الحكومة الإسرائيلية المقبلة وتأكّل نظرية “بوتقة الصهر” لبن غوريون

 الاربعاء 30 نوفمبر 2022

حسن لافي 

ما يحدث في كيان الاحتلال ليس بعيداً من سعي نتنياهو لاستخدام بن غفير وسموتريتش لحسم قضايا إشكالية داخلية، مثل القضاء وسطوة “الجيش” وتدخله في القرار السياسي.

الحكومة الإسرائيلية المقبلة وتأكّل نظرية “بوتقة الصهر” لبن غوريون

نتائج الانتخابات الإسرائيلية الأخيرة وشكل الحكومة المقبلة بقيادة الرباعي بنيامين نتنياهو وبتسلئيل سموتريتش وإيتمار بن غفير وأريه درعي أوضحا عمق التأثيرات السلبية في وحدة المجتمع الصهيوني، والصراع على طبيعة “هُوية إسرائيل”، وما يواكبها من إعادة تعريف اليهودي والعديد من القضايا الأمنية الإستراتيجية التي أجّل حسمها عمداً المؤسسون الأوائل للكيان الصهيوني، لعدم إحداثها انشقاقات وللحفاظ على وحدة الكيان الناشئ حديثاً.

اعتمد ديفيد بن غوريون، المؤسس الفعلي للكيان، إستراتيجية تدريجية للانتقال من الهوية اليهودية المرتبطة بالمنفى والنشأة الإثنية لليهود وتحزباتهم أثناء فترة الييشوف قبل إنشاء الكيان، تحت ما يسمى المصطلحات الصهيونية الفكرية “نفي المنفى”، إلى الهوية الإسرائيلية الجامعة لكلّ سكان الكيان التي أطلق عليها نظرية “بوتقة الصهر”.

اعتمد بن غوريون في إستراتيجية “بوتقة الصهر” على عدة أدوات، أهمها:

أولاً، “الجيش” الإسرائيلي

أدرك بن غوريون أهمية إقامة جيش عسكري واحد موحد يمثل “إسرائيل” ومستوطنيها، بعيداً من حال العصابات اليهودية التي سادت في فترة الييشوف، وأطلق على “الجيش” الإسرائيلي اسم “جيش الشعب”، لكونه يدرك أهمية دوره في تشكيل الهوية الإسرائيلية الجديدة من خلال تحويله إلى نقطة التقاء الكلّ اليهودي الصهيوني خلال الخدمة العسكرية الإلزامية في “الجيش”.

أضف إلى ذلك قناعة بن غوريون، أول وزير “أمن” للكيان الإسرائيلي، وواضع مرتكزات العقيدة العسكرية الإسرائيلية، أن لـ”الجيش” مجموعة من المهامّ المجتمعية والاقتصادية والتعليمية والسياسية والاستيطانية. لذلك، لم يتردد بعد أقل من أسابيع على إقامة الكيان الإسرائيلي في أخذ قرار بحلّ كل العصابات العسكرية اليهودية ودمجها في الجيش الناشئ، بما فيها وحدة النخبة للهاغاناه الصاعقة “البلماخ”.

وهنا، يذكر التاريخ الصهيوني المعاصر حادثة سفينة “التلينا” التي قُتل فيها ما يقارب 16 صهيونياً من عصابة “الغيتسل”. كل ذلك من أجل تكريس احتكار السلاح والعسكرة في “الجيش” فقط.

ثانياً، النظام التعليمي في “إسرائيل”

أدرك بن غوريون مبكراً جداً أهمية النظام التعليمي في الكيان الناشئ، لما يحمله من دور مهم في صنع الهوية الإسرائيلية، وتعزيز الرواية الصهيونية التاريخية التلمودية الكاذبة، والأهم إتاحة الفرصة لكل اليهود لتطوير ذواتهم والحد من الفروقات الاجتماعية الطبقية، لكون التعليم أهم مرتكز يدخل في التفاوت الطبقي بين الفئات اليهودية الاستيطانية.

لذلك، اتخذ الكنيست عام 1953 قانون أساس التعليم الإسرائيلي، الذي عُدَّ بمنزلة ثورة تصحيحية لحال التشرذم في المناهج التعليمية الرسمية في “إسرائيل”، والتي ورثتها من فترة الييشوف.

ثالثاً، الكراهية للفلسطينيين والعرب

جنَّد الآباء المؤسسون للكيان الصهيوني، بشقيه العلماني العمالي بقيادة بن غوريون والعلماني اليميني بقيادة زئيف جابوتنسكي، الخوف الفطري لأولئك المستوطنين الصّهاينة الطارئين على أرض فلسطين من مقاومة الفلسطيني، من خلال منظومة متشابكة تكامل فيها “الجيش” والإعلام والفكر والتعليم والاقتصاد، من أجل خلق قاسم مشترك من الكراهية تجاهه يوحّد الفسيفساء الإسرائيلية داخلياً من خلال صناعة التهديد المشترك. 

أنتجت التغيرات السياسية والاجتماعية والاقتصادية في خريطة مركز القوى الإسرائيلية على مدار 73 عاماً من عمر الكيان تحديات جدية وجذرية أمام إستراتيجية “بوتقة الصهر” الإسرائيلية الهادفة إلى صنع الهوية الإسرائيلية المشتركة.

يكفي لمعرفة حجم هذه التغيرات متابعة تصريحات قادة “الجيش” والمؤسسة الأمنية وما يتحدث عنه كبار المحلّلين السياسيين في استديوهات التحليل ونشرات الأخبار عن شكل الحكومة الإسرائيلية القادمة وآثارها السلبية، ولكن ليس في النسيج الاجتماعي الإسرائيلي ومنظومة التعليم، الأمر الذي زاد توترات الشرخ العلماني الديني إلى درجات غير مسبوقة.

إنّ التأثيرات الأهم تتركّز على دور مؤسسات الحكم وكيانيتها في “إسرائيل”، وفي مقدمتها “الجيش” الإسرائيلي، المؤسسة الأهم فيها، التي بات مفهوم احتكارها للقوة العسكرية في “إسرائيل” يتراجع بعد إعلان الاتفاق على نقل صلاحيات كتائب حرس الحدود في الضفة الغربية البالغ عددها 2000 جندي من قيادة المنطقة الوسطى في “الجيش” إلى وزير “الأمن” القومي، المسمى الجديد لميلشيات بن غفير، لكنها هذه المرة ليست عصابات خارجة عن القانون، كما كانت مجموعات الحاخام الإرهابي مائير كهانا أو مليشيات “شبيبة التلال”، بل بغطاء قانوني رسمي، إلى درجة أن بعض الجهات الأمنية في “إسرائيل” قال: “أنشأوا جيشاً خاصاً لبن غفير”، وكأن “إسرائيل” تعود إلى فترة العصابات اليهودية قبل تأسيس الكيان.

في المقلب الآخر، طالب سموتريتش بنقل صلاحيات الإدارة المدنية الإسرائيلية في الضفة الغربية من “الجيش” إلى وزارة المالية التي يطالب بتوليها، ليكسر احتكار سيادة “الجيش” الإسرائيلي على ملف الاستيطان والتعامل مع الجبهة الفلسطينية الأهم في الصراع.

ما يحدث ليس بعيداً من سعي نتنياهو لاستخدام بن غفير وسموتريتش وأدرعي لحسم قضايا إشكالية داخلية، مثل القضاء وسطوة “الجيش” وتدخله في القرار السياسي، إضافة إلى أن إرباك المشهد السياسي الداخلي في “إسرائيل” يصب في مصلحته لكي يمرر القوانين التي تجنّبه المحاكمة، من خلال تدمير المنظومة القانونية، وسحب صلاحيات المحكمة العليا؛ آخر معاقل العلمانيين اليساريين، التي لم يجرؤ مناحيم بيغن ذاته على المساس بها، وهو صاحب مقولة: “هناك قضاة في القدس”، في إشارة إلى احترامه المحكمة العليا وقراراتها.

أضف إلى ذلك تدخل نتنياهو الواضح في تعيين القضاة وإمكانية إلغاء منصب المستشار القانوني للحكومة، لتصبح المنظومة القضائية الإسرائيلية من دون صلاحيات فعلية.

لذلك، نجد أنَّ نتنياهو مستعدّ للتنازل عن قضايا مركزية لها علاقة بهوية الكيان وإدارة الصراع مع الفلسطيني، مثل الاستيطان في الضفة الغربية، والعمل على تهجير فلسطينيي الـ48، لكون ذلك بات محل إجماع صهيوني، وخصوصاً بعد معركة “سيف القدس” وتنامي الانتفاضة في الضفة والقدس، من أجل إحكام سيطرته على مقاليد الحكم تماماً وعدم خروجه من مقر رئيس الوزراء في شارع بلفور مرة أخرى.

إن الآراء المذكورة في هذه المقالة لا تعبّر بالضرورة عن رأي الميادين وإنما تعبّر عن رأي صاحبها حصراً

إقرأ للكاتب

US Ned Price Slams Ben-Gvir’s ‘Abhorrent’ Attendance at Meir Kahane’s Memorial

November 11, 2022

Ned Price slammed Itamar Ben Gvir for attending Meir Kahane’s memorial. (Image: The Palestine Chronicle)

US State Department spokesman Ned Price has slammed Israeli Knesset Member Itamar Ben Gvir for attending the annual memorial of Rabbi Meir Kahane, the Middle East Monitor reported.

The American-born ultra-nationalist Israeli politician openly advocated expelling all Palestinians from historic Palestine between the river and the sea.

Kahane founded the Kach party which was later outlawed. He inspired the likes of Rabbi Baruch Goldstein who, in 1994, killed 29 Muslim worshippers at the Israeli-occupied Ibrahimi Mosque and wounded more than 125.

A former member of the Kach movement, Ben Gvir and the coalition of ultranationalist parties have emerged as the main power broker in Israel following last week’s election, winning 14 seats. The 46-year-old is expected to also be given an important ministerial position.

Denouncing Ben Gvir’s attendance at the annual Kahane memorial, Price said: “Celebrating the legacy of a terrorist organization is abhorrent. We are concerned by the use of Kahana’s legacy and rhetoric by extremist and violent right-wing activists.”​

“There is no other word for it – it is abhorrent. And we remain concerned, as we’ve said before, by the legacy of Kahane Chai and the continued use of rhetoric among violent right-wing extremists.”


Israeli Elections: Netanyahu’s Coalition Secures 65-Seat Majority in Knesset

 November 2, 2022

Following Tuesday’s Israeli Knesset elections, counting 97% of the votes showed on Wednesday that the Right-wing coalition, led by the former premier Benjamin Netanyahu secured a governing majority of 65 seats.

Consequently, Netanyahu will form the new government as the four previous election sessions failed to give a clear majority for any of the political alliances in the Zionist entity.

Although the margins were tight, the right-wing occupation leader was leading early on in the fifth election in less than four years,.

Netanyahu’s Likud will likely take over the 120-seat Knesset with 30 or 31 seats to spare, knowing that the right-wing coalition continued till the last moment before closing the polling centers provoking the settlers to participate in the elections.

Israeli candidate and former premier Benjamin Netanyahu

The initial projections indicated that this number, along with anticipated totals for the two ultra-Orthodox Jewish parties and the extreme-right “Religious Zionism alliance,” gave the coalition supporting Netanyahu between 61 and 62 seats.

Caretaker PM Yair Lapid’s party was on track to finish in second place as expected.

This comes after the Israeli occupation’s former PM seemed to be struggling to achieve a majority in the Knesset in light of the rising anti-Netanyahu rhetoric among his opponents.

The occupation’s opposition leader would come within a single seat of having a majority in the upcoming election, which is the fifth in less than four years.

If the election process does not give either side a majority, a deadlock would dominate the political scene within the occupation’s government while assigning incumbent Prime Minister Yair Lapid with the task of managing “Israel’s” affairs as caretaker Prime Minister.

A similar deadlock saw Netanyahu ousted from office back in 2021 after four votes that did not deliver on a parliamentary majority, resulting in former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid’s coalition taking over the Knesset.

Meanwhile, the Zionist circles highlighted the augmenting fears of the Palestinian operations during the elections which may reduce the turnout percentages, noting that the area of the attacks has expanded across the West Bank.

Israeli media reported that a car ramming attack on Maccabim Checkpoint left Tuesday a Zionist officer injured and Palestinian perpetrator martyred.

The Zionist enemy, thus, cordoned off the occupied West Bank in anticipation of Palestinian attacks as the Zionist circles noted that individual attackers, who are not affiliated with certain factions, are hardening the mission of the Israeli security measures.

Arab affairs expert Zvi Yehezkeli said that some of the attackers are Palestinian policemen, which makes it harder for the Zionist occupation forces to prevent the attacks.

Arab affairs expert Zvi Yehezkeli

The Israeli circles also voiced fears of missile attacks from Gaza on the settlements, which may affect the election process.

Source: Agencies (editted by Al-Manar English Website)

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Chasing a Mirage: How Israel Arab Parties Validate Israeli Apartheid

November 2, 2022

Yair Lapid (L), Naftali Bennett (C) and Mansour Abbas. (Photo: via Wikimedia Commons)
– Ramzy Baroud is a journalist and the Editor of The Palestine Chronicle. He is the author of six books. His latest book, co-edited with Ilan Pappé, is “Our Vision for Liberation: Engaged Palestinian Leaders and Intellectuals Speak out”. Dr. Baroud is a Non-resident Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Islam and Global Affairs (CIGA). His website is www.ramzybaroud.net

By Ramzy Baroud

Regardless of the outcome of the latest Israeli elections, Arab parties will not reap meaningful political benefits, even if they collectively achieve their highest representation ever. The reason is not about the parties themselves, but in Israel’s skewed political system which is predicated on racism and marginalization of non-Jews.

Israel was established on a problematic premise of being a homeland of all Jews, everywhere – not of Palestine’s own native inhabitants – and on a bloody foundation, that of the Nakba and the destruction of historic Palestine and the expulsion of its people.

Such beginnings were hardly conducive to the establishment of a real democracy, perfect or blemished. Not only did Israel’s discriminatory attitude persist throughout the years, it actually worsened, especially as the Palestinian Arab population rose disproportionally compared to the Jewish population between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.

The unfortunate reality is that some Arab parties have participated in Israeli elections since 1949, some independently and others under the ruling Mapei party umbrella. They did so despite Arab communities in Israel being ruled by a military government (1951-1966) and practically governed, until this day, by the unlawful ‘Defense (Emergency Regulations)’. This participation has constantly been touted by Israel and its supporters as proof of the state’s democratic nature.

This claim alone has served as the backbone of Israeli hasbara throughout the decades. Though often unwittingly, Arab political parties in Israel have provided the fodder for such propaganda, making it difficult for Palestinians to argue that the Israeli political system is fundamentally flawed and racist.

Palestinian citizens have always debated among themselves about the pros and cons of taking part in Israeli elections. Some understood that their participation validates the Zionist ideology and Israeli apartheid, while others argued that refraining from participating in the political process denies Palestinians the opportunity to change the system from within.

The latter argument has lost much of its merit, as Israel sank deeper into apartheid, while social, political and legal conditions for Palestinians worsened. The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel (Adalah) reports on dozens of discriminatory laws in Israel that exclusively target Arab communities. Additionally, in a report published in February, Amnesty International describes thoroughly how the “representation of Palestinian citizens of Israel in the decision making process … has been restricted and undermined by an array of Israeli laws and policies.”

This reality has existed for decades, long before July 19, 2018, when the Israeli parliament approved the so-called Jewish Nation-State Basic Law. The Law was the most glaring example of political and legal racism, which made Israel a full-fledged apartheid regime.

The Law was also the most articulate proclamation of Jewish supremacy over Palestinians in all aspects of life, including the right to self-determination.

Those who have argued that Arab participation in Israeli politics served a purpose in the past should have done more than collectively denounce the Nation-State law, by resigning en masse, effective immediately. They should have taken advantage of the international uproar to convert their struggle from a parliamentary to a popular grassroots one.

Alas, they have not. They continued to participate in Israeli elections, arguing that if they achieved greater representation in the Israeli Knesset, they should be able to challenge the tsunami of Israeli discriminatory laws.

This did not happen, even after the Joint List, which unified four Arab parties in the March 2020 elections, achieved its greatest turnout ever, becoming the Knesset’s third largest political bloc.

The supposed historic victory culminated to nil because all mainstream Jewish parties, regardless of their ideological backgrounds, refused to include Arab parties in their potential coalitions.

The enthusiasm that mobilized Arab voters behind the Joint List began to dwindle, and the List itself fragmented, thanks to Mansour Abbas, the head of the Arab party, Ra’am.

In the March 2021 elections, Abbas wanted to change the dynamics of Arab politics in Israel altogether. “We focus on the issues and problems of the Arab citizens of Israel within the Green Line,” Abbas told TIME magazine in June 2021, adding “we want to heal our own problems”, as if declaring a historic delink from the rest of the Palestinian struggle.

Abbas was wrong, as Israel perceives him, his followers, the Joint List and all Palestinians to be obstacles in its efforts to maintain the exclusivist ‘Jewish identity’ of the state. The Abbas experiment, however, became even more interesting, when Ra’am won 4 seats and joined a government coalition led by far-right, anti-Palestinian politician Naftali Bennet.

By the time the coalition collapsed in June, Abbas achieved little, aside from splitting the Arab vote and proving, again, that changing Israeli politics from within has always been a fantasy.

Even after all of this, Arab parties in Israel still insisted on participating in a political system that, despite its numerous contradictions, agreed on one thing: Palestinians are, and will always be, the enemy.

Even the violent events of May 2021, where Palestinians found themselves fighting on multiple fronts – against the Israeli army, police, intelligence services, armed settlers and even ordinary citizens – did not seem to change the Arab politicians’ mindset. Arab population centers in Umm Al-Fahm, Lydda and Jaffa, were attacked with the same racist mentality as Gaza and Sheikh Jarrah, illustrating that nearly 75 years of supposed integration between Jews and Arabs under Israel’s political system hardly changed the racist view towards Palestinians.

Instead of converting the energy of what Palestinians dubbed the ‘Unity Intifada’ to invest in Palestinian unity, Arab Israeli politicians returned to the Israeli Knesset, as if they still had hope in salvaging Israel’s inherently corrupt political system.

The self-delusion continues. On September 29, Israel’s Central Election Committee disqualified an Arab party, Balad, from running in the November elections. The decision was eventually overturned by the country’s Supreme Court, urging an Arab legal organization in Israel to describe the decision as ‘historic’. In essence, they suggested that Israel’s apartheid system still carries the hope of true democracy.

The future of Arab politics in Israel will remain grim if Arab politicians continue to pursue this failed tactic. Though Palestinian citizens of Israel are socio-economically privileged if compared to Palestinians in the Occupied Territories, they enjoy nominal or no substantive political or legal rights. By remaining loyal participants in Israel’s democracy charade, these politicians continue to validate the Israeli establishment, thus harming, not only Palestinian communities in Israel but, in fact, Palestinians everywhere.

Hamas Spox to Al-Ahed: ‘Israeli’ Elections Won’t Legalize the Occupation, We’ll Face the Enemy’s Governments

November 1 2022

By Al-Ahed News

Hamas Spokesperson Abdul Latif al-Qanou underlined that the Palestinian resistance movement doesn’t count on the ‘Israeli’ elections results, mentioning the internal partition within the Zionist entity.

In an interview with Al-Ahed News, al-Qanou noted that “all ‘Israeli’ parties are hostile to the Palestinian people.”

The Hamas spokesman further added that the ‘Israeli’ elections can’t legalize the occupation, as the Zionist entity with all its social, political, and security components will always be an “occupation” of the Palestinian territories.

Concluding his interview, al-Qanou highlighted the right of the Palestinian people and the resistance against the Zionist occupation with all its resulting extremist governments that practice killing of the Palestinian people.

In the course of starting the electoral process, Zionist officials imposed a general closure on all Palestinian territories on Tuesday in conjunction with the beginning of the voting.

The Zionist occupation army stated that the closure will take into effect on Monday at midnight. The crossings are to be opened and closure lifted before Tuesday midnight after assessing the situation.

In the West Bank, permits held by Palestinian workers to work inside the occupied territories will be frozen, in addition to freezing some crossing and closing numerous streets where Zionist settlements are located.

It’s noteworthy that the ‘Israeli’ elections scheduled for Tuesday are the fifth elections to be held in the Zionist entity over that past four years.

لا حرب في الافق ووجود الكيان على الطاولة..!

الجمعة 7 تشرين الأول 2022

محمد صادق الحسيني

ما يحصل في موضوع البحر وثرواته وشد الحبال بين صاحب الحق والارض وهو لبنان ، وبين المغتصب لحقوق اهلنا في فلسطبن ولبنان هو انعكاس لتبدل موازين القوى على الارض لغير صالح تل ابيب وطغمتها الحاكمة اياً تكن تشكيلتها الحكومية.
والامر لا علاقة له باسم او صفة الحاكم الحالي في تل ابيب بقدر ماهو اختبار صعب المراس لكل الاسماء والرموز او الاحزاب او التكتلات المتنافسة الان عشية انتخابات الكنيست الصهيوني المرتقبة في الشهر المقبل.

فمعادلة الارض من غزة حتى الناقورة تقول ان المنتصر بدأ يفرض شروطه بالسياسة ايضاً، بعد او اوجع العدو في الميدان.

ولذلك فان ما صدرت من تحليلات سواء من جانب المنتصرين او من جانب المردوعبن بان : لبنان انتصر في ادارة مفاوضاته غير المباشرة مع العدو الصهيوني ، طبعا بفضل حزب الله والمقاومة ، صحيحة مائة بالمائة، ولا غبار عليها على الاطلاق .

نعم الحزب انتصر ولبنان انتصر
والكرة انتقلت الى الملعب الاسرائيلي شاء من شاء وابى من ابى، فهذه موازين قوى ميدانية ولا علاقة لها بالحب والبغض.

ومابدأنا نسمعه من اصوات وضجيج من الجانب الاخر ، بعد ان وصلت الورقة الامريكية المقترحة له ، لا ولن يغير شيئا مما بات واقعاً على الارض ، ولا خيار للعدو الا الرضوخ اليه ، أيا يكن الحاكم في تل ابيب ، لابيد او نتن ياهو ..!

وكل ما نسمعه الان في الاعلام ليس سوى بازار سياسي انتخابي سيتبدد شيئا فشيئا كلما اقتربنا من لحظة دفع الاثمان للمهزوم والمردوع.

ولا حرب في الافق رغم كل التهويلات ومبارزات طواحين الهواء الانتخابية.

من يتجه اليوم من بين صفوفنا الى الارتباك في التحليل او تقدير الموقف ، معتبرا اننا استعجلنا يوم قلنا باننا انتصرنا بالمفاوضات ، هو الذي يخطئ ، بل و يرتكب خطأً فادحاً اضافياً.

لانه يكون قد استجاب عمليا لرغبة العدو للعب في ملعبه دون ان يدري.

*فنحن لا نلعب الا في ملعبنا*

‏والمشكلة الان هي عند عدونا المرتبك

فلماذا نتبرع بنقلها الى مربعنا..!؟

‏لابيد كان او نتن ياهو حاكم تل ابيب

‏ثمة ٣ حبال تلف حول عنق الطغمة الحاكمة في تل ابيب او تلك المتحفزة لانتزاع الحكم من خصمها، وهي اشبه بالشرنقة التي تلف حول عنقه :

‏١- خوف جيشه من الحرب المرعبة فيما لو اندلعت، وهي التي تشي باحتمال خسارته لوجوده فيها هذه المرة وليس فقط خسارته للحرب.

‏٢- حاجة سيدته امريكا الملحة للطاقة وهي المرتبكة من اوكرانيا الى باب المندب مرورا بهرمز.

‏٣- جمهوره الناخب، الذي لم يعد يثق ليس فقط بحكامه ، بل حتى بجيشه الذي هو اساس وجوده.

فالكيان الذي لطالما ظهر على المسرح الاقليمي والدولي بانه صاحب الجيش الذي لا يقهر ، تراه يظهر لاول مرة امام جمهور الناخبين بانه جيش المهزومين من الساسة الذين يظهرون للناخب الاسرائيلي ولاول مرة ايضا على حقيقتهم :

*كيان هزيل ومردوع اقيم على اسطورة جيش كان يوما لا يقهر فاصبح اليوم لا يقوى على الوقوف على كلتا قدميه*

هذه الحبال الشرنقات الثلاث هي التي تلف اليوم حول رقاب المتنافسين على اكثرية الكنيست الصهيوني اليوم، فتظهر على شكل ادعاءات او تهويلات وهمية سيظلوا يطلقونها من الان حتى حين ، لمنع تكسر عظام رقبتهم ، وعلى امل وصول العون من سيدهم الامريكي في اللحظة المرجوة.

لكن سيدهم هذا هو الاخر كما هم بات مردوعا من اقاصي الشرق الى اقاصي الشرق، ولا حيلة له الا ركوبها…!

‏*فمحور المقاومة بات يتقن ليس فنون القتال فحسب ، بل و شد الحبال حول الرقاب ايضاً*

*بعدنا طيبين قولوا الله*

فيديوات متعلقة

مقالات متعلقة

With Fear and Concerns, ‘Israel’ Anticipating the Action of the Axis of Resistance

July 2, 2022

By Staff

‘Israeli’ journalist Amir Bohbot said in a report published by Walla! news that high-level intelligence figures in the Zionist establishment have been warning in the past week that the enemies of ‘Israel’ will take advantage of what is going on in different arenas to start provoking the situation along the border, including the military operations “they refrained from carrying out until the moment.”

The estimation was based on the ongoing political tension within the Zionist entity and the normal sensitivity of the issue of the ‘Israeli’ regime’s transitional government.

The ‘Israeli’ intelligence estimations also mentioned that Hezbollah might flare up the situation along the border amid the confrontation regarding the maritime borders and the attacks attributed to the ‘Israeli’ Air Force against weapons shipments in Syria, according to Bohbot.

The ‘Israeli’ military correspondent further stated that “in certain scenarios, Hamas might unleash the Islamic Jihad’s desire to perform military operations against the Zionist regime. More than any other side, Bohbot says, the Iranians are also looking for a reprisal for the assassinations of the high-level Iranian figures that were attributed to the ‘Israeli’ Mossad.

The Tel Aviv regime’s intelligence establishment estimated that the enemies of ‘Israel’ believe that the transitional government might dare to start a direct confrontation or fighting days in response to a tension along the border of a ‘terrorist’ attach inside the occupied territories. Hence, ‘Israeli’ security sources suggested in close conversations that the ‘Israeli’ occupation military is preparing for every possible scenario.

Bohbot also said that the ‘Israeli’ military chief of staff’s warnings about developing the ‘Israeli’ army’s capabilities in the past years, especially on the northern front, are based on field information. Nevertheless, according to Zionist security estimations, it is highly likely that ahead of US President Joe Biden’s visit to the ‘Israeli’-occupied territories, Lebanon and the ‘Israeli’ entity might reach a US-mediated agreement on the maritime border line within two weeks.

‘Israel’s’ Self-destruction Mechanism

June 11, 2022

By Staff | Ynet

Former director of the Zionist spy agency, Mossad, Tamir Pardo wrote in an analysis piece published by Ynet that there is much talk about the dangers ‘Israel’ is facing.

In the article entitled “Stopping the Clock on ‘Israel’s’ Self-destruction Mechanism,” Pardo said: “Some say Iran is the greatest threat, while others claim it is the Palestinians who pose a larger risk to our existence. But in my view, we ourselves are the greatest danger this ‘nation’ is faced with because of our tendency for self-destruction, which we have perfected over the recent years.”

Just like in days of old when faced with the Roman occupation, brother will kill brother, spilling blood across the land. The Roman legions stood by and waited patiently for the Jews to almost complete the work for them. We must stop this before the point of no return…, he urged his audience.

“Now we are polarized from within and our enemies are once more patiently waiting for an opportune moment to destroy us.”

After four consecutive election cycles, he went on to say, a new government was formed that had mustered a scant parliamentary majority, but those who have been ousted from power after 12 years refuse to recognize its legitimacy. They even refuse to address the prime minister by his title. The author also elaborated on his topic:

When a leader of a massive Knesset faction refuses to make even such a symbolic gesture, this shakes the foundations of our ‘democracy.’

That same opposition also boycotts each and every of the opposite side’s legislations. All oppositions can and must oppose government initiatives, but the current opposing bloc in the Knesset votes against laws vital to national security, public interest, and even its own ideology in violation of the basic social contract upon which the ‘democratic’ system is predicated.

Public discourse in ‘Israel’ is characterized by a lack of tolerance and by verbal abuse toward anyone holding a differing worldview.

The Knesset has shown itself to be a negative example of proper conduct and its behavior has seeped into ‘Israeli’ society.

Since 1967, ‘Israel’ has had no defined borders. In the 55 years that have passed since the Six-Day War, ‘Israeli’ governments, left and right, refused to annex the West Bank and the Gaza Strip into ‘Israeli’ territory.

Today, three generations of ‘Israelis’ have never known a different reality. We lack a strategy and cannot define the ‘state’ we hope to see in centuries to come.

No politician has been willing to state a goal for ‘Israel.’ Most just roll their eyes and avoid having to make a decision. None want to take the responsibility for territorial concessions, but all understand that annexation of the West Bank would lead to the demise of the Zionist dream…

Any Zionist can understand that without a Jewish majority, there can be no Jewish ‘state,’ as Pardo refers to it. “Nowadays, there are Jews who prescribe to the Zionist idea between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean and those who do not.”

The Hebrew word for border can be used to mean the physical boundary around a ‘country,’ but also the moral boundaries of normal behavior.

Intolerance of opposing views, violence in all its forms and sidelining of the gatekeepers of our ‘democracy’ are just part of the manifestations of our lack of boundaries, borne from avoiding the critical conundrum we all face: What kind of ‘Israel’ do we want to see and what are its borders?

End of Netanyhu’s Tenure Leaves Israeli Apartheid Tyranny in Place

 June 12, 2021

By Stephen Lendman


On Sunday Netanyahu’s tenure ends, Israeli apartheid tyranny will remain in power under new management — like always before in Jewish state history.

Ahead of a Friday evening deadline, a penultimate hurdle passed when all opposition parties submitted required signed coalition agreements to the Knesset secretary.

At this time, a final one is Sunday’s Knesset swearing-in ceremony to officially replace the Netanyahu regime with a new one.

At the same time, things are never over when they’re over as long as he’s around.

He’s not leaving quietly and when disempowered won’t operate as a loyal to the country opposition.

Continuing to cite nonexistent victimization, he claims a “deep state” conspiracy targeted him for removal (sic), adding:

“They are uprooting the good (sic) and replacing it with the bad and dangerous,” he roared.

“I fear for the destiny of the nation (sic).”

His inflammatory rhetoric has been around at least since the 1990s.

For him, opposition Jews are anti-Israeli leftists, Arab politicians considered fifth column threat terrorist sympathizers.

Delusions of grandeur define his self-crafted persona, falsely claiming he alone can lead the Jewish state at a time of invented barbarians at the gates.

Since becoming Israeli prime minister for the second time in early 2009 and remaining in office for 12 straight years, he’s on the cusp of being dethroned for being unable to form a majority coalition government after four elections since 2019 — a sign of weakness overtaking diminished strength.

His ravings don’t resonate like earlier.

According to Israeli political scientist Gayil Talshir:

When out of power, “(w)e’re going to see a very assertive and aggressive head of the opposition, meaning Netanyahu, determined to make sure that this coalition of change would be a short-lived one and that we will have another election as soon as possible,” adding:

“We don’t have even a memory of what normal politics looks like.”

On Thursday, the Times of Israel reported that members of Netanyahu’s inner circle know that although his time is up, he’ll combat the new government to “bring it down.”

Peaceful transition of power and respect for the rule of law was never his style, notably not after reigning as King Bibi for 12 straight years.

It’s unclear if he’ll attend Sunday’s swearing in session and traditional handover of power on Monday.

No joint briefing with incoming prime minister Naftali Bennett is scheduled.

On Friday, Ynet News noted even though a new government is set to replace him Sunday, he’s “not relenting for a second…”

He “sen(t) his messengers and sycophants to lash out at his opponents and continue nurturing the toxic discourse he has created.”

You’re either with him or against Israel, according to his mindset.

Because of his extremist rhetoric and toxic environment he created, many opposition coalition members require security for protection of themselves and family members.

In or out of power, he represents an unparalleled internal threat to political forces against him.

The harm he caused since taking power left permanent scars, defenseless Palestinians bearing the brunt of his viciousness.

Haaretz reported on recently surfacing video from Israel’s Ketziot Prison on Netanyahu’s watch, saying: 

It “should have set off an earthquake in the Israel Prison Service, police and the State Prosecutor’s Office.”

It showed dozens of Palestinian prisoners thrown to a concrete floor.

Shackled with their hands behind their back, guards beat them repeatedly with metal batons and by kicking.

Ordered not to move or speak, their ordeal continued for hours — the incident filmed by security cameras.

According to an unnamed prison official, it was one of the most violent unprovoked incidents ever inside an Israeli prison.

Only four guards were questioned briefly about what happened in March 2019, video of it now emerging for the first time.

It showed no rioting or other provocations.

About 15 Palestinian prisoners required hospitalization, at least two in serious condition from what happened at the time.

Recounting the incident, one affected Palestinian said the following:

“They put us in restraints and no one resisted, and then they simply began to beat us with (metal) batons,” adding: 

“They tossed us into the center of the wing like we were nothing, and beat us without us being able to defend ourselves.”

Despite prisoners knowing the guards and seeing them daily, “(t)hat didn’t keep them from beating us mercilessly.”

“We were sure they were going to kill us.”

“Everyone prayed to God. Only after seeing all the blood around me did one of the officers order that I be taken to the clinic.”

“They beat me along the way, too.”

Others described similar horror stories.

Restrained in pairs after beatings, they stayed that way overnight.

Stripped and not given mattresses, they were kept this way for three days “without anything.”

Told to keep heads down, “anyone who raised his head gotten beaten.”

Haaretz explained that four guards alone were “briefly questioned on suspicion of battery,” adding:

Few attempts were made to identify additional officers present that night.” 

“Although the prisoners declared they could identify the perpetrators, no lineup was conducted.”

After closure of the case with no accountability, the Hamoked human rights group appealed to Israel’s attorney general, saying:

“The incident at Ketziont is a case of brute, wholesale violence against tied, helpless people,” adding:

“The investigative authorities’ attempt to shirk responsibility, despite the security camera footage, is a badge of shame for the national unit for investigating corrections officers and investigative bodies in general.” 

Others described similar horror stories.

Restrained in pairs after beatings, they stayed that way overnight.

Stripped and not given mattresses, they were kept this way for three days “without anything.”

Told to keep heads down, “anyone who raised his head gotten beaten.”

Haaretz explained that four guards alone were “briefly questioned on suspicion of battery,” adding:

Few attempts were made to identify additional officers present that night.” 

“Although the prisoners declared they could identify the perpetrators, no lineup was conducted.”

After closure of the case with no accountability, the Hamoked human rights group appealed to Israel’s attorney general, saying:

“The incident at Ketziont is a case of brute, wholesale violence against tied, helpless people,” adding:

“The investigative authorities’ attempt to shirk responsibility, despite the security camera footage, is a badge of shame for the national unit for investigating corrections officers and investigative bodies in general.” 

Netanyahu Follows Trump’s Footsteps: Political Downfall, Internal Crisis, and Attempt to Bridge the Gap


Netanyahu Follows Trump’s Footsteps: Political Downfall, Internal Crisis, and Attempt to Bridge the Gap

By Ali Abadi

The recent developments in the Zionist entity reopen the discussion regarding the extent to which this entity is influenced by the US policy as well as the changes inside the United States.

Since Trump’s failure in the US Presidential Elections, the countdown to Benjamin Netanyahu’s downfall has started -who represents the ‘Israeli’ version of Trump’s personality- even though the former was able to reproduce his leadership via three consecutive elections, and prepared to a fourth round to fortify his position against probes in cases of corruption, and to fight the possibility of moving him away from the political scene through a rival party coalition. However, Netanyahu’s ploys didn’t survive in front of the results of the recent war with Gaza, which turned the political atmosphere inside the occupation entity to the extent that Netanyahu’s government was found responsible or losing the deterrence with Gaza, not to mention his weakness to handle the resistance and its growing might.

Herein, we should notice the relative comparison between the American and the ‘Israeli’ arenas:

On the one hand, the extravagance of America’s right wing led to dangerous division that caused an intense desire among all of Trump’s opponents [including some of the Republican party members] to get rid of him via ballot boxes, so they voted majorly against the far-right policies [represented by Trump] more than to support his rival Biden and his electoral program. And in the ‘Israeli’ arena, the right policies led to attractions from within the Zionist society, not between the left and the right, but within the right itself. A dominant agreement emerged that Netanyahu is sticking to power at any price, even if it led to a ‘civil war’, and that he is using Zionist religious parties that exchange with him the electoral services and well as the governmental benefits.

On the other hand, it happened previously that the personalities of Trump and Netanyahu have been linked to each other, in the course of unprecedented similarity in political tendencies of both sides regarding several issues. Trump’s failure in the US has motivated many ‘Israeli’ politicians to think about a way to get rid of his closest ally, Netanyahu. However, they didn’t possess the required energy to unite. Then came the recent confrontation with the Palestinians to uncover the weak structure of the entity as well as the policies of Netanyahu’s government. The decision was among several political parties to scapegoat him based on the rule of preserving the rightist policies that are threatened with the strong Palestinian uprising on the one hand, and the harmony with the American policies as much as possible on the other hand. Hence, the Zionist right settlement scheme would be saved, while Netanyahu’s attempts to shake the alliance with the US due to his objection of its return to the nuclear deal with Iran would fail.


Both American and ‘Israeli’ societies suffer from not yet hidden political, ideological, and ethnic divisions. Both societies need to absorb the tension from time to time via changing the top of the pyramid. This is one issue. Another remarkable one is that ‘Israel’ didn’t succeed for long in staying away from the requirements of the American interests in the region. And without harboring hopes on a major separation between the two sides, we witness a sort of coldness in relations due to three main points over the past three decades.

First: With launching the Madrid Conference for settlement in the region in the beginning of the 1990s after the US-led war in Kuwait, when Isaac Shamir [Likud] government objected to the principle of establishing an independent Palestinian state, but the Zionist entity’s need for the US financial support to contain the Jewish migration from the Soviet Union and other places pushed ‘Israel’ to reduce its objections and conditions. Washington was able, through guaranteed loans worth billions of dollars, to tame the ‘Israeli’ policy in favor of its wider interests. Then, Shamir was displaced from the ‘Israeli’ scene, and was succeeded by Isaac Rabin [Labor Party] to lead the Oslo track which happened to become later the Palestinian Authority in Gaza and Ariha. However, after the assassination of Rabin in 1995, the abilities of the most harmonized Zionist parties with the US policy declined on the level of their potential to attract, and the base of the far-right parties, which reject the issue of ‘Two-state-solution’ or freezing the settlement activity grew, especially in the aftermaths of the major migration from the previously-known Soviet Union and other places. This led to a change inside the Zionist society, in addition to the structure of its successive governments.

Second: Netanyahu’s impediment of Barack Obama’s attempts to revive negotiations with the Palestinian Authority based on freezing the settlement activity in the West Bank, and then the US signing of a nuclear deal with Iran in 2015. Netanyahu objected to it publicly and inside the US congress in a famous speech. Meanwhile, the dispersion within Netanyahu’s rival ‘Israeli’ parties didn’t allow the formation of a change that suits the US regional policy.  Trump came to power in 2016 to revive Netanyahu’s hopes about change that he didn’t dream about from the part of the American orientation on other levels [such as moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to al-Quds, recognizing the ‘Israeli’ sovereignty in the Golan, supporting the settlement activity in the West Bank, cutting funds of the Palestinian refugees’ UNRWA agency, shutting the office of the Palestine Liberation Organization in Washington, and encouraging the ‘Israeli’ normalization with Arab states regardless to the Palestinians.] A parallel US shift took place when Trump left the nuclear deal with Iran.

Third: Biden’s rising to power in Washington, which modified the ‘Israeli’ expectations. This is not limited to some differences regarding the traditional support of ‘Israel’ between America’s Republican and Democratic parties. The truth is that a change started to be witnessed in the public American mood in which a new political generation in the US, and inside the Democratic party is more liberal than its predecessors and doesn’t grant ‘Israel’ an ultimate support. It also cannot digest the rightist ‘Israeli’ thinking to ban the establishment of a Palestinian state, and the Palestinian people’s right to live on their land within internationally recognized borders. The ‘Israeli’ narrative, which has dominated the minds of the US elite over several decades regarding the right of Jews alone to establish their national Jewish state, has turned less tempting to many Americans. Additionally, the pro-Palestinian activism on social media platforms managed to breach the pro-‘Israel’ traditional media, in which Facebook and Twitter’s restrictions couldn’t curb this activism that was crystal-clear during the latest round of ‘Israeli’ aggression. It also scored important attractions in English and other foreign language.

Moreover, the Biden administration prioritizing of returning to the nuclear deal with Iran formed a separation from Netanyahu government’s orientations. He has started hinting to moving without an agreement from Washington, a matter that is not only underestimated in the US, but also among ‘Israeli’ milieus that are worried about losing the strategic alliance with the US.

Back to the house of obedience

After this third stop, ‘Israel’ returns to the so-called American ‘house of obedience’ or to adapting with the major US interests. This return is based upon avoiding confrontation with the US policies and their regional requirements to deal with the nuclear Iran in particular, reducing tension and difference with the American administration when dealing with the flaming Palestinian issue nowadays. However, it is not necessarily at the expense of the rightist tendencies regarding the settlement scheme that is the core of the Zionist project. The official US interest intersected with the internal ‘Israeli’ parties’ interests to remove Netanyahu from the scene. The US administration will take advantage of this shift in an attempt to revive negotiations between the Palestinian Authority and the occupation’s government to delegitimize the Palestinian resistance and the Axis that supports it in the region. Washington is to offer significant motivations to the future Zionist right government, led by Naftali Bennett, to allow progress in negotiations. Hereby, new obstacles will emerge from the side of Netanyahu’s successors who publicly adopt a hardline track regarding the rights of the Palestinian people, especially regarding the evacuation of some occupied land, freezing settlement, or establishing the Palestinian state. This will later turn things to the previous empty circle on the level of negotiations.

It is worth noting that Biden’s administration is not totally free to dictate its policies on ‘Israel’, especially amid the contradictions within the US political environment and inside the democratic party itself. However, ‘Israel’s’ dire need to the US support is an existential need to bear the pressures and preserve the qualitative military superiority. This will push the next ‘Israeli’ government to reduce the public contact with the US to overcome the challenges posed in this phase.

Finally, it is important to examine the extent to which the future Zionist government would succeed in:

– Managing the internal chaos along with threats of physical killing among the right affiliates

– Managing the military confrontation with the Gaza Strip

– Managing the variations with the US administration regarding the Palestinian issue and the Iran nuclear deal

On the American level, it is important to note the US administration’s ability to:

– Pass the nuclear deal with Iran without shockwaves inside the US congress and the circles of the conservatives who are more sticking to the ‘Israeli’ interests

– Dealing with the critical Palestinian issue, militarily and politically, based on the results of the recent confrontation that raised the voice of the Palestinian resistance

Netanyahu Urges Knesset Members to Oppose ‘Dangerous Left-Wing Gov’t’

 June 3, 2021

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called on all of the right-wing members of the Knesset to oppose the new government presented by Knesset opposition leader Yair Lapid to President Reuven Rivlin late Wednesday.

In his first tweet since the announcement that could see Netanyahu unseated as prime minister, he lashed out at the “dangerous left-wing government”, accusing Naftali Bennett, Netanyahu’s potential successor, of “selling” the Negev Desert region to the United Arab List, an Arab political party known as Ra’am in the Zionist entity.

For the first time ever, the United Arab List has joined a coalition. According to the party, Bennett and Lapid promised to grant official status to Bedouin settlements in the Negev Desert.

Late on Wednesday, Yair Lapid, the leader of the Zionist entity’s largest opposition party Yesh Atid, notified President Reuven Rivlin of successfully managing to form a government coalition.

According to Israeli media, the head of the Yamina national conservative alliance, Naftali Bennett, will serve as Israel’s prime minister for two years before being replaced by Lapid as per a rotation basis.

Lapid was picked to form a new government by Israeli President Reuven Rivlin in May, after Netanyahu was unable to form a government in time following the 23 March vote.

Over the course of the past two years, the Zionist entity has held four parliamentary elections yet the winning parties proved unable to form a stable coalition.

Source: Agencies

The One State Reality


one state finally .jpg

by Gilad Atzmon

There is a war in Jerusalem right now, a war that ends the Israeli illusion that the Palestinian cause has somehow faded away or evaporated.

Veteran Israeli General  Amos Yadlin, former commander of the IDF’s  intelligence and a chief Israeli National Security analyst, described the Israeli reality in the most brutal terms in his commentary on Israeli N12:   “The Israeli delusions are over. The Palestinian problem is Back. “

Yadlin believes that Israel’s lack of leadership has led to strategic paralysis, in which Israel and Palestine have practically morphed into ‘one state’ and it has only two options to choose from: either to ‘stop being a Jewish State’ or to be ‘undemocratic’! According to Yadlin, the “Palestinians are engaged in a different discourse today than in the past. After the failure of their three main strategies – terrorism, internationalization of the conflict and reliance on the Arab world, the Palestinians have greatly strengthened the discourse of rights. If they cannot achieve their own state, they seek equal rights as citizens of the Greater State of Israel – with the long-term hope of an Arab majority in one state. In the meantime, they hope to exhaust Israel’s economic benefits and gain points in the campaign for Israel’s delegitimization.”

I wouldn’t use Yadlin’s misguided terminology, as the Palestinians are already the majority of the people between the river and the sea. Yet, I believe that his dissection of the situation is largely accurate. It is also consistent with IDF intelligence’s reading of the Israeli Palestinian conflict since the early 1980s. IDF generals have been saying it for years: for the Palestinians to win, all they need to do is to survive. Mahmoud Abbas, whom many Palestine supporters tend to detest, also came to the same realization a while back. It is not war that will defeat Israel, it is actually peace which Israel fears the most.

As if the news is not bad enough for the Israelis and their future prospects in the region, the last election made it clear that the new Israeli kingmaker is no other than Mansour Abbas, the Leader of the Islamic party Ra’am.  Benjamin Netanyahu was ready to form a government with him just to sustain his primacy, with the hope that this may help him stay out of prison. But an alternative  centrist coalition also can’t be formed without the support of Abbas.

The hardcore right wing within the Israeli Knesset do understand that such political power in the hands of an Islamic party empowers their bitterest enemies. It is destined to bring many more Israeli Arabs to the polls in the next election and if Arabs in Israel enjoy the same political representation as the Jewish majority, they can easily become the biggest political force in Israel. Is Israel ready for an Arab PM, or Muslim minister of defence? I’ll let you ponder over that.

The most peculiar fact in all of that is that Jewish lobbies around the world are actually very successful in dominating different nations’ affairs that are relevant to Israel and Jewish interests. A lot has been written about AIPAC dominating American foreign affairs. A lot was said about the power of the Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI) and the Labour friends of Israel (LFI) in Britain. Yet in the USA Jews amount to less than 2% of the entire population. In the UK, Jews are less than 0.5% of the Brits. In Israel, on the other hand, Jews are 80% of the Israeli society and about 50% of the people who dwell between the Jordan river and the Mediterranean Sea.  One may draw a conclusion that Jews are doing far better for themselves as a marginal exilic identity than being a majority on the land. Zionism, for those who do not know, was born to refute that observation but it failed.    


Yair Lapid Meets Mansour Abbas in Bid to Reach Coalition Agreement

March 29, 2021

Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid on Sunday met with Head of the Ra’am Party Mansour Abbas to discuss forming a coalition government, Israeli media reported.

Abbas, according to Ynet News, presented his movement’s demands to Lapid. The demands included scrapping the Nation-State Law, having the freedom to vote on pro-LGBT bills, freezing the Kaminitz Law, recognizing unrecognized Arab towns in the Negev, and fighting crime among the Arab community in Israel.

Both Abbas and Lapid issued brief statements following their meeting, stating that they had agreed to continue their communications.

Following Tuesday’s election, Ra’am has emerged as a kingmaker as both Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Lapid’s Yesh Atid lacked enough seats in the Knesset to enable either party to form a coalition government.

Right-wing pro-Netanyahu hardliners, including Head of the Fascist Religious Zionism Party Bezalel Smotrich, have rejected joining a coalition including Arab MKs or reliant on an Arab party.

This also came following a Likud meeting with Abbas, during which they discussed prospects of the latter’s participation in a Likud-led government.

Ynet News reported that Abbas met with Lapid after realizing that joining a right-wing government may not be a viable option, pointing out that his meeting with Lapid came after several postponements.

The bloc consisting of Likud and its pro-right-wing parties have 59 seats out of 120. The left-wing, along with the anti-Netanyahu parties, has 57. Abbas, the current kingmaker, has five seats.

(MEMO, PC, Social Media)


South Front

Israel had no time to enjoy the successful election and Benjamin Netanyahu’s slim victory when Iran reportedly reminded Israel of itself.

On March 25th, while sailing from Tanzania to India, the Israeli-flagged ship “Lori” was allegedly struck by missiles in the Gulf of Oman.

Tehran was immediately accused, and the strike only caused material losses, but no casualties. Photographs of the damaged hull of the ship were shared on Twitter, but little else in the way of evidence.

This alleged incident is the third in a presumed exchange.It began on February 26th, when the Israeli-flagged MV HELIOS RAY suffered a number of explosions, in the Gulf of Oman. It was blamed on Iran.

Then, on March 11th, an explosion struck the Iranian-owned SHAHR E KORD off the coast of Syria. Tehran called it a terrorist attack, but not specifically blaming Tel Aviv.

On Syrian soil, approximately 15 unidentified gunmen attacked posts of the Syrian Arab Army’s 5th Corps and Iranian-backed forces in southern Raqqa, according to the Eye of the Euphrates. They infiltrated the government-controlled area in southern Raqqa with three trucks. The unknown militants abandoned their vehicles and attacked the position near the village of Maksar. At least 9 Syrian and Iranian-backed fighters were killed, and 6 others were captured.

In northern Syria, the situation is becoming increasingly chaotic. Despite a Russian-Turkish agreement to open humanitarian crossings in Idlib, but no such luck.

Ankara immediately denied agreeing to anything of the sort, and even if it didn’t, militants blocked the crossings.

Syrian authorities reopened the Saraqib and Abu Zindain crossings on March 25th. However, both remained blocked by the al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS).

Turkish Forces in the fashion of how they impose the ceasefire agreement in Greater Idlib undertook no action in assisting the opening of the crossings.

In Iraq, the situation is stacked even more against the U.S. and its allies. On March 25th, five US supply convoys were attacked in different parts of Iraq. Three of the attacks were carried out by pro-Iranian groups, while two are still unclaimed.

These attacks continue to be non-lethal and rather cause only material damage.

These groups, as well as all other Iranian allies are a part of the unofficial Axis of Resistance. Yemen’s Ansar Allah are as well a part of it.

In recent days, the Houthis (as Ansar Allah is more commonly known) were accused by Saudi Arabia of being cowards.

While that accusation was sinking in, Riyadh’s forces targeted al-Hudaydah with heavy artillery.

This is explicitly prohibited under a ceasefire agreement, and still violations take place almost hourly. The Saudi-led coalition continues its heavy airstrike activity, and is being steadily pushed back on the ground by the Houthis.

More retaliatory actions are likely expected by Israel, the U.S. and Saudi Arabia in the coming days and weeks, since the Iranian-aligned bloc seems to be making progress.

Netanyahu May Reach End of His Political Life Soon: Israeli Opposition to Nominate Lapid for Premiership

 March 26, 2021

Zionist PM Benjamin Netanyahu

The Zionist prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is facing a major challenge, which may lead him to the end of his political life, in light of the reslts of the public elections.

Netanyahu, whose coalition won 52 Knesset seats, is in need of allying with Yamina Party, represented by 7 MKs, and United Arab List (UAL), which includes 4 MKs. On the other hand, the opposition, which has secured 57 Knesset seats, is in need of allying with either Yamina Party or the Arab bloc.

Opposition Leader Yair Lapid, whose centrist Yesh Atid finishing as the second-largest party, is expected to be his coalition’s candidate for premiership.

Being the fourth public election, the Israeli vote indicates a major stalemate which is mainly attributed to the leadership crisis in the occupation entity.

Source: Al-Manar English Website

Zionist Circles: Political Deadlock May Last for Years

Zionist Circles: Political Deadlock May Last for Years

 March 25, 2021

Political circles pointed to long-term stalemate in the Zionist entity as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his rivals are away from securing majority in the Knesset elections.

As vote counting nears its end in the occupation regime, preliminary results show that neither Netanyahu nor his rivals managed to 61 seats in the 120-seat parliament, the number needed to form a new government.

Netanyahu’s bloc has reportedly secured 59 seats in the parliament, while his rivals secured 57 seats, media reports said, noting that Mansour Abbas, leader of the United Arab List (UAL), has secured 4 seats.

Commenting on the initial results, Zionist analysts expected that the deadlock may last for a long time in the Zionist entity.

“The only way to ensure stability is Netanyahu’s success to form a government after securing the 61-seat majority needed in the Knesset. The new government must have a clear vision, and this requires other players in the political scene who are in Netanyahu’s rival bloc,” Daphna Liel, Israeli Channel 12’s political reporter said in a talk show broadcast on the Israeli TV network on Wednesday.

“Elsewhere, we are likely to stay in politically unstable situation,” the Israeli reported added, as cited by Al-Manar’s reporter of Hebrew affairs Ahmad Ammar.

“I think that the question now is whether Netanyahu will manage to form a government with 61-seat majority,” Yaron Dekel political commentator told the Israeli talk show.

“And the most important question here: Will this government withstand? Netanyahu couldn’t hold out with such formation in the past,” he noted.

Source: Al-Manar English Website

US, Israel, EU election farces or ‘Allies of sovereignty’ – Iran, China, Russia?

Friday, 26 March 2021 2:02 PM  [ Last Update: Friday, 26 March 2021 2:02 PM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)
US, Israel & EU election farces or the ‘Allies of Sovereignty’ – Iran, China & Russia?
(Ramin Mazaheri is the chief correspondent in Paris for Press TV and has lived in France since 2009. He has been a daily newspaper reporter in the US, and has reported from Iran, Cuba, Egypt, Tunisia, South Korea and elsewhere. He is the author of ‘Socialism’s Ignored Success: Iranian Islamic Socialism’ as well as ‘I’ll Ruin Everything You Are: Ending Western Propaganda on Red China’, which is also available in simplified and traditional Chinese.)

By Ramin Mazaheri and cross-posted with PressTV

Mazaheri is the chief correspondent in Paris for Press TV.

Too bad the elections for European Parliament aren’t this year – we could have enjoyed all three tones of the chord of “liberal (aristocratic) democracy”.

The United States, the European Union and Israel – the triumvirate which dominates half the world and thinks it has the moral and intellectual right to rule the other half – obviously have incredibly flawed, domestically-denigrated and politically feckless elections. As time goes on the world can only be increasingly attracted to innovative alternative political models because this trio is so endemically dysfunctional.

In Israel voters just chose between the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu or those who claim to be the colonizers who are the “sane” alternative. This election sham will likely need to be repeated for the fifth time in two years, but only a few thick Westerners ever claimed Israel is a democracy, anyway.

Thirty years after the United States penned the structures of the European Union – in a rush of Cold War euphoria and arrogance – there may not be elections which are as meaningless and uninteresting to the actual voting public as those for EU Parliament.

The United States’ recent election was as bad as anyone could have expected, and Americans themselves expected the worst more often than anyone. So I don’t know why France-raised US Secretary of State Antony Blinken thought the last months and years of American carnage and discontent would go unnoticed abroad?

When Blinken assumed a Parisian pose of oblivious nonchalance at the first China-US summit and tried to shame China for not being Western enough, China was ready: his counterpart, Yang Jiechi, delivered an impromptu, blistering, 17-minute critique of America which was redolent of Mao’s era.

In short, Yang’s rebuttal contained well-known and totally accurate critiques of America’s capitalist-imperialist and liberal democratic structures. From “massacring the people of other countries” to the obvious “slaughtering” of African-Americans and beyond, Yang listed a poisonous cornucopia of the inevitable social evils which arise from such outdated social structures.

China’s standing up to the new administration in Washington – and at the very first opportunity – will mark a sea change in geopolitical affairs. China knew it was going to be targeted – as a welcoming gift Biden placed sanctions on two dozen Chinese officials just prior to the landing of their diplomats – and they eagerly responded with, “Let’s fight – ideologically – because it’s clear you don’t have a solid leg to stand on anymore.”

Out with the ‘Axis of Evil’ and in with the ‘Allies of Sovereignty’

Yang’s speech clearly ends the era of the “Axis of Evil”, declared by George W. Bush in his 2002 state of the union address, which put Iran, Iraq and North Korea at the top of the list for allegedly being sponsors of terrorism. However, the actual policy of America was: whoever was not “with us” was an evil entity for being “against us”, and thus Bush II essentially declared at the point of a spear that it was now a unipolar world.

In a new column titled “Welcome to shocked & awed 21st century geopolitics” indispensable global journalist Pepe Escobar agreed that China’s hour-long diplomatic give-and-take meant that “21st century geopolitics will never be the same again”. He also noted that the unified, unbowed response to Yang’s speech by Iran, China and Russia amounted to an open “triple slap on the (US) hegemon” with a dueling glove.

So what is it which unifies this Asian triumvirate?

It’s a group whose essential demand is something which resonates universally, and which was the only logical and inevitable retort to those (the US, EU & Israel) who insist on a unipolar world: it’s an “alliance of sovereignty”, i.e. the right to resist a unipolar world where domestic affairs cannot be decided locally. The fundamental basis of this stance is anti-imperialism.

Sovereignty is what France denies to Africa, what the Monroe Doctrine still denies to Latin America, what Israel denies to the Middle East and what – it’s often poorly understood – Brussels denies to the southern and eastern members of its own bloc. Sovereignty is an essential demand in a world full of nations but it’s an illegitimate demand and even seditious blasphemy to assert, as Yang did, that, “Neither the United States itself nor the Western world represent international public opinion.”

Let the US and Israel continue to wave the bloody flag of World War II and perhaps dub Iran, Russia and China the “Axis of Evil II” all they want: As the Yellow Vests, Brexit and Trump illustrate, many of their own subjects are already painfully aware that national sovereignty is a human right which has become unbearably stifled in favor of 1%-er capitalist globalization.

The roles of the ‘Allies of Sovereignty’ get more and more openly declared

Obviously, once China gets involved militarily then it’s all over – there will be a global victory for sovereignty.

Russia got involved militarily in Syria — the US lacked the diplomatic credibility for a repeat of the Iraq & Afghanistan invasions, and they lacked the military supremacy, and they also blinked because they have lost faith in their own cause — and they were able to assure the sovereignty of Syria.

Iran is the most involved militarily: they take the most risks and remain the most at risk of assaults – this is perhaps the price to be paid for earning the partnership of those two much larger regions, both of which are big enough to be continents. Revolutionary Iran has won many regional countries if not outright sovereignty then at least temporary reprieves, measures of peace and, that most essential ingredient, hope. Iran deranges the West the most: there is no logical reason for Iran to be included with these two much larger powers except for the fact that Iran obviously punches way above its weight solely via decades of advanced political modernity, social merit and intelligent redistribution of its natural economic resources.

China and Russia are in a conundrum which was made clear in both Yang’s remarks and by Russia’s official response, which said that Moscow’s relationship with the EU, “has been destroyed by unilateral decisions made from Brussels”: China and Russia are trying to uphold a rights-based system of international law with a triumvirate who has no respect for it.

The United Nations – the fulcrum of this system – is totally irrelevant to Americans. Given the “you’re either with us or against us” worldview they openly declared – with all the subsequent violations of international law via illegal sanctions, via Guantanamo Bay, via pulling out of treaties like the JCPOA, etc. – Moscow and Beijing should have realized that “only unilateral decisions” has been the Western worldview for many years. The West will never say what China and Russia apparently want to hear: “You’re either with the United Nations or against us.”

Contrarily, Iran has far fewer expectations that the UN is an impartial body. Going back to the chemical weapons atrocities by Iraq more than three decades ago, Iran sees it is quite necessary to take risks because the “international community” – dominated by Western interests and democracy-gutting vetoes – so often don’t come to save the innocent until after the bullets have flown.

What is the “international community”? To many – like the US – it is nothing. To others – like China, Russia and France – it is worth saving and using, and largely because they can get enough of what they want. To many others – like Iran and countless other nations – it is not useful without major reforms first. But these analyses are all moot:

The concept of national “sovereignty” can and must exist before, during and after any discussion of how, what, who, where or when this “international community” is formally arranged – refusal to recognize this necessarily implies some sort of one-state/unipolar world. 

“Sovereignty” needs allies today, but the situation of “sovereignty” is not as dire as it was in 2002, (although a Yellow Vest will certainly disagree). In case the new Biden administration was wondering they now know: Beijing is not about to side with the Western triumvirate (or, more accurately, their 1% class) over their own sovereignty.

If pushed like Russia was in Syria, Beijing may even fight to protect the sovereignty of certain other nations, such as Iran. 

Geopolitics moves much slower than the average person may think, but for a plethora of enormous reasons which go far beyond a debate in Alaska – four years of the curtain-lifting outsider Donald Trump, the “no strings attached for bankers” fiscal policy disasters of QE and ZIRP, an unregulated private high finance sector, the disputed election of Joe Biden, the atrocious Great Lockdown decisions of the West, etc. – the unilateral world ordered by the West has wilted. What we now have is two camps which contain half the world.

What’s key to grasp is that what is truly “up for grabs” is the other half: Latin America and Africa. For centuries they have had no sovereignty – and the plunder of their wealth is what led to the West’s current success – and restoring it is the inevitable goal of the “Allies of Sovereignty”.

Were the Western triumvirate (and we can include a fourth note to that chord: many of the key members of the 54-nation English Commonwealth) not so bloody capitalist-imperialist they would be working to maintain the current status quo between China and the West which has been, ultimately, mutually-beneficial for both groups for several decades.

However, Beijing said the new administration of Joe Biden came to the first Sino-US summit to emit “a strong smell of gunpowder and drama” – China was clearly unimpressed, and they clearly know who their real allies are.

The views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of Press TV.

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Israel election: The triumph of Kahanism

As Netanyahu looks to cobble together his farthest-right coalition yet, western democratic governments and diaspora Jewish leaders need to take a stand

An Israeli man walks past an electoral billboard bearing portraits of Netanyahu flanked by extreme-right politicians, including Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich, in Jerusalem in 2019 (AFP)
Richard Silverstein writes the Tikun Olam blog, devoted to exposing the excesses of the Israeli national security state. His work has appeared in Haaretz, the Forward, the Seattle Times and the Los Angeles Times. He contributed to the essay collection devoted to the 2006 Lebanon war, A Time to Speak Out (Verso) and has another essay in the collection, Israel and Palestine: Alternate Perspectives on Statehood (Rowman & Littlefield) Photo of RS by: (Erika Schultz/Seattle Times)

Richard Silverstein

24 March 2021 15:13 UTC |

The biggest winners in Tuesday’s Israeli election appear to be Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the little-known Religious Zionist Party. Behind the milquetoast name is an alliance of some of the most extreme Kahanist elements in Israeli politics.

According to the results announced so far, a race that had been predicted as a virtual tie between centrist and rightist parties may offer Netanyahu a narrow path to a renewed term as prime minister. Far-right and religious parties, likely coalition partners for Netanyahu, were victorious in the election.

At the time of publication, however, it remained unclear as to whether this coalition would be able to secure the needed 61-seat majority.

The question is: will the suspicion and hostility with which some of these party leaders, such as Gideon Saar and Naftali Bennett, view Netanyahu outweigh their desire for political power? If history is any judge, they will put aside their personal rancour and play the political game.

Collapse of Blue and White

Election turnout was 67 percent, down from the most recent election and the lowest percentage since 2013. The initial results would suggest that many of those who elected not to vote had previously supported the moderate parties that performed better in the last election.

There are two critical factors leading to this outcome. The first was the near-collapse of the centre-right Blue and White coalition, which won 33 seats in the last Knesset. The decision by its then-leader, Benny Gantz, to desert his partners and enter a coalition with Netanyahu led to a drastic decline in its vote share. With close to 90 percent of Tuesday’s vote counted, Blue and White picked up only eight seats, while Yesh Atid, which split from Blue and White last year, won 17. This fracture essentially destroyed the centre-right as a viable alternative to Netanyahu’s far-right Likud-led coalition.

Diaspora Jewish leaders could declare that Netanyahu has gone too far, and refuse to raise funds for Israel or to attend meetings with Israeli government officials

Voters who abandoned Gantz did not necessarily turn to his former partners in Yesh Atid, which represented a moderate option, nor to Likud, which lost several seats compared to the last election. They were likely disenchanted with Netanyahu and the multiple corruption charges he faces, so they turned to newly formed parties generally even farther to the right.

By fleeing to parties likely to join a governing coalition with Likud, however, they might have guaranteed an outcome they did not foresee. Postponed until after the election, Netanyahu’s corruption trial is scheduled to resume in early April, and Likud sources have pointed to legislative outcomes that could provide him immunity from conviction while in office, including passage of the “French Law”.

A more draconian and controversial method would be for a new justice minister to fire the current attorney general and appoint one who would dismiss the charges, eliminating the greatest threat to Netanyahu’s continuing on as leader.

Extreme nationalist views

Though there are regular protests against Netanyahu’s corruption, which would likely increase if charges were dropped, it is unlikely they would reach a tipping point and lead to Netanyahu stepping down. Even if he did, the rivals waiting in the wings are no less extreme in their nationalist views; the country would merely be swapping one Judeo-supremacist autocrat for another.

Voters who turned away from Blue and White appear to have favoured soft-right parties, such as Saar’s New Hope, and some even farther right than Likud, including Bennett’s Yamina and the Kahanist Religious Zionist Party, led by Bezalel Smotrich.   

Head of Israel's Jewish Power (Otzma Yehudit) party Itamar Ben Gvir (R) talks to supporters through Mahane Yehuda market in Jerusalem, on 19 March (AFP)
Head of Israel’s Jewish Power (Otzma Yehudit) party Itamar Ben Gvir (R) talks to supporters through Mahane Yehuda market in Jerusalem, on 19 March (AFP)

Smotrich was once apprehended by the Shin Bet for allegedly plotting a terror attack to protest Israel’s Gaza withdrawal, although charges were never laid. He once boldly claimed that Jews cannot be terrorists; in other words, one man’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter.

In 2006, to protest the Gay Pride parade, he organised a “parade of beasts”, in which goats and donkeys were marched through the streets of Jerusalem. He has called himself a “proud homophobe”. He has served as an MK with the Yamina alliance and as minister of transportation.

Smotrich is allied with Itamar Ben-Gvir, whose political evolution as a youth led him into the arms of far-right Rabbi Meir Kahane. According to a Haaretz report: “First, he joined the youth movement affiliated with Moledet, a right-wing political party that advocated ‘transferring’ Israeli Arabs out of the country. But that turned out to be too tame for him. So not long thereafter, he defected to Kach, the eventually outlawed racist party founded by the American-born Rabbi Kahane. ‘I found in this movement a lot of love for the Jewish people, a lot of truth, and a lot of justice,’ says Ben-Gvir.”

Breaking with precedent

As a teenager, Ben-Gvir gained notoriety in 1995, when he vandalised then-Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s vehicle and brandished its Cadillac hood ornament, boasting: “We got the car. We’ll get to Rabin too.” Rabin was murdered only weeks later by another Kahanist.

Ben-Gvir is now the go-to defence lawyer for settlers charged with terrorist attacks against Palestinians. He is the Israeli equivalent of US lawyer and politician Rudy Giuliani, except instead of representing sleazy crooks, he represents accused mass murderers. He lives in Hebron, among the most violent of settler enclaves, where Jews and Palestinians are separated by barbed wire, locked metal gates and thousands of Israeli soldiers, who protect the settlers from the wrath of the indigenous population.Israel election: Latest results show Netanyahu without clear path to power.

Despite several prior attempts, Ben-Gvir has never served in the Knesset. His alliance succeeded this time for one reason only: Netanyahu made clear to far-right voters that if they weren’t voting Likud, he preferred they vote for the Religious Zionists. He also said the party would be a coalition partner in his next government, a striking break with previous precedent.

In 1988, Kahane’s newly founded Kach Party was so far outside the mainstream that the government banned it, and both Israel and the US have declared Kach to be a terrorist organisation. No Israeli leader has ever promoted an explicitly Kahanist party, let alone agreed to include one in a governing coalition – meaning it’s likely the Religious Zionists will obtain at least one ministerial portfolio representing the interests of their settler constituency. This offers unprecedented access to Israeli protocols and power.

This should not be surprising to anyone aware of the history of the Zionist movement. At least two former Israeli prime ministers, Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir, were accused terrorists, linked to the King David Hotel bombing, the Deir Yassin massacre and the assassination of UN peace negotiator Count Folke Bernadotte, among other crimes.

Flirting with terrorists

There is one powerful way in which the world could respond to Netanyahu’s flirtation with supporters of Jewish terrorism: the US government, UN and EU could declare this government persona non grata, and refuse to have any dealings with it. It would be a diplomatic version of boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS).

Israel is united in its determination to pursue racist, apartheid policies. The world is not united in opposing them

Diaspora Jewish leaders could declare that Netanyahu has gone too far, and refuse to raise funds for Israel or to attend meetings with Israeli government officials.

Contrary to what some believe, international pressure works. While Israel may complain grievously about bias towards it, when push comes to shove, such pressure works in modifying Israeli behaviour – though usually not in significant ways, as Israel does the bare minimum to avoid international censure.

Regardless, a united front of western democratic governments and diaspora Jewish leaders would offer a powerful statement, defining a red line that Israel has crossed. And yet, the likelihood of this happening is almost nil. Israel is united in its determination to pursue racist, apartheid policies. The world is not united in opposing them. It dithers while Rome burns.

The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Eye.

Names of Army Generals No Longer Resounding in Israeli Elections due to Military Defeats: Report

March 10, 2021

A new factor has started to influence the Israeli Knesset elections as the occupation entity is set to hold on March 23 the fourth poll round within two years due to the political stalemate.

The army generals can no longer attract the Zionist voters for several considerations, according to Al-Manar TV report.

The report quoted the Israeli analysts as considering that the army generals do not possess the skills needed to succeed in the political domain and highlighting the failed experiences of Gabi Ashkenazi, Gadi Eizenkot, Ehud Barak and Moshe Yaalon.

The report indicated that the Israeli generals raise catchy slogans before the elections, but fall in the trap of the distribution of the political gains in the the aftermath.

Al-Manar report stressed that the name of the Israeli army generals can no more be game-changing due to their military defeats during their service years.

Source: Al-Manar English Website

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The Vaxi-Nation – People like no one else


The Vaxi Nation.jpg

By Gilad Atzmon

PM Netanyahu announced on Sunday that Israel is set to “purchase or produce 36 million vaccines in the next year.”

If you wonder why a nation of 9 million people that already gave half of its population two doses of the Pfizer vaccines needs 36 million vaccines, the answer is devastating:  the mass vaccination campaign may help Netanyahu to secure his victory in the coming election but its long term impact on the nation’s health is ‘unknown,’ to say the least. To be slightly more realistic, it may be catastrophic. During the press conference Netanyahu admitted, “the vaccines we have, no one knows how long they last…We need to prepare for the worst scenario. The worst scenario is that we have to vaccinate (twice) every half year.” That would mean acquiring as many as 36 million vaccines, assuming that all 9 million Israelis require two doses every six months.  

For one reason or another, the Israeli regime has managed to reduce a particularly healthy nation that saw very little deaths in the first Covid-19 wave (about 30 people altogether in between 1st March and 1st June) into a ‘Vaxi-Nation’: people who are dependent on a constant supply of life-sustaining mRNA substances.  

Netanyahu also predicted that “the entire world will compete for those vaccines …I am again determined to bring Israel to the top of the list.”  He vowed to make the Jewish state into a “vaccine empire.

 The truth of the matter is that Covid-19 and the way it is being handled in Israel brings to light every problematic aspect in Jewish Diaspora life, culture and attitude which Early Zionism vowed to eradicate or at least to amend.

Zionism’s ideological forefathers promised to make Jews “people like all other people.” Zionism swore to bond the new Hebrews with nature. The early Zionist thinkers were repulsed by the Diaspora Jewish ghetto life and culture. They looked  to establish a harmonious relationship between the new Israelites and their environment. This is the mantra that led the early Zionists to seek redemption through Labour and in particular by means of agricultural life.

In 2021 not much is left out of that precious search for an authentic bond with nature. The contemporary Israelites (or at least their leaders) do not trust nature or the ability of the Israeli people to bond harmoniously  with their own bodies. The contemporary Israelites are actually tormented by nature and especially the viruses that come with it. Instead of searching for peaceful terms with Covid, the Israelis are recruited as ‘a nation’ to join an all-out ‘war of annihilation’ against the little menace.

In its fight against Covid-19, Israel has repeated every mistake it made throughout its short history. Instead of seeking coexistence, it aims at annihilation. Israel doesn’t just protect its elders and the vulnerable while investing in natural herd immunity, it plans to vaccinate the entire population including children and pregnant women up to four times a year. And like in their war against countless enemies, Israel fights the little Corona monster ‘by way of deception’ a.k.a mRNA inoculation. They insist on tricking the little viral menace but so far, they have only managed to trick themselves on a colossal scale. In the last 8 weeks of Pfizer mass vaccination, Israel doubled the number of Covid-19 deaths it had accumulated throughout the previous 10 months of the pandemic. It is hard to imagine a bigger blunder. Although the Israeli experiment is presented to the world as a ‘success’ by the compromised media, in Israel mainstream outlets are not convinced by the success of the Pfizer experiment, especially considering that the ‘R number’ is back at 1 and likely to rise further. 

Zionist founding fathers (such as A.D Gordon, Dov Ber Borchov, Katznelson and even David Ben Gurion ) believed that transforming Diaspora Jews into authentic Israelites wasn’t just a possibility but an essential existential transition. Zionism offered the Jews a new beginning. Many Jews, including my European family and even myself, were excited by this spiritual offering. Many Jews left the Ghetto behind, they made Aliya and became agricultural workers in new collective societies known as Kibbutzim. At this stage, those Israelis who openly oppose the Pfizer/Netanyahu ‘experiment’ and are fighting authoritarian state interference with  their private and intimate health affairs are probably the last real Zionists. Unlike Netanyahu, who claims to be an ardent nationalist, those Israeli dissenters insist to reconcile with nature and be people ‘like all other people.’ 

Zionism as an ideological ethos didn’t survive for much time. It didn’t take too long before some Jewish dissidents were brave enough to admit that Zionism didn’t solve what it identified as the ‘Jewish problem,’ it instead just moved it to a new location. The first Israelis quickly developed animosity towards the indigenous people of the land who quickly became the new Goyim du Jour. This animosity evolved in less than two generations into a conflict with the entire region that is known as the “Israeli-Arab Conflict.” While Zionism was determined to crash the Ghetto walls, Israel has surrounded itself by walls higher than any ghetto’s in Jewish history.

Yet, the Israeli Arab conflict is not exactly a local or a regional battle between two remote foes; it has quickly morphed into global chaos. It’s no coincidence that America, Britain and France have found themselves more than once fighting Zionist imperialist wars in the region. It isn’t a secret that America is invested in the conflict and practically operates on behalf of Israel as a remote subservient colony. If Herzl had a dream to diminish the influence of Jews on world politics, AIPAC in the USA, the CFI in the UK, the CRIFF in France prove the opposite. As I am writing these words Israel and its lobby are invested in pulling the world into a conflict with Iran. It isn’t hard to see that Israel is also investing a huge effort in pulling the world to follow its suicidal path in its war against Covid by means of global mass vaccination and green passport policies.

Zionism promised to make the ‘timid Diaspora Jew’ into a fearless warrior. Israel’s early military victories (1948, 1956, 1967, and even 1973) conveyed the image that such a transformation was indeed possible.  But the Israeli army hasn’t won a single battle for decades. The Israelis aren’t the warriors they promised to become. On the contrary, the Israeli approach to Covid reveals that Israelis are once again as timid as their Diaspora ancestors. They are enthusiastically buying into the Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Pre-TSD) that made Jewish history into a chain of horrific disasters. The Israelis, like their Diaspora ancestors, are tormented by a phantasy of a future annihilation. They act upon it and actually make such an imaginary destructive scenario into the reality in which they live.   

As far as I can tell, the Israeli Pfizer “experiment” encapsulates the total defeat of the Zionist dream. The Israelis admit to the world and more importantly, to themselves, that this promised bond with nature, authenticity and the Biblical epic narrative didn’t happen after all.  If Zionism vowed to make Jews people like all other people, the Vaxi-Nation are actually people like no one else. All the rest of us must do at this stage is to make sure that this is how things stay. We must defy any attempt to make us join the ‘Vaxi-Nation’. We must invest  instead in learning how  to live in peace and harmony with our neighbours and more particularly with the universe.


The Israeli Mutant, the IDF prophecy and the Reality on the Ground


Israeli Mutant and Aman .jpg

By Gilad Atzmon

As of writing this article, 75.4% of Israel’s new Covid-19 cases are under 39. Only 5.5% were over 60. Only 59.9% of critical patients are over 60 years old. 40% are under 60. The country has also detected a sharp rise in Covid-19 cases amongst pregnant women. Many are in hospital, with 8 currently in critical condition.

In Israel, cases in new-born Covid-19 have seen a significant 1300% spike (from 400 cases in under two-year-olds on November 20 to 5,800 in February 2021).

Israel’s Covid-19 cases per capita spiked sharply and were amongst the highest in the world (if not the highest) during the first month of the ‘successful’ mass vaccination campaign. Within two months of intensive inoculation with the Pfizer vaccine, Israel managed to double the number of deaths it accumulated in the prior ten months of the pandemic. We are talking about 2, 700 Israeli citizens, a similar number to the amount of IDF soldiers who died in the Yom Kippur war, supposedly the most traumatizing event in modern Israeli history.

When I presented these numbers to UK Column’s David Scott just two days ago his reaction was direct and lucid: “what you describe here is, really, a new disease.”  I am afraid that Scott was correct. This is exactly what we see in Israel.

Yesterday I watched Ynet’s live discussion with Professor Nachman Ash, the Israeli ‘Covid-19 chief.’ During the online discussion, Prof. Ash attempted to address Israelis’ concerns regarding the Covid-19 situation and the impact of the Pfizer vaccine. Surprisingly (or not), Ash struggled to address most of the questions for obvious reasons. Nobody, including Prof. Ash, knows the answers to most of the crucial questions regarding Covid-19 and the so-called ‘vaccines’.

No one knows how effective the Pfizer substance is going to be in the long term. No one knows how Covid-19 may evolve in the near future. No one knows whether Israelis are about to face a mass ADE (Antibody-dependent enhancement) surge, though hopefully not. What we do know for certain is that the Israeli medical specialists who air such legitimate concerns are subject to some insane abuse and harassment. They can easily lose their medical license for life. Dr Avshalom Karmel, who was brave enough to warn his fellow citizens about the possible consequences of the vaccine, reported in a tweet yesterday: “The Ministry of Health is threatening me, the director of my hospital scolded me…” Is this how we supposed to treat medical professionals in a ‘free’ society?

 I listened to the live interview with Professor Ash even though he had really nothing to offer, but then came the question I was waiting for. One Israeli asked Prof. Ash “for how long are you going to hide the fact that we are dealing with an ‘Israeli Mutant’?” The Ynet presenter referred to the question as ‘conspiratorial,’ however Ash admitted that “we are detecting many mutants.” I couldn’t hear a categorical denial.

The truth of the matter is that a discussion about an “Israeli mutant” has been circulating for a while. Back in late January, the IDF’s Intelligence warned that an Israeli Covid-19 mutant is a likely possibility. On 24 January Times of Israel reported that “a military-led task force has warned of the potential emergence of a mutated Israeli variant of the coronavirus resistant to vaccines” and “mass rollout of vaccine amid ongoing outbreak may put ‘evolutionary pressure’ on the coronavirus…”

Examining current Israeli policy suggests the possibility that AMAN (IDF Intelligence) was spot on in its prediction. Judging by the unique and novel symptoms that are associated with Covid-19 in the Jewish State, we are dealing with a disease with novel characteristics. It attacks the young and the pregnant, it gave up on the elderly and vulnerable. The more Israel lowers the age of the vaccinated, the younger the cases, and those cases are growing exponentially. 

It is hard to ignore the possibility  that the success of the mass vaccination campaign is Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s election card. If the campaign proves to be a success by the eve of election day, Bibi is expected to win. Yet, if mass vaccination unveils itself as a disastrous, reckless and politically motivated adventure that has put the entire Israeli population at risk, not only would his political future be destroyed, he would probably see the criminal case against him expanding substantially, and not just in Israel.

I am not in any position to verify whether AMAN’s prophecy regarding the possible emergence of an Israeli mutant has fulfilled itself, but I can try to analyse Israel’s current policies in the light of such a concerning possible development.

1. Israel mounts incredible pressure on every Israeli to take the vaccine. By means of a ‘green passport’ it plans to dramatically limit the freedoms of the unvaccinated and their ability to earn a living. Netanyahu vowed on the 24th of February that, by the 10th of April, every Israeli would be vaccinated. This can obviously be interpreted by some as Bibi’s ‘genuine concern’ for the health of his people. A more cynical explanation is that Bibi now understands that, if there is an Israeli strain triggered by the mass vaccination campaign, the only way to fight it is to vaccinate every living Israeli hopping that the vaccine may reduce illness and death as various studies suggest.

2. Israel’s International airports, seaports and border crossings remain locked indefinitely. Some Israelis may be able to fly in, but nobody can leave the country. One may wonder why Israelis (or even just the vaccinated) aren’t allowed to leave. One possible explanation is that Israel insists on preventing the leak of a potentially unique Covid-19 strain out of the country. Why doesn’t Israel allow its large community of vaccinated to travel? One possibility is that Israel acknowledges that the vaccinated may be spreading the strain. You may even push it and wonder why Israel cares about spreading a mutant? I don’t know if Israel cares or not, but I know that they have an election in less than a month. Bibi will do whatever it takes to maintain the image of a ground-breaking success in the fight against Covid-19. The Israelis who have been the Guinea pigs in this experiment are asked to keep in line for at least one more month.  

3. We learn from different Israeli sources that some issues regarding Israeli Covid-19 policy, including discussions within the Governmental Corona Cabinet, are now subject to 30-year confidentiality laws. In Israel, only matters that are related to national security (such as IDF and Mossad secret operations) enjoy such ‘confidentiality’ status. What is it that the Israeli government and its Prime Minister insist on hiding from his people and the world and why? 

There is a growing number of studies that originating in Israel that refer to the vaccine as over 90% successful in preventing the disease and in reducing illness. Yesterday a new study ‘confirmed’ that Pfizer’s vaccine “performed as well in the real world as it did in the clinical trial that led to its use.”

I myself do not have any doubt that the vaccine could be successful in the short term in protecting those who are willing to take it. But I also can’t turn a blind eye to the scary correlation between mass vaccination and exponential rise in Covid-19 cases and deaths that can be detected in every country that engaged in mass vaccination. I cannot turn a blind eye to the undeniable fact that rapid mass vaccination in Israel correlates with a radical shift in the symptoms of Covid-19 to the point that it appears as a ‘new disease all together.’

I therefore ask every responsible person and government to look at the Israeli case with caution and to examine the shift in symptoms as a crucial hazardous event.

If IDF’s AMAN was correct in its warning and Israel is struggling with its own unique strain, then Israel should come clean and announce to the world that this is the case. This is what China and Britain did. This is what California has just done. This is exactly what we expect from a responsible nation, but Bibi may prefer to keep his cards close to his chest. If this is the case, he may have two paths to choose from.  One is to lock the country and to prevent the spread of the Israeli variant before the election. The other is to encourage other countries and reckless governments to follow the Israeli path so they eventually develop lethal mutants of their own. 
