thomas Friedman called it “Israel’s worst day at war,” while Yossi Mikkelberg contends that the Palestinian success represents “a conceptual and operational failure of the highest order.”

Even the Israeli press mutedly concedes that “beyond the shock that the attack evoked, and the failures of military Intelligence and the army’s readiness, Israel is left with a hard nut to crack.”

A cursory examination can help explain Israel’s intelligence and military failures today. The Palestinian resistance, through its remarkable success, has shattered the prevailing myths of the occupation state, portraying it as weak, disoriented, unable to confront its adversaries, and retreating from confrontation by targeting civilians. 

Setbacks for Saudi-Israeli détente  

The second objective articulated by Hoffman in his article – strengthening relations with Washington, the paramount superpower present in West Asia – has also been dealt a significant blow by the Palestinian resistance. 

Israel’s vulnerabilities have always automatically translated into perceived US weaknesses within West Asia. And because emerging powers like China and Russia are perceived to be gaining global prominence, regional states may increasingly seek to bolster ties with Washington’s great power competitors. In the wake of the Al-Aqsa Flood operation, the Palestinian resistance has exposed western fragility, amplified loudly last week by Israel’s stunning setbacks.

One of the notable outcomes of the resistance op is its impact on the Saudi-Israeli normalization trajectory – a course that the Washington establishment had been actively promoting. Despite Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s very recent interview with Fox News on 21 September, in which he hinted at Riyadh moving closer to normalizing relations with Tel Aviv, any such aspirations appear to have dissipated the moment Palestinian liberators stormed Israel last weekend.

To proceed with normalization, the Saudis had initially placed several conditions on the negotiating table, including Washington’s support for its civilian nuclear program, and an array of US defense commitments which include security assurances and access to advanced military equipment. 

In addition, Riyadh sought some concessions from the Israeli side on the Palestinian issue so that it would be able to frame normalization as beneficial to Palestinians. It is important to note that the kingdom may have forged ties with Tel Aviv even if its third demand was not met – given the priority accorded to the first two conditions. 

In today’s context, however, Riyadh will find it nigh near impossible to abandon its request for Israeli concessions, particularly with Tel Aviv’s aggressive bombardment of civilians in the Gaza Strip now a daily occurrence. 

At the same time, the blow suffered by Israel will make it equally impossible for the Saudis to extract concessions for the Palestinians. In a nutshell, the chances of Saudi-Israeli normalization taking place are now significantly reduced.

Simultaneously, an Israeli-Saudi detente has become an even greater priority for both Washington and Tel Aviv in the past few days. This shared interest could force them to contemplate coughing up some humiliating concessions to strike a deal with Riyadh. Ironically, it is detente’s biggest beneficiary, Israel, that continues to undermine its normalization ambition: ongoing aggression and war crimes against Palestinians in Gaza make any talk of rapprochement anathema to Arab populations.

The revival of the Palestinian cause

Prior to Al-Aqsa Flood, US foreign policy sought to diminish the relevance of the Palestinian issue in both West Asian and international arenas, betting heavily on normalization agreements to marginalize Palestinian rights. The resurgence of the Palestinian resistance has instead placed the Palestinian cause at the very forefront of the international agenda, made evident by the global outpouring of solidarity for the Palestinian people.

As Al-Aqsa Flood operations unfolded, Saudi Arabia’s foreign ministry issued a statement effectively placing the blame on Israel. This slap-pat Tel Aviv should not have been unexpected. The kingdom has warned for years against the dangers posed by Israel’s continued occupation of Palestinian lands, its deprivation of Palestinian rights, and its deliberate provocations against their sacred sites.

In a remarkable turn of events, literally overnight, the Palestinian resistance has resurrected the Palestinian cause that many Arab governments had sought to bury in order to appease Israel.

The full impact of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood has yet to be revealed. Palestinian resistance ops are still ongoing as are Israel’s Gaza strikes, and the possibility of hostilities expanding into other arenas remains high. What is now indisputable, however, is that the redirection of global interest to Palestine came courtesy of armed resistance, and not from decades of diplomacy, artificial peace plans, or the failed ‘Abraham Accords’ diversion. 

Palestinian resistance, it turns out, remains the primary safeguard of Palestinian rights. 

Although Saudi Arabia’s demands for Israeli concessions to the Palestinians may have been sidelined in previous talks, today, they have become an integral part of any future negotiations, whether all parties like it or not. 

Conversely, Israelis, who have witnessed a clean sweep of military, intelligence, and security defeats in recent days, will resolutely refuse to dole out concessions to Palestinians. The very prospect of doing so from a weakened position harkens to the end of its colonial-settler project. 

The two sides at the normalization table have no ground on which to meet any longer. In effect, intended or not, the Palestinian resistance has succeeded in obstructing the path of Saudi-Israeli rapprochement.

The views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of The Cradle.

300 Israelis killed, 750 missing as Palestinian Resistance pursues op.

October 8, 2023

Source: Agencies

Rockets launched by the Palestinian Resistance from the Gaza Strip toward Israeli settlements, in Gaza, October 7, 2023. (AP)

By Al Mayadeen English

The latest tally of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood is 300 Israelis killed and over 1864 wounded, and the numbers are expected to rise significantly.

Israeli media reported unofficial estimates suggesting that approximately 750 Israelis are still considered missing. They highlighted that despite a full day has passed since the Operation, Palestinian fighters are still present in Israeli settlements.

The Israeli media confirmed that confrontations are still ongoing in “Kfar Azza” and “Be’eri”, with “control yet to be established” over areas in “Sderot”, “Zikim”, “Re’im”, and “Sufa”.

Concurrently, the Israeli Health Ministry reported that the death toll has risen to 300, while 1864 are injured, including 19 clinically dead and 326 are in critical condition.

Additionally, Israeli media reports indicated that an Israeli soldier committed suicide in the “Re’im” kibbutz using his personal firearm in the wake of the Palestinian operation.

Furthermore, the Israeli occupation forces said, “The entire zone of responsibility of the Gaza Division has now been declared a closed military zone,” in a statement on  X.

Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas movement, have announced that confrontations between the Resistance and Israeli occupation forces are ongoing on several fronts, including “Sufa” and “Kibbutz Holit”.

Al-Qassam Brigades spokesperson Abu Obeida confirmed that the number of Israeli prisoners is “several times greater than the Zionist entity thinks.” He directed a message to the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, stating that his threats to Gaza are a “losing bet after the soldiers fell like locusts, and hundreds of them fled.” He emphasized that the entity is facing a deep crisis, “after witnessing the courage of our men.”

Meanwhile, Haaretz reported that Netanyahu, facing accusations in three corruption cases, has failed to handle the entity’s affairs and is held responsible for the calamity that befell “Israel”.

Read next: ‘Israel was humiliated and defeated’: The Washington Post

What you need to know 

On Saturday, Mohammad Deif, Commander-in-Chief of al-Qassam Brigades, announced the launching of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood following a barrage of rockets fired and an infiltration operation into Gaza Envelope settlements.

The leader said the operation comes in response to the Israeli occupation’s desecration of al-Aqsa Mosque and multiple assaults against women in its yards. 

Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas movement, issued a military statement regarding the operation.

Later in the day, Israeli occupation Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said “Israel is at war” after Hamas fighters initiated a large-scale surprise attack on settlements in the Gaza envelope. 

In a filmed statement published several hours after the Palestinian Resistance launched Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, Netanyahu confirmed that he convened the heads of the Israeli security establishment and directed that Palestinian Resistance fighters who crossed into Gaza envelope settlements be “neutralized”.

Towns and cities quickly fell into complete control of the Resistance units as Israeli occupation military and police forces collapsed within the first hour of the attack.

The Resistance’s operation comes in the context of continued and unchecked Israeli aggression against Palestinians in the West Bank and occupied al-Quds, as well as a suffocating siege on the Gaza Strip.

Hezbollah targets 3 Israeli military sites in occupied Shebaa Farms

8 Oct 2023

Source: Al Mayadeen

Members of Hezbollah pose next to several flags of the Resistance group in a military training site, Janta, Lebanon, on August 19, 2022. (AFP)

By Al Mayadeen English

Hezbollah has announced its responsibility for a simultaneous attack on three Israeli sites in solidarity with the Palestinian Resistance and people.

The Lebanese Resistance Party, Hezbollah, has claimed responsibility for the simultaneous targeting of three Israeli military sites located in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms. 

“On the path of liberating what is left of our occupied Lebanese land and in solidarity with the triumphant Palestinian Resistance and the [persevering] and patient Palestinian people… groups of martyr leader Hajj Imad Mughniyeh, this Sunday morning, corresponding to 8 October 2023, attacked three occupation sites in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms,” the Resistance party said in a statement.

The sites were targeted with large barrages of mortar shells as well as guided missiles, and they are: ar-Radar, Zebdine, and Ruwaisat al-Alam.

The Islamic Resistance in #Lebanon has announced that a large number of artillery shells and guided rockets were used, and the sites were directly hit.

The targeted military sites are ar-Radar, Zebdine, and Ruwaisat al-Alam.#Palestine#Gaza#طوفان_الأقصى#OperationAlAqsaFlood… pic.twitter.com/6TulARxaRV— Al Mayadeen English (@MayadeenEnglish) October 8, 2023

Hezbollah confirmed direct hits on all three sites.

Read more: Hezbollah hails Al-Aqsa Flood, in contact with Palestinian Resistance

Related News

Israeli media outlets reported that the Northern Front, in reference to the area composed of the occupied Palestinian north and occupied Lebanese territories, has now been opened.

Nearby settlers were ordered to move into fortified areas into fortified areas, while resorts were shut down in the area. 

Israeli settlers in the “Metula” settlement heard explosions, as Israeli media outlets confirmed that “there were no injuries in today’s shelling from Lebanon to Israel in the Shebaa Farms area.”

Lebanese media reported that the Israeli occupation forces shelled areas in southern Lebanon.

The Israeli army radio confirmed that “the artillery units of the Israeli army fired at the Lebanese area from which” mortar shells and rockets were fired toward military sites.

A spokesperson said the Israeli military is ready for all scenarios and will continue to “protect Israelis”.

Read more: Hezbollah’s precision rockets a grave threat to ‘Israel’: IOF official

Operation Al Aqsa Flood

Special coverage | Palestinian resistance bombing settlements up to occupied Jerusalem 2023-10-09
Special coverage | All of Palestine is part of the Al-Aqsa Flood process, and the unity of the squares is present 2023-10-09
Coverage continues on the Syrian news screen with Raif Marai 10/8/2023

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‘Israel’ Taken by Surprise as Palestinian Resistance Launches Swift “Op. Al-Aqsa Flood”

October 7, 2023

Palestinians celebrate as an Israeli military vehicle burns after it was hit by Palestinian gunmen who infiltrated occupied territories (October 7, 2023 / photo by Reuters).

Gaza-based Hamas Palestinian resistance movement launched on Saturday a surprise operation in which its fighters infiltrated and controlled several Israeli settlements in Gaza envelope and fired thousands of rockets at Al-Quds and several Israeli cities.

The operation, dubbed Al-Aqsa Flood,  has killed or injured hundreds of Israeli settlers. It has also involved thousands of rockets from the besieged Palestinian enclave towards the occupied territories and Al-Quds (Jerusalem), Palestinian media reported.

Swift Attack, High Number of Casualties

Al-Manar reporter in Gaza Imad Eid said the swift attack started at 6:30 a.m., noting that the Israeli occupation was taken by surprise.

“The Israeli enemy lost the control of the border between Gaza and the bordering Israeli settlements,” Al-Manar’s Eid reported, pointing to the Israeli intelligence failure.

Israeli media reported high number of casualties, noting that Palestinian fighters were spotted on the streets of Sderot and other settlements bordering the coastal enclave.

Videos circulated on social media showed Israeli soldiers captured by Palestinian resistance fighters. Other footage displayed Palestinian fighters returning to Gaza from on military vehicles seized from the Israeli soldiers.

At least 145 Israelis have been killed and 1120 others injured since the start of the massive attack by Hamas, The Times of Israel quoted the Magen David Adom emergency service as saying.

Media Coverage: “The Palestinian freedom fighters manage to seize Israeli military jeeps and lead them into the Gaza Strip.” pic.twitter.com/Lxdvu1z7Uy

— Quds News Network (@QudsNen) October 7, 2023

Palestinian sources reported that resistance fighters managed to capture dozens of Israeli soldiers during the operation. Media outlet sreported that Head of occupation Army’s Gaza Battalion Nimord Aloni was among the captives.

Israeli Army Radio put the number of captured Israelis at 35.

Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad resistance movement announced that it was holding several Israeli occupation soldiers captives.

The following video shows Hamas fighters controlling Erez military site and eradicating its guards:

Al-Qassam Brigades unveiled new missiles used in the opening strike to cover the fighters’ infiltration.

Head of Hamas politburo, Ismail Haniyeh, indicated that the Palestinian resistance operation exposed the fragility of the Zionist entity, adding that it will extend and include the West Bank as well as 1948-land till reaching the full liberation.

Haniyeh also addressed the Arab regimes which have normalized ties with the Zionist entity, stressing that the Israelis can never protect them.

“Day of Great Revolution”

Al Qassam Bridages, the military wing of Hamas resistance movement, has announced that thousands of rockets were fired at the occupied territories since the major operation started on Saturday morning.

Al-Qassan Brigades said the operation “is in response to the ongoing provocations in Al-Aqsa and the measures taken towards Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.”

Mohammad Deif, the Hamas military commander, issued a statement calling the morning’s operation “the day of the great revolution.”

Military commander of Hamas resistance movement Mohammad Deif in a voice message on Operation Al-Aqsa Flood.

He urged Palestinian people in the West Bank and the occupied territories to take up arms, and encouraged Arabs in the neighboring countries to join in the attack.

“Today, the people are bringing back the revolution and reviving the March of return,” he said, urging Palestinians in Jerusalem and inside Israel, in the Negev, the Galilee and the Triangle area to “set the earth on fire under the feet of the occupiers.”

He further called on the “Islamic resistance in Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon to merge their resistance with that of the Palestinians today and start marching towards Palestine now.”

For its part, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad group said it is “part of this battle”. A group’s spokesperson said: “Our cadres stand alongside their brothers in Hamas, shoulder to shoulder, until victory.”

Other resistance groups across Palestine announced they were joining the battle alongside Hamas, including Al-Aqsa Brigades, Lions’ Den, Al-Mujahedon Brigades.

“Israel Ready for War”

Israeli occupation military declared that it was “ready for war” citing widespread rocket fire and infiltration into occupied territories “through various entry points.”

It said it has launched operation “Iron Swords” in response to Hamas’s surprise attack. Occupation army spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said more than 2,200 rockets fired into ‘Israel’ since 6:30 this morning, The Times of Israel reported.

“Residents in the south and center of the country are required to be in close proximity to protected areas, and those in the Gaza periphery should remain within a secure space,” the occupation military announced, according to the Jpost.

Smoke rises after a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip hits Zionist entity’s south (October 7, 2023).

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a statement at the start of the security cabinet meeting.

“Since this morning, the State of Israel has been at war. Our first goal is first of all to cleanse the area of the enemy forces that have infiltrated, and restore security and peace to the settlements that were attacked,” Netanyahu said.

“The second goal, at the same time, is to exact a huge price from the enemy, also in the Gaza Strip,” he added.

“The third goal is to fortify other arenas so that no one makes the mistake of joining this war,” Netanyahu said.

For his part, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has declared an emergency situation within a range of 80 kilometers from the Gaza Strip, his office said. The minister has also approved a widescale call-up of reservists, following a surprise attack by Hamas on Israel, his office said.

The number of reservists to be called up will depend on the military’s needs, Israeli media reported.

Gaza Strikes

Hours after the attack, Israeli warplanes and drones targeted several sites across the besieged enclave.

The Israeli occupation forces said it has carried out a number of warplane and drone strikes against Hamas fighters on the border with the Gaza Strip.

“Airstrikes are continuing in other areas of the Gaza Strip at this hour,” the occupation military added.

Medical sources in Gaza reported that bodies of nearly 200 Palestinians have arrived at the coastal enclave hospitals, putting the number of injured Palestinians at more than 1000.

The Israeli air raids also destroyed Palestine Bridge in Gaza. Consequently, Hamas military stressed that, since the Israeli shelling on Gaza targeted Palestine bridge, Tel Aviv must await the resistance response.

Source: Palestinian and Israeli media (translated and edited by Al-Manar English Website)

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Five IOF Injured in Tulkarm Camp Ambush as Confrontations Break Out in Nablus

October 5, 2023

The Israeli occupation soldiers suffered a blow as their attempt to storm the Tulkarm camp was met with fierce resistance, resulting in five soldiers from the “duvdevan” unit being injured, with three in critical condition. Meanwhile, dozens of Palestinian citizens, including three who were injured by live bullets, sustained injuries during confrontations with the Israeli occupation forces in Nablus.

The clashes broke out as the illegal settlers stormed the Shrine of Joseph, with the Israeli occupation forces using force to secure their entry. The Al-Aqsa Mosque remains closed to worshippers as settlers continue to perform Talmudic rituals.

In Nablus, the Director of Ambulance and Emergency at the Red Crescent reported 190 injuries, including two injuries from gas bombs to the head, six with bruises, and 180 cases of suffocation caused by the clashes. In one of the most violent confrontations, Palestinian resistance fighters targeted the storming vehicles with homemade explosive devices and Molotov cocktails, resulting in fires in one of the jeeps and a military bulldozer.

The occupation forces deployed in the streets surrounding Joseph’s Tomb, and sniper soldiers mounted some high-rise buildings in anticipation of the settlers’ arrival. Young men had previously blocked several streets in the Eastern Province with burning rubber tires, coinciding with the massing of occupation vehicles around the city.

In Tulkarm, an ambush set up by the Palestinian resistance in the Tulkarm camp resulted in a group of israeli occupation forces being trapped and forced to withdraw, with confirmed casualties among their ranks. The occupation continues to face heightened resistance from Palestinian citizens, with many risking their lives to protect their homeland.

Source: Palestinian Agencies (edited by Al-Manar English Website)

Gilboa triumphs Palestinian revolutionary determination

September 6, 2023

Source: Al Mayadeen English

Gilboa triumphs Palestinian revolutionary determination (Illustrated by: Mahdi Rtail)

By Sammy Ismail

In light of the disfavorable power relations, disproportionate warfare arises as the primary means of achieving liberation, and this is echoed most iconically in the Gilboa prison break, where a pen and candlestick undermined a high-tech prison complex.

“You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty” David said to Goliath on the battlefield before knocking a pebble into his slingshot and striking the heavily armored Giant dead.

Two years ago, on September 6, six Palestenian prisoners, Zakaria Zubeidi, Mahmoud Abdullah al-Arida, Mohamed Qassem al-Arida, Yaqoub Mahmoud Qadri, Ayham Nayef Kamanji, and Munadil Yaqoub Nafiat, planned a state-of-the-art prison break operation: escaping the high-security Gilboa prison complex. 

The six prisoners innovatively subdued the advanced security measures of Gilboa by digging a tunnel to liberty using a pen and candlestick they had acquired.

On September 10, Israeli occupation forces arrested the first two prisoners from Gilboa prison, Yaqoub Qadri and Mahmoud al-Arida. Then, on September 11, they arrested two others, Zakaria al-Zubaidi and Mohammad al-Arida. On 19 September, Ayham Kamamji and Munadel Nafiat, the two remaining prisoners, were arrested.

David v Goliath

A research paper for Mondoweiss titled “David vs. Goliath: The Epic Military Mismatch between Palestine and Israel”, details the sharp military asymmetry between the Palestinian Resistance and the Israeli Occupation Forces: highlighting asymmetric military power and consequent asymmetric losses. 

The report quantitatively assesses the military might of the IOF in comparison to that of Hamas and the PIJ. According to the report, the IOF military (which was ranked 20th globally in the world by Global Firepower back in 2021) encompasses 1,650 tanks, including the advanced Merkava Mk II/III/IV, 7,500 armored vehicles, 650 self-propelled artillery guns, 300 towed artillery weapons, 600 aircraft, four corvettes, five submarines, and 48 patrol vessels, noting an estimated 80 to 400 nuclear warheads. The report also points out that back in 2020, “Israel” had the highest defense budget in the world (per capita) amounting to $22 billion. 

The David vs. Goliath trope has been a recurring theme in the discourse on Palestinian liberation ever since the first Intifada, when the asymmetry of the struggle of the Palestinian people against the IOF was most stark, reverently representing the revolutionary determination of the Palestinian people in their struggle for liberation despite disfavorable odds.

The David vs. Goliath dynamic, visualized in Gilboa iconically through a pen defying the high-tech Israeli security industry, is also echoed in other preceding picturesque events like the Palestinian child facing off against a Merkava tank with a stone in his hand, or the shirt-masked youth firing a slingshot amid rising tear gas fumes.

Beyond its strategic significance, the Gilboa prison break operation, through its picturesque symbolism, sheds light on a central aspect of the Palestinian struggle for liberation: Asymmetric warfare. 

Asymmetric Warfare

In an interview back in 1985, George Habash, the late Secretary General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, attends to the dilemma of asymmetric warfare, arguing that in light of asymmetric power relations, irregular warfare arises as the central strategy for realizing liberation.  

“The strategy of Palestinian action on the coming stage revolves around a central axis: the adoption of a policy of armed struggle and the escalation of that struggle against the Zionist enemy. We are still living in a stage characterized by a clear imbalance of power to the advantage of the enemy. Escalating armed struggle against the Zionist enemy is required until the enemy is forced to retreat as has happened in Lebanon. Armed struggle, as we understand it, and in accordance with our conception of a people’s war, is the most developed form of struggle waged by a revolutionary force.”

“As clarified by experience, armed struggle is closely linked with all other forms of struggle: Diplomatic, popular, intellectual, and political. It is the highest form of all, and the most effective against the enemy,” he adds.  

Resistance despite disfavorable odds

Historically, all decolonization struggles were dictated by asymmetric power relations. In fact, the two are necessary corollaries of one another. Asymmetric power relations (caused by the disproportionate accumulation of wealth) create the conditions allowing for colonialism (or more generally imperialist subjugation), and thus the struggle for liberation becomes dictated by asymmetric power relations. 

In light of the disfavorable power relations, irregular warfare arises as the primary means of achieving liberation. An important point that Habash gets at in the interview is that while other forms of struggle exist, (through art, diplomacy, academia, journalism, etc.) all those must recognize the centrality of resistance in the overall struggle for liberation. Artistic, diplomatic, and academic activism must all take armed resistance as the focal point around which they must revolve, especially in light of the asymmetric power relations dictating the struggle. 

In the Palestinian case, irregular warfare manifests differently across different degrees of organization. This includes ranges from rocket salvos fired from Gaza toward settlements, to bands of youth in the West Bank resisting incursions to ramming operations in the occupied territories. Despite not being concerted, all of them must be understood as an accumulated effort in contending Zionism.

“These guerrilla operations must not be considered as an independent form of warfare. They are but one step in the total war, one aspect of the revolutionary struggle. They are the inevitable result of the clash between oppressor and oppressed when the latter reach the limits of their endurance,” Mao Zedong writes in his book on guerilla warfare. 

Asymmetric power relations and asymmetric warfare entail asymmetric losses. This is alluded to in the article “David vs. Goliath: The Epic Military Mismatch between Palestine and Israel.” The writer highlights the disproportion of casualties which often goes unnoticed in the media. 

The asymmetry in power relations between Palestine and “Israel” is evident not only in their “respective strengths” but also in the stark difference in losses. Battles against the IOF, the writer explains, inflict fewer casualties on “Israel” compared to those inflicted by the IOF on Palestinians. According to figures estimated by the writer, 92.39% of Palestinians (fighters and civilians) died or were wounded in battles against the occupation, corresponding to only 7.60% of Israelis (soldiers and settlers). 

Despite the severe losses suffered by Palestinians throughout their battle for liberation, they have persevered. Ultimately, this is what matters in the general balance sheet, that the Palestinian people are capable of sustaining their struggle for liberation, turning it into a war of attrition for the occupation.

The purpose of resistance is not an absolute military defeat, but to undermine the raison d’etre of colonialism by making its costs greater than its benefits. As George Habash explains, military operations must be escalated so that life becomes exceedingly difficult for the Israelis and more costly than comfortable for their colonialist enterprise.  

Operation Freedom Tunnel

On September 6, 2021, six Palestinian prisoners managed to liberate themselves from Gilboa Prison – one of the most fortified Israeli prisons. With nothing but a metal spoon, the heroes dug their way to freedom. Their bold escape has become an inspiration to all the oppressed in this world. The freedom tunnel heroes are the embodiment of steadfastness, creativity, unbreakable determination, and resounding Israeli failure.

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‘Israel’ Shuddering over Nightmare Scenario of War with Hezbollah

August 9, 2023

Mohammad Salami

In light of the increasing tensions on the Palestinian borders with Lebanon in addition to the large-scale crisis plaguing the Zionist entity over the judicial overhaul, the Israeli military reports are overwhelmed with a nightmare scenario of the upcoming war with Hezbollah.

The Zionist fear of the Israeli confrontation with the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon is based on a the hard experience of 2006 War during which Hezbollah inflicted heavy losses upon the both the Zionist army and ‘home’ front’ despite the massive destruction caused by the enemy’s attacks on the civilian targets in Lebanon.

In an article posted by “Israel Hayom”. the military correspondent  Lilach Shoval indicated that the main threat emanates from facing a multi-front war, highlighting the Israeli restrained response to recent “provocations by Hezbollah”.

Shoval added that, besides the obvious damage to homes and thousands of deaths and injuries, there is also an Israeli concern about the ability of the occupation institution’s to function, namely in terms of electricity, communication, energy, food supply chain, and the mass absence from work of settlers in case of war.

“According to the scenario, ‘Israel’ will need to deal with an unprecedented number of rockets launched into its territory daily – with 6,000 missiles in the first days of the war and between 1,500-2,000 onward.”

Shoval described the numbers of rockets expected to hit the Zionist entity during the upcoming war with Hezbollah as astronomical, especially compared to the 294 rockets launched into ‘Israel’ on average daily during the IOF’s Operation Shield and Arrow in the spring.

“The potential rocket salvo and the campaign led by Hezbollah will lead to the death of approximately 500 settlers (this does not include soldiers) and the injury of thousands.”

Shoval warned against the danger of the precision capability being developed by the entity’s enemies, quoting sources as pointing out that one of the most important lessons for ‘Israel’ from the ongoing war in Ukraine is the effectiveness of the Iranian drones.

The Israeli writer added that the scenario does not rule out either the possibility of Hezbollah – as well as Iran or its other groups which belong to the axis of Resistance – hitting vital Israeli infrastructure, such as power plants, to paralyze the country and leave it without electricity for hours, if not days.

“An equally significant challenge, the scenario says, will be the domestic arena, with the possibility of the security forces needing to deal with several internal disturbances at the same time.”

“In terms of transportation, entry to ports in ‘Israel’ might be sealed off, as well as foreign flights discontinued and roads blocked.”

“Another concern is the possible no-show to work by members of minorities whose labor is essential, such as truck drivers. Such a development would disrupt the supply chain in ‘Israel’, with the potential to cause great damage.”

“The security echelon also does not rule out the possibility of thousands of fire outbreaks, dozens of hazardous material incidents, and several waves of cyber attacks.”

Shoval also said that all the drawn nightmare does not deal with Hezbollah plans to invade and occupy Galilee, concluding that this dark image explains the Israeli army’s reluctance to be dragged into a war with the Lebanese Resistance and instead opt for moderate reactions to its “provocations”.

Zionist Defense Minister Threatens Hezbollah Fruitlessly

Out of this horrible scene for the Zionist enemy, the defense minister Yoav Gallant threatened ‘Israel’ would use all its power to strike every meter of Lebanon in any upcoming war with Hezbollah.

However, Gallant found himself obliged to highlight the notion that the Israeli occupation forces would attack Lebanon only if Hezbollah attacked ‘Israel’.

What defies Gallant’s threat rhetoric is the belief spreading among the Zionist observers that Hezbollah is humiliating ‘Israel’.

Former Chief of Operations Division, Reservist Major General Israel Ziv, said that Hezbollah border provocations are aimed at humiliating the Israelis.


Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah on Ashura anniversary (July 29) threatened the Israeli enemy against any folly, stressing that the Lebanese resistance movement is fully ready to shoulder responsibilities in defending Lebanon, Palestine and the entire nation.

Reiterating Imam Hussein’s (AS) resonant slogan “Humiliation, never!”, Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that its is a duty to be present in all battlefields against tyrants.

The Islamic Resistance conducted this May military drills that simulate an all-out confrontation with the Zionist enemy. Hezbollah troops displayed developed military capabilities, techniques and skills.

Do not falter in pursuit of the enemy—if you are suffering, they too are suffering. But you can hope to receive from Allah what they can never hope for. And Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise. {An-Nisa, 104}.

The Israeli enemy may be capable of launching a destructive war against Lebanon; however, the losses that would be inflicted upon its occupation entity by Hezbollah during any upcoming war would be unbearable for the Israelis.

Sayyed Nasrallah had reiterated during his latest speech that he is assured the occupied Palestinian territories will be liberated and that all Muslims will be able to pray freely at Al-Aqsa Mosque. This indicates the certainty about the demise of the occupation entity which is still suffering from the repercussion of its defeat in 2006 War.

Source: Al-Manar English Website

Zionists in Distress: Israeli Deterrence Suffered Immensely in Jenin

 June 20, 2023

An Israeli armoured vehicle during an Israeli army raid in Jenin (June 19, 2023).

Marwa Haidar

Monday’s battle against the Israeli occupation in the Palestinian city and camp of Jenin rang bell with the Israeli occupation, as the eight-hour clashes echoed similar battles in Gaza and south Lebanon, a number of analyses indicated.

Details of the battle, as well as scenes which emerged on social media show how significant the clash was and how the Palestinian resistance managed to develop its capabilities and military tactics.

As they voiced concern over the significances behind the Israeli raid in Jenin, Israeli analysts described the battle as a “turning point.”

Air Power Used for First Time in 20 Years

“Monday’s battle was especially difficult and necessitated using an Apache attack helicopter to help extricate the wounded – the first time air power was used during an operation in Judea and Samaria in some 20 years since the Second Intifada,” The Jerusalem Post’s Herb Keinon wrote on Tuesday, referring to the Jewish name of the West Bank.

Marwa Haidar

Monday’s battle against the Israeli occupation in the Palestinian city and camp of Jenin rang bell with the Israeli occupation, as the eight-hour clashes echoed similar battles in Gaza and south Lebanon, a number of analyses indicated.

Details of the battle, as well as scenes which emerged on social media show how significant the clash was and how the Palestinian resistance managed to develop its capabilities and military tactics.

As they voiced concern over the significances behind the Israeli raid in Jenin, Israeli analysts described the battle as a “turning point.”

Air Power Used for First Time in 20 Years

“Monday’s battle was especially difficult and necessitated using an Apache attack helicopter to help extricate the wounded – the first time air power was used during an operation in Judea and Samaria in some 20 years since the Second Intifada,” The Jerusalem Post’s Herb Keinon wrote on Tuesday, referring to the Jewish name of the West Bank.

In an article entitled “Look at Jenin for a preview of what awaits the day after Abbas,” Keinon cited former OC Central Command Maj.-Gen. (ret.) Gadi Shamni who said that it is preferable to use ground forces rather than air power during West Bank raids.

“The reason for this is not solely because air power is so much more destructive but also because using air power against West Bank cities only builds up the Palestinian ethos,” he added.

For his part, Ynet’s Yossi Yehushua said that “Israel’s deterrence suffered greatly on Monday, when local residents from the refugee camp, took photos of themselves with parts of the military’s equipment that was left behind,” adding that this “will no doubt motivate terrorists further.”

West Bank Resembles Gaza, South Lebanon

The Israeli analyst added that the Israeli raid in Jenin “will be a turning point in the Israeli military’s operational conduct not only because of the hours it took to extract a troop carrier after it was damaged by an IED but because of the powerful explosive device that illustrates how the area is beginning to resemble South Lebanon” before the Israeli 2,000 withdrawal.

In an article entitled “The West Bank must not be allowed to resemble Gaza,” Yehushua described the militant activity in the West Bank as “an organized effort to deter” Israeli raids and bolster militant control, much like the situation in the Gaza Strip. Yehushua, in this context, emphasized that the Israeli occupation “must not allow this to happen and therefore must find an adequate response to the new and evolving challenges.”

Al-Quds Brigades fighters in Jaba, near Jenin, in the West Bank (photo from January 2023).

Meanwhile, the JPost’s Khaled Abu Toameh said scenes of Palestinians celebrating with parts of Israeli armored vehicles damaged by explosive devices and Apache helicopters hovering over Jenin are likely to boost the popularity of the resistance groups, most of which are affiliated with Islamic Jihad and Hamas.

He noted that these images create the impression that the Israeli so-called counterterrorism operation, which began several months ago, has failed to eradicate the resistance groups.

“They also create the impression that certain parts of the West Bank, particularly Jenin, are beginning to resemble the Gaza Strip and Lebanon, where the IDF faced similar tactics by Palestinian terror groups and Hezbollah,” Abu Toameh wrote, referring to Israeli occupation forces, in an article entitled “Jenin looking more and more like Gaza, Lebanon.”

“Upgraded, Disturbing” Military Capabilities

On the other hand, Abu Toameh said that Monday’s clashes “are also seen to be an indication of the Palestinian armed groups’ success in upgrading and developing their military capabilities and warfare tactics,” noting that the resistance fighters seem to have gained a lot of experience as a result of almost daily clashes with Israeli security forces.

He quoted a Palestinian security source as saying that the number of fighters in Jenin and other parts of the northern West Bank, including Nablus, exceeded 1,500.

Talking about the military strength of the West Bank-based fighters, Keinon said that using the helicopter gunship to ensure the evacuation of the Israeli soldiers was a reminder to their military capabilities”.

“The fact that the IDF even needed to deploy the helicopter – and, in addition to firing a missile at the gunmen making the evacuation of the wounded difficult, also fired off flares as decoys against shoulder-launched anti-aircraft missiles – revealed the terrorist capabilities as well.”

“The type of roadside bomb used against the armored IDF vehicles in Jenin on Monday unveiled disturbing military capabilities. This was not only a lone-wolf terrorist shooting at IDF soldiers or passing civilian Israeli motorists. Rather, the building and detonation of this type of bomb indicate a terrorist infrastructure in Jenin of a different league,” Keinon added.

PA Lost Grip in West Bank

Furthermore, Monday’s battle revealed that the Palestinian Authority asserts no control in Jenin nor in the northern West Bank, according to the Israeli analysts.

“Jenin and the northern West Bank have been the focal point of terror against Israel over the last several months because there is no Palestinian governance or monopoly over the use of force there. A vacuum has been created, and in that vacuum, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other terrorist organizations simply thrive,” Keinon wrote.

“Jenin today, where the PA has lost its grip, is a chilling preview of what is likely to emerge throughout the West Bank the day after Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas dies or can no longer continue in his current role,” Keinon added.

Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian Authority President (photo from archive).

Yehushua agreed with Keinonin this regard. The analyst said the PA is unable to maintain control, adding that “the future does not bode well.”

He cited Israeli estimations that the “future may be worse since the Palestinian Authority is losing its control over more and more areas.”

After Palestinian Mahmoud Abbas is no longer in office, Hamas will execute its plan to take over power there, Yehushua warned.

SourceIsraeli media

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EXPLAINER: On What Happened in Jenin and the Possibility of a Full Israeli Attack on West Bank

June 20, 2023

An Israeli armored vehicle is targeted by Palestinian resistance explosive device in Jenin. (Photo: Saraya Al-Quds – Jenin Battalion, Supplied)

The Israeli military has itself admitted to the destruction or damage to seven of its military vehicles, including a large troop carrier known as Panther, and also the destruction of a helicopter. 

On Monday, June 20, Israeli occupation forces invaded parts of the northern Palestinian town of Jenin, and its refugee camp. The invasion, which has been routine in recent months, didn’t go as planned. 

Six Palestinians were killed by the Israeli military, including a child, Ahmed Saqr, and over 91 were reportedly wounded, including a journalist. According to eyewitnesses and a statement by the Palestinian Red Crescent society, the Israeli army intentionally hampered the work of medics that could have saved some of the lost lives. 

Eight Israeli soldiers were injured, some of whom are reportedly in serious condition. The Palestinian Resistance said in a statement, a copy of which was received by the Palestine Chronicle, that the Israeli military is outright lying about its losses, due to fear of political repercussions. 

Is the Israeli Military Hiding the True Number of Its Casualties? 

The Palestinian claim was substantiated by three factors: 

One, is the fact that the Israeli military has itself admitted to the destruction or damage to seven of its military vehicles, including a large troop carrier known as Panther, and also the destruction of a helicopter. 

Two, the fact that it took the Israeli army hours to evacuate its damaged vehicles and its wounded due to the stiff resistance, and the siege imposed on invading Israeli troops in the Jenin neighborhood of Jabriyat. 

Three, the fact that Israel had to resort to the use of its air force for the first time since the Second Palestinian Uprising (Intifada) over 20 years ago. 

Who Were the Palestinians Involved in the Fighting? 

Although fighters from all main Palestinian Resistance groups took part in the Monday battle, two dominant forces were involved: Izz ed-Din Al-Qassam, the military wing of the political movement Hamas, and the Jenin Brigades, a branch of the Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad.

While Al-Qassam fighters have reportedly been the ones that ambushed the Israeli force in the Jenin camp, the Jenin Brigades were the ones that discovered the Israeli force in Jabriyat and engaged with them in a protracted battle. 

The Palestinian Resistance has published many photos and several videos to demonstrate its claims regarding the nature of the fight, the ambush, and the losses suffered by the Israeli military. 

The Islamic Jihad also warned in a statement that if the Israeli military resorts to air bombardment, the “Resistance fighters will use methods (of Resistance) that will surprise (the enemy).” 

What are the Israelis Saying? 

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant said that “all options are on the table” as far as launching a major military operation in the West Bank is concerned. He also said that he had instructed the military and all security forces to be prepared for offensive operations anywhere Israel is threatened. 

Galant’s comments followed remarks by Israel’s Minister of Finance, Bezalel Smotrich, who said that the time has come for a major military operation in the Occupied Palestinian West Bank that involves air defense and artillery.

Smotrich had called for an emergency meeting involving the security cabinet.

Why Did Israel Kill the Child Ahmed Saqr? 

The circumstances of the killing of 15-year-old boy Ahmed Saqr remain unclear, though killing Palestinian children by Israel is routine in the West Bank. Israel has already killed scores of Palestinian children in the West Bank since the start of the year. 

2023 has the potential of being the deadliest year for Palestinian children in the West Bank since the end of the Second Intifada in 2005. 

This does not include besieged Gaza, which has lost hundreds of its children in various Israeli wars and raids in recent years. The last Israeli war on the Strip on May 9 resulted in the killing of 33 Palestinians, including six children. 

What Should We Expect? 

The Israeli military is worried that a full-armed rebellion or a militarized Intifada could take place in the Occupied West Bank. 

Such an uprising has the potential of changing the current, sustainable status quo in ways that could force Israel to a long fight against the Palestinian Resistance. 

It could also jeopardize the so-called ‘security coordination’ with the Palestinian Authority, which, if Resistance groups take charge of the West Bank, may cease to exist. 

The far-right members of Benjamin Netanyahu’s government are urging the prime minister to unleash a major offensive against the West Bank. 

The Israeli military remains hesitant, fearing that such an offensive could turn into a protracted fight, while the country’s internal intelligence, the Shin Bet, is reportedly changing its position in favor of decisive military action. 

Palestinian groups, however, say that they have devised new weapons and a unified resistance strategy that “would surprise” the enemy.  

These claims are verified by Israel itself. 

“The occupation army had admitted from dawn on Monday until the afternoon of the same day that its forces were exposed to a large number of explosive devices and showers of bullets, which led to the injury of a number of its soldiers and the damage of military vehicles that penetrated into Jenin,” Aljazeera Net, citing Israeli sources, reported on the Jenin battle.

(The Palestine Chronicle)

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Zoom-in Video: Hezbollah Not Giving ‘Israel’ Breathing Space on Lebanon’s Border

 March 22, 2023

The Islamic Resistance Military Media Department posted a zoom-in video that shows the evacuation of the Zionist soldiers injured in the landmine blast on Lebanon’s border.

Three Israeli soldiers were injured on Tuesday in a landmine explosion off the Lebanese town of Aita Al-Shaab, according to Al-Manar reporter.

The high-quality video displays all the Israeli operations of evacuating the injured soldiers and their screams with the arbitrary movement of the enemy’s vehicles.

The Zionist enemy has been accustomed to Hezbollah media messages which carry strategic implications pertaining the conflict between the two sides.

Source: Al-Manar English Website


غالانت: الامتياز الذي كانت تتمتع به “إسرائيل” في “رسم حدود الحرب” انتهى

 الإثنين 20 آذار 2023

المصدر: وسائل إعلام إسرائيلية

وزير الأمن الإسرائيلي يوآف غالانت يعرب عن قلقه من رفض الخدمة في “الجيش” الإسرائيلي، ويقول إنه يمكن لهذه الظاهرة أن تلحق ضرراً بقدرة “الجيش” الإسرائيلي على تنفيذ مهامه.

وزير الأمن الإسرائيلي: الدعوة لرفض الخدمة خطيرة وتلحق ضرراً بالجيش الإسرائيلي

قال وزير الأمن الإسرائيلي، يوآف غالانت، إنّ الدعوة الى رفض الخدمة في “الجيش” الإسرائيلي خطيرة، محذراً من أنه يمكن لظاهرة رفض واسعة أن تلحق ضرراً بقدرة “الجيش” الإسرائيلي على تنفيذ مهامه.

كلام غالانت بحسب ما أفادت وسائل إعلام إسرائيلية، اليوم الإثنين،  جاء خلال مشاركته في منتدى العمليات السنوي لما يسمى بـ”جيش” الاحتلال الإسرائيلي برئاسة رئيس الأركان، هرتسي هليفي، وبمشاركة قادة الأركان وضباط الاحتلال. 

وتحدث غالانت أمام المسؤولين الإسرائيليين عن التحديات الأمنية الماثلة أمام “إسرائيل” في ساحات العمل المختلفة، وتطرق إلى المساعي التي تجري ضد ظاهرة رفض الخدمة. 

وفي هذا الصدد، أضاف وزير الأمن أنّ ” الجيش هو الإدارة التي تدافع عن إسرائيل، ومن دونه لا توجد لإسرائيل”.

ووفقاً له فإن الدعوة إلى رفض الانضمام إليه أمر خطير على “إسرائيل”  خاصة في ظل التهديدات التي تواجهها.

كذلك، تطرق غالانت إلى التهديد الإيراني الذي يحيط بـ”إسرائيل”، قائلاً إن “الامتياز الذي كانت تتمتع به إسرائيل والمؤسسة الأمنية والعسكرية طوال سنوات، في رسم حدود حرب وحصرها في قطاع ما، انتهى”.

وأضاف أن “اليوم وراء كل التهديدات على إسرائيل، من لبنان وسوريا في الشمال، مروراً بالضفة الغربية وحتى غزة في الجنوب، هناك يد واحدة موجهة، ومصدرها ايران”. 

وخلص غالانت إلى أن إيران تحاول كسب الوقت من خلال “حرب الاستنزاف” التي ستلحق من خلالها الضرر بـ”إسرائيل”، وفي نفس الوقت تعمل على تحقيق القدرة النووية العسكرية وتعزيز الاقتصاد.

يأتي ذلك في وقت، ذكرت صحيفة “هآرتس” الإسرائيلية أنّ الأسبوعين القريبين يمكن أن يجلبا معهما “نقطة اللاعودة” بالنسبة لجهاز الاحتياط في “جيش” الاحتلال الإسرائيلي.

وأوضحت، أنّ نحو 650 من جهاز العمليات الخاصة، ووحدات السايبر الهجومي، في شعبة الاستخبارات، أعلنوا عن تصعيد خطواتهم بدءاً من أمس الأحد، مؤكدةً أنّ التهديد بعدم الالتحاق بخدمة الاحتياط في المستقبل، إذا مرت التعديلات القضائية، “لم يعد نظرياً بعد الآن، بل خطوة عملية”.

وكون أنّ المئات من عناصر الاحتياط في سلاح الجو يهددون بالامتناع عن الخدمة، في حال تم إقرار التعديلات القضائية، فإن ذلك يعد “تطوراً من المفترض أن يثير القلق على أمن إسرائيل”، بحسب “هآرتس”.

وتتوالى التحذيرات من حرب داخلية في “إسرائيل”،وتطرّق الإعلام الإسرائيلي مراراً لاحتمال حدوث حرب حقيقية في حال تمت التعديلات القضائية.

ونشر 250 من كبار المسؤولين السابقين في الجهات الأمنية المختلفة والسلك الدبلوماسي، السبت، رسالة لاذعة اتهموا فيها رئيس الحكومة بنيامين نتنياهو “بخلق وزرع انقسامات مدمّرة، وإلحاق أضرار قاضية بالتماسك الاجتماعي”، معتبرين أن “تعديلات نتنياهو ستكلف “إسرائيل” ثمناً دموياً باهظاً”.

وشارك آلاف المستوطنين في الفترة الماضية، في تظاهراتٍ احتجاجاً على خطّة التعديلات القضائية في حكومة نتنياهو. واتّسعت رقعة الاحتجاجات لتصل إلى 120 موقعاً في فلسطين المحتلة.

اقرأ أيضاً: المواجهة الداخلية في “إسرائيل” تقترب .. والجيش في عين العاصفة

Israeli Occupation Forces Kill At Least Five Palestinians in Jericho

February 6, 2023

Palestinian youth burn tyres to block the entrances of Jericho, after Israeli forces assassinated five Palestinians in the Aqabat refugee camp. (Photo: via QNN)

By Palestine Chronicle Staff

At least five Palestinians were shot and killed by the Israeli military in the Aqabat Jaber refugee camp, near Jericho. near the occupied West Bank city of Jericho, the official news agency WAFA reported.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health said in a statement that the victims were identified as Raafat Wael Awadat, 21, Malik Anni Lafi, 22 Adam Mandi Awadat, 22, Ibrahim Wael Awadat, 27, and Thaer Awadat, 28.

Quds News Network reported that Israeli soldiers killed the five Palestinians after barricading them in an apartment. Their bodies were reportedly seized by Israeli forces.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) said that Israeli soldiers obstructed the work of its medics and attacked one of its ambulances while trying to prevent it from entering the refugee camp.

In recent days, the Israeli army has tightened security measures around Jericho in a hunt for a Palestinian accused of carrying out a shooting attack against an Israeli restaurant.
(PC, Agencies)

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IOF preparedness diminishing amid latest developments: Israeli media

5 Dec 2022

Source: Israeli Media

By Al Mayadeen English 

Israeli media reports on the damage dealt to the Israeli occupation forces due to the escalations taking place in the occupied West Bank and the Israeli struggle for power.

Soldiers in the Israeli occupation forces

The qualifications of the Israeli occupation’s ground forces and its preparedness are diminishing very quickly when 2023 will be a year full of challenges, Israeli media said on Monday.

“A large part of the ground forces of the Israeli army is being invested in the West Bank as part of the ongoing security missions,” Israeli author and military affairs analyst Ron Ben-Yishai said in Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth. “This is at the expense of the training they did not undergo.”

“This is dealing a direct blow to the readiness of the military to go to war, whether with Lebanon or other parties, he added. “In case of an escalation and a multi-front war, the Israeli army might not be ready, such as what happened in Lebanon in 2006.”

“The regular field formation of the Israeli army trains very little. This also applies to 66 reserve battalions that the Israeli army will have to recruit this year with the exceptional approval of the Knesset,” Ben-Yishai noted.

“The problem lies in the fact that the situation will not improve and that the Israeli army will not train in the foreseeable future,” the Israeli journalist wrote. That is when “the need arises to bolster the Israeli forces in the West Bank due to the reoccurring escalation in the region in a phenomenon that could be described as a mini-intifada, and this phenomenon, according to the Shin Bet, is based on previous experiences.”

The journalist further noted that it is no longer only about the stabbings, the vehicle ramming operations, or group operations, but rather about the widespread use of firearms in an efficient manner, as well as the proliferation of the events that have for long been outside the constraints of the northern West Bank, the Lions’ Den, or the Jenin refugee camp.

Ben-Yishai also touched on the Israeli power struggle and how there is infighting within the ruling class, stressing that this would have grave repercussions that will affect the Israeli occupation forces, the police, and the Shin Bet, leading to disarray among soldiers on the ground.

“Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu claiming that he will handle things and that he has both hands on the wheel is simply impractical, as his personal control is limited,” he added.

Ben-Yishai concluded by saying the “qualifications and preparedness of the Israeli ground forces are rapidly diminishing, and the likelihood of an explosion in the West Bank, perhaps Gaza as well, is increasing, as chaos within the governmental institutions is threatening to deal critical damage to the rule of law.”

“There is one thing that can be said with confidence: 2023 will be a year full of challenges.”

Israeli media said on Tuesday that the recent period in the occupied West Bank saw an escalation in the security situation, which became “dangerous”, stressing that the status quo was reminiscent of the situation that prevailed ahead of the Second Palestinian Intifada.

“Since the latest operation in Gaza, there have been IOF soldiers stationed in the area,” an Israeli Channel 12 correspondent said, noting that military censorship prevents the size of these forces is revealed or reported on by the media.

“It is prohibited for us to talk about the size of the deployed forces, but we confirm that they are heavily deployed, and the military is starting to complain about how difficult the situation has become.”

According to the political commentator, the officials warned before the Knesset that an increase was expected in terms of Palestinian operations and an escalation in terms of the operations’ quality. The first sign of this was the twin operation that took place in occupied Al-Quds last week, he added.

Former chief of the Israeli occupation forces’ military intelligence directorate Major General Tamir Hayman said Thursday that there were clear signed pointing to the outbreak of a Third Palestinian Intifada in light of the latest round of escalation from the people of occupied Palestine.

The region between two models of resistance / with Anis al-Naqqash

Whom Did Hezbollah Defeat?!

November 30, 2022

By Al-Ahed News

Whom Did Hezbollah Defeat?!

‘Israeli’ Shin Bet Worried About Palestinian Authority’s Fate as Resistance Groups Emerge

November 19, 2022

By Staff, Agencies

‘Israeli’ Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar warned about the danger of an imminent collapse of the Palestinian Authority and the consequent rise of the Palestinian resistance operations in the occupied West Bank during a meeting with Zionist prime minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu last week, Walla! News reported.

The Zionist spy agency, among several others, are worried that the ‘security’ of settlers in the West Bank would deteriorate in the backdrop of the establishment of Netanyahu’s emerging government.

The bodies point to the growth of Palestinian resistance groups such as the “Lions’ Den,” which are composed of young people who are not organized with any old resistance groups, who do not remember the second intifada and its consequences, and who have easy access to weapons and targets in the West Bank.

The Tel Aviv regime fears that this phenomenon, together with the disintegration of the Palestinian Authority and its loss of control over large parts of the West Bank, creates a concern for a significant security deterioration in the West Bank, the likes of which has not been seen in about two decades.

Video| Palestinian Fighters Heroically Confront Israeli Raid in Nablus

November 19, 2022

Fighters of Nablus Battalion in the Palestinian city of Nbalus (photo from September 2022).

Palestinian resistance fighters heroically confronted an Israeli raid in Nablus Old City early on Saturday.

Palestinian media reported that Israeli occupation forces raided the Old City of Nablus at dawn on Saturday, sparking fierce clashes with Palestinian resistance fighters.

Several gunshots and explosions were heard in the Old City, Palestinian media reported, quoting residents and local

According to the sources, occupation forces arrested two Palestinians and then released them “after getting sure they were not the wanted suspects.”

A Palestinian was injured by Israeli fire during the clashes which lasted for more than an hour, the sources added, noting that occupation military sent reinforcement to the area of the raid.

Al-Quds Bridages’ Nablus Battalion announced its fighters repelled the Israeli raid “with gunshots and explosive devices which directly targeted the occupation forces.”

Source: Palestinian media (Translated and edited by Al-Manar English Website)

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لا حرب في الافق ووجود الكيان على الطاولة..!

الجمعة 7 تشرين الأول 2022

محمد صادق الحسيني

ما يحصل في موضوع البحر وثرواته وشد الحبال بين صاحب الحق والارض وهو لبنان ، وبين المغتصب لحقوق اهلنا في فلسطبن ولبنان هو انعكاس لتبدل موازين القوى على الارض لغير صالح تل ابيب وطغمتها الحاكمة اياً تكن تشكيلتها الحكومية.
والامر لا علاقة له باسم او صفة الحاكم الحالي في تل ابيب بقدر ماهو اختبار صعب المراس لكل الاسماء والرموز او الاحزاب او التكتلات المتنافسة الان عشية انتخابات الكنيست الصهيوني المرتقبة في الشهر المقبل.

فمعادلة الارض من غزة حتى الناقورة تقول ان المنتصر بدأ يفرض شروطه بالسياسة ايضاً، بعد او اوجع العدو في الميدان.

ولذلك فان ما صدرت من تحليلات سواء من جانب المنتصرين او من جانب المردوعبن بان : لبنان انتصر في ادارة مفاوضاته غير المباشرة مع العدو الصهيوني ، طبعا بفضل حزب الله والمقاومة ، صحيحة مائة بالمائة، ولا غبار عليها على الاطلاق .

نعم الحزب انتصر ولبنان انتصر
والكرة انتقلت الى الملعب الاسرائيلي شاء من شاء وابى من ابى، فهذه موازين قوى ميدانية ولا علاقة لها بالحب والبغض.

ومابدأنا نسمعه من اصوات وضجيج من الجانب الاخر ، بعد ان وصلت الورقة الامريكية المقترحة له ، لا ولن يغير شيئا مما بات واقعاً على الارض ، ولا خيار للعدو الا الرضوخ اليه ، أيا يكن الحاكم في تل ابيب ، لابيد او نتن ياهو ..!

وكل ما نسمعه الان في الاعلام ليس سوى بازار سياسي انتخابي سيتبدد شيئا فشيئا كلما اقتربنا من لحظة دفع الاثمان للمهزوم والمردوع.

ولا حرب في الافق رغم كل التهويلات ومبارزات طواحين الهواء الانتخابية.

من يتجه اليوم من بين صفوفنا الى الارتباك في التحليل او تقدير الموقف ، معتبرا اننا استعجلنا يوم قلنا باننا انتصرنا بالمفاوضات ، هو الذي يخطئ ، بل و يرتكب خطأً فادحاً اضافياً.

لانه يكون قد استجاب عمليا لرغبة العدو للعب في ملعبه دون ان يدري.

*فنحن لا نلعب الا في ملعبنا*

‏والمشكلة الان هي عند عدونا المرتبك

فلماذا نتبرع بنقلها الى مربعنا..!؟

‏لابيد كان او نتن ياهو حاكم تل ابيب

‏ثمة ٣ حبال تلف حول عنق الطغمة الحاكمة في تل ابيب او تلك المتحفزة لانتزاع الحكم من خصمها، وهي اشبه بالشرنقة التي تلف حول عنقه :

‏١- خوف جيشه من الحرب المرعبة فيما لو اندلعت، وهي التي تشي باحتمال خسارته لوجوده فيها هذه المرة وليس فقط خسارته للحرب.

‏٢- حاجة سيدته امريكا الملحة للطاقة وهي المرتبكة من اوكرانيا الى باب المندب مرورا بهرمز.

‏٣- جمهوره الناخب، الذي لم يعد يثق ليس فقط بحكامه ، بل حتى بجيشه الذي هو اساس وجوده.

فالكيان الذي لطالما ظهر على المسرح الاقليمي والدولي بانه صاحب الجيش الذي لا يقهر ، تراه يظهر لاول مرة امام جمهور الناخبين بانه جيش المهزومين من الساسة الذين يظهرون للناخب الاسرائيلي ولاول مرة ايضا على حقيقتهم :

*كيان هزيل ومردوع اقيم على اسطورة جيش كان يوما لا يقهر فاصبح اليوم لا يقوى على الوقوف على كلتا قدميه*

هذه الحبال الشرنقات الثلاث هي التي تلف اليوم حول رقاب المتنافسين على اكثرية الكنيست الصهيوني اليوم، فتظهر على شكل ادعاءات او تهويلات وهمية سيظلوا يطلقونها من الان حتى حين ، لمنع تكسر عظام رقبتهم ، وعلى امل وصول العون من سيدهم الامريكي في اللحظة المرجوة.

لكن سيدهم هذا هو الاخر كما هم بات مردوعا من اقاصي الشرق الى اقاصي الشرق، ولا حيلة له الا ركوبها…!

‏*فمحور المقاومة بات يتقن ليس فنون القتال فحسب ، بل و شد الحبال حول الرقاب ايضاً*

*بعدنا طيبين قولوا الله*

فيديوات متعلقة

مقالات متعلقة

‘Israeli’ Navy Checks Efficiency of New of Anti-ship Missiles Amid Fears of Hezbollah Action

22 Sep 2022

By Staff, Agencies

As the ‘Israeli’ military is worried about a possible action by the Lebanese resistance group, Hezbollah, over the dispute on the Karish gas field, the ‘Israeli’ Navy double-checked the efficiency of its latest generation of anti-ship missiles last month.

The Gabriel V is the fifth generation of the anti-ship missile developed by the ‘Israeli’ Aerospace Industries and the War Ministry’s research and development division, known by the Hebrew acronym MAFAT.

The “complex” trial in August witnessed a Saar 6-class corvette INS Oz launching a missile at a mock ship.

The Gabriel V missiles are being deployed on the navy’s Saar 6-class corvettes, replacing the Gabriel IV, developed in the 1990s.

The ‘Israeli’ announcement came amid fears of Hezbollah’s threats regarding the Zionist regime’s gas installations at the Karish Field before the US-mediated talks over a maritime dispute reach a solution.

The maritime dispute escalated in early July after the Zionist regime moved vessels into the Karish Gas Field, which lies in in the disputed territorial waters between the ‘Israeli’-occupied Palestine and Lebanon.

The Lebanese resistance movement of Hezbollah does not rule out going to war with the ‘Israeli’ occupation regime over the its attempts at impinging on Lebanon’s natural resources.

Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has warned earlier that the resistance’s attitude and behavior towards the ‘Israeli’ regime in the case depend on the results of ongoing indirect negotiations between Beirut and Tel Aviv over the disputed maritime area.

The Zionist regime launched two wars against Lebanon. In both cases, it was forced to retreat after suffering a humiliating defeat at the hands of Hezbollah.

Netanyahu ‘blows a fuse’ over Lapid’s Karish concessions to Hezbollah

21 Sep 2022

Source: Al Mayadeen Net

By Al Mayadeen English 

Former Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu says Yair Lapid panicked and retreated following Sayyed Nasrallah’s threats, thus yielding to Lebanese demands.

Former Israeli occupation Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his political rival, Israeli PM Yair Lapid

    Former Israeli occupation Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu slammed Tuesday his political rival, Israeli PM Yair Lapid, saying that the latter retreated following Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s threats.

    In a video message posted on his Twitter account, Netanyahu said Sayyed Nasrallah threatened Lapid that Hezbollah will attack “Israel” in the event of operating the Karish field before signing an indirect gas agreement with Lebanon.

    The former Israeli Prime Minister considered that Lapid panicked and failed to operate Karish, noting that now, he [Lapid] wants to give Lebanon – without any Israeli supervision – a gas field worth billions of dollars that would help Hezbollah possess thousands of missiles and shells that will be target “Israel”.

    Addressing Israelis, Netanyahu said that on November 1, the Likud party, under his presidency, will replace Lapid’s weak and dangerous Israeli government with a stable right-wing government for the next four years; a government, according to Netanyahu, that will restore security and the dignity of “Israel”.

    “Israel” made concessions to avoid escalation in Karish: IOF official

    Earlier, the Israeli Maariv newspaper quoted Amos Yadlin, former IOF Military Intelligence Directorate as saying that “Israel has made concessions in favor of Lebanon to demarcate the border to ward off the danger of escalation.”

    “Israel is showing leniency in the demarcation of the maritime borders,” Yadlin said, threatening Lebanon that the IOF does not want it to turn into Gaza.

    He highlighted the prominent role played by Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah in this case, “which is indicative of the fact that he controls what is happening in Lebanon politically and militarily, which may push the Lebanese and the Israelis to a place that the two do not want,” as he put it.

    The former IOF official claimed that “Israel today has accepted the Lebanese line, and therefore, there is no place for Nasrallah’s demands concerning the Ras Al-Naqoura area.”

    Read more: Lebanese-Israeli maritime talks to end in few days: official

    Referring to the area adjacent to an area the IOF usurped from the Palestinians and consequently occupied, Yadlin insolently demanded “compensation for ceding the maritime economic zone in Ras Al-Naqoura and all the region to the south Qana field.”

    “We insist on these points,” he said, claiming that Sayyed Nasrallah “here has been trying to cause distortion.”

    Furthermore, Yadlin claimed that Karish is “purely Israeli” and that “we have to pump gas from there,” continuing to say, “The moment you concede to Nasrallah just once, you have to follow it with setting limits, because if the situation deteriorates toward an inevitable war, we know that we have done everything we can to prevent it.”

    This comes as Israeli media reported Monday that the signing between “Israel” and Lebanon of the agreement “on the maritime borders” is very close, stressing that what remains are “some technical details.”

    Similarly, Lebanese President Michel Aoun confirmed that negotiations related to the demarcation of the maritime border with “Israel” are in their final stages.

    Read next: US mediator made new proposal to Lebanese-Israeli maritime issue

    Fearing escalation, IOF request clarification on Karish statement

    Last week, Israeli media said that “it was the Israeli army that requested that clarification be issued regarding [an Israeli statement regarding] the Karish field, in order not to provoke tensions against Hezbollah.”

    Israeli Channel 13 stated that “the fear of a confrontation with Hezbollah has increased in recent weeks regarding the Karish gas platform. Despite Israel’s announcement that the next stage regarding the activation of the platform will begin soon, it has indicated, exceptionally, that the talk is not about extracting gas from it.”

    Channel 13 political affairs correspondent, Moriah Wahlberg, pointed out that “this clarification was not made in vain, but is rather aimed primarily at the ears of Hezbollah, as they in Israel do not want to create, provoke, and increase tensions, especially since these tensions already exist on this issue.”

    Wahlberg pointed out that “there is a disagreement in the Israeli leadership regarding the text of this statement, which was issued by the Ministry of Energy,” stressing that “some parties believed that this clarification should not be given in the matter of natural gas extraction, but parties in the army requested that this clarification be issued in order to avoid tensions with Hezbollah.”

    Read more: “Israel” fears military escalation against the Karish platform

    It is noteworthy that a source familiar with the matter revealed to Al Mayadeen, on September 11, that the US envoy for the demarcation of the maritime border, Amos Hochstein, handed Lebanon the coordinates of the line of maritime buoys, explaining that these coordinates constitute the “last point that is being negotiated,” in preparation for sending his [Hochstein’s] “full offer” next week.

    Israeli Media: No one can get into Nasrallah’s head

    12 Sep 2022

    Source: Israeli Media

    By Al Mayadeen English 

    Israeli media points out that “in the security and military establishment they understand that no one can really know what the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, thinks.”

    Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah

    Israeli media said on Sunday that in the security and military establishment they understand that no one can really know what Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah thinks.

    The media pointed out that “in the security and military establishment, they understand that no one can really get into Nasrallah’s head. The Israeli intelligence’s attempts to do so have failed and were disappointing.”

    The Israeli Kan channel stated that “amid tension against Hezbollah and weeks away from the start of the work to extract gas at the Karish platform, in addition to Nasrallah’s threats, IOF chief Aviv Kochavi issued a warning.”

    Kochavi claimed, “Rockets, rocket-propelled grenades, anti-armor missile sites, command, and control rooms are scattered in large areas of Lebanon,” according to the channel.

    Israeli media pointed out that “‘Israel’ is optimistic about the possibility of reaching an agreement with Lebanon” since the two parties understand that stopping the escalation comes in the best of Israeli and Lebanese interests.

    “Therefore, they have also been strengthening the alertness of the Israeli forces since July, when Nasrallah sent drones to the Karish rig, in addition to this evening’s message from the Chief of Staff to Nasrallah,” the media added.

    The escalation between the occupation and Lebanon has entered a new phase ever since the Israeli occupation government announced the start of drilling to extract gas from the Karish field, and since the entry of the Energean Power vessel last June.

    The escalation reached its peak with Sayyed Nasrallah’s threats that the extraction of gas by Israelis is prohibited without reaching a demarcation agreement that guarantees Lebanon’s getting its rights and wealth, which will contribute to improving its economic situation.

    Lebanese Resistance: Lebanon’s rights or escalation

    On August 19, the Secretary-General of Hezbollah rejected any link between the Lebanese border demarcation file and other files and noted that “If Lebanon does not obtain the rights demanded by the Lebanese state, we are heading toward an escalation whether or not the nuclear agreement is signed.”

    Last month, Nasrallah threatened the Israeli occupation over its attempts to forcibly extract gas from the contested region, warning, “If Lebanon does not obtain the rights demanded by the Lebanese state, we are heading toward an escalation whether or not the nuclear agreement is signed.” 

    He called on the Lebanese state “to benefit from the strength of the resistance and not to delay in obtaining Lebanon’s rights to gas in the Mediterranean.”

    On July 31, the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon military media published a video that displayed the coordinates of the Israeli occupation’s gas rigs off the coasts of occupied Palestine in a clear message to “Tel Aviv”.

    In July, Hezbollah launched three UAVs in the direction of the disputed area at the Karish field, on reconnaissance missions, stressing that “the marches accomplished the required mission and delivered the message.”