How the West weaponized women’s rights to demonize Ebrahim Raisi

 June 1, 2024

Source: Al Mayadeen English

(Designed for Al Mayadeen English by Zeinab Elhajj)

By Farah Hajj Hassan

Al Mayadeen English spoke to women in Iran to investigate where they stand on women’s issues in the country as well as whether they are truly “celebrating” their president’s demise. What they told us may shock you if you only follow Western media outlets.

As Iranians flooded the streets to mourn the loss of their late President Ebrahim Raisi, mainstream Western governments, and media sources attempted to massively downplay the great sadness that gripped Iran following the unfortunate event.

Raisi, alongside Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and others, tragically died in a helicopter crash on May 19 while en route to Tabriz. Following the accident, millions gathered for funeral processions all over Iran from Tabriz to Qom and Tehran.

The leader of the Islamic Revolution and the Islamic Republic of Iran, Sayyed Ali Khamenei, announced that the large turnout of Iranian people at funeral processions for the late President Ebrahim Raisi demonstrates the nation’s unwavering loyalty to the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

Even before the news came out of the unfortunate crash involving the president, Western media outlets like the Daily Mail began reporting on how Iranians- especially women, were “already celebrating,” a claim that was widely refuted by any single image of his funeral procession.

This false narrative is being propagated to further the interests of Western administrations’ portrayal of Iranian leaders as disliked dictators rather than influential and revered leaders.  For much too long, Iran has been portrayed as a backward and suppressive nation, particularly in its treatment of women. 

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s funeral ceremony

Iran’s global position, a testament to Raisi’s success

In an exclusive interview with Al Mayadeen English Setareh, an Iranian researcher and host of the TwiceTold Tales podcast on Youtube, explained that the campaign to discredit Raisi is largely because  “Geopolitically, Iran is doing great and is a serious challenge to US hegemony.”

The global concern with Raisi’s crash to the moment he was discovered deceased is evidence that he was a truly influential figure. 

In a speech honoring Raisi, Hezbollah Secretary-General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah mentioned that one of the reasons behind the failure of the US policies toward the region is “the denial of reality and detachment from it,” and this is easy to witness with the Western downplaying of Raisi’s achievements. 

During his presidency, Saudi Arabia and Iran saw a return of diplomatic relations along with increased security and financial relations with Russia. He also maintained brotherly ties with neighboring nations like Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Turkey, and Pakistan. His funeral demonstrated a clear connection with influential Arab countries. The number of international leaders who attended his burial showcased how successful he was at countering US sanctions.

Saudi, UAE, and Bahraini foreign ministers along with Yemen’s Ansar Allah, Afghanistan’s Taliban, and Russian President Vladimir Putin’s former advisor all attended. Tunisia’s president visited for the first time since the Islamic Republic was initiated and the Jordanian and Egyptian foreign ministers paid their respects as well.

Officials from Qatar, Iraq, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, and many more countries also attended.

Raisi was also behind the historical retaliatory strike against “Israel,” something Western media was desperate to label as a failure.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in congressional testimony said, “Bearing in mind the horrific acts in which he was involved as a judge and president, and the fact that he cannot be involved in them in the slightest, yes, the Iranian people are probably better off,” in response to a question, before adding, “We are definitely not grieving over his death.”

Tehran University Professor Mohammad Marandi

Zohre Kharazmi, an assistant professor at the University of Tehran divulged to Al Mayadeen English that there was consensus among Iranians that Raisi was “people-oriented,” and “even those critical of him believed in his moral conduct and behavior,” detailing that even his political rivals were saddened by the news of his death. She recalled how women and children waited for more than 6 hours in the heat of Tehran for the bodies of Raisi and his companions.

The professor explained that Raisi and his foreign minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian navigated the waters of foreign policy in a “rational and professional manner,” detailing they were “brave enough to support the resistance while simultaneously avoiding a direct war with Iran. “ 

Zohre expressed that “This diplomatic management of his response against “Israel” is something that Muslims in the region will not forget for years to come.”

Women’s rights as a farce

Western governments and media have long used women’s issues as a front to call for regime change in Iran, falsely describing the leadership for decades as repressive towards women.

In 2022, the death of Mahsa Amini, which was blamed on the government, only exacerbated the attacks on Iran’s reputation and increased Iranophobia in the West.

Western media was in an uproar and many claimed that the 22-year-old Iranian woman’s death while under police custody was the result of severe beatings inflicted on her even though no traces of beating or wounds on the head and face were detected.

Iran’s Legal Medicine Organization confirmed that Mahsa Amini’s cause of death was from complications she endured as a result of a craniopharyngioma surgery at the age of eight.

Nevertheless, Raisi ordered an immediate and thorough investigation into the case, and the riots soon turned violent as protesters engaged in various acts of vandalism and terror by burning the Quran, mosques, banks, and people’s cars, and pulling off women’s scarves.

An Iranian parliament spokesperson revealed that nearly 45,000 people were involved in foreign networks of intelligence and terror groups, some of whom had been arrested, and Sayyed Ali Khamenei accused the US and “Israel” of designing the riots and accusing “traitorous Iranians abroad” of aiding them. 

By convincing the masses that Iran is involved in numerous human rights abuses, the West desperately holds on to its perceived moral superiority. This self-proclaimed superiority crumbles in the face of reality, where protesters are treated with brutal force if they are not supportive of administrative decisions.

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When pro-Palestine demonstrations erupted across the US and Europe on college campuses, video footage saw the police repressing and violently assaulting protesters for daring to protest against the beloved ally, “Israel.” 

German police violently crack down on pro-Palestine protesters at Humboldt University

Rather than encourage and respect the right to peaceful protest, many Western nations particularly the US have gone so far as to accuse the protesters of antisemitism and gone to extreme lengths like passing legislation to silence them

Police assaulted women with no remorse and in one case a woman had her Hijab forcefully removed in the most vile abuse of her freedom of religion. 

How do Iranian women feel?

When Al Mayadeen English asked Iranian women how they felt about the president, Setareh expressed that although she did not vote for the late president, she held a great amount of respect for him and recalled witnessing many of her friends and colleagues weeping during his funeral.

This speaks volumes when we compare it to the attitude of voters in the West. Not only do Western governments commonly demonize their opponents, but the voter base is extremely partisan, seldom ever expressing any respect or admiration for those they politically oppose.

In addition, numerous photos from Raisi’s funeral showcase women evidently in anguish over his death who are adorned in a loose hijab. Therefore, it is safe to speculate that this fabricated “crackdown on hijab” by Raisi perpetuated by the West, is nothing more than a farce. 

Mourners attend the funeral of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi at Azadi square in Tehran on May 22, 2024. (AFP)

According to Setareh, Raisi’s hatred in the West proves he was “doing something right,” since he was highly revered for his judicial work in Iran and his fight against corruption.

Concerning those who referred to him as the “butcher of Iran,” an accusation commonly circulated on social media following his death, Setareh explained that it was crucial to note that it was the “MEK terror organization, which killed 17,000 Iranians” who first referred to him as such, adding that “it is hard to consider that name a credible one and a majority of Iranians do not remember Raisi as such.”

Setareh also highlighted that the MEK was also responsible for “working with the Israeli Mossad to assassinate Iranian scientists and officials.”

Sanctions; the true enemy of Iranians

When asked what they thought of the propaganda campaign against Iranians, Setareh explained that Western sanctions harm women more than anyone else in the country and therefore, Iranians “cannot buy the cry for women’s rights from the West. They do not understand our culture and they do not want to.”

She added that their desire to do so is rooted in cultural imperialism and explained that unilateral sanctions harm women more than anyone else. She recalled the difficulties she and her American husband encountered when very few countries allowed them both to obtain visas to meet. 

“For me and my husband, it’s an imperialist plot to make it difficult for Iranians and Americans to meet face to face, because that would shatter a lot of assumptions.”

Zohre remarked that people with serious diseases like cancer are suffering from a shortage of medicine and it is the West, not the government, that has caused this suffering for decades. 

Zohre, with a concentration on women’s issues, explained that the West must uphold an image of Muslim women “needing saving” to “construct cliches and stereotypes that balance against its discrimination and pressures it has of women.”

She elaborated that the rate of violence against women in the EU and US is ignored and the pressure is put on eastern women under the guise of protecting their freedom.

“Thousands of women in Iran in Tehran are highly educated and very professionally involved in STEM, while being great mothers and daughters with fruitful social lives. This is the life experience that is absolutely different than Western media’s portrayal of us.”

Zohre also pointed to the double standards of the West when it came to Gazan women. “During the Gaza onslaught how many women were butchered in Israel?” she asked. “Where is the condemnation about women’s rights violations by the Israeli occupation forces?” 

Zohre added that Iran does not welcome foreign intervention from the UN in regard to their policies. She acknowledged that Western media amplified footage of Mahsa Amini protests but intentionally left out the thousands of women in Iran who protested in favor of the government and the Hijab.

“None of these gatherings with thousands of people were even remotely covered in Western media. This is crystal clear evidence of double standards,” she added, explaining that it was in fact the protests in favor of the government that were being censored by Western media.

She recalled that on a recent trip to India, only 10% of the people she encountered had seen any footage of pro-Hijab protests. 

The true human rights are to live with dignity and freedom to pursue one’s full potential in the pursuit of happiness. The West and the media empire have convinced people- especially women, that they cannot be considered free unless they have the joint package of sexual immorality and promiscuity. Iranian culture, like many cultures in the East, does not attribute such values to freedom but rather to perversion and objectification of women. 

Commonly circulated images of Iran before the Islamic revolution showcase women in skirts with their hair exposed as if that is some kind of measure of how well their society functions. Alas, according to such a shallow worldview, the more women are exposed, the more “free” that society is.

Setareh touches on this by citing that even if there were real problems to address in Iranian society, Iranians would not trust the West because “we are aware of their intentions.”

This ethnocentrism dates back to Western (then Eastern) perceptions of protest people in America as “Savages” and “uncivilized” because of their differences in dress code and behavior compared to the European colonizers. It seems that the West has always been the original morality police and its accusations are merely confessions. 

Setareh remarked that Western propaganda aims to portray everything as a women’s issue even if it is a working class issue since that is the “best way to demonize Iran…and isolate the Iranian nation. She believes that this is rooted in Islamophobia rooted in the main factors that shape Western narratives.  

“Its not about women’s issues its about the economy which is fully ignored by Western mainstream media.”

When concluding, when asked what they would change in Iranian policy, both Zohra and Setareh responded by saying they would change the economic situation in Tehran. Both expressed a great disdain not for Iranian leaders but rather for the imperialist powers and their sanctions that have negatively impacted Iranians, especially the women they so often cry to save. 

In memory of Iran’s president and fellow companions

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Rights group details widespread Jewish use of children as human shields

May 17, 2024

A report by a local independent human rights group details the recent experiences of three boys in the West Bank.


$ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct “aid” and $ 130B in “Offense” contracts
Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.

By Jonas E. Alexis, Senior Editor


May 14, 2024

Israeli and U.S. claims that civilian casualties in Gaza are the result of Hamas’ use of “human shields” have figured prominently in Israel’s defense of the skyrocketing death toll in the enclave, but a report by a local independent human rights group details the recent experiences of three boys in the West Bank, who say they were used to shield Israeli forces from potential harm during their raid on a refugee camp.

Defense for Children International – Palestine (DCIP) on Monday released its interviews with three boys in Tulkarem refugee camp, which was attacked by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on May 6.

The three boys—Karam, 13; Mohammad, 12; and Ibrahim, 14—gave nearly identical accounts of being forced to walk ahead of the IDF soldiers as they raided residential buildings, ensuring they would be attacked by any armed people instead of the Israeli forces.

The soldiers also positioned their guns on the shoulders of two of the boys before firing the weapons, and subjected all of them to beatings.

Karam told DCIP that about 30 IDF soldiers entered his family’s apartment with a “huge military dog” during the Tulkarem attack and isolated his family in one room, selecting Karam to come with them as they raided the rest of the building.

The “forced Karam to walk in front of them, open the doors to each room, and enter it before them,” DCIP reported. “While they were walking, one soldier placed his rifle on Karam’s right shoulder and fired two shots toward an apartment in the building.”

Mohammad told the group the IDF soldiers ignored his mother’s pleas as they ordered his family to leave his apartment, keeping Mohammad with them.

“I was left alone with the soldiers after they ordered my mother and siblings to go up to the fourth floor of the building. I started crying and shaking in fear because I did not know what they would do to me. They were armed, masked, and had frightening appearances. They had a huge military dog that made terrifying sounds,” Mohammad told DCIP.

“After that, the soldiers told me to knock on the doors of the apartments in the building, while they were standing behind me at a fairly short distance, and to ask the residents to come out, and this is what I did,” he said. “When we reached the door of one of the apartments, there was no one inside, so the soldiers blew up the door and forced me to go inside alone and check and search it. After I told them that it was empty, they entered it, while I remained held by one of the soldiers at the door.”

Ibrahim was forced to walk in front of the soldiers after they interrogated him about “the whereabouts of wanted men,” slapped and kicked him, and cuffed his hands behind his back with a plastic tie.

“At first, I thought they wanted to arrest me, but they told me to walk in front of them in the alleys of the Sawalma neighborhood in the camp,” said Ibrahim. “They would hide in the alleys and tell me to see if there was anyone around. After that, they untied my hands, and whenever we passed a house or building, they would instruct me to enter and ask the residents to come out. Then they would raid those houses and tell me to open the doors into different rooms.”

DCIP’s report, saidAl Jazeera journalist Sana Saeed, indicates how “every Palestinian child is seen as a threat, as disposable,” by the IDF and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government.

“Israeli treatment of Palestinian children, the way they see them as well as how they abuse their bodies, is genocidal,” said Saeed.

As Ben Burgis wrote at Jacobin in November, “accusations that [Hamas fighters] ‘use civilians as human shields’ rarely seem to be meant quite so literally” as reports of the IDF’s practices. “More often, what the accusation amounts to is simply that Hamas fighters and military equipment—or sometimes even just people linked to Hamas’ political wing—tend to be located in areas with lots of civilians.”

But as in the cases of the three boys at Tulkarem, “there is extensive evidence of the IDF quite literally engaging in human shielding—forcing Palestinian civilians to approach houses for them because they’ll be less likely to be shot at than Israeli soldiers, for example,” wrote Burgis.

“Israel’s High Court banned the practice in 2005, but Israeli human rights group B’Tselem reports that ‘soldiers continue to occasionally use Palestinians as human shields even after the court ruling, especially during military operations,’” he added.

Ayed Abu Eqtaish, the accountability program director at DCIP, condemned the IDF practices described by Karam, Mohammad, and Ibrahim.

“International law is explicit and absolutely prohibits the use of children as human shields by armed forces or armed groups,” said Abu Eqtaish. “Israeli forces intentionally putting a child in grave danger in order to shield themselves constitutes a war crime.”

Jonas E. Alexis, Senior Editor

Jonas E. Alexis, Senior Editor

Jonas E. Alexis has degrees in mathematics and philosophy. He studied education at the graduate level. His main interests include U.S. foreign policy, the history of the Israel/Palestine conflict, and the history of ideas. He is the author of the book, Kevin MacDonald’s Metaphysical Failure: A Philosophical, Historical, and Moral Critique of Evolutionary Psychology, Sociobiology, and Identity Politics. He teaches mathematics in South Korea.

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Iran’s air defenses down drones over Isfahan, Tabriz

April 19, 2024

Source: Al Mayadeen + Agencies

Iranian sources refuted claims that an Israeli aggression was launched on Iran on Friday.

Iranian flag in Iran’s Bushehr nuclear power plant. on November 10, 2019. (AFP)

By Al Mayadeen English

No external aggression on Iran occurred after Friday midnight, Iranian sources informed on the matter told Al Mayadeen

Following circulating news on Western-based media outlets, regarding a supposed Israeli attack on Iran, sources told Al Mayadeen that such an event did not occur. Instead, Iranian air defenses repelled a relatively small drone attack in Tabriz and Isfahan, which were likely launched domestically. 

What is being circulated about an Israeli attack on Iran are lies and are part of a misinformation war, according to our sources.

Iranian sources also added that complicit United States media outlets are waging a proxy war of disinformation on behalf of the Israeli occupation.

This comes after Iran’s Space Agency confirmed that several drones, of unspecified origin, were downed over Iranian airspace. The agency said that no missile attack on Iran occurred on Friday.

The Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) said that short-range and medium-range Iranian air defense batteries repelled the attack. 

Earlier, Iran’s Mehr Agency, citing the Director General of the Iran Airports and Air Navigation Company, said that all air traffic was suspended in Isfahan, Shiraz, and Tehran. Iranian media outlets reported that air defense systems were activated in Isfahan, as explosions of an unknown cause were heard.

Al Mayadeen‘s correspondent, citing the spokesperson of the Iranian Space Agency, said that air defense batteries responded to 3 targets over Isfahan. He added that reports indicate that air defenses responded to threats in Qahjavarestan, northeast of Isfahan, as no aerial objects hit ground targets.

Our correspondent stressed that all of the explosions heard on Friday were a result of air defense interceptions.

The Islamic Republic News Agency reports that air defenses were activated in Tabriz, in northern Iran, resulting in a series of explosions. The agency added that no aerial objects hit ground targets in Tabriz and that all loud sounds were a result of interceptors exploding over Tabriz’s sky.

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‘It’s not true’: ‘Be’eri’ kibbutz spox on sexual abuse claims on Oct.7

5 Mar 2024

Source: The Intercept

The site of a music festival near the border with the Gaza Strip in southern occupied Palestine, on Thursday, Oct. 12, 2023 (AP)

By Al Mayadeen English

The rejection by spokesperson Michal Paikin undermines even more the NYT’s credibility of its article: “‘Screams Without Words’: How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct. 7.”

Allegations of rape specifically referred to by The New York Times in December, claiming rape by the Palestinian Resistance on October 7, were shut down by the spokesperson for the Kibbutz “Be’eri” identified as the location of the attack.

Two out of the three victims mentioned in NYT‘s marquee exposé, which alleged that Hamas had deliberately weaponized sexual violence during the October 7 attacks, were not, in fact, victims of sexual assault, according to the Kibbutz’s spokesperson.

The rejection by spokesperson Michal Paikin undermines even more the NYT’s credibility of its article: “‘Screams Without Words’: How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct. 7,” in which it described the recounts of three alleged victims of sexual assault for whom it gave specific biographical information.

Two of three women have been said to not be victims. 

One of them, dubbed “woman in the black dress,” was Gal Abdush, whose family contested the NYT claims, while the two others were unnamed sisters from Kibbutz “Be’eri” whose exact ages were given, which facilitated the process of locating them.

One day following the publication of the report, the Israeli news site Ynet interviewed Gal’s parents. They emphasized the absence of evidence supporting the claim that she was raped, asserting that the newspaper’s reporters had interviewed them under false pretenses. The parents stated that they were unaware of the sexual assault issue until the article in the American daily was published. Additionally, Gal’s sisters vehemently refuted the allegations of rape.

Data from “Israel’s” public list of the victims who died at the location that day, as well as a memorial page established by the community itself, helped The Intercept in matching the description in the NYT article: sisters Y. and N. Sharabi, ages 13 and 16.

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When asked about the NYT claims, the spokesperson said their name without any hinting: “You’re talking about the Sharabi girls?,” she said, adding, “No, they just — they were shot. I’m saying ‘just’, but they were shot and were not subjected to sexual abuse.”

The spokesperson discredited the very intricate and graphic details of the Israeli paramedic who was noted as the source for the allegations, not only in the NYT story but also in The Washington PostCNN, and other media outlets.

“It’s not true,” she told The Intercept. “They were not sexually abused.”

Despite the rejection of such narration, NYT spokesperson Danielle Rhoades Ha insisted on going along with the rape narrative.

“We stand by the story and are continuing to report on the issue of sexual violence on Oct. 7,” she told The Intercept.

Last month, Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that the Israeli police are finding paramount difficulty locating and finding any Israeli settlers who were victims of sexual assaults or witnesses of such acts allegedly committed by the Palestinian Resistance during the October 7 Operation Al-Aqsa Flood.

According to Haaretz, one of the main outlets propagating the claim that the Palestinian Resistance fighters sexually assaulted Israeli women on October 7, the police cannot find any victims or any witnesses of any form of sexual assault.

“Even in the few cases in which the [police] collected testimony about sexual offenses committed on October 7, it failed to connect the acts with the victims who were harmed by them,” it said.

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My Eyes Are Open: Iran Was Right About That “Great Satan” Thing

 JUNE 11, 2023


A. J. Smuskiewicz

When I was a young guy in the late 1970s and early 1980s, I laughed when the Iranian revolutionaries condemned the United States as “The Great Satan.” America was the land of freedom, democracy, and Ronald Reagan, right? What the heck were those insane Islamists shouting about?

Well, hell, I’m not laughing anymore. Over the last few years, I’ve finally come to understand that those Iranians were right. I’ve never been religious, but I can see the clear evidence that Satan—that is, a very powerful force of evil—is ruling the United States of America at all levels today, including the federal and state governments, big corporations and all other large established institutions, and much of the American population itself. The United States has probably been in this crappy condition for many decades, but it didn’t sink in deep into my consciousness until the past few years.

Look around if you have eyes, and put two and two together if you can. America is in an obvious state of advanced social, cultural, moral, ethical, political, and economic decline and decay. Yet, Americans, as a whole, apparently are blind and incapable of doing the simple math. They continue to view themselves as vastly superior to the rest of the world, clinging to the delusion that they—sitting on their rickety rusty old perch that is about to fall out under their sick swollen asses— have the right to tell the entire world how to live.

The sophisticated, insidious, omnipresent propaganda of the giant elitist institutions of American government, corporations, and media have thoroughly brainwashed Americans, along with much of the rest of the world, into this delusional mindset. Most people do not realize that they have been transformed into the mindless zombie slaves of these institutions. And, in their zombified conditions, they don’t even notice the stinking cesspool of a culture with which they’ve allowed these institutions to surround themselves.

In other words, as my mom used to say about ignorant people, they don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground.

Excuse my limited biblical knowledge, but doesn’t the Bible or some other religious text say something about Satan deceiving a gullible world with a smiling face and charming demeanor? That is the United States these days—deceiving huge segments of the domestic and global population into believing that it is a force for good, while it is actually spreading its evil, chaos, corruption, and cultural decadence to everything that its influence touches. Hail Great Satan!

Government-corporate-media Conglomerate

Do not be deceived by the smiling, charming propagandist who just wants to enslave and control you. Detach yourself from the propaganda of the U.S.-based government-corporate-media globalist Conglomerate, which controls all aspects of American society and much of the rest of the Western world. Ignore the endless streams of lies, focus clearly on the truth, and be brave enough to speak the truth even as the Conglomerate seeks to silence you. I try to do that with my writings and music. I acknowledge that my writings are more professional, but my music, though amateurish, is more fun.

We who have open eyes can see how individual freedom is under constant assault by the Conglomerate. Since the fabulous phenomenal frauds of the COVID plandemic, the 2020 rigged election, the Ukraine warmongering, and the other bullshit of recent years, thousands of people who have had the guts to publicly disagree with the Conglomerate’s agendas and narratives have been silenced and persecuted. They have been blocked from social media platforms and other outlets of expression, they have been fired from their jobs and have had their incomes cut off, they have had their livelihoods and their lives destroyed, they have been arrested and incarcerated (such as the January 6 and vaccine-mandate protestors), and they have been killed (including from confrontations with police and adverse effects from forced vaccination).

The Conglomerate is determined to remain in control through any means necessary. So, it uses various strategies to deal with any prominent leaders of dissent who pose any danger to its control. It kicks Tucker Carlson off of his popular television platform. It relentlessly persecutes and prosecutes Donald Trump. It tries to silence Robert Kennedy Jr with a mainstream media blackout.

The tool of mass hysteria

One of the main tools that the Conglomerate uses to control the population is purposefully manufactured mass hysteria, such as the Trump Derangement Syndrome, COVID, and Ukraine hysterias. Most of the public mindlessly goes along with this—as if they are incapable of independent thought or free will while being held captive by Satan’s magnetic power. Those who do not go along with the hysteria are crushed.

Maintaining an endless series of mass hysterias is crucial for the U.S.-centered elitist globalist agenda of power accumulation and population control. I believe that it has previously been said that Satan seeks to conquer the world by controlling the population—by controlling the minds, hearts, and souls of the people. That is exactly what is happening. Mass hysteria, mass psychosis, moral panic, group think—whatever you call it, this is what is happening to us today, and it is a very effective form of control that is pure evil.

The hysteria is effective because it is designed to generate fear, which the Conglomerate then claims that only it can alleviate. All you have to do to feel better is trust the Conglomerate and faithfully obey its directives—regardless of how stupid and perverse those directives may be. Wear your masks, get your vaccines, take your pills, post your little Ukraine flags, call Trump a crook, call Kennedy a nut, and agree that men can be women, that two plus two equals five, and that shit tastes delicious especially when topped with puke. If you comply, you will be on the right side, the side of good, and you will be smart, and, best of all, you will always be safe. However, if you do not comply, you will be severely punished, and there is not a fucking thing that you can do about it. Comply, submit, and accept. Or the Conglomerate and its loyal followers will kill you in one way or another.

Needless to say, we are now unmistakably living in the twisted upside-down society described in Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four.

The Conglomerate issues the command: “Be afraid of Russia. Russians are evil. We are good. We will protect you from them.” These are the lies that America uses as it provokes and prolongs a horrible war in Ukraine for the benefit of its military-industrial complex and its “woke” globalist agenda. American leaders even act as if they want to provoke a nuclear war with Russia, and, what the hell, China too. That is about as evil as a nation can get, is it not? But Satan loves and lusts for war—especially an elite globalist war that is waged against one nation (Russia) that is seeking to uphold its right to security as a nation-state and its values as an independent conservative culture. Satan hates nation-states. They get in the way of his unholy crusade for global governance—a one-world government aggressively pursuing an authoritarian decadent agenda. Satan—and America—will not tolerate the traditional, conservative culture of Russia blocking the progress of the great global crusade for gay and trans cultural domination!

Causing chaos and confusion

Post-World War II history shows that the United States loves creating war, chaos, confusion, destruction, and death around the world to advance its imperialist, globalist, corporatist, and now woke ambitions. Its military actions have killed millions of innocent people and destroyed countless lives in numerous war-waging adventures within the past several decades, including in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Africa, the Palestinian lands, Eastern and Central Europe, Central and South America, and elsewhere. Iran, of course, was subjected to the Western-imposed gross injustices of the Pahlavi dictatorship, which is what the Iranian revolutionaries were so pissed off about in 1979.

But, unlike Russia, the U.S. never gets punished with international sanctions or multinational business closings or preachy condemnations from airhead pop stars—because the U.S. is the key crusader for the globalist movement. Thus, all the other globalists (EU, UN, WHO, multinational corporations, Hollywood, etc) are on the U.S. establishment side.

Rising multipolar threat to Satan

Despite the scary doom-and-gloom reality of our current times, there are some encouraging signs that this U.S. dominance is finally coming to an end, especially with the planned expansion of the BRICS group and the group’s creation of a new currency to challenge the previously almighty U.S. dollar. Satan surely does not like the rising multipolar world that is going to relegate the U.S. to the sidelines. That new world should reduce his influence quite a bit, hopefully. We will see.

The developing multipolar world poses a serious threat to the perpetual American quest to spread international chaos for the benefit of its powerful elite classes, who have their sticky tentacles grabbing at stuff all around the globe. But there is little threat to the continued spread of Satanic chaos within America itself. We see how genuine democracy—like free speech and free, honest elections—is in an advanced rotting gangrenous condition in the United States—even as the American authoritarians claim to be defending nonexistent “democracy” in Ukraine.

Domestic decadence, twisted technology

The American people cannot escape from the social and cultural decadence that now permeates all aspects of our domestic society. Social divisions and individual hatreds are purposefully stoked and aggravated by obsessions with the most intimate personal matters—skin color, genes, and sexuality. The education system is primarily concerned with political indoctrination. Traditional organized religions (which I do not subscribe to, but which have in the past provided at least some common moral and ethical ground for people) have been corrupted and polluted to such a massive extent that most people have seemingly rejected not only those religions, but also all types of traditional morals, ethics, and sane concepts of right and wrong.

Traditional values that have been systematically extinguished as Satan has grown in power include the support and love of the traditional family (father, mother, children), real in-person social interaction, basic kindness and decency, and psychologically essential contact with the outside natural world. All these important facets of normal, healthy human life have become casualties of U.S.-created-and-promoted electronic technologies, which keep people addicted and enslaved to artificial “devices” and confine them like self-imprisoned convicts to artificial indoor environments. The results have been chronically pervasive neuroses and psychoses and the fundamental altering of human behavior and cognition. Electronic technology, in my opinion, has been the proudest achievement of Satan. (I’ve always thought that modern technology is basically evil, and I always agreed with Ted Kaczynski’s motives though not his methods.)

Satan is currently in a state of masturbatory ecstasy over all those ubiquitous, always-advancing, instant-gratification “pleasure” technologies—smartphones, computers, apps, Internet, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and other things that I’m delighted to admit I don’t even know about. He also loves spreading the pleasures of US-promoted hedonistic pop culture and never-satisfied materialism. All you need to enjoy these pleasures is a credit card and an Amazon account. And you don’t ever need to pay off your credit card balance as you bury yourself under a mountain of endless debt. Who cares? It is the accepted American way, for both citizen and government.

As the Great American Satan keeps accumulating power, the millionaires and billionaires keep getting richer, and the majority of people keep getting intellectually dumber, emotionally more immature, and economically and spiritually poorer. But the people are so addicted to and hypnotized by their magic electronic devices that they will remain satiated with overwhelming pleasure even as their lives plummet deeper into Hell, their souls and minds become ever more vacuous, and their nature-derived freedoms are methodically stripped away by the Conglomerate’s authorities. Their drug addictions combine with their technology addictions to make them oblivious to any pain, guilt, or remorse. Satan smiles.

Reject the evil, speak the truth

Of course, the Iranian revolutionaries were not literally correct. The United States is not literally Satan. But the entrenched powers-that-be in the United States are the most prominent and influential forces of evil and destruction in the world today. And any American who supports or tolerates this situation is a dirty, guilty tool of Satan.

Therefore, any and all decent, moral people who are still around need to boldly reject this evil force—whether they are American dissidents living with the government-corporate bullshit at home or people in other countries struggling with the onslaught of American bullshit. Reject it, and reject it loudly for other people to hear and learn from.

After you open your eyes to reality, open your mouth and tell Satan to go back to Hell and stay there. We don’t want him anymore in our country or in our world.

A personal note

I originally wrote a version of this essay in early 2022 for Intellectual Conservative. The new essay here on The Unz Review is a revised and updated version. If you compare the old version with the new, you will see that my convictions have strengthened. Instead of thinking that Iran may have been correct in calling the U.S. Satan, I now am sure that Iran was correct.

Early this year, I basically renounced and rejected my own country in very strong language. Nevertheless, I am still finding tiny causes for American hope that are occasionally popping up, like the quixotic presidential campaign of RFK Jr. I fully expect to eventually be disappointed in those pitiful little hopes. But, despite my cognitive, rational conclusion that America is forever dead as a free country and firmly in the grasp of Satan, I guess there remains some emotional or spiritual element deep inside me that refuses to give up totally. Perhaps my eyes still require some additional opening.

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US launches another ministry of truth

May 7, 2023

Jaime C.

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence has set up a body to counter foreign ‘disinformation’

The US has established a Foreign Malign Influence Center to address foreign threats to elections as well as the “public opinion” within the country, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines revealed in a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on Thursday.

Operating under the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the FMIC has access to “all intelligence possessed or created pertaining to foreign malign information, including election security.” Its director, Jeffrey Wichman, was formerly chief of analysis for the CIA’s Counterintelligence Mission Center.

For the agency’s purposes, ‘foreign’ means originating in Russia, Iran, China, North Korea, or “any other foreign country that the Director of the Center” deems appropriate, while ‘foreign malign influence’ is defined as “any hostile effort undertaken by, or at the direction of, or on behalf of or with the substantial support of,” one of the named countries in order to influence, covertly or overtly, US government or state policy or the “public opinion within the United States.” 

While the FMIC was apparently founded in September at the behest of recent legislation, Thursday’s hearing was the first public mention of its existence. Its establishment was controversial, as some senators and intelligence officers questioned the need for another agency with the same remit as the Global Engagement Center, the State Department subsidiary tasked with disseminating American propaganda to fight the foreign variety.

Haines addressed some of those concerns in Thursday’s hearing, insisting the FMIC was working to “support the Global Engagement Center and others throughout the US government in helping them to understand what are the plans and intentions of the key actors in this space: China, Russia, Iran, etc.”

Countering ‘foreign disinformation’ has become something of an obsession for government bureaucrats since the 2016 election of Donald Trump, with half a dozen agencies springing up since then. In addition to the GEC, launched in 2017, the Pentagon quietly launched an Influence and Perception Management Office last year, joining the Department of Homeland Security’s Foreign Influence and Interference Branch, Countering Foreign Influence Task Force, and the ill-fated Disinformation Governance Board, as well as the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force.

However, Pentagon contractor RAND Corporation recently acknowledged Russia’s role is probably overstated. The think tank warned in a study conducted last year that blaming Moscow for all information Washington doesn’t like is likely to backfire, urging the Defense Department to reduce “overattribution of disinformation on social media to Russia.”

“Pointing the finger at Russia in every instance of activity on social media resembling Russian interference distorts the understanding of the threat,” the report stated.

Published by Jaime C.

Uncovering the mainstream media lies View all posts by Jaime C.

The Empire of Lies Strikes Back… Extraordinary Cover-Up of Nord Stream Terrorism

March 10, 2023


Western news outlets pompously claim to be pinnacles of journalism and defenders of public interest and democracy. They are nothing but the propaganda ministry for Washington – the Empire of Lies.

The New York Times and other Western news media ran with clumsy and blatantly diversionary claims this week, which in the end only serve to draw even more attention to the guilt of the United States in blowing up the Nord Stream gas pipelines.

Not only is the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden even more indictable over the criminal act; the absurd cover-up attempt this week exposes the Western media as nothing but a ministry of propaganda masquerading as journalism.

Four weeks ago, the eminent independent American journalist, Seymour Hersh, published a blockbuster investigative report that revealed how President Biden and senior White House staff ordered the explosive detonation of the natural gas pipelines connecting Russia to the European Union via the Baltic Sea and Germany. The legendary Hersh has an impeccable record of groundbreaking stories, from the My Lai massacre committed by U.S. troops in Vietnam in 1968 to the Abu Ghraib prison torture in Iraq under American occupation to the operation of ratlines to funnel weapons and mercenaries from Libya to Syria to fight Washington’s proxy war for regime change in Damascus.

In his seminal report on the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines, Hersh relied on insider Washington sources. He published claims that the United States carried out the covert operation using a team of U.S. Navy divers under the cover of NATO war maneuvers known as BALTOPS 22 last summer. Explosives were planted on the seabed during the exercises held in June 2022 and then later detonated on September 26 with the help of Norwegian military aircraft.

The convincing aspect of Hersh’s report was not just the credible detail of the operation, but that it confirmed what many independent observers had already concluded from strong circumstantial evidence about who had the motive and means to conduct the sabotage. Readers are referred to a recent editorial by Strategic Culture Foundation which compiles the background of why the United States is deemed to be the culprit.

Now here is a curious thing. While Hersh’s report provoked shockwaves around the world, Western governments and the mainstream media chose to ignore his report. In a weird parallel universe sort of way, they pretended that Hersh’s resounding revelations did not exist.

One would think that given Hersh’s reputation for world-news-breaking scoops, and given that his latest report revealed a rock-solid plausible account of how a major civilian infrastructure project was sabotaged, and further given that the implication of this report was the inculpation of the United States and its president and his senior staff in ordering an act of terrorism – one would think that, maybe, just maybe, the Western media would be obliged to give some reportage on that matter. No, far from it, they unanimously kept schtum. In a way that is quite shocking and a travesty.

The charade of silence was maintained for a month until this week when the New York Times published a report claiming an alternative explanation for the Nord Stream explosions. As if on cue, there then followed a rash of other Western media reports regurgitating or spinning the same story.

Laughably, the New York Times claimed its report was “the first significant known lead about who was responsible for the attack on the Nord Stream pipelines”. This after a month of pointedly ignoring and effectively censoring from the public any knowledge of the spellbinding Hersh article.

The thrust of this week’s “reports” (if they could be called that) are that the sabotage was carried out by “pro-Ukrainian groups” which may have involved Ukrainian or Russian nationals. The source of the claims was anonymous US officials citing purported “new intelligence”. It was also claimed that a private yacht owned by Ukrainians was used and that the CIA had tipped off German intelligence about the impending attack months before it happened.

The information reported is so vague as to be impossible to verify, or frankly to even merit credibility. We are led to believe that a sophisticated, highly technical military operation on the Baltic seabed was somehow carried off by a group of unknown paramilitaries. The New York Times and other Western media outlets published stories that on their face are outlandish. This is gutter press stuff.

Furthermore, from the way the reports are formulated it is obvious that they are meant to serve as a rebuttal to the Hersh report without actually properly acknowledging the Hersh report. Thus, the United States denies any involvement in a criminal act that it barely refuses to acknowledge. This double-think is itself indicative of guilt in the Empire of Lies.

The problem for the Western propaganda peddlers – besides sheer implausibility – is the further burden of having to provide an alibi for the Kiev regime. The U.S. and its NATO allies need to distract from Washington as the obvious author of the crime, but they also cannot afford to implicate the Kiev regime because that could inflame European and American public antipathy towards the NATO-sponsored junta. This is why the New York Times & Co appear to be involved in a tortuous balancing act of blaming Ukrainian militants for the Nord Stream blasts but also claiming that these intrepid militants managed to do so without the knowledge of President Vladimir Zelensky and his cabal. Which again makes the narrative doubly ridiculous.

There is also an important element of timing to all these Western media shenanigans. Last week, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz was hosted in the White House by Joe Biden on March 3 in what was a bizarrely private meeting. Their conversations behind closed doors were not disclosed. Both leaders stonewalled reporters about their discussions. It can be fairly speculated that Scholz was pleading with Biden for some political cover because of the mounting anger among the German public about the economic consequences of America’s policy over Ukraine and Russia. Germany’s industry and export-led economy have been ravaged by the loss of Russia’s traditional natural gas supply. Scholz and his government are seen to be behaving treacherously by going along with what appears to be American vandalism of the German economy. For the Hersh report to go unanswered is causing massive public pressure on the Berlin government. Hence this week, we saw attempts to divert public attention with a concerted Western media campaign about who supposedly blew up Nord Stream. The aim is to absolve Washington and its lackeys in Berlin.

Another timing issue was the sudden appearance of Ukrainian and Russian fascist commandoes who carried out the terrorist attack in Russia’s Bryansk region on March 2 last week. Two adults were killed and a young boy was badly injured in what was a gratuitous atrocity that made international headlines. That daring raid, however, brought to public attention the existence of pro-Ukrainian militants who appear to act as lone wolves in international operations. This is the very kind of profile that the New York Times and other Western media outfits attributed to the Nord Stream sabotage. That begs the reasonable question: was the Bryansk terror attack enabled by Western military intelligence handlers in order to promote the subsequent media disinformation effort concerning the Nord Stream pipelines?

Let’s cut to the chase. The Western media disinformation campaign is a crude joke. It can’t distract from the glaring facts that the United States and its NATO allies carried out an act of international terrorism against European companies and governments, and an act of war against Russia as the main owner of the 1,200-kilometer Nord Stream pipelines worth at least $20 billion to construct. That criminal act was plausibly ordered by an American president and his White House aides. The geopolitical motives are overwhelming as are the self-indicting admissions by Biden and his aides before and after the odious event.

The cack-handed attempts this week to cover up by the Western media only serve to further incriminate the United States and its NATO crime partners. In addition, the Western media are exposed more than ever as being complicit in propagandizing war crimes. The New York Times and other Western news outlets pompously claim to be pinnacles of journalism and defenders of public interest and democracy. They are nothing but the propaganda ministry for Washington – the Empire of Lies.

The bloody sore on humanity’s conscience

February 14, 2023

Thou shalt not be a victim.
Thou shalt not be a perpetrator.
And above all,
Thou shalt not be a bystander.
Yehuda Bauer

Globalize the Intifada!

Intro – were do we really live?

Each society, each country has at least two foundational bases: an official ideology and a number of foundational myths (and these myths can be very close to the historical truth or not).  In the case of the West (roughly Zone A), the official ideology is “western liberal democracy” (itself based on a lionization of capitalism and “free market values”).  However, once we look “under the hood”, so to speak, we see that since its birth in the Middle-Ages the foundational myth of the West has been exceptionalism and its inevitable by-product, imperialism.  And it does not matter one bit what verbiage this myth has been wrapped it.  It can be the demented claims of universal authority the Papacy, or the so-called “universal values” (aka human rights) of Freemasonry, the racial superiority of the Nazis or globalist agenda of the transnational financiers.  The past two decades or so have, however, seen a very interesting phenomenon: the wholesale abandonment of any “pious” ideology other than the minimal lip-service needed to show a (totally non-existing) loyalty to any values.  That is, however, not to say that no ideology currently exists.  It does, very much so, but it is one *openly* based on hatred of the “other”.  I am talking, of course, of the Woke ideology which is so powerfully expressed by the actions of the “Biden” Administration.

The Woke ideology is not different from its predecessors by its underlying hatred of the “other” (all the previous western ideologies were also based on that hatred of the “other”), but by its unapologetic proclamation of this hatred.  You could say that the Woke ideology is following Dubya’s “you are either with us or with the terrorists“, but on steroids.  And like all western ideologies, the Woke ideology demands that you not only accept a lie (many lies, in fact), but that you also loudly proclaim it.  And, of course, the bigger the lie, the more vociferously it is proclaimed urbi et orbi.

Again, this is hardly anything new but, as Hegelian dialectics affirms, quantity can have a quality of its own.  We clearly see this today in the post-Christian society all of Zone A lives in: not only are falsehoods proclaimed as “secular dogma”, but the very notion of “truth” has lost any meaning.  To repeat, while in the past the rulers of the West did proclaim and even impose ideologies based on lies, today these same rulers have basically retired the very *concept* of “truth” in any other meaning than “in agreement with the official party line/narrative”.

Furthermore, while in the past violence had to be justified in various ways (be it the White Man’s burden, or Trotsky’s apology of Red Terror, or Roosevelt‘s “day of infamy” or Dubya’s GWOT), now violence has become accepted simply under the heading “because we can” and “what are you going to do about it?”.  The genocidal wars in Iraq or the terrorist attack on North Stream 2 are good examples of the “kuz we can” ideology.

In other words, we are now living in a society openly based on:

  • Lies or even the repudiation of the concept of “truth” and
  • Violence/terrorism

The first corollary of this is that facts simply don’t matter anymore.  Neither does logical analysis.

Second, in a way very reminiscent of Trotsky’s apology for Red Terror (if you have not, read his absolutely brilliant, if profoundly demonic, defense of Red Terror in this article!), the current ideology openly proclaims that “it’s okay if we do it, and it is not okay if you do it“.  That, of course, implies a qualitative superiority of the “we” over the “you”.  This type of “situational ethics” has some rather interesting characteristics and implications including:

  • It is profoundly narcissistic in its mindset (hence why the “we” has “rights” that the “other” does not).
  • It measures loyalty by how big a lie a person is willing to loudly proclaim and affirm

You could say that the bigger the lie you affirm and proclaim (virtue signaling) the “better” a person you are, at least by modern standards.  And if the lie is truly self-evidently ridiculous and counter-factual (Srebrenica, 9/11, MH-17, Skripals, etc. etc. etc.) then you are a loyal and enlightened member of society.  Conversely, if you reject a lie because it is simply obviously counter-factual, then you are not “just” wrong, you are the enemy.

This western infatuation with lies, ideology and violence has its roots in the heresies of the Papacy, but it has since long metastasized into every and all facets of our society and now it has openly become the main ideological pillar upon which everything else is built.

[Sidebar: in my personal observation, the northern European countries are, in that sense, far worse than the southern European ones.  That is also where, predictably, where you will find the most rabid russophobes.  The southern European countries, having more complex and stronger historical roots, seem to be less gullible and hateful than their northern counterparts.  The UK, of course, stands alone and above all others in terms of racist hatred for the “other”;  as for the rest of the Anglosphere, it is run by Neocons and Globalists whose hatred for the other is based on centuries of racist mythologizing, to the degree that this type of racism (externally; internally they proclaim to be categorically opposed to any racist notions which is, of course, yet another lie, except that in this case their – internal and external – racism is directed at any group upholding traditional values) has become a core pillar of their worldview, even if most brainwashed subjects are utterly unaware of it (or don’t even care anymore)].

The above is crucial to the understanding of the world we now all live in.  But before we continue, we need to address another issue: what is Zionism?

What is Zionism? A quick reminder

In my 2014 article “AngloZionism: Short primer for the newcomers” I wrote the following:

Let’s take the (hyper politically correct) Wikipedia definition of what the word “Zionism” means: it is “a nationalist movement of Jews and Jewish culture that supports the creation of a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the Land of Israel“.  Apparently, no link to the US, the Ukraine or Timbuktu, right?  But think again.  Why would Jews – whether defined as a religion or an ethnicity – need a homeland anyway?  Why can’t they just live wherever they are born, just like Buddhist (a religion) or the African Bushmen (ethnicity) who live in many different countries?  The canonical answer is that Jews have been persecuted everywhere and that therefore they need their own homeland to serve as a safe haven in case of persecutions.  Without going into the issue of why Jews were persecuted everywhere and, apparently, in all times, this rationale clearly implies if not the inevitability of more persecutions or, at the very least, a high risk thereof.  Let’s accept that for demonstration sake and see what this, in turn, implies.  First, that implies that Jews are inherently threatened by non-Jews who are all at least potential anti-Semites. The threat is so severe that a separate Gentile-free homeland must be created as the only, best and last way to protect Jews worldwide.  This, in turn, implies that the continued existence of this homeland should become an vital and irreplaceable priority of all Jews worldwide lest a persecution suddenly breaks out and they have nowhere to go.  Furthermore, until all Jews finally “move up” to Israel, they better be very, very careful as all the goyim around them could literally come down with a sudden case of genocidal anti-Semitism at any moment.  Hence all the anti-anti-Semitic organizations a la ADL or UEJF, the Betar clubs, the network of sayanim, etc.  In other words, far from being a local “dealing with Israel only” phenomenon, Zionism is a worldwide movement whose aim is to protect Jews from the apparently incurable anti-Semitism of the rest of the planet.  As Israel Shahak correctly identified it, Zionism postulates that Jews should “think locally and act globally” and when given a choice of policies always ask THE crucial question: “But is it good for Jews?“.  So far from being only focused on Israel, Zionism is really a global, planetary, ideology which unequivocally split up all of mankind into two groups (Jews and Gentiles), which assumes that the latter are all potential genocidal maniacs (which is racist) and believes that saving Jewish lives is qualitatively different and more important than saving Gentile lives (which is racist again).  Anyone doubting the ferocity of this determination should either ask a Palestinian or study the holiday of Purim, or both.  Even better, read Gilad Atzmon and look up his definition of what is brilliantly called “pre-traumatic stress disorder”

Now let’s be clear: while Zionism itself is based or the ideology and worldview of rabbinical (Pharisaic) “Judaism”, it is not an ethnicity, but an ideology.  This is why I wrote the following in that same article:

By the way, there are non-Jewish Zionists (Biden, in his own words) and there are (plenty of) anti-Zionist Jews.  Likewise, there are non-Anglo imperialists and there are (plenty of) anti-imperialists Anglos.  To speak of “Nazi Germany” or “Soviet Russia” does in now way imply that all Germans were Nazis or all Russian s Communists.  All this means it that the predominant ideology of these nations at that specific moment in time was National-Socialism and Marxism, that’s all.

[Sidebar: I want to add one more thing here, especially for those who hate Jews: every time a Jew is unfairly denounced as the perpetrator of some evil deed, it is not only one innocent person which is unfairly condemned, but there is some non-Jewish SOB who is happily slipping away.  Is that something which you really want?  Just think about this, carefully, and understand the consequences of such a worldview!  I suggest that you don’t have to like Jews, or approve of what some of them do, to not want an outcome where any real investigation into the fact of the matter becomes impossible.  Finally, please realize that blaming “the Jews” for something require no knowledge, no expertise of any kind and no brains.  This is therefore something which the dumbest members of our society will be very strongly drawn towards.  Again, just think about it carefully. ]

By the way, while (Pharisaic) “Judaism” is clearly religious and while most original Zionist were not religious, over time Zionism adopted all the man-hating assumptions of (Pharisaic) “Judaism” while, at the same time, secularizing them.  You could say that (Pharisaic) “Judaism” is “God ordained racism” while Zionism is “secular racism”.  More fundamentally, both (Pharisaic) “Judaism” and secular Zionism are virulently anti-Christian and want to eradicate even the tiny remnants of a completely defeated Christianity in the West.  Finally, in the modern state of “Israel”, we now see a new phenomenon becoming very important: religious Zionism, that is a bland of Haredi (Pharisaic) “Judaism” with the type of secular Fascism cum Apetheid modern “Israel” embodies.

If you want to see the kind of freaks which this ideology produces, just see my articles “A crash course on the true causes of “antisemitism”” and “A Crash Course on the True Causes of “Anti-Semitism”, part II: the hunt for anti-Semites“.  If you read those (please do!) you will discover what I can only call “God ordained racism” which is quite unique as most religions are, by their very nature, universalist, including, of course, both Christianity and Islam (after returning from his trip to Mecca, Malcolm X totally dropped his “blue eyed white devils” nonsense; Islam cured him from Elijah Muhammad’s crude racism!).

What happened after WWII?

Simply put, the end of WWII saw an ideological alliance between Anglos and Zionists.  Why? Mainly for two very different reasons:

  • Their common hatred and fear of Stalin (who is always and *wrongly* accused of hostility towards Jews)
  • A recognition of very similar worldviews (exceptionalism, supremacism)

Basically, the racist worldview of (Pharisaic) “Judaism” blended with the historical racist worldview of the leaders of the Anglosphere to create the modern Anglo-Zionism.

Do I even need to mention that both worldviews are not only based on lies, they use lies as their primary, go-to, “weapon” against anybody dares who oppose them. You could say that the following verse by Saint John the Apostle, Evangelist and Theologian are the best description of the ideological cornerstone of both wordviews: “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it” (John 8:44).  Notice how closely Saint John connects lies and homicidal violence – these always go hand in hand!

During the Cold War, most of that hatred was directed at Communism, at least officially (after 1991 it became pretty clear that even without Communism the leaders of the West hated the Russian people).  After the 9/11 false flag, that hatred was directed at any state which would defy the West and Israel, and at any form of real, traditional, Islam.

I often smile when I hear the endless discussion about whether the dog is wagging its tail or the tail wag the dog.  In reality, this does not matter because the dog and the tail are one and the same organism, fully united in their purposes and goals.  And the point is, therefore, not who wags whom, but what the entire animal wants to achieve.

Originally, of course, the Anglos had mostly disdain for their up and coming Jewish counterparts, but money is much more powerful than any other consideration (at least in the West) and soon the part of the Anglo elites which was willing to adopt Zionism’s core values/reflexes easily out-competed the Anglo “old guard” which did not want to yield any real power to what they saw as their Jewish competitors.  And that is how AngloZionism was born.

What about “Israel” in all this?

The USA is probably the first and only country on the planet created by members of a demonic secret cult, that is Freemasonry (the fact that this Freemasonry had some external features of pseudo-Christianity does not change this).  “Israel” might well be the only country in history built purely on lies, also a sure sign of the “father of all lies”.  From the infamous “country without people for a people without country” to a complete ban on honest investigation into WWII or into the other founding myths of the state of Israel, to the endless “right” of this country to exist – “Israel’s” entire existence is predicated on the usual demonic pair: lies and violence.  In fact, while there were, and still are, plenty of states out there ruled by racists, Israeli is the only OPENLY racist state on the planet.  And this is why, for example, any Jew on the planet has the “right” to “return” to the state of “Israel” while a refugee born in Palestine has no right to return to his own home.  In “Israel” some are simply more equal than others!  Officially.

Is “Israel” unique in its systematic use of lies and violence?  No, not at all.  But it is unique in its unapologetic use of lies and violence to not only to achieve some specific geopolitical goals, but also to feed its cult of self-worship and sense of racial superiority above the “goyim” who, as we all know, “only understand violence”.

Yes, “Israel” is an abomination which no civilized person or society can accept, nevermind endorse.  But “Israel” is far more than that – it is also the litmus test of obedience to ruling classes of the West.  You can think of it as an Asch Conformity Experiment, but on a planetary scale, and one which you are asked not to only reject what your senses tell you, but one which shows how much you are willing to suppress you own conscience and embrace pure evil.

Those who embrace this lie become bound not only by a common worldview, but they become accomplices in something unspeakably evil and false.  Such people are much more than just bystanders to a slow-motion genocide, but they are also experts at Orwell’s doublethink:  when told to, they will gladly proclaim that right is wrong, white is black and reality whatever the ruling elites decree it to be.

For these people, neither “truth” nor “reality” make any difference.  None!

Such people are authoritarians not only because they love to give orders and impose their lies upon others, they are also authoritarians because they love to get orders and execute them (see here for an interesting discussion of this type of person).

Having said all that, we can we observe today?

Simply put, what we observe is a shameful and disgraceful attitude by almost every country out there.  And I will begin my denunciation of this state of affairs with Russia.

No, Russia is not “in cahoots” with “Israel” or Netanyahu!  This kind of crap is spread by infantiles who don’t understand how true complexity of the competition between states and by people who are paid (in money or recognition) to spread FUD (fear uncertainty and doubt) about Putin and Russia.

However, Russian leaders are showing an ice-cold indifference to the plight of the Palestinian people.  Oh sure, Russia officially supports all the relevant UNSC Resolutions about “Israel” and the Palestinians, but other than paying them lip-service, Russia does absolutely nothing against the “Israelis” as long as Russian interests are not directly affected or threatened.  I guess you can call it “Realpolitik” but I call it immoral and criminal indifference and I find is shameful.  Russia will never be come a truly Orthodox country again until it renounces such ugly forms of “pragmatism” and until moral/ethics return to the center state of the core values of Russian society and Russian policies.

In sharp contrast, and in spite of being much weaker than Russia while living its entire existence under the threat of attack by the AngloZionist, the Iranians have steadfastly placed morals over so-called “pragmatism” when dealing with the issue of “Israel” and the Palestinian people.  Of sure, of course, not all Iranians are that pure and noble, enough to see how Rafsanjani’s “Gucci Revolution” was backed to the hilt by Zionists to see that not everything is perfect in Iran.  But humans are the same everywhere.  What makes Iran so dramatically different is not that Iranians are “better” people, but that Iran officially places moral, ethical and even religious values at the cornerstone of its worldview and policies!  That is quite remarkable, and unique, and puts the shame the rest of the planet.

What about the current war in the Ukraine?

Today we are all fixated on the war between NATO and Russia in the Ukraine, and this is quite logical.  After all there is a fair chance that the freaks who run the Empire will prefer the destruction of the entire northern hemisphere to a (now quite inevitable) Russian victory.  However, we should not kid ourselves, this war is not, repeat, NOT about the Ukraine or even the future of the EU.  This is a war which will decide whether the AngloZionist will take full control of our planet or whether the last empire in history will be replaced by a multi-polar, multi-ethnic, multi-religious, multi-cultural, multi-political international order regulated by the rule of law.  Thus “Israel” has a HUGE stake in it, and no, *not* because the “(((Khazarians)))” wand to create a new state in the Ukraine or Crimea, but because if the AngloZionist Empire falls, the Zionist regime in “Israel” will have to either renounce its worldview of “God given racism” or, indeed, face its demise as predicted by Imam Khomeini when he said: “this regime that is occupying Qods [Jerusalem] must be eliminated from the pages of history“.

In the case of the Nazi run Banderastan, we saw the Ukrainian Nazis and the Israeli Nazis work hand in hand, while at the same time the Israelis pretended to maintain equidistance between the two belligerents.   Yes, the Ukronazis and the Israelis do hate each other too, but much less than they hate Russia and everything Russian.  What better example of the Zionist moral flexibility then to see “Israelis” sending weapons and “volunteer” instructors to the Bandera-worshipping Nazis in Kiev and against the people who liberated Jew from the Nazi camps!  Ditto for the so-called (and much misrepresented, see herehere or here) “pogroms” which were all located in what is today’s Ukraine and not in Russia.  As for the infamous (and also much misrepresented, see herehere or here) Pale of Settlement, how is is different from the wall the “Israelis” built to prevent Palestinians from freely loving across their own land?  In fact, any serious comparison of the two would immediately show that the latter is infinitely worse than the former.

And yet.

The truth is that the rabbinical/Pharisaic hatred of Russia is not based on history or any past wrongs, but on purely religious reasons: rabbinical/Pharisaic “Judaism” is an anti-Christianity just in the same was as the Latin Papacy is an anti-Orthodoxy!  Why?  Because Christians claim to the the “real Jews” (in spiritual terms) and Orthodox Christians claim to be the “true Church”.  In other words, Orthodox Christianity challenges and debunks both the Judaic claim to the Old Testament and the Latin claim to the New Testament.

Does it really surprise anyone to see the Latins working hand in hand with their “elder brothers in the faith” who “await the same messiah”?

There is also the fact that the Russian society today, while not truly Christian by a long stretch, is yet unwilling to give up the moral/ethical values of true Christianity.  Even “worse” is the real possibility that Russia might return to her true Christian roots, especially after the conclusion of the NATO war against Russia (assuming it does not end in a nuclear apocalypse, which it well might).

And no, it is no coincidence at all that the key actors (Nuland, Kagan, Blinken, etc.) are all Zionist Jews.  There are objective reasons for that.  Yet, we must always remember the words of Saint Paul who wrote “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Eph 6:12).  We must remember these words not only because innocent people have no nationality, including innocent victims, or because there is no such thing as “collective guilt”, but because we – unlike the Latins – cannot defend true Christianity while ignoring its key teachings!  It is as wrong to deny the nature of this warfare as it is wrong to deny its spiritual, and not ethnic, nature.  At the very core, we are dealing with a stark choice:

  • Do we accept the common humanity of all people or
  • Do we reject it

If the latter, than your place with with the Nazis, be them German or Israelis.  If accept that common humanity – then act on it and never allow yourself to be brought down by the fact that our enemies do not share this key value.  It is really that simple!


Ever since the 2014 coup in Kiev I have been almost exclusively focused on the Ukrainian civil war and, after 2022, on the US/NATO war against Russia.  Only rarely did I mention Zionism or Israel.  Primarily because I simply did not have the time.  And this is why today, in what shall be my last posted analysis on the Saker blog I wanted to revisit that topic again.  At over 4000 words, the above is not indented as an exhaustive discussion of the topic.  My hope is that what I wrote above my seen enticing enough for you, the reader, to pursue your own research into this immense and complex topic.  I think you could do worse than reading the various texts I have mentioned above. But the choice is yours.

I want to conclude this post with the words of Alexander Solzhenitsyn in his famous text “Live not by the lie“.  I hope that they will inspire you.



Excerpt from “Live not by the lie“:

When violence bursts onto the peaceful human condition, its face is flush with self-assurance, it displays on its banner and proclaims: “I am Violence! Make way, step aside, I will crush you!” But violence ages swiftly, a few years pass—and it is no longer sure of itself. To prop itself up, to appear decent, it will without fail call forth its ally—Lies. For violence has nothing to cover itself with but lies, and lies can only persist through violence. And it is not every day and not on every shoulder that violence brings down its heavy hand: It demands of us only a submission to lies, a daily participation in deceit—and this suffices as our fealty.
And therein we find, neglected by us, the simplest, the most accessible key to our liberation: a personal nonparticipation in lies! Even if all is covered by lies, even if all is under their rule, let us resist in the smallest way: Let their rule hold through me!
We are not called upon to step out onto the square and shout out the truth, to say out loud what we think—this is scary, we are not ready. But let us at least refuse to say what we do not think!
This is the way, then, the easiest and most accessible for us given our deep-seated organic cowardice, much easier than (it’s scary even to utter the words) civil disobedience à la Gandhi.
Our way must be: Never knowingly support lies! Having understood where the lies begin (and many see this line differently)—step back from that gangrenous edge! Let us not glue back the flaking scales of the Ideology, not gather back its crumbling bones, nor patch together its decomposing garb, and we will be amazed how swiftly and helplessly the lies will fall away, and that which is destined to be naked will be exposed as such to the world.
And thus, overcoming our temerity, let each man choose: Will he remain a witting servant of the lies (needless to say, not due to natural predisposition, but in order to provide a living for the family, to rear the children in the spirit of lies!), or has the time come for him to stand straight as an honest man, worthy of the respect of his children and contemporaries?


‘Empire of Lies’: Lavrov Says World Increasingly Certain No One Immune to West’s Banditry

February 3, 2023

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov

Countries are increasingly convinced that no one is immune to the West’s banditry and expropriation, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told a meeting of the United Russia Party commission on international cooperation and support for compatriots abroad.

“As for the West, President [Vladimir] Putin has aptly called it an ’empire of lies.’ The West, and this is confirmed by our contacts, has not been perceived globally as the beacon of democracy for a while now. The US and its NATO satellites have completely undermined their reputation as reliable international partners that are capable of coming to an agreement. The understanding that literally no one is immune from expropriation and from state banditry on the part of the former colonial powers is becoming ever stronger in the world,” the minister said.

Lavrov said Russia and some other states, whose numbers are growing, are consistently reducing their dependence on the greenback. “We are working together with like-minded people to transfer international settlements into national currencies, and create alternative payment and logistics systems so as not to depend on the whims and dictates of the country that has declared itself a hegemon. In general, we are working towards establishing a fairer global monetary, financial, trade and economic architecture, which objectively contributes to the fight against new manifestations of neocolonialism,” he said.

Source: Agencies


Finis Sinarum: Why I think China Cannot Win This

November 26, 2022

America Has Infiltrated China

By Thorsten J. Pattberg

In this naturally calm and composed piece of art, I will expose the global blueprint for the defeat of China and how the Americans have already subverted Chinese top universities. This many-eyewitnesses report could knock you off your guard and make you question your—now utterly pointless—Masters in China degree, so maybe you want to find a quiet place for the next 45 minutes or so of unremitting verity and veritas.

  1. S. Since I am also creaking out critical gov-intern about the US subversion of China, this could always be my last piece, so thank you for indulging me. [Special forces raided my German place but I wasn’t there, blah!] BUY THIS BOOK!

So, this story begins in Beijing in the autumn of 2004. I was attending a dorm meeting of just eight international students in Shaoyuan, the on-campus Foreigners Building at Peking University (PKU). The host was Sergei, a 20-years healthy, strong, and charismatic Russian. Sergei means protector or guardian, and a protector of others he was.

IMAGE 1 Sergei the Russian and Shaoyuan of Peking University

Sergei announced to his guests that he was about to self-sabotage his compulsory Chinese language year or Dui Wai Hanyu—literally: Chinese for Outsiders—which meant he would henceforth NOT be eligible to enter Peking University and study International Relations.

Tens of thousands of foreign students like Sergei are expected to pass the HSK Chinese Proficiency Test at Level 6—the highest level and comparable to near-native speaker fluency—to advance to a real Chinese undergraduate degree. Peking University limits full-time preparatory language work to 2 years, in rare cases 3 years. Sergei had done one full year and passed HSK Level 4. The school extended a year on his behalf, normal procedure, but Sergei was determined to quit language school and drop out of university. He thought the compulsory language school part wasn’t academic at all, but some form of bureaucratic torture and chicanery.

It certainly was infantilizing. Grownups were put back in school classes like they were 12-year-olds. The textbooks were childish. You could just buy them in bookshops everywhere. And imbalanced. Japanese and Koreans already know Hanzi (Chinese characters), the Europeans and South Asians don‘t. Some Africans registered for visa purposes, then disappeared into the Wu Daokou underworld. There were mothers, business people, and illiterate overseas Chinese mixed in with South Asian teenagers. The teachers came from the crowds. Certainly not Peking University liao—material. If this was Higher Education in China, Sergei called it a waste of time and a scam—zaijian, goodbye!

Part I. Know Thy Place [And Your Port Of Entry]

Sergei came from a well-to-do family of Moscow state officials. His father had two other sons, one of who had also studied in China and became a scientist at Moscow State University. Sergei was the only son of his father’s second wife. We knew because his mother visited him this summer in Shaoyuan. She was astonishingly young and beautiful. She came to check on his progression, and, immediately, she found herself appalled by the sanitary situation in the student dorm. The toilets were just holes in the ground and no doors.

IMAGE 2 Squat Toilets vs Trench Toilets

Sergei was extremely well-educated, handsome, and funny. He made friends easily because everyone could see he had great charisma and leadership potential. He spoke English like Sergey Lavrov and German like Vladimir Putin. Sergei knew the canon of European literature, could talk about any topic except fashion, and seemed mature beyond his age. So, he travelled around China with his mother during the summer break, flew back to Russia, returned in time, and had made up his mind about his future career path. And that evening at his farewell party in autumn, surrounded by other foreign students, he said this to me which I could not forget. He said: “I quit, who gives a shit about Russians here. You are German, so maybe you Germans have it better. If I was American, I would be famous in China!”

Sergei. That was not his real name. I have to disguise the identities of my heroes to protect them. I met him again, six years later. He was visiting the PKU lake site, a popular day trip for tourists, pushing a baby boy in a stroller with his newlywed beautiful Caucasian wife in tow. He seemed happy. To my surprise, he had not left China or Beijing, except for family visits and on holidays of course. Instead, he moved to the other part of town and became a self-employed entrepreneur. A trader—not the international scholar he had once aspired to be. “Well, I am an international businessman now!” We exchanged a few lines about student dorms. The toilets with no toilet paper. The showers with No-pissing signs. He matured faster than anyone I knew, I thought. Now he was a family man, too. His wife, like his mother… gorgeous! “Don’t get too jealous,” he smirked. “They are hard work!” Sergei had dropped out of academia, or better: He had pulled out his head just before they could pull him in. We had nothing more in common.

Sergei proved his case. He had been realistic enough to see that Shaoyuan was an elaborate educational racket. The two years compulsory language program for future undergraduate hopefuls was indeed beyond chicanery. It was an insult. Personally, I crashed into Shaoyuan twice but did not live there. I lived in rented apartments off-campus. My Chinese degree was real.

Scholarship is serious. It leads to a cold mountain top and solitary life. You don’t work. You study. You go where no one has gone before with your brains. You know you were made for this since childhood. It is a calling.

Had they put me into a funny class with teenage Eastern Europeans, Koreans, and Japanese, and taught me school-Chinese by some job-center dudes, I would have despaired too. A university is the highest place of learning, never a school! School time is over, and you can do whatever you want in a university.

But those Shaoyuan foreigners don’t seem to know this. And how could they? This was the second intelligence test of Peking University… and they failed it! [The first intelligence test was of course that there was no application process in Russian, Korean, Italian, or Swahili language. If you had to apply in the American language in China, maybe your life is heading toward… a burger degree?]

Sergei was correct: Had he been an American, or shall we say a certain type of American, he would have been treated very differently. I am telling you now a hidden truth, a truth so brutal, unfair and seemingly evil, that you might want to pause reading now, switch the website, read Chekov’s Ward No 6, perhaps, or The Menticide Manual,… but do not read further. Especially not if you have carelessly sent your own teenage kids off to college in a foreign land.

Sergei was sent to China, a foreign country, by his calculating father, a government official, to fetch the name of Peking University; real or just imagined prestige, who cares: This was very clever.

However, it was also desperate. And for desperate people, there is a special hell reserved in a university.

If you are a Russian, or a Chinese, or a lesser European, or—Heaven forbids—some lower tier human from the Congo or Venezuela or Iraq, you are terrestrially speaking a mind slave. You probably don’t even know what you want to study until you are told and placed.

Only a solid connection to the ruling elites in the United States of America can save you from mandatory global exam plantation. If you are not connected to extremely influential Americans, or at least the European upper crust, all the higher tiers in the Human Hierarchy are going to bully you, abuse you, and torture you. They’ll tell you what to study, how long, where and how. That, my friends, is plantation work. You are not even close to any mountain!

The rulers of this planet invented all kinds of silly exams, prep courses, waiting periods, ridiculous programs, and stupefying requirements for the hoi-polloi [the too-many]. Why are Third World parents sending their teenagers abroad to foreign language plantations? Especially their daughters! The Chinese shepherds figure out in two minutes if you are a fellow shepherd person or a sheeple. And if Peking University really was your dream school, why start learning Mandarin after the event?

During the four summers that I hadn’t seen Sergei, Shaoyuan had wasted a combined 3,600 years of human life. If Sergei had been the son of a US Democrat with an American BA in Table-tennis, he would have been accommodated like a respectable human being, and Peking University 2022 would have placed him in a 1-year fast track Yenching Academy English program Master of Public Administration, next station Oxford or Brussels or the United Nations in New York. And to top it off… and this is a fact: No man who knows himself would lower himself and study years of Chinese like this. It is just a language, Heaven! You learn it on the loo! On the side! While doing astrophysics or running a business school!

The Americans would have put an “American Sergei” on CNN Cable News Network, mentioned him in the New York Times and the New Yorker, and, BAMM!… he would have become a global public intellectual, cited and referred to by millions.

Or maybe, just maybe, you are “the leading families” in some irrelevant, insignificant country, and you are desperately hoping for affirmative action or the figurative 10% Western attention span quota. There was a Thai princess at Shaoyuan once. Thailand in Asia has a population of 69 million. In comparison, England in the West has barely 53 million people. But the world is not equal, and nobody at the top of the Human Hierarchy gives a bottom burp about Thai nobility. Can we even begin to imagine man-made climate change and the sixth intellectual revolution in the US-UK planetary race if Meghan Markle and Prince Harry had attended a trench toilet at Peking University?

Of course, PKU administration immediately handed Princess Sirindhorn a Peking University Honorary Doctorate Degree [means she didn‘t have to enroll in a 5 years program like the rest of you sheeple!] and even gave her her own PKU Sirindhorn Research Center. So if Peking University can arrange all this for such irrelevant third-tier Asian-nation leaders, imagine what it can do and will arrange for the truly planetary, globalist Western master-blaster class…

Part II. The Arrival of The Meta People

I stated in another piece that Americans do not mingle with Europeans in Asia. We are not friends and not partners, not even close. We live in a masters-emissaries arrangement. The intellectual Europeans who serve the American Empire are called Transatlantiker or Trans-Atlanticists. That is an ugly word monster, so they refer to themselves as just “Westerners.” Those pro-American EU opportunists unfortunately get all the Empire’s goodies, promotions, and praise.

The minority Europeans who want to eject America from Europe are dangerous terrorists. That’s a huge problem for the entire world. See, Asians can always convert to the West. They are always given the benefit of doubt. But not so Europeans. They can only betray the Western cause and go criminally insane. Therefore, the traitors in the West are always kicked down to the bottomless pit of the global hierarchy, far below the Orientals, the fish, and the infectious diseases.

That is why the transatlantic Europeans in China insist on being equally idolized like Americans, and unitedly canonized with them as xifangren— “the people of the West.” Under no circumstance do the Polish, the Austrians, the Czech, the Finnish, the East Germans, and so on want to be separate from America as mere ouzhouren—”Europeans,” or, God help us, as dong’ouren—“the people of Eastern Europe.” Can you imagine how average the Chinese would treat them? By disguising their true identity, all those bogus Westerners hope they will be venerated just like Americans are, and treated way better and above the Asians and Orientals. And they are damn right they will, as “the united West” signal-religiously inspires fear and awe throughout the world.


The Western control over China is blatantly obvious. And because it is so blatant and obvious, you would be considered a baichi—an idiot—to speak about it. A baichi is a person who is oblivious to social conventions. Which makes him a tragic hero, to some. But more generally speaking, an idiot does more damage than good to a harmonious society. If the baichi does not die from immediate consequences, he transforms into a huairen or bad person. In the West we would call him a villain. All the idiot heroes who point out the obvious situation that Chinese education is already westernized will be considered terrorists as well.

Example. One baichi German guy at Beijing Foreign Language University pointed out that the 50,000 holders of the Chinese Government Scholarships (CSC) are NOT looked after by the Chinese side, and that the applications were pre-sorted and forwarded by Western governments. Two months later, the guy died in an accident.

Most nationals do not realize this, but the West controls education globally. Not just all the standards. Not just the Anglo-Satan BAMAMBAPhD degrees, publications, and university structures, but also international exchange, scholarship, and permissions. Chinese degrees, BenkeShuoshiBoshi, etc., on the other hand, are invalid.

An Englishman who carelessly studied in China on his own, with no UK governmental backing, is holding a worthless degree. UK universities, including Cambridge and Imperial College, prohibit their students from studying in mainland China unless they are part of their many state-supervised exchange programs. The entire West has huge barriers to its citizens learning in China unsupervised. This is also the reason why most British students miraculously end up in exchange years in pro-Western Hong Kong or Taiwan. British scholars are not free, and they are definitely not autarch. They are children of the Empire,… and suck their owners’ titinob.


Much of the progress in the humanities in the last 100 years still lies hidden. We see spacecraft and satellites and computers everywhere, which is the progress of engineering and the sciences, but we do not at first recognize the advancements of our cognizance.

To caricature it in the most simplistic way possible, humanity has fallen into two separate types of people, the selected meta and the rejected infra. I use these terminologies for better illustration as we go along. But think of them as a new breed of magicians or creators or enlightened beings. The meta (Greek for hidden) are the manipulators who switch everything and do what they want. The infra (Greek for subpar) is everyone else. The infra people lead banal lives and produce all the stuff for the advancement of meta. In the past, throughout human evolution, a tiny minority of elites had always been able to accumulate all the labor, resources, and technologies to cement their rule. But this time, around the turn of the third millennium, the first human beings who had experimented with it have literally spaced out into a new, Fifth Dimension—the Dimension of Differences only they can see naturally.

For everyone else in the Human Hierarchy, for the left behind humans, the infra people, the Fifth Dimension is still hidden, permanently so until they die. The old humans can be as intelligent or educated as they like, they cannot see the hidden world, only strange behaviors and unstoppable quakes to our lives. So that’s why I call it the hidden verse, here’s a sketch:

IMAGE 3 Meta and Infra

The meta elites can freely converse about their plans for us since they are the only ones who see the world of differences, distances, and all relations. They are not per se evil in the traditional, biblical sense. Rather, they need no morals and, as a matter of their trade, treat their subpar fellow beings very similar to how the old humans treated their pet dogs, mended their forests, or bred their farm animals.

I met my first one in Münster, Germany, while working in the German judiciary. He led me to two others. So, it was altogether three meta persons who I watched for years. That was all of them I knew back then. That was 27 years ago. They said that there are more, many more, that they are everywhere, but that there are national and international chapters, and they prefer to gather where there are high concentrations of their source of power: portals to the Fifth Dimension.

They seemed strangely languid and alien to me, so I called them “Meister der Rede“ —literally: the Masters of Speech. They completely messed up their environment and controlled everybody with their fancy words and superior minds. So at least it seemed to me. These three specimens alone affect the entire judiciary of North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany. And their world, the world only they could see, I called a Law, “die Lehre vom Unterschied“—literally: the Law of Difference. I was just so overwhelmed by their secret that I wanted to throw my life away and kill myself.

But I couldn’t do it. I just had to find those portals. I showed myself. The meta have unlimited access to all the world’s top universities, so they sent me to Oxford University. That is now 21 years ago. Since then, I have been tracing them down, one portal after the other, all over the world. First Oxford. Next was Paris. I followed a Chinese meta called Ji Xianlin to Beijing in China. He knew. They know. They kept him in a psychiatric ward, the meta at Peking University, and he passed away just before I got to meet him. Next was Boston. Shanghai. Teheran. Tokyo. There are several points of contact now in the world, and I have discovered their portal to the Fifth Dimension here at IAHS at Peking University, the Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies.


Peking University is part of a global set of elected top universities, controlled by the great manipulators. It is NOT controlled by the Chinese government. PKU or “Beida” (for Beijing Daxue) is the mother lode of Chinese education because… who said so? Not the Chinese. Why would Shanghai people or Nanjing people or Xi’An people say, “Oh the best university is not here but 1000 miles away”? Beijing people don’t even speak their language [Beijing speaks Putonghua, a dialect]! It is insane, and humiliating to a billion people here, to say their bestest best are over there—so who is piling and pushing this monstrous global shite? It is of course the authors of the Global University Ranking racket in the West, Rothschild in the City of London, the Meta Covenant. Peking University and Tsinghua University were partly founded by missionaries. They are the heaviest infiltrated. There is a portal here. Western meta people come and go… as if this was their own house!

For the sake of argument, let us go along with their grand scheme. Idealized as the best school for the humanities in China, PKU should be able now to pick and choose the best talent from a population of 1.4 billion. That, however, amounts to statistical phantasmagoria. In real life, see, one either gets 100% accepted or 0% admission. If it were an evenly distributed statistical probability, nobody with a brain would ever plan for PKU or any other top university, because your chances to win a lottery go against 0. So, it can’t be a lottery, do you understand this?

Certain people just walk straight right in, 100% of the time. Others are rejected on the spot. The vast majority of the Chinese have absolutely no statistical chance to enter this place, ever, so a cruel game was concocted: exam farming. If the slaves underwent the most horrible path of self-mutilation and torture, they, too, could pass a nebulous, enigmatic National University Entrance Exam, then win a prize ticket for entering Peking University.

The results are horrific. Most of exam plantation’s churned-out “winners” look like freaks or abominations, with terrible eyesight, whimsical body frame, and severe mental illnesses like autism and depression. They sacrificed their childhood, never played with toys, were emotionally abused by their parents and teachers, and never experienced—I claim—happiness, love, and Self.

IMAGE 4 The Chinese Practice A LOT but who tells them to

Peking University indeed allotted quite a few places to these mutants with their tiny hands and oversized heads and absolutely no social skills. However, you will be shocked to know that for most Chinese leaders it is a walk in the park to get into Peking University. No torture camp is required. And we need to know why.

The owners and caretakers of the system do not sit their own tests. There are several other ways for them to get the positions they want. Democratic ways, even. For example, all presidents, directors, professors, researchers, and so on, are handpicked, selected, nominated by… guess by whom… their mentors and peers. Next, the entire spectrum of graduate education and research runs on nepotism, recommendation letters, and vague, flexible ideas about excellenceExcellence is deliberately kept vague, and the plantation owners change the definition at any time.

One year excellence could be enrolling more minorities, the other year it could be enrolling athletes. Money and guanxi—connections—are always excellent, see. During the last twenty years of globalism, excellence was enrolling the kids of parents who had overseas qualifications. That is also the reason why Chinese elites send their kids to Western universities where there are no entrance examinations. When they return to China, all entry barriers here have also disappeared—excellent! Western education means global. It also means: local rules do not apply.

This leaves us only with undergraduate education in China that requires the rites of mass examination, which is also mass deception. It is a silly demonstration of power, no more, but also no less. Think. You have the elites who have all the time and resources in China. They rule supreme. But the crowds got angry: Where is your legitimacy! The first Emperors set up a cruel annual slaughter-the-sheep wolf festival: The Imperial Exam System, today morphed into the Gaokao—”Important Test.”

IMAGE 5 Sheep or Sheeple No Difference Really

It is totally unnecessary. That is why in the West we don’t have it so cruel. Sure, America has SAT scores, Britain has A-Levels, Germany has the Abitur, France has the Baccalaureate, and so on. But these are just rituals of graduation for the elite class. The West has practiced social class segregation since the beginning of time. The lower half of the population doesn’t even know universities exist. They can’t see them. For the elites, however, if they have set their minds on a top university, they just go. There is no competition. And if junior doesn’t get the ubiquitous first grades he allegedly needed, no problem. In Germany, we have exactly 52 other ways to get into a university. It is just common sense. Therefore, any standardized College Entrance Exams in the West or China is superfluous.

China for some reason was historically a very autocratic and collective place. EVERYONE, even the average and low-intelligence sheeple populations, were herded to take part in mass exercises. Think. This will elevate the High Mandarins even higher. If everyone says, Oh that one at Peking U was selected from millions and millions of test-takers, he will eventually come to believe it himself. It is therefore in the interest of the Peking-U people, the Harvard-U people, the Oxford-U people, and all the U-people in the world, to have as many non-starter people as possible taking part in exam plantation rackets and, by design, collectively fail by the hundreds of millions. Because the higher the rejection rate, the bigger the egos of the [unelected] few.

Our so-called Western China Experts bought into the examination legend—hook, line and sinker. They, too, act as if they were the winners of a planetary fair competition with all the Chinese, so they stroke their Western egos. In reality, there never was such a competition for them.

They know they didn’t win any competition; they know their own students didn’t take part in such elaborated nonsense, but maybe—so the delusion—the Chinese peasants, millions upon millions, really had to be herded through the ultimate Bloodsport Kumite or something, who knows. In reality, (almost) nobody here at PKU took it. Of my hundreds of Chinese classmates during undergraduate education at Fudan University in Shanghai and Peking University in Beijing, none took the annual University Entrance Examination, or rather: Most participated but did not get the highest marks. Instead, they received school recommendation letters… schools, of course, where their parents—mayors, doctors, foremen, party officials—bore considerable influence.

Only the science majors are hard to cheat, but that is everywhere in the world the same, isn’t it? So, scientists do not rule a society. Society is ruled by humanists—politicians, lawyers, bankers, culture makers, artists, businessmen, writers, and historians. And to top it off, the ruling caste in China are intermarried and have their elite preparation schools anyway, so they don’t cross paths with the general population.

Next are the foreigners. If you are American, you just apply and walk into PKU. You have read this correctly. You just walk and bypass the 1.4 billion Chinese, pay maybe a symbolic $4000 study fee, and, voila, you are now a Peking University affiliate. This is what I mean by meta knowledge, or the hidden world.

Has Albert Einstein taken an English exam to get into Princeton University? No! Did the daughter of Xi Jinping pass an entrance exam to get into Harvard University? No! Are there even any entrance examinations at American Universities? Only for unwanted people, yes. Not for the ruling class though. Did Bill Gates need a degree for any of the things he did: Run a trillion dollars metaverse, run a trillion dollars real estate empire, run global pharmacy? Did Elon Musk pass a HSK Chinese exam to do anything he wants in China? No! “Oh, these are exceptions to the rule!” No, they are not, and You, sir, are a complete moron!

They think I am a Martian. It is hopeless. Listen, I had a friend in Aberdeen in Scotland from the oil business whose entire family went to Oxford University. His brother went, too. The professor told my friend he can’t take him on this year, because there’s a new India quota. So he was relined to Edinburgh University and told to later come back to Oxford as a postgraduate, no big deal. If you know what you want, and if there are no major catastrophes that could prevent you, then you simply go to Oxford University. Oh no, the Chinese say to me, you have to pass the Cambridge First Certificate English preparation class or the British Council IELTS mandatory language requirements. “Nonsense,” I cried. “An English person just walks in. A EU person just walks in. An American person just walks in.”

But the homework! Oh my god, the Asians have to do an insane amount of homework! I never did any homework in German school in my entire life. But the grades and marks! What about it? There is an American guy in International Relations at Peking University who doesn’t know a sentence in Chinese and doesn’t need to, because his father is a diplomat. I know plenty of visiting professors here at Peking University who do not speak Chinese fluently. The British held Hong Kong for 100 years and still, nobody bothered to speak Cantonese.

About 660,000 candidates take the HSK Chinese language exam each year, according to the Chinese government. A friend of mine from the States, an American-Chinese, does not give a sweat. He has hidden knowledge. He bypassed the entire system by simply calling up a Harvard Professor, donated $50k for a good cause, and became a Doctoral Candidate at Peking University, then went to Harvard also. What, you didn’t know this? There is a straight tunnel beneath those universities. Like the tunnels beneath Disneyland. I went to Harvard, too.


Comes along the University of Tübingen, the China Center, a second-class Normal University in Germany. Its students are of no significance and absolutely not selected at all. China Studies is something everybody can study in Germany, and it’s better than unemployment or the welfare check. Peking University is world-class and would never collaborate with Tübingen University, right? Wrong! First, Tübingen has clean and seated toilets. Second, a multi-million euro German industrialist sold his billion euro companies to China under the condition that Peking University accepts his million euro donations so that some German kids can study here.

IMAGE 6 What is Tübingen or How Do We All Get Into PKU

So now we have these off-the-mill German students hanging around in the EU Center at Peking University which really is the Tübingen deal. They are morons, and none of them will ever become a top scholar in the world. They attend special classes, away from real PKU students, as in: They are attending classes for special students. Retards, in other words. They get retard classes. Can you imagine this? But it is true.

The director is a meta guy, alright. Very bright, just not American but German. Anyway, he tries to find maybe one or two outstanding German characters who will see through this bullshit, break loose, and find their own ways. He did not discover a single German meta in ten years. In fact, his students are so retarded, he probably wasted his teacher life but we shall see.

There are also funny moments to take away from this, of course. The Europeans want to mimic the Americans, fair enough. They tell their piss-poor [I work for free!] graduates that, in order to hang around and work some more unpaid years at a top university, they must publish two papers and their doctoral dissertation in some prestigious American journals. If those morons had put any attention to their director and trusted supervisor, they would have noticed that he did not fulfill his own requirements—at all! Directors are made by knowing the right people, and this is how meta persons operate in this world. Then they turn around to the infra and tell them: There is the requirement circus around the corner, go queue!

It is hopeless. People don’t see it. The current German Minister of Education is Anja Maria-Antonia Karliczek. She earned an online degree from a correspondence course from the Online University of Hagen. That‘s it. She became the MINISTER FOR ALL EDUCATION IN GERMANY, and you, Great Scholars of Moo, have been lied to all your farm lives!

You won‘t believe this next one, but it is real,… it is, it is… it really is. So those Tübingen University students are not at all qualified to study at Peking University, alright? Well, now they are here. What do they do? They are doing activism, of course! Below is a recruitment advertisement for China Studies from Tübingen University. Hold your chest, this is the stuff of ridicule. The Department for China Studies is looking for… wait for it… females, morons, and the mentally ill!

IMAGE 7 Tubingen U hires females morons and the mentally ill for Taiwan Studies

It is real. Who wrote this abomination? They are preying on mentally disabled people! It gets better. If you read the area description, it is a job for “Taiwan Studies.” Wait, what? Tübingen U separates Taiwan from China? That means that Peking U is in a partnership with Tübingen U that actively hires Taiwan activists and promotes secession from Beijing. At this stage of cancer, could we please all agree that we can’t blame the Germans. The German metastasis just grows and grows… but it is the Chinese deans and dons who are the corrupt push-overs.


Most meta, certainly the most powerful ones, operate out of the UK and America—not Europe. Europe has bled too many of them, I think. That’s why today Europe is losing its grip on the hidden dimension. For example, since the “normal” professors in Europe are state employees—much like teachers, nurses, and mailmen—they have internalized all those infra rules and regulations intended for the slave classes.

For example, European professors seem to believe in salaried work and state pensions. It means they expect a fixed salary and retirement at age 65. What, are you coal miners and bus drivers? A human being, if he or she has meta knowledge, has no fixed salary and no retirement age. Who washed your brains?

Elite universities are life-extension facilities for the meta. I bumped into professor Hans Küng, the alternative pope, age 82, at Peking U. And with Noam Chomsky, age 82, at MIT. Most directors I met in China were in their 70s and 80s. They were sages. Henry Kissinger got another honorary professorship from PKU, age 90. He visited us again, age 95. My active director, Tu Weiming, was age 80. When all his buddies came together, they were older than Time. Ji Xianlin, the Sage of Beida, refused to rest until age 98. The great practitioners of Dao enhance their lives to 150 years.

We have thousands of European professors forced into arbitrary retirement in France and Germany who are desperate to apply for meta posts… in America or Asia. “I can work Saturdays and Sundays in China, and phone my business partners after 6 p.m.—it’s awesome!” a Swedish philanthropist, age 81, told me. “Oh, and they respect Old Age.” Europe could become the most depraved place within a century.

One Chinese teacher took me aside: “We have a saying in China: Bao ren bu zhi eren ji.” I knew that one, it literally says “The satiated don’t know the starvers’ agony.” It is never used on food. Satiated in our language is derived from Latin satia and means “enough.” “The have-enoughs look down on the having-nothing-at-alls” would be a living transliteration, I suppose. The Chinese are starved-out people, exhausted. They do not know how the hidden world works. They think they can beat the West by working twice as hard for half the wage. They repeat what their ancestors did for the last 3,000 years, even if that what total shite, got their last Dynasty collapsed, got their people enslaved by Western powers [and the Japanese, harrumph], and got their space-galactical Summer Palace burned down to the naked stone.

“But what can we do,” said one Chinese Law student. Well, it helps to disgrace your ancestors. Maybe drop the name your parents gave you and pick a neat Western one? Justin Yifu Lin? Vincent Tao? Or how about adding the suffix “-berg,” as in Zuckerberg, Goldberg, Spielberg, or Pattberg?

Warped in Mark Zuckerberg to Tsinghua University, in 2015. Tsinghua is just across the street, cross-opposite PKU. The meta CEO lectured the hungry Chinese about global success. But Mr. Zuckerberg embodied everything the Chinese students are not: He is a Berg, he attended Harvard, he dropped out, and he is American. His audiences didn’t read the situation. If they had been successful, they wouldn’t be here. And so Mr. Zuckerberg mocked them even more, with talks about meta and the metaverse. Mr. Zuckerberg laid out his and his companies’ plans for world domination, and nobody in the grand auditorium here in Tsinghua seemed to notice. [Six years later, in 2021, he officially changed the Facebook empire into Meta Group.] The audiences were ecstatic. Mr. Zuckerberg could have plainly said: “Listen, we Americans control Higher Education in China. In fact, we own Peking U with our Stanford and Harvard portals, own Tsinghua U with Schwarzman, the banks and big tech; we are building a New Humanity, but all is hidden plainly in sight under your noses, so I am telling you everything is hidden, and you think us Bergs are some magicians.”

Part III. Famebation and Chinahilation

More meta techniques. One Austrian guy from Tsinghua never studied there. Instead, he flashed his brand-new business cards with the Tsinghua U logo on them. Not fiddling about the legal edges, he set up a [fake] Tsinghua U affiliated Consulting Group, an International English school, and a Tsinghua U Technology Review. One American guy claimed he was the International Director for Baidu, the Chinese search engine.

One lady, American also, of course Harvard, used the Tsinghua brand to become the top China feminism scholar. If you are a Chinese person and you do something similar with Western names, they will delete you. But for Western people, it is a quick and easy conquest. Soon four, five, six Western papers will mention you. If the Chinese complain, hundreds of Western papers will side with the Westerners, so that in the end the Chinese names, brands, and trademarks are now Western properties, controlled by Western persons.

Strike together, not divided. There is no way the Chinese can defend this. It is a global gang-up and loot and appropriation of everything Chinese. One Italian meta guy came out of nowhere and to Peking University. He was exceptionally wealthy, ruthless, and lying like a politician. He quickly joined the meta list and they said to him “Write a book on Chairman Mao.” That book, and not the 100,000 other texts written by infra Chinese nobodies, will be made THE book on Chairman Mao. There was a sarcastic frenzy among Western China Experts. In case you don’t know this, the first Western imperialists who messed up China in the 17th century were Italian Jesuits. It was an Italian priest, Matteo Ricci, dispatched by Rome, who became the real Pope of China, the God of Chinese Science, the Founder of the Catholic Church in China, the First Translator, the First Cartographer. If you study China Studies, you will be studying Italian Ricci as the closest thing to the Founding of China. Chinese Religion basically is Matteo Ricci, and not just him, but all those Roman Jesuits. They had their part in founding Peking University, too. Sending in a new Italian meta mafioso, 400 years later, is just so brutal and genius. It is a great metaphor for the Western powers cutting up China and dividing the meat plate.

American imperialists are by far the most reckless. They don’t see the harm they inflict and they cannot be repelled. Within 6 years I stayed in Beijing (2006-2012), the Americans fabricated global experts on Chinese politics, Chinese food, Chinese family planning, and Chinese spacecraft. In my book The Xin-Civilization, I explained how a single detachment from the Harvard battalion here in Beijing—composed of journalists, scholars, and informants—was working systematically on attaching American Harvardians to Chinese intellectual property. The Americans are making sure that everything of importance that ever happens at Peking University will end up being attributed and referenced to some Harvard person.

IMAGE 8 Harvard People Attach Themselves To China Stories In The New York Times

While everything of relevancy and immediacy is picked up by US command and control centers (CC&Cs) in North America and Western Europe, the scribblers of the Empire of Lies [and Sanctions] are pumping toxic hate and nefarious falsehoods about China into the global media. About this, I have also written a protocol, Press Soldiers – How Western Journalists Subvert and Destabilize China. [GET YOUR COPY!]

The press soldiers boost the [bogus] China experts who in reality are agents of the West. Here’s on outline:

IMAGE 9 Press Soldiers Fabricate The Leaders For China

Next the press soldiers promote Chinese dissidents to real heroes, saints, and martyrs. Here’s an overview:

IMAGE 10 Press Soldiers Fabricate The Heroes For China

Let’s not give them even more attention. Instead, let’s use the worn-out image of Albert Einstein again—pars pro toto, one case stands for all cases:  Everybody in the world knows this person for a reason. He looks the part of a mad scientist. He was chosen as the front-facing public persona to represent physics, even though physics back in 1905 was a 1,000,000-people-strong science.

The celebrity propaganda is so strong that Americans today believe scientist Albert Einstein to have invented time, time travel, the universe, and atom bombs, and that he is the No. 1 American Scientist of all time. Even though he was a German with a Swiss passport who wrote in a language no real American can read. He also belonged to a certain ethnic tribe, but this aside.

Now, since you probably cannot remember I’ll help you out: You actually know everything about Albert Einstein—except his papers! Because the papers, as I said, are in German, and physics is a 1,000,000-people-strong research team, and those researchers know the research anyway, regardless of Mr. Einstein. They could tell you physics was a vegetable sitting in a wheelchair, and you would believe that as well. In China, it is exactly the same. The Chinese learn, like the rest of the world, Albert Einstein the American scientist, Albert Einstein the global brand, and Albert Einstein the public intellectual. For what? Who put this celebrity pornography into our brains?

No Chinese, and none of us humans in general, has chosen this person to represent physics or time travel or the universe or America. It was all well-crafted but a certain syndicate, and we must all learn its ways. Now look at all global public figures and you will see the pattern. It is in plain sight, even if it is hidden: The West is the inventor of ALL historical figures in the world.

Part IV. The Digital Invasion of China

 Around 2006, America launched the digital invasion of China. The Internet was always American. The World Wide Web… American. But not all websites. The global take-over was quick. Europe had fallen, online. There are no European Internet firms today. China still has them but was quickly outclassed. Beijing’s lawmakers fought back against the righteous US Empire’s tech firms, but that, as I hope we can all agree on now, amounts to human rights abuse.

IMAGE 11 Search results for Xi Jinping are all US or UK owned

At Stanford University, Yale, Durham, Princeton, the (British) University of Hong Kong, Berkeley, and hundreds of Western universities and their subsidiaries in China and everywhere in Asia (you didn’t know they run overseas operations?), groups had formed who transferred China knowledge to themselves. All Western universities built laborious websites with research topics, researchers, and biographies intended to draw Internet traffic away from China toward the West.

They called it meta coding. It means you manipulate the Internet in such a way that you become the expert on all the topics. The Internet search engines, encyclopedias, and social networks—all US global tech monopolies—would give preference to US scholars, US schools, and US sources of all knowledge available on the planet. So, nation states like China were pretty much over.

IMAGE 12 Search results for Confucius are all US or UK owned

At Peking University in 2004, we barely had a university website or Internet representation online. The Americans owned Peking University from the very first day of the Internet since all searches pointed away from China towards the United States.

You will see in the two screenshots above that, even now in 2022, all search results on the Internet for “Confucius” or the Chinese President “Xi Jinping” will send you to US-UK platforms. It is the same FOR EVERYTHING that ever existed or exists or will exist in China. China in the digital realm is completely taken hostage by a foreign force. That is a fact, and the Chinese didn’t see it coming. They thought the British would come again with opium and gunboats.

Western universities that were the beneficiaries of 400 years Western colonialism, now put up their China collections online. It was the final humiliation, I think. Before the Internet, the Chinese had to travel to the West to study China. Now, they just click away and land in the West.

You can confirm this yourself. Just use Google and search for “Chinese Classics.” The top ten results are Western authorities: WikipediaRoutledge [the publisher], GoodreadsChinese Text Project [Harvard], Amazon [the bookseller], a library in Toronto [how did this get in?], a cultural center in Sydney [probably Australia is up on Googling], Google Books [Google’ own ads, yeah!], Springer [the academic monopolist], and Princeton University. Your results will differ slightly, but please do try.

By 2012, almost every Western academic had been given a Wikipedia profile. US Wikipedia is the global Internet Encyclopedia, the first destination for research using the Internet. Suddenly, all China experts were listed in global encyclopedias, while the object of their studies, the Chinese scholars, were not. No Chinese professor had an internet persona, so they might as well have not existed at all.

The Harvard and Stanford teams at Beida worked weeks and months on profiling American-Chinese professors who had a proven US track record and US degrees, and ignored all the rest of the Chinese-Chinese talent. [Now you might say, if you know all this, why is PKU not inserting the missing Chinese professors into the global database themselves? That is impossible, but PKU and others tried, yes. Short story: Everybody who is not known in the West is immediately marked for deletion. China set up its own Internet Encyclopedia, Baike. Needless to say, having just a Chinese profile is an even greater reason for deletion in the West.]

IMAGE 13 Which Chinese Professors Do Get Mentioned and Which Do Not

Western tech firms and Western content creators elevated their own universities and research groups and favorite Western celebrities to total world domination, not just .edu landing pages, but Research databases, newssites, publishers, think tanks like the Asia Society or Foreign Policy. At the same time, they blew out the lights on unwelcome Chinese contemporaries, forever. Above is a snapshot of the Academic Committee of my former Research Institute at Peking University. These are all geniuses. This is 2022. Only the three professors who studied at Harvard got a global Internet profile from the Harvard wiki team. The other six professors, even though we sent two of them as Visiting Scholars to Harvard, were blocked or deleted as irrelevant. Their research and achievements in literature, history, and philology are then attributed to Western rivals with similar interests.

One American student googled a superb English translation of the Book of Tao by a Peking University professor canceled in the West. The American simply used it as if the words were his, set up a US Youtube channel, got boosted by US Google, and attracted tens of millions of views to Chinese Taoism. Tens of millions! [I laughed so hard. Peking University is kind of superfluous now. Kids can do it!]

Whoever said that “the test of merit was survival” had a point, but probably meant it in an organic, natural way. But nothing today is organic or natural, it is synthetic and fabricated. US tech command & control do suppress pro-China voices. [Good luck finding the opinions of Josef Gregory Mahoney or Larry Romanoff organically.] Those who side with China are not going to survive in history.

GoogleYoutubeFacebook, Wikipedia… are now all blocked in China. The Americans withdrew from China in rage and with bloody revenge fantasies, I can tell you this much. “Withdrawal” is too strong a word anyway, because GoogleMicrosoftAmazonYahooWikipedia, and all monopolies are still here, or shall we say especially here, at Peking and Tsinghua University, and in Zhongguancun, the Silicon Valley of China. They just cannot operate in the open as they wished, not with fancy billboards and tv commercials and ad campaigns. What they still do in China, however, is data mining, surveillance, and subverting the Chinese internet.

In fact, all American cartels are operating in China. I recall 2011 when US Apple opened its Apple Showcase Room inside Peking University Library. Or when US Subway Fast Food Chain opened its Sandwich store close to the Democracy Triangle. All three locations were unreal and proved to be clever US marketing. Provoke controversy and brand awareness.

IMAGE 14 Inside Peking University Apple Showcase Room and American Subway Fastfood Chain

Between 2004 and 2020, there were more US cyber-attacks on Chinese data than there were US bio-attacks on Chinese food supply chains and livestock. It was never reported. Beijing warned the United Nations that America was up to no good in the Asia Pacific. By 2016, it was too late. Way too late. China outside America is wholly embargoed. It ceases to exist. Instead, on any topic, you will be redirected to some Chinese dissidents, Western journalists, and Western books. And the Internet is all more or less anti-Chinese.

When we wanted to meet a [fake] scholar at Stanford University, Francis Fukuyama, he demanded $20k fees. Our institute booked $50k flights and accommodation for the directors, and non-professors had to self-pay. It added nothing of substance to scholarship, if you still live in the four-dimensional world. But if you see the five-dimensional world, it means EVERYTHING.

What can be done against Western world supremacy? Nothing. The meta people are going to unleash five-dimensional war and destruction. Peking and Tsinghua University are subverted. China has no counter attack. It can’t even see it. It is finished. Finis Sinarum.

The author is a German Writer and Cultural Critic. BUY HIS BOOKS!

IMAGE 15 The Portal

A guide to the AngloEuroZionist Establishment Lexicon

September 17, 2022


by Eric Arthur Blair

Neoliberal economics:

Establishment version: modern free market freedom, practised by freedom loving people, to freely create freedomaceous wealth everywhere! Woohoo!

Real World Translation: rigged system to funnel wealth from the poor to the rich by imposition of slave wages and debt servitude = economic enslavement of the 99%


Establishment version: anything contrary to the “truthiness” narrative espoused by Western Mainstream Media Patriots. Is Israel an apartheid state? That’s disinformation!

Real World Translation: anything which portrays the AngoEuroZionist Empire in a bad light and their enemies du jour (Russia, China, Iran etc) in a neutral or favourable light. Absolutely nothing to do with truth or facts.

National Endowment for Democracy:

Establishment version: benevolent fund by the USA to promote rule by, for and of the ordinary people in foreign countries. Yay!

Real World Translation: CIA cutout to finance astroturf campaigns to destabilise foreign governments that do not bend to the US will, in order to install US puppet regimes that will funnel wealth to the USA.

US invasion of Iraq in 2003:

Establishment version: act of “liberation” to save the world from Saddam’s WMDs and bring democracy to the Iraqi people.

Real World Translation: WMD story was a fucking LIE, invasion was done to preserve the US petrodollar and control Iraqi oil assets and give massive contracts to US corporations. Killed more than a million Iraqis by 2010, so I guess you could say those Iraqis were “liberated” (from life).

Russian invasion of Ukraine:

Establishment version: unprovoked aggression by Russian dictator Vlad-the-Impaler Putin on 24 Feb 2022 because he is just plain crazy (also a vampire). So naturally the West needed to ban Russian cats and Tchaikovsky in response.

Real World Translation: belated response by Russian Duma (democratic parliament) to relentless aggression by the US/NATO since 2014 – including the murder of 14,000 civilians in Donbass, ie Russia was forced to intervene to protect Russian speaking Ukrainians from genocide by the US proxies. Also more than 30 bio-pathogen labs funded by the USA (by Victoria Nuland’s own admission) were discovered in Ukraine, so there WERE WMDs in-the-making in Ukraine.

International “Rules based order”:

Establishment version: even the USA cannot properly define WTF this crapulent term means.

Real World Translation: USA makes up their one-sided rules (to always benefit itself) and orders everybody else about, otherwise foreigners face sanctions or coups or assassination of their leaders or invasion. Nothing to do with United Nations International Law.

Far too many Newspeak and Doublethink terms to itemise here!!

Commenters can think of many more!!




  • Speaking Truth is an act of Treason in an Empire of Lies.
  • Putin called the USA an Empire of Lies.
  • Who is the most prominent Truth speaker in the Empire?
  • Julian Assange – who is now being suitably punished for such Treason.


Shea Lies Through Her Teeth as Lebanon’s Electricity Crisis Worsens

August 30, 2022

By Mohammad Youssef

More than a year ago, US Ambassador to Lebanon Dorothy Shea has given a promise to help Lebanon with power supplies from Egypt and Jordan. A year later, all those promises have proven to be utter lies.

Meanwhile, the new Iranian ambassador to Lebanon, Mojtaba Amani, has repeated his predecessor’s offer to supply Lebanon with free fuel had the Lebanese government requested this officially.

This reflects clearly who are the real friends of Lebanon during its dire crisis.

The US ambassador has never been summoned by any official at the foreign ministry to ask her about her continuous lies, nor was she criticized by any Lebanese government official.

The whole issue would cost a decision by Washington to ease the sanctions against Lebanon and lift the siege that blocks the way for receiving help from Egypt and Jordan. Washington which is veteran in sieges against people and bringing them to the brink of deprivation and famine is exercising its criminal policy now against Lebanon and the Lebanese.

This kind of suffocating blockade is reminiscent of other blockades and sieges that the US imposed against free nations in different parts of the world, namely Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Syria, among many others.

This criminal punishment by Washington has cost dear lives, in Iraq alone half-a-million child died because of this, not to mention the great suffering of the people on many levels.

At the time, no one dared to criticize and condemn America for its crimes except for an independent initiative by former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad who set an international tribunal in the year 2005 in the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur to sue the war criminals, the tribunal which was a kind of international conference for judiciary and law experts condemned war criminals namely, US President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Contrary to this, Iran has extended and continues to extend a helping hand to Lebanon on many levels.

It has expressed its willingness and readiness to help Lebanon in building two power plants for electricity supplies which will be of great benefit for our country.

Time and again, the Islamic Republic of Iran has offered help to Lebanon and never given false promises. Nowadays, Iran waits for an official Lebanese answer to the new offer to supply Lebanon with free fuel oil.

The problem has been always because of the official Lebanese stance that fears Washington and its sanctions.

The kind of official conduct by the Lebanese government is shameful and lacks respect for our country and people alike. It does not reflect at all that we are a free and sovereign country, rather a pro-western nation that is dictated by Washington.

My vision and our promise, this will not continue and the majority of the Lebanese will not accept to be subordinate to Washington or any other country.

It is time for our officials to learn how to protect our dignity and independence so they would resemble their people that sacrificed lives for the sake of the country’s independence and liberation.

Geopolitical tectonic plates shifting, six months on

August 24, 2022

by Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted

Six months after the start of the Special Military Operation (SMO) by Russia in Ukraine, the geopolitical tectonic plates of the 21st century have been dislocated at astonishing speed and depth – with immense historical repercussions already at hand. To paraphrase T.S. Eliot, this is the way the (new) world begins, not with a whimper but a bang.

The vile assassination of Darya Dugina – de facto terrorism at the gates of Moscow – may have fatefully coincided with the six-month intersection point, but that won’t change the dynamics of the current, work-in-progress historical drive.

The FSB may have cracked the case in a little over 24 hours, designating the perpetrator as a neo-Nazi Azov operative instrumentalized by the SBU, itself a mere tool of the CIA/MI6 combo de facto ruling Kiev.

The Azov operative is just a patsy. The FSB will never reveal in public the intel it has amassed on those that issued the orders – and how they will be dealt with.

One Ilya Ponomaryov, an anti-Kremlin minor character granted Ukrainian citizenship, boasted he was in contact with the outfit that prepared the hit on the Dugin family. No one took him seriously.

What’s manifestly serious is how oligarchy-connected organized crime factions in Russia would have a motive to eliminate Dugin as a Christian Orthodox nationalist philosopher who, according to them, may have influenced the Kremlin’s pivot to Asia (he didn’t).

But most of all, these organized crime factions blamed Dugin for a concerted Kremlin offensive against the disproportional power of Jewish oligarchs in Russia. So these actors would have the motive and the local base/intel to mount such a coup.

If that’s the case that spells out a Mossad operation – in many aspects a more solid proposition than CIA/MI6. What’s certain is that the FSB will keep their cards very close to their chest – and retribution will be swift, precise and invisible.

The straw that broke the camel’s back

Instead of delivering a serious blow to Russia in relation to the dynamics of the SMO, the assassination of Darya Dugina only exposed the perpetrators as tawdry operatives of a Moronic Murder Inc.

An IED cannot kill a philosopher – or his daughter. In an essential essay Dugin himself explained how the real war – Russia against the collective West led by the United States – is a war of ideas. And an existential war.

Dugin – correctly – defines the US as a “thalassocracy”, heir to “Britannia rules the waves”; yet now the geopolitical tectonic plates are spelling out a new order: The Return of the Heartland.

Putin himself first spelled it out at the Munich Security Conference in 2007. Xi Jinping started to make it happen when he launched the New Silk Roads in 2013. The Empire struck back with Maidan in 2014. Russia counter-attacked coming to the aid of Syria in 2015.

The Empire doubled down on Ukraine, with NATO weaponizing it non-stop for eight years. At the end of 2021, Moscow invited Washington for a serious dialogue on “indivisibility of security” in Europe. That was dismissed with a non-response response.

Moscow took no time to confirm a trifecta was in the works: an imminent Kiev blitzkrieg against Donbass; Ukraine flirting with acquiring nuclear weapons; and the work of US bioweapon labs. That was the straw that broke the New Silk Road camel’s back.

A consistent analysis of Putin’s public interventions these past few months reveals that the Kremlin – as well as Security Council Yoda Nikolai Patrushev – fully realize how the politico/media goons and shock troops of the collective West are dictated by the rulers of what Michael Hudson defines as the FIRE system (financialization, insurance, real estate), a de facto banking Mafia.

As a direct consequence, they also realize how collective West public opinion is absolutely clueless, Plato cave-style, of their total captivity by the FIRE rulers, who cannot possibly tolerate any alternative narrative.

So Putin, Patrushev, Medvedev will never presume that a senile teleprompter reader in the White House or a cokehead comedian in Kiev “rule” anything. The sinister Great Reset impersonator of a Bond villain, Klaus “Davos” Schwab, and his psychotic historian sidekick Yuval Harari at least spell out their “program”: global depopulation, with those that remain drugged to oblivion.

As the US rules global pop culture, it’s fitting to borrow from what Walter White/Heisenberg, an average American channeling his inner Scarface, states in Breaking Bad: “I’m in the Empire business”. And the Empire business is to exercise raw power – then maintained with ruthlessness by all means necessary.

Russia broke the spell. But Moscow’s strategy is way more sophisticated than leveling Kiev with hypersonic business cards, something that could have been done at any moment starting six months ago, in a flash.

What Moscow is doing is talking to virtually the whole Global South, bilaterally or to groups of actors, explaining how the world-system is changing right before our eyes, with the key actors of the future configured as BRI, SCO, EAEU, BRICS+, the Greater Eurasia Partnership.

And what we see is vast swathes of the Global South – or 85% of the world’s population – slowly but surely becoming ready to engage in expelling the FIRE Mafia from their national horizons, and ultimately taking them down: a long, tortuous battle that will imply multiple setbacks.

The facts on the ground

On the ground in soon-to-be rump Ukraine, Khinzal hypersonic business cards – launched from Tu-22M3 bombers or Mig-31 interceptors – will continue to be distributed.

Piles of HIMARS will continue to be captured. TOS 1A Heavy Flamethrowers will keep sending invitations to the Gates of Hell. Crimean Air Defense will continue to intercept all sorts of small drones with IEDs attached: terrorism by local SBU cells, which will be eventually smashed.

Using essentially a phenomenal artillery barrage – cheap and mass-produced – Russia will annex the full, very valuable Donbass, in terms of land, natural resources and industrial power. And then on to Nikolaev, Odessa, and Kharkov.

Geoeconomically, Russia can afford to sell its oil with fat discounts to any Global South customer, not to mention strategic partners China and India. Cost of extraction reaches a maximum of $15 per barrel, with a national budget based on $40-45 for a barrel of Urals.

A new Russian benchmark is imminent, as well as oil in rubles following the wildly successful gas for rubles.

The assassination of Darya Dugina provoked endless speculation on the Kremlin and the Ministry of Defense finally breaking their discipline. That’s not going to happen. The advances along the enormous 1,800-mile front are relentless, highly systematic and inserted in a Greater Strategic Picture.

A key vector is whether Russia stands a chance of winning the information war with the collective West. That will never happen inside NATOstan – even as success after success is ramping up across the Global South.

As Glenn Diesen has masterfully demonstrated, in detail, in his latest book, Russophobia , the collective West is viscerally, almost genetically impervious to admitting any social, cultural, historical merits by Russia.

And that will extrapolate to the irrationality stratosphere, as the grinding down and de facto demilitarization of the imperial proxy army in Ukraine is driving the Empire’s handlers and its vassals literally nuts.

The Global South though should never lose sight of the “Empire business”. The Empire of Lies excels in producing chaos and plunder, always supported by extortion, bribery of comprador elites, assassinations, and all that supervised by the humongous FIRE financial might. Every trick in the Divide and Rule book – and especially outside of the book – should be expected, at any moment. Never underestimate a bitter, wounded, deeply humiliated Declining Empire.

So fasten your seat belts: that will be the tense dynamic all the way to the 2030s. But before that, all along the watchtower, get ready for the arrival of General Winter, as his riders are fast approaching, the wind will begin to howl, and Europe will be freezing in the dead of a dark night as the FIRE Mafia puff their cigars.

Douglas MacGregor: Washington wants this to continue

July 02, 2022

Douglas MacGregor

Sitrep Operation Z: SloMo Collapse

July 01, 2022


By Saker Staff

Let us deal with Snake Island first as the level of noise is unbelievable.

Snake Island in the Black sea will remain under Russian naval and air control. Russian Politician Alexei Chernyak.

End of story

Russia can take that piece of serpentine rock and missile it to non-existence but they’ve just used a rock to remove the Ukraine’s biggest impediment (lie) about the paltry amount of wheat in the ships still unable to make passage. Now the supposed ‘international order’ have no more excuses and the Ukraine must demine their naval mines. But always remember, we’re dealing with the Empire of Lies!

For this one, we will look at the bigger world first, and then we will go on to the ramparts.

A reminder: What is this all about?

A Biden advisor says that US drivers will pay a gas premium for as long as it takes, because:

“This is about the future of the liberal world order and we have to stand firm.”

Liberal world order is code for the rules-based international order which is code for a single pole of power in our world.  In other words, they understand on some level that they are fighting for their existence as the ultimate ruler.

In sharp contrast, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov – Minsk, June 30, 2022

The future world order is at stake. We will go back to the origins and observe in practice the UN Charter principles, above all the principle of sovereign equality of states, or else the world will be plunged into chaos for a long time. Our choice is clear: We stand for unconditional respect for international law. We will uphold this position together with our Belarusian allies and our other numerous like-minded partners who share these approaches, which was confirmed during the recent BRICS summit and in the final documents adopted at this summit.

Russia and the multi-polar world are getting stronger day by day.  Let’s take a look at how the mighty are falling:

EU Circus

We posted a Douglas MacGregor clip recently with the heading: Its collapsed

There is little to be said here and we can only depict this with a cartoon or two.  The number of cartoons generated by this circus exceeded all expectations.  Everyone was cartooning!

NATO – Crisis of Existence and another announcement of Wunderwaffe

The Chinese friends report on the NATO split:

“On the issue of the Russia-Ukraine conflict alone, there are different demands among Western countries, as Germany, France and Italy want to stop the war as soon as possible, and the US is calling on all NATO countries to make a common cause against Russia. Wang Shuo, a professor at the School of International Relations of Beijing Foreign Studies University, believes that in this situation, many European countries are questioning whether NATO can solve the crisis in Ukraine. If it cannot work, what’s the point of NATO’s existence? At the moment when Europeans believe that NATO needs to play a role, it proved itself disunited and incompetent, another sign of NATO’s existential crisis.”

And on the NATO document:

Zhao Lijian: The NATO 2022 Strategic Concept has misrepresented facts and distorted the truth. In this document, NATO once again wrongly defined China as posing “systemic challenges”. It smeared China’s foreign policy and pointed fingers at China’s normal military posture and defense policy. The document seeks to stoke confrontation and antagonism and smacks heavily of Cold War mentality and ideological bias. China is gravely concerned over this and firmly opposes it.

Here is our message for NATO: hyping up the so-called “China threat” will lead nowhere. NATO must immediately stop its groundless accusations and provocative rhetoric against China, abandon the outdated Cold War mentality and zero-sum game mindset, renounce its blind faith in military might and misguided practice of seeking absolute security, halt the dangerous attempt to destabilize Europe and the Asia-Pacific, and act in the interest of security and stability in Europe and beyond.

The Baltic States no longer believe in NATO.

Latvia and Estonia decided to buy air defense systems for joint defense.

“The NATO Summit gave a clear signal that assistance will be provided to those who are ready to defend themselves,” Estonian Defense Minister Laanet said. The initiative to develop regional defense was also supported by his Latvian counterpart Pabriks. “We are working on developing our own capabilities,” he stressed.

Finland states it will NOT extradite its citizens to OTHER countries UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES – Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto.

So, already Turkey’s pre-condition to Finland entering the NATO bloc is falling apart. Perhaps The Sultan knows that this may not happen at all.  This is what it looks like: Finland and Sweden have not joined NATO yet, and there is a long process ahead, says Erdogan. According to him, the signatures at the Madrid summit do not mean the end of the work to eliminate Ankara’s concerns. Turkey wants to see in practice what the decisions reached will mean.

Scholz (for what he is worth) at this very same NATO meet, got scared and quickly urged not to hinder the transit of Russian goods to Kaliningrad.  He wants to reduce the tensions in the  Baltic region.  The most interesting is that Politico reports this.  But then, he wants to set the rules according to some rules-based international order concept that he seemingly thinks he is entitled to promulgate on the spot.

“Transit rules should be established taking into account the fact that we are dealing here with traffic between two parts of Russia,” he said at the NATO summit in Madrid.

And he also tumbles the sanctions:

“In the case of Kaliningrad, an exception should be made from anti-Russian sanctions”, Scholz stressed.

Politician and former energy minister Panagiotis Lafazanis urges (

Greece to conclude a strategic alliance with Russia and to lift sanctions, because “Europe is hit hard by the sanctions. Europe has shot itself.”

And then, Germany Seizes Gazprom LNG Tankers which belonged to the Russian energy giants German subsidiary – Gazprom Germania.  And Russia in the form of Gazprom turns up the Pain Dial by turning off the gas faucet to the company, and key gas retailers in Germany and the UK suddenly stare as the bottom of the tank becomes visible.

So, given the extracts from the last few days through the EU Circus and NATO’s announcement of Wunderwaffen, can you see clearly that they are telling only big stories. These weapons may not materialize, and most know it. Besides, if Russia does not destroy them, she buys them.

Arms trade on the line of contact and indirect deliveries of military equipment from Europe to Russia by Ukrainians

In the context of the news ( about the transfer of another six units of CAESAR self-propelled guns by France to Ukraine, we want to talk a little about how things are with the arms trade on the line of contact.

We already wrote that two CAESAR self-propelled guns went to the Russian side for a ridiculous 120 thousand dollars. At the same time, Ukrainian negotiators initially requested $1 million for the launcher.

How it looks technically in practice:

  • Negotiations are underway through special forces on the possibility of acquiring one or another model of foreign equipment;
  • Since this whole thing is taking place on the line of contact, control over specific types of weapons and military equipment received from the West is rather conditional there: the most you can count on is a relatively timid commander and rather zealous representatives of the SBU, who will not give a damn about reputational losses of Ukraine in case of loss of foreign equipment;
  • The Russian side acts as a picky buyer who does not need outdated weapons and military equipment: everything that is needed was obtained by undercover intelligence and so on. Local Ukrainian businessmen are trying to cash in and somehow sell the RF Armed Forces what they have. As a result, the deals go through, but are guided by the Russian side, at the same time, only by the expediency of maintaining contacts with the enemy;
  • In the line of special forces, they agree on the organization of a massive artillery raid on a certain already empty square to divert attention while the actual transfer of equipment is carried out;
  • The Russian side has already expressed interest in acquiring HIMARS. They asked for more ammo.
  • To the Russian side, we repeat, such deals provide an opportunity to maintain working contacts with the Ukrainian side, which in the future will allow solving much more pressing issues. On the Ukrainian side, there is a great desire not to fight and earn money.

So that is one of the deals with the wunderwaffe.  Here is another:

Some watcher of Ukrainian channels report that Ukrainian General Staff asked Zelensky in the role of the President to please please stop requesting 777 howitzers and NLAW anti-tank systems, which quickly fail or do not function at all.

(The telegram channel where I found this, notes .. hahahahah fucking Wunderwaffe)

Xi Jinping’s current visit to Hong Kong for its 25th anniversary since its handover from the Brits, speaks volumes. As well as Mr. Putin’s planned visit to the upcoming G20. The fact that these two leaders are now traveling outside of their countries must show that something has changed. Either the risk of Covid is now such that they can take it, or the security environment has changed so that their security staff considers such visits as an acceptable risk.

Europe is slowly curtailing payments to Ukrainian refugees.  Poland no longer pays for food and accommodation for Ukrainian refugees, with exception of pregnant women, disabled people, and families with many children.

These are convincing arguments that the EU is breaking and NATO is cracking.

To the ramparts we go

Russian Defense Ministry announces successful advance into Lisichansk, Lugansk region, with Russian and allied forces taking control of the Lisichansk oil refinery as well as other key districts in the city, as Ukrainian forces said to be in disorganized retreat.

Sergei Kiriyenko visited the Kharkov region. Such a visit is considered a sign that Putin has made a decision that the region, now Kharkiv, and formerly Zaporozhye and Kherson will be annexed to Russia. The issuance of Russian passports has started and the formation of administration is in progress.  Russia takes full responsibility for such a region. The Russian flag is forever if Kiriyenko, who is responsible specifically for domestic politics, has been there.

This lovely photo was taken in the Lugansk region.

Once the passports flow, and the banks open, Russia is there: The first branch of Promsvyazbank, one of the largest Russian state banks, has opened in Kherson and already there is a bunch of people in line:

The Kyiv regime is trying to hide the defeat of the Ukrainian troops in Severodonetsk and present the flight of the UAF militants from the Lysychansk direction as a tactical retreat.

Detail as usual comes in many forms and thank you to the commentators who regularly post different takes.  Be aware we’re coming from the fog of Lisichansk, so, don’t believe everything that every Tom, Dick, and Harry pronounce.  Always confirm with the Russian MoD report.    We still like Military Summary.  I would suggest you take in the last report of yesterday before you look at today’s first report.  The reason for that is that he mentions at the end some of those that he works with.

Payback is in progress for the total hack of all Russian sources as the SMO started.

XakNet Team ( hackers hacked the website of the Ukraine is Our Home TV channel. Now the anthem of Russia is played there.

Earlier (, they said that they had gained access to the systems of Ukrainian energy companies of the DTEK group.

And today (, the Killnet ( group brought down the website of the US Federal Tax Payment System.

Enjoy the discussion.  This sitrep will stay up until it gets too full of comments and then we will refresh.

‼️ We Are Z

July 01, 2022


By Batiushka

The Schloss Elmau, ‘a Luxury Spa Retreat and Cultural Hideaway’ was a very suitable location at the end of June 2022 for the G7 elitists, ‘hiding away’ from the anger of their exploited peoples. Holed up in a castle in Bavaria (sounds familiar?), protected by thousands of paramilitaries, the neo-feudal Gang of 7 of the Western world met and condemned freedom, which is another word for multipolarity.

Now freedom is represented by Z. Z means belonging to the Russian World, which is carrying out the existential Special Operation to save itself and the world from the global dictatorship of evil. The Russian World means all who are opposed to the Western/Anglo-Zionist/Globalist/NATO/Nazi ideology and its fake and failed puppet-states, which exist only to ensure the prolongation of colonial oppression and buy overpriced US arms and parrot their propaganda.

We who identify with Z live all over the world, even within the semi-conquered heartlands of the Evil Empire, in the USA, Canada, the UK, the EU, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand. Here in Europe we in Z fight against the US-imposed EU Fourth Reich. But everywhere the letter Z is to be drawn as a sign of hope by all free people who still believe in the God, Who is not mocked.

We are Z, who do not belong to your world,

Where freedom is denied in the name of the tyrannical ‘democratic’ system, in which only one country controls the rest of the world and cruelly exploits it,

Where as a result universal traditions of faith, patriotism and family are despised and trampled down,

Where as a result more money is spent on Offence (‘Defence’) than on any basic human needs,

Where as a result rich countries live in debt at the expense of poor countries,

Where as a result transnational corporations rule and exploit vast tracts of the globe,

Where the land, the sea and the air are sullied by complex manmade chemical compounds which destroy life,

Where as a result vastly rich individuals are richer than whole nations,

Where as a result corruption is so rife that many are murdered or are in prison for no other reason than telling the truth,

Where as a result slavery has again become commonplace,

Where as a result countries such as Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and Yemen suffer genocide at the hands of Western imperialism,

Where as a result there is no right to self-determination for oppressed peoples, like those in the Crimea and the Donbass,

Where as a result the mainstream media, all controlled by the same hegemon, can only tell lies and oppress,

Where as a result one billion are obese and one billion starve,

Where the words Freedom and Truth, Justice and Tradition, Humanity and Sovereignty are cynically mocked and heartily detested.

We are Z and we will not go gentle into your dark night ‼️

When the Lies Come Home

June 19, 2022

After lying for months, the media are preparing the public for Ukraine’s military collapse.

Douglas MacGregor at The American Conservative

Diogenes, one of the ancient world’s illustrious philosophers, believed that lies were the currency of politics, and those lies were the ones he sought to expose and debase. To make his point, Diogenes occasionally carried a lit lantern through the streets of Athens in the daylight. If asked why, Diogenes would say he was searching for an honest man.

Finding an honest man today in Washington, D.C., is equally challenging. Diogenes would need a Xenon Searchlight in each hand.

Still, there are brief moments of clarity inside the Washington establishment. Having lied prolifically for months to the American public about the origins and conduct of the war in Ukraine, the media are now preparing the American, British, and other Western publics for Ukraine’s military collapse. It is long overdue.

The Western media did everything in its power to give the Ukrainian defense the appearance of far greater strength than it really possessed. Careful observers noted that the same video clips of Russian tanks under attack were shown repeatedly. Local counterattacks were reported as though they were operational maneuvers.

Russian errors were exaggerated out of all proportion to their significance. Russian losses and the true extent of Ukraine’s own losses were distorted, fabricated, or simply ignored. But conditions on the battlefield changed little over time. Once Ukrainian forces immobilized themselves in static defensive positions inside urban areas and  the central Donbas, the Ukrainian position was hopeless. But this development was portrayed as failure by the Russians to gain “their objectives.”

Ground-combat forces that immobilize soldiers in prepared defenses will be identified, targeted, and destroyed from a distance. When persistent overhead intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance assets, whether manned or unmanned, are linked to precision guided-strike weapons or modern artillery systems informed by accurate targeting data, “holding ground” is fatal to any ground force. This is all the more true in Ukraine, because it was apparent from the first action that Moscow focused on the destruction of Ukrainian forces, not on the occupation of cities or the capture of Ukrainian territory west of the Dnieper River.

The result has been the piecemeal annihilation of Ukrainian forces. Only the episodic infusion of U.S. and allied weapons kept Kiev’s battered legions in the field; legions that are now dying in great numbers thanks to Washington’s proxy war.

Kiev’s war with Moscow is lost. Ukrainian forces are being bled white. Trained replacements do not exist in sufficient numbers to influence the battle, and the situation grows more desperate by the hour. No amount of U.S. and allied military aid or assistance short of direct military intervention by U.S. and NATO ground forces can change this harsh reality.

The problem today is not ceding territory and population to Moscow in Eastern Ukraine that Moscow already controls. The future of the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions along with the Donbas is decided. Moscow is also likely to secure Kharkov and Odessa, two cities that are historically Russian and Russian-speaking, as well as the territory that adjoins them. These operations will extend the conflict through the summer. The problem now is how to stop the fighting.

Whether the fighting stops in the early fall will depend on two key factors. The first involves the leadership in Kiev. Will the Zelensky government consent to the Biden program for perpetual conflict with Russia?

If the Biden administration has its way, Kiev will continue to operate as a base for the buildup of new forces poised to threaten Moscow. In practice, this means Kiev must commit national suicide by exposing the Ukrainian heartland west of the Dnieper River to massive, devastating strikes by Russia’s long-range missile and rocket forces.

Of course, these developments are not inevitable. Berlin, Paris, Rome, Budapest, Bucharest, Sofia, Vilnius, Riga, Tallin, and, yes, even Warsaw, do not have to blindly follow Washington’s lead. Europeans, like most Americans, are already peering into the abyss of an all-encompassing economic downturn that Biden’s policies are creating at home. Unlike Americans who must cope with the consequences of Biden’s ill-conceived policies, European governments can opt out of Biden’s perpetual-war plan for Ukraine.

The second factor involves Washington itself. Having poured more than $60 billion or a little more than $18 billion a month in direct or indirect transfers into a Ukrainian state that is now crumbling, the important question is, what happens to millions of Ukrainians in the rest of the country that did not flee? And where will the funds come from to rebuild Ukraine’s shattered society in a developing global economic emergency?

When inflation costs the average American household an extra $460 per month to buy the same goods and services this year as they did last year, it is quite possible that Ukraine could sink quietly beneath the waves like the Titanic without evoking much concern in the American electorate. Experienced politicians know that the American span of attention to matters beyond America’s borders is so short that an admission of defeat in Ukraine would probably have little or no immediate consequences.

However, the effects of repeated strategic failures in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria are cumulative. In the 1980s, General Motors wanted to dictate the kind of automobiles Americans would buy, but American consumers had different ideas. That’s why G.M., which dominated the U.S. market for 77 years, lost its top spot to Toyota. Washington cannot dictate all outcomes, nor can Washington escape accountability for its profligate spending and having ruined American prosperity.

In November, Americans will go to the polls. The election itself will do more than test the integrity of the American electoral process. The election is also likely to ensure that Biden is remembered for his intransigence; his refusal to change course, like Herbert Hoover in 1932. Democrats will recall that their predecessors in the Democratic Party effectively ran against Hoover for more than a half century. Republicans may end up running against Joe Biden for the next 50 years.

Douglas Macgregor, Col. (ret.) is a senior fellow with The American Conservative, the former advisor to the Secretary of Defense in the Trump administration, a decorated combat veteran, and the author of five books.

The ‘New G8’ Meets China’s ‘Three Rings’

June 15, 2022

The coming of the new G8 points to the inevitable advent of BRICS +, one of the key themes to be discussed in the upcoming BRICS summit in China.

By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted

The speaker of the Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin, may have created the defining acronym for the emerging multipolar world: “the new G8”.

As Volodin noted, “the United States has created conditions with its own hands so that countries wishing to build an equal dialogue and mutually beneficial relations will actually form a ‘new G8’ together with Russia.”

This non Russia-sanctioning G8, he added, is 24.4% ahead of the old one, which is in fact the G7, in terms of GDP in purchasing power parity (PPP), as G7 economies are on the verge of collapsing and the U.S. registers record inflation.

The power of the acronym was confirmed by one of the researchers on Europe at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Sergei Fedorov: three BRICS members (Brazil, China and India) alongside Russia, plus Indonesia, Iran, Turkey and Mexico, all non adherents to the all-out Western economic war against Russia, will soon dominate global markets.

Fedorov stressed the power of the new G8 in population as well as economically: “If the West, which restricted all international organizations, follows its own policies, and pressures everyone, then why are these organizations necessary? Russia does not follow these rules.”

The new G8, instead, “does not impose anything on anyone, but tries to find common solutions.”

The coming of the new G8 points to the inevitable advent of BRICS +, one of the key themes to be discussed in the upcoming BRICS summit in China. Argentina is very much interested in becoming part of the extended BRICS and those (informal) members of the new G8 – Indonesia, Iran, Turkey, Mexico – are all likely candidates.

The intersection of the new G8 and BRICS + will lead Beijing to turbo-charge what has already been conceptualized as the Three Rings strategy by Cheng Yawen, from the Institute of International Relations and Public Affairs at the Shanghai International Studies University.

Cheng argues that since the beginning of the 2018 U.S.-China trade war the Empire of Lies and its vassals have aimed to “decouple”; thus the Middle Kingdom should strategically downgrade its relations with the West and promote a new international system based on South-South cooperation.

Looks like if it walks and talks like the new G8, that’s because it’s the real deal.

The revolution reaches the “global countryside”

Cheng stresses how “the center-periphery hierarchy of the West has been perpetuated as an implicit rule” in international relations; and how China and Russia, “because of their strict capital controls, are the last two obstacles to further U.S. control of the global periphery”.

So how would the Three Rings – in fact a new global system – be deployed?

The first ring “is China’s neighboring countries in East Asia, Central Asia, and the Middle East; the second ring is the vast number of developing countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America; and the third ring extends to the traditional industrialized countries, mainly Europe and the United States.”

The basis for building the Three Rings is deeper Global South integration. Cheng notes how “between 1980-2021, the economic volume of developing countries rose from 21 to 42.2 percent of the world’s total output.”

And yet “current trade flows and mutual investments of developing countries are still heavily dependent on the financial and monetary institutions/networks controlled by the West. In order to break their dependence on the West and further enhance economic and political autonomy, a broader financial and monetary cooperation, and new sets of instruments among developing countries should be constructed”.

This is a veiled reference to the current discussions inside the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU), with Chinese participation, designing an alternative financial-monetary system not only for Eurasia but for the Global South – bypassing possible American attempts to enforce a sort of Bretton Woods 3.0.

Cheng uses a Maoist metaphor to illustrate his point – referring to ‘the revolutionary path of ‘encircling the cities from the countryside’”. What is needed now, he argues, is for China and the Global South to “overcome the West’s preventive measures and cooperate with the ‘global countryside’ – the peripheral countries – in the same way.”

So what seems to be in the horizon, as conceptualized by Chinese academia, is a “new G8/BRICS+” interaction as the revolutionary vanguard of the emerging multipolar world, designed to expand to the whole Global South.

That of course will mean a deepened internationalization of Chinese geopolitical and geoeconomic power, including its currency. Cheng qualifies the creation of a “three ring “ international system as essential to “break through the [American] siege”.

It’s more than evident that the Empire won’t take that lying down.

The siege will continue. Enter the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF), spun as yet another proverbial “effort” to – what else – contain China, but this time all the way from Northeast Asia to Southeast Asia, with Oceania thrown in as a bonus.

The American spin on IPEF is heavy on “economic engagement”: fog of (hybrid) war disguising the real intent to divert as much trade as possible from China – which produces virtually everything – to the U.S. – which produces very little.

The Americans give away the game by heavily focusing their strategy on 7 of the 10 ASEAN nations – as part of yet another desperate dash to control the American-denominated “Indo-Pacific”. Their logic: ASEAN after all needs a “stable partner”; the American economy is “comparatively stable”; thus ASEAN must subject itself to American geopolitical aims.

IPEF, under the cover of trade and economics, plays the same old tune, with the U.S. going after China from three different angles.

– The South China Sea, instrumentalizing ASEAN.

– The Yellow and East China Seas, instrumentalizing Japan and South Korea to prevent direct Chinese access to the Pacific.

– The larger “Indo-Pacific” (that’s were India as a member of the Quad comes in).

It’s all labeled as a sweet apple pie of “stronger and more resilient Indo-Pacific with diversified trade.”

BRI corridors are back

Beijing is hardly losing any sleep thinking about IPEF: after all most of its multiple trade connections across ASEAN are rock solid. Taiwan though is a completely different story.

At the annual Shangri-La dialogue this past weekend in Singapore, Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe went straight to the point, actually defining Beijing’s vision for an East Asia order (not “rules-based”, of course).

Taiwan independence is a “dead end”, said General Wei, as he asserted Beijing’s peaceful aims while vigorously slamming assorted U.S. “threats against China”. At any attempt at interference, “we will fight at all costs, and we will fight to the very end”. Wei also handily dismissed the U.S. drive to “hijack” Indo-Pacific nations, without even mentioning IPEF.

China at it stands is firmly concentrated on stabilizing its western borders – which will allow it to devote more time to the South China Sea and the “Indo-Pacific” further on down the road.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi went on a crucial trip to Kazakhstan – a full member of both BRI and the EAEU – where he met President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and all his counterparts from the Central Asian “stans” in a summit in Nur-Sultan. The group – billed as C+C5 – discussed everything from security, energy and transportation to Afghanistan and vaccines.

In sum, this was all about developing much-needed corridors of BRI/ New Silk Roads – in sharp contrast to the proverbial Western lamentations about BRI reaching a dead end.

Two BRI-to-the-bone projects will go on overdrive: the China-Central Asia Gas Pipeline Line D, and the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway. Both have been years in the making, but now have become absolutely essential, and will be the flagship BRI projects in the Central Asian corridor.

The China-Central Asia Gas Pipeline Line D will link Turkmenistan’s gas fields to Xinjiang via Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. That was the main theme of the discussions when Turkmen President Berdimuhamedow visited Beijing for the Winter Olympics.

The 523 km China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway for its part will crucially link the two Central Asian “stans” to the China-Europe freight rail network, via the existing rail networks in Turkmenistan.

Considering the current incandescent geopolitical scenario in Ukraine, this is a bombshell in itself, because it will enable freight from China to travel via Iran or via Caspian ports, bypassing sanctioned Russia. No hard feelings, in terms of the Russia-China strategic partnership: just business.

The Kyrgyz, predictably, were ecstatic. Construction begins next year. According to Kyrgyz President Zhaparov, “there will be jobs. Our economy will boom.”

Talk about China acting decisively in its “first ring”, in Central Asia. Don’t expect anything of such geoeconomic breadth and scope being “offered” by IPEF anywhere in ASEAN.

Gonzalo Lira: The Great Ukraine Blame Game Has Begun!

June 10, 2022

It’s education, stupid!

June 02, 2022


By Fẹmi Akọmọlafẹ

Maybe it is time the Collective West does something about its educational system.

Watching the performances of Russians and Western officials, one immediately notices that the much-touted and ultra-expensive “education “ provided in the West today is actually not up to par.

The Russian actions in Ukraine revealed a West where leaders remain emotional juveniles who continue to REACT jerkily to Russia’s deft moves. That’s when they are not busy projecting their own values and behavior onto the Russians.

Not only have the Russians vastly outplayed the West militarily, economically, and geopolitically, the actions/reactions of the West have boomeranged mightily to Russia’s advantage. The hyperinflation ravaging the West is just one example.

The exposure of the impotence of the much-touted NATO is also glaring for all to see; the Russians have made a mincemeat of what was touted as the best army in Europe, trained and equipped to NATO’s standards.

It is like every move by the Americans and their vassals in the EU was calculated to benefit the Russians.

This happened because they were ill-taught, and irrational resulting in pure emotional lash outs.

There’s simply no logic behind them.

A good example is how Western sanctions resulted in Russia earning jumbo income from selling less of its oil and gas.

Thank you very much!.

In addition to always being on top of their game, Russian officials always come across as well-educated, well-informed, well-mannered, sophisticated, cultured, and respectful. Western officials, on the other hand, attack the world as haughty, naughty, ill-mannered, ill-educated, uncultured, provincial, and narcissistic imbeciles.

They lack the elementary decorum necessary to engage peers in respectful manners. Ok, superciliousness, fueled by racist arrogance, might partly explain why they behave so, but we cannot discount the possibilities that they simply lack the education, the culture, and the home training required for civilized behavior, especially in encounters with other cultures.

The question needs to be asked how the Collective West ended up with the current gaggle of clowns holding positions of responsibility?

Examples abound aplenty: Just take a look at Sergey Lavrov and compare him with that dwarfish oaf, Anthony Blinken. Please, how did the once great US get to appoint that trashy lightweight idiot supposed to engage with a towering Diplomat of Mr Lavrov’s caliber?  Can’t a kindhearted one whisper in his ears how utterly ridiculous he appears and sounds when he issues stupid threats?

And how do we compare the seriously martial Sergei Shoigu with that Raytheon’s Uncle Tom arms merchant, Lloyd Austin?

And we then have the magnificent, confident, articulate, urbane and sophisticated woman Mr Lavrov appointed to speak for his Foreign Ministry. Please, do not take my word for it, just point out a Western official, male or female (forget the other stupid pronouns concocted by Western woke narcissists pumped up with hedonism), who can match Maria Zakharova in confident eloquence?

It didn’t use to be like this. The West was once great. I should know; I studied there.

Even as a student I noticed that there’s something terribly wrong with the type of education western institutions dish out to students starting in the late 1980s. It is quite noticeable, even to an undergraduate like myself, that there is a TOTAL disconnection between what is being taught at the universities and what transpires in REAL LIFE.

Take what is called Economics as an example. A degree, Bachelor of Science (B.Sc), is awarded to students who successfully complete the four-year program.

Any honest person will know that there’s absolutely nothing scientific in the potpourri of jargon western economists continue to string together to dazzle the gullible.

Meaningless figures and data are churned out to bamboozle people into believing that producing “services” is somehow superior to having mineral resources and a strong manufacturing base. The magicians, who masquerade as economists in the West, successfully cast spells that made people accept fancifully-printed papers, that are backed by nothing, in lieu of gold, diamond, cocoa, coal, titanium, and other real products.

These types of deliberate falsehoods and concoctions explain why Western economies are based on illusions and delusions as the Great V Putin exposed in recent encounters with the Collective West.

Arrogant and totally ignorant Westerners had no idea what the Russians had in stock for them when they started their stupid sanctions which they believed would destroy the Russian economy.

A little knowledge of history, geography, geopolitics, and geoeconomics should have informed the West that a country (the largest in the world) that is not only self-sufficient in food production, but produces almost all the metals required by all of the major industries and, in addition, is the world’s leading energy (oil and gas) producer, is not one to trifle or pick a fight with.

Most especially, not by a bunch of self-worshipping, resource-less, parasitical inconsequential nonentities like the EU states, who suffer from excessive self-regard.

There is little doubt the arrogance of the Collective West is fueled by ignorance which is a result of the poor quality of the education produced by the ideological institutions the West call universities, which have been transformed from places of rigorous learning into ones that produce only selfish, self-centered, narcissistic, hedonistic ideologues who are incapable of any thought beyond the ME!

Education reflects the mental attitude of the people. A society that recognizes neither wrong nor right, truth or falsehood cannot produce upright people who are capable of subjecting their thoughts and actions to deep reflections and applying the necessary breaks to curb their animalistic impulses.

Right from infancy, Westerners are brought up to regard everything as relative and to mix up rhetoric with actions.

Children in nurseries are told tales about the cow jumping over the moon. They are later introduced to the fable of a Santa Claus who deliver gifts through the chimney (let’s not mention the gross racism inherent in the Dutch version of that silly ‘tradition’). From here the westerner is told only tales about how his superior race brought the light of civilization to the rest of the world. Never mind the fact that half of the human drama passed before a European appeared on the scene. And never mind the documented fact that Europeans extinguished the light of civilization wherever they went. Let’s not even consider the absurdity of vandals and rapacious conquerors claiming to be civilizers! What civilization did Europe bring to the Americas? What superior knowledge, apart from that of guns, did the British bring to the Benin Kingdom?

A system of education that teaches everything about personal freedom but remains silent on responsibilities, basic values, and respect for elders and institutions cannot but produce self-seeking, self-affirming narcissistic individuals who will regard any suggestion or notion of rights of others as personal assaults.

A system of education that mistakes cheating and lying for cleverness can not but produce the type of Ambassador Michael McFaul who laughs,  when confronted with the lies the West told over Ukraine’s NATO membership and exclaimed: “That is the real world. Welcome to the real world.”

Basically, McFaul told us that the west exists in a real world where the telling of lies is the normal thing! Per his profile, McFaul is a professor in one of the top universities in the US. What type of minds will a man like McFaul produce?

Societies reflect the people that live in them. Western societies produced rugged individualistic-minded people who, in turn, find it difficult to cope with an international arena where the game is to give and take. Despite the fact that they proclaim their superiority over the rest of us, Western societies are incapable of operating on a level playing field. They cannot compete unless the cards are stacked in their favor. If they deny it, they simply should abandon their sense of entitlement and join the rest of humanity in playing by the rules agreed upon by the comity of nations.

Just take a good look at the current crop of Western leaders. The senile mannequin Biden has been a professional politician like for forever and a half. Macron is an investment banker, essentially one who conjures money from thin air, or what are derivatives, futures, etc?

The one in Germany, Scholz, is a lawyer. We all know that lawyers are born liars who make money by manipulating facts and telling barefaced lies. A great pity that we did not listen to Shakespeare and kill all the lawyers!

That lying, cheating, racist, boorish, unscrupulous, drunken addict like Boris Johnson became the leader of a former Great Britain shall forever remain one of the greatest mysteries of our time. It shall also go down as one of the worst things the British did to themselves.

Please, don’t get me wrong, I shed no tears for the inhabitants of that Island of iniquities.

Sadly, for them, the Collective West used to have very solid leaders. No matter how much one disagrees with them or hated their ideology, one cannot but respect Ronald Reagan, Helmut Kohl, Margaret Thatcher, Francois Mitterrand, and George Bush sr.

These men and women were true statesmen, prepared to defend their national interests while recognizing the need not to negate the interests of their peer actors in the global geopolitical arena.

Both Reagan and Thatcher were extreme ideologues, but they still both recognized that they cannot wish the USSR (Russia) away without destabilizing the global security architecture. They acted accordingly.

Alas, today, there’s not a single leader in the West with either the intellectual depth or the cultural sophistication to handle complex geopolitical issues.


  • At his first meeting with Chinese officials, the arrogant but amateurish US Secretary of State was promptly shot down by a Chinese official who told him point-blank: “The United States does not have the qualification to say that it wants to speak to China from a position of strength.”
  • In their encounter,  Russia’s FM Lavrov publicly humiliated the queen that poses as the UK’s FM, Truss, by exposing her shallowness and ignorance of basic geography.

With leaders such as these, it is little wonder that the west continues to self-destruct with the speed that few people thought possible.

First, western officials’ lack of simple courtesy, manners, and etiquette is quite stunning.

In many cultures, bullies are considered uncultured philistines and are promptly dispensed with. Even at the height of their war with Iraq we witnessed how US Secretary James Addison Baker continued to extend diplomatic and personal courtesies to his Iraqi counterpart, Tarik Aziz.

Puffed up with insane arrogance, the West rushed to impose thousands of sanctions on Russia. The belief was that the sanctions would cripple Russia and make it forgo the pursuits of its national interests.

So many things are terribly wrong with this assumption and it can only be the product of utterly stupid brains. Just a few: How could anyone in their right mind think that the Russians would have failed to consider ALL possibilities before they decided to confront the west in an existential struggle?

Forget about the Ukraine, Russian officials told whoever would listen that the Ukraine is just a sideshow; upending western domination is the ultimate goal. The Russians simply had enough of bullying and they planned to put an end to it.

Russians are world champions in both mathematics and chess playing, one must be utterly daft to even think that a Judoka like V Putin will go into battle without adequate preparations and preparedness.

Three months later, not only did Russia shrug off all the touted “sanctions from hell,’ but its economy is back on track, steady income are streaming into its treasury, and its currency, the Ruble, has emerged as the best currency in the world!

Instead of the Ruble turning into rubble as the dimwit Biden promised, Russians today worry more about the strength of their currency.

So, how did the West get it so spectacularly wrong?

It’s education, stupid.

While other societies stepped up on the teachings of mathematics and science, the West focused its attention on WOKISM.

The teaching of new pronouns became more important to a people that have become over-obsessed with their genitalias. Not even children were spared in the degenerate obsession to sexualize everything.

The west abandoned the teaching of history. So, people grew up not knowing anything about their past. Years of obscenely grotesque overconsumption produced inert citizens who became too decadent for their own good.

The consequences of these long years of easy living (off the back of foreign resources) are people who deluded themselves that their easy living was made possible by some immutable law of nature.

Westerners forgot that the institutions and the unfair international economic setups which guarantee them to live like exceptionalists were created by crafty, highly-educated, and far-seeing men and women who managed to collar the best advantages for the West.

Example: We saw how spectacularly the Euro has nosedived since V Putin asked Europeans to pay for his gas in his currency.

Not only have the ill-thought sanctions boomeranged badly on the sanctioneers, but the west has also ended up financing Russia’s military campaign in the Ukraine.

More sanctions from hell, please!

Fẹmi Akọmọlafẹ is a writer and a published author. He is a member of the Ghana Association of Writers.

His latest book, “Africa: a Continent on Bended Knees” is available on:
On Ghana Association of Writers Website: