JULY 14TH, 2023



The deadly Israeli invasion of Jenin on July 3 was not a surprise.

Also unsurprising is the fact that the killing of 12 Palestinians, wounding of 120 more and the destruction of nearly 80 percent of the Jenin Refugee Camp’s homes and infrastructure will not make an iota of a difference.

Even Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, despite his lofty promises of destroying the “safe haven … of the terrorist enclave in Jenin”, must have known that his bloody exercise was ultimately futile.

Indeed, as the Israeli military machine was toppling homes, smashing cars and harvesting lives, several Palestinian retaliatory attacks were reported, including in Tel Aviv on July 4 and in the Kedumim illegal settlement on July 6.

In fact, unlike the Israeli response to the Second Palestinian Uprising (Intifada) of 2000, extreme violence will not weaken but heighten Palestinian Resistance and counterattacks.

Back then, the Palestinian Authority had a degree of control over Palestinian groups and managed, although with great difficulties, to contain the Palestinian street.

Now, the PA has no such leverage.

Indeed, when a delegation of PA officials visited Jenin on July 5 to show ‘solidarity’ and to promise help in the recovery efforts, Jenin residents kicked the officials out of their camp.

Thus, neither did Israel manage to regain any kind of control over Jenin, nor did the PA succeed in reinventing itself as the savior of the people.

So, what was the point of all of this?

he deadly Israeli invasion of Jenin on July 3 was not a surprise.

Also unsurprising is the fact that the killing of 12 Palestinians, wounding of 120 more and the destruction of nearly 80 percent of the Jenin Refugee Camp’s homes and infrastructure will not make an iota of a difference.

Even Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, despite his lofty promises of destroying the “safe haven … of the terrorist enclave in Jenin”, must have known that his bloody exercise was ultimately futile.

Indeed, as the Israeli military machine was toppling homes, smashing cars and harvesting lives, several Palestinian retaliatory attacks were reported, including in Tel Aviv on July 4 and in the Kedumim illegal settlement on July 6.

In fact, unlike the Israeli response to the Second Palestinian Uprising (Intifada) of 2000, extreme violence will not weaken but heighten Palestinian Resistance and counterattacks.

Back then, the Palestinian Authority had a degree of control over Palestinian groups and managed, although with great difficulties, to contain the Palestinian street.

Now, the PA has no such leverage.

Indeed, when a delegation of PA officials visited Jenin on July 5 to show ‘solidarity’ and to promise help in the recovery efforts, Jenin residents kicked the officials out of their camp.

Thus, neither did Israel manage to regain any kind of control over Jenin, nor did the PA succeed in reinventing itself as the savior of the people.

So, what was the point of all of this?

Palestinian youth take shots at invading Israeli troops in Jenin. Right, an explosion as a bomb erupts in front of an Israeli military vehicle in Jenin. Photos | AP

Writing in Haaretz, Zvi Bar’el linked the whole Jenin operation, dubbed ‘House and Garden’, to Netanyahu’s “loss of political control” over his government, in fact, the whole country.

It was “a showy operation,” Bar’el wrote, and “no sensible person in the army or the Shin Bet security service, or even in the silent circles of the right, actually believed that the operation would eradicate” the armed resistance, not only in Jenin but anywhere throughout the West Bank.

A ‘showy operation,’ indeed, and the best proof of that is the language emanating from official Israeli sources, lead among them Netanyahu himself.

The politically but also legally embattled rightwing Israeli leader bragged about his army’s “comprehensive action”, carried out in a “very systemic way … from the ground, from the air (and) with superb intelligence.”

He vowed to “return to Jenin” if “Jenin returns to terror”, and this “will happen much faster and with much greater power than what people might imagine.”

Tel Aviv’s Minister of Defense, Yoav Gallant, also spoke about the military’s “success”, in “deal(ing) a heavy blow to the terror organizations in Jenin” and recording “impressive operational achievements.”

But none of this hyped language is true. What Israel refers to as ‘terror organizations’ in Jenin is part of a much larger phenomenon of armed Resistance, itself an outcome of an even larger movement of popular resistance that is felt in every corner of Occupied Palestine.

Quelling the rebellion is not a question of firepower. On the contrary, Israel’s ‘impressive operational achievement’ has simply poured fuel on a raging fire.

To distract from his mounting problems and to keep his hardline coalitions of far-right politicians and their popular base of illegal Jewish settlers happy, Netanyahu has done the most foolish thing. He has simply turned a potential armed rebellion in Palestine into an imminent West Bank-wide revolution.

Unlike the Second Intifada, neither Israel nor the PA has any leverage over the new generation of Palestinian resisters. They are neither moved by false promises of a state, of jobs, of international funds nor seem to fear threats of detention, torture or even death.

On the contrary, the greater the violence Israel metes out against Palestinians, the more emboldened they become.

Any examination of the political discourse of this new Palestinian generation, including that of social media, demonstrates a degree of fearlessness that is truly unprecedented.

This courage can be attributed in part to Gaza, whose ongoing resistance, despite the siege and horrific wars in the last two decades, has greatly impacted the youth of the West Bank.

And, while PA President Mahmoud Abbas and his Palestinian enemies engaged in a protracted charade of ‘national unity talks’ and ‘power-sharing,’ the new generation operated entirely independent from these superficial and insincere slogans.

Though they were mostly born or matured after the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1993, they perceive the political language and culture of that era as alien to them.

It is as if two different Palestines exist – one of Abbas, Fatah, factions, Oslo, donors’ money, ‘peace process’ and dirty politics and another of united Resistance on the ground, sumoud (steadfastness), Gaza, Jenin, Nablus, Lions’ Den and more.

Neither Netanyahu and Gallant nor Abbas and his PA allies seem to understand, nor are willing to understand, this historical shift in political discourses, cultures and language.

They are disinterested in the cultural shift simply because it does not serve the status quo, which has served them well. Netanyahu wants to stay in power as long as possible; Gallant wants to demonstrate his military prowess – for the sake of running for a higher office in the future – and Abbas wants to keep whatever share of power and money allocated to him.

Perhaps, at a deeper level, they all understand that what worked in the past – more violence in the case of Israel and more financial bribes and corruption in the case of the PA, will not work in the present.

Yet, they are likely to stay the course simply because they are weak, desperate and have no long-term visions, let alone real understanding of what is transpiring in Palestine now.

In some ways, it is a generational problem and a conflict.

As soon as Israel invaded Jenin, all the traditional actors returned to the old script of previous Israeli wars and invasions. They scurried into position, using the ever-predictable language, approving, condemning, applauding and cautioning.

For the older generation, the time has stood still. But it has not. The new Palestinian generation has buried the ghosts of the past and moved on. And now, they are ready to speak for themselves and to fight for themselves. Jenin is just the start.

More Than 40 Palestinians Injured In ‘Israeli’ Raid on Nablus

May 30, 2023

By Staff, Agencies

The ‘Israeli’ occupation forces stormed a refugee camp on the outskirts of the West Bank city of Nablus on Tuesday, injuring more than 40 Palestinians, local media reported.

Some 46 Palestinians were treated for wounds during the raid on the Askar refugee camp which took place in the predawn hours of Tuesday morning, said Ahmad Jibril, the head of the Emergency and Ambulance Department at the Palestinian Red Crescent Society.

The report added that 44 of the injured Palestinians suffered tear gas inhalation.

Palestinian security sources said a large unit of ‘Israeli’ occupation forces broke into the family house of Hasan Qatanani and mapped it out before a planned demolition.

Qatanani was martyred by the Zionist forces earlier this month. The ‘Israeli’ occupation military claimed that he was responsible for the April shooting attack in the Jordan Valley which killed three Zionist settlers.

During the raid, the sources said, the ‘Israeli’ soldiers also broke into several other houses and measured the home of Palestinian martyr Hussam Saleem.

He had allegedly planned and directed a shooting operation by the Nablus-based Palestinian resistance group Lions’ Den that killed a Zionist soldier in the northern West Bank last October.

The regime razes Palestinian homes to punish the family of those who allegedly carried out operations against its occupation forces.

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs [OCHA] calls the practice “collective punishment” of Palestinians. The UN agency deems the practice “illegal under international law.”

Additionally, on Tuesday, the occupation forces raided the Nur Shams refugee camp, near the West Bank city of Tulkarm, sparking confrontations with Palestinian resistance fighters.

The ‘Israeli’ military said one of its soldiers was moderately hurt by shrapnel after an explosive device was detonated.

Tensions have been running high in the occupied West Bank over the past year, with the ‘Israeli’ occupation military conducting violent raids under the pretext of detaining what it calls “wanted” Palestinians.

As a result of these attacks, at least 112 Palestinians have lost their lives and many others have been kidnapped.

Mass Friday Prayers at Al-Aqsa, Palestinian Worshippers Chant for Hamas’ Mohammad Deif

 March 31, 2023

Palestinians performing the second Friday prayer of Ramadan at the holy Al-Aqsa Mosque (March 31, 2023).

Tens of thousands of Palestinians defied Israeli repressive measures in occupied Al-Quds (Jerusalem) and took part in Friday prayers at Al-Aqsa Mosque on the second week of the holy month of Ramadan.

Palestinian media reported unprecedented participation in Friday prayers at Al-Aqsa, with Shehab news agency putting the number of worshipers at 250,000.

The Times of Israel reported that at least 52,000 Palestinians crossed into the occupied territories from the West Bank. It said that occupation forces were on alert in both Al-Quds and the West Bank, noting that 2,300 soldiers were deployed there.

Following prayers, hundreds of worshipers took part in anti-occupation protest during which Palestinians chanted slogans in praise of “martyrs” and in support of Hamas shadowy military chief Mohammad Deif.

A video circulating on social media showed an imam calling on the crowd to protect the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, before chanting slogans extolling the martyrs, with the audience shouting in response “We are the people of Mohammad Deif.”

Deif is the supreme commander of Ezzeddine Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas. A banner in support of Hamas and its military arm was raised on Al-Aqsa Mosque. The symbol of the Nablus-based resistance group Lions’ Den was also hung from one of the arches of the esplanade.

Other photos also showed Palestinian young men risking their lives climbing the Israeli segregation barrier in a bid to reach Al-Quds and pray at Al-Aqsa.

Source: Palestinian and Israeli media (translated and edited by Al-Manar English Website)


Mysterious bombing shakes Israeli security establishment

March 15 2023

The explosive device that was planted on the side of the Route 65 highway in Megiddo has been described as very sophisticated in nature, and does not resemble those used by Palestinians in the occupied West Bank

ByNews Desk

(Photo Credit: The Times of Israel)

A mysterious roadside bombing at the Megiddo junction in northern Israel on 13 March preoccupied the Israeli security establishment, which has placed the incident under heavy gag orders and refused to publish specific details on the subject due to its sensitive nature.

According to The Times of Israel, police and medics reported that the explosion took place around 6:00 am on the Route 65 highway at the Megiddo Junction, near the Megiddo prison, leaving a young man badly injured after the bomb exploded near his car.

The victim, 21-year-old Shareef al-Din from the northern Arab village of Salem, is being treated at Rambam Hospital in Haifa and is said to be in serious condition after suffering from shrapnel to his entire body, including his head, according to medical officials.

Official Israeli sources have said that the victim may not have been the intended target, as the roadside bomb reportedly planned to target passing soldiers and settlers.

The bomb was apparently planted on the side of the highway, which remained closed for nearly 10 hours after the incident.

Following the incident, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant held a series of security meetings that lasted over 24 hours. Additionally, Yedioth Ahronoth reported that the incident is being investigated by the Shin Bet security agency.

Israeli Kan 11 channel reported that “most of the details of the case are forbidden to be published according to censorship instructions – the security system is very concerned about the details of the case.”

This news comes following a series of security incidents over the past week, including multiple explosives found on settler buses in the West Bank settlement of Beitar Illit on 9 March.

The same day, three resistance leaders were gunned down by Israeli Border Police in Jenin – an explosive charge was also found in their car.

Back in November of last year, Palestinian resistance carried out a twin bombing attack in Jerusalem that was described by the Shin Bet as “complex.” The IEDs were placed on the roadside and attempted to target fully occupied buses using a remote-detonation mechanism.

However, the Megiddo incident, in particular, has been under heavy censorship by the Israeli army. Described as a “commando operation” that is “completely unusual in the security establishment,” according to Yisrael Hayom, it is still unknown who planned the attack, which involved an “elaborate and compact device” that does not resemble those often used in the occupied West Bank.

Hebrew sources compared the explosive device to past roadside bombs used by the Lebanese resistance group Hezbollah against the Israeli army in South Lebanon.

Israeli military strategist and former Chief of Staff of the army Gadi Eisenkot told Knesset members on 14 March that “the Israeli army is at a crossroads, and we are currently going through one of the most serious security periods since the Yom Kippur war.”

Expert on Israeli affairs, Dr. Adnan Abu Amer, said that “it is clear that we are facing a dangerous and unusual series of explosive device detonations, which raises questions about who planned it, how it reached this sensitive area, and will the coming days carry other devices?”

Recent months have witnessed an increase in the use of explosive devices by Palestinians as opposed to just shooting operations, in what is being described by many as the beginnings of a third intifada. As a result, the security establishment fears advancement in bomb-making by the Palestinian resistance in the occupied West Bank.

Such bombing operations are reminiscent of those carried out during the Second Intifada, which saw several large-scale attacks, such as the Megiddo Junction bus bombing of 2002 by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ).

In a 14 March feature by Haaretz, Amos Harel writes: “The Shin Bet and IDF have been concerned for several months about increased attempts” by Palestinians to prepare explosive charges.

Israeli officials have said that publishing the details of the Megiddo bombing will undermine the public’s sense of security at a time when the security establishment is trying to avoid confrontation.Keywords

Nablus resistance fiercely responds to Israeli incursion

March 16 2023

Israeli troops violently stormed Nablus’ Balata region to protect settlers who were on their way to Joseph’s Tomb

Settlers entering Joseph’s Tomb under protection from Israeli troops. July 2019. (Photo credit: IDF)

By News Desk

Israeli troops and settlers raided Balata village in the occupied West Bank city of Nablus in the early hours of 16 March, injuring three Palestinians and subjecting dozens to suffocation from tear gas, Palestinian news agency WAFA reported.

The military raided the area to protect dozens of Israeli settlers who were being accompanied by the troops while on their way to visit Joseph’s Tomb.

According to the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS), three Palestinians were hit by live ammunition and were taken to the hospital. Palestinian ambulances were reportedly prevented from entering the Balata refugee camp.

As the Israeli army stormed Nablus’ eastern region, they deployed snipers across several buildings. Clashes started as a result, and Palestinian resistance fighters belonging to the Lions’ Den resistance group and other factions confronted the Israeli troops with gunfire.

Israeli troops were also targeted with Palestinian explosive devices, resulting in several injuries among their ranks.

“There are confirmed injuries after an Israeli infantry force was targeted with an explosive device during its storming of the Dahiya area in Nablus,” the Lions’ Den said in a statement.

تفجير عبوة ناسفة وسط جنود الاحتلال الذين يقتحمون المنطقة الشرقية في نابلس

— Hisham Abu Shaqrah | هشام أبو شقرة (@HShaqrah) March 15, 2023

“Our fighters also targeted a military jeep with a locally made explosive device on Amman Street in the eastern region of Nablus city,” the statement added.

🎥لحظة استهداف قوات الاحتلال بقنبلة محلية الصنع خلال اقتحام المنطقة الشرقية لمدينة #نابلس

— وكالة شهاب للأنباء (@ShehabAgency) March 15, 2023

There has been a marked increase in the use of explosive devices against Israeli troops by the Palestinian resistance, resulting in significant concerns across Israel’s security establishment.

Settlers are regularly escorted into the Joseph’s Tomb holy site under heavy protection from Israeli troops, who violently storm the area for the settlers to enter.

On Thursday morning, Israeli troops stormed other areas of the West Bank, detaining several Palestinians.

As the Palestinian resistance in the occupied West Bank spreads exponentially, Israeli troops have stepped up their violent raids.

Since the start of the year, Israel has killed at least 84 Palestinians. With Ramadan approaching, tensions are expected to ignite even further, as Israel is known to step up harsh security measures during the holy month.

On 14 March, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) resistance movement called on Palestinians in all the occupied territories to take up arms and launch a third intifada.

Dead on arrival: The US plan to train PA ‘special forces’ in the West Bank

March 15 2023

Despite being in conflict with armed resistance factions in the West Bank, Palestinian Authority forces have also collaborated with them, posing a challenge to those who seek to divide Palestinians.

Photo Credit: The Cradle

By Robert Inlakesh

The Palestinian Authority (PA) has reportedly agreed to implement a controversial US proposal aimed at restoring its control over northern West Bank areas that are currently dominated by newly formed Palestinian resistance groups. However, the plan, lacking an understanding of the realities on the ground, may have unintended consequences.

During US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s visit to Israel in late January, reports allege that PA President Mahmoud Abbas was pressured to accept a new security plan drafted by US security coordinator Michael Fenzel. According to Israeli and American sources, the proposal involves the formation of a special PA force tasked with combatting armed groups in restive areas like Nablus and Jenin.

The PA is losing control

Since 2021, the formation of new resistance factions, including the Jenin Brigades and Lions’ Den, has challenged the authority of the Palestinian Authority Security Forces (PASF) on the ground in the West Bank. These armed groups have gained public support and power, making it difficult for the PASF to maintain security control in the latter’s strongholds.

On 31 March, 2022, the Israeli government launched ‘Operation Break the Wave’, which led to frequent Israeli night raids on West Bank villages and communities. Despite the high death tolls among Palestinians in the West Bank, Israel has failed to curb the rising rate of resistance attacks and operations against its soldiers and illegal settlers. In fact, the armed struggle is only growing in size and scope.

In February, CIA director Bill Burns expressed concern that the situation in the West Bank today is beginning to resemble the climate of the Second Intifada of the early-to-mid 2000s. The loss of security control by the PA is a cause for concern for Washington, and the CIA has been working with both the PA and Israel in order to stabilize the situation.

While the PA has not officially commented on the plans for forming a special task force to deal with the armed movements, reports suggest that they have accepted the US’s “Fenzel Plan.” Although not publicly disclosed at the time, an official from the PA’s ruling Fatah party, Abbas Zaki, referenced a private security summit scheduled to take place in Aqaba, Jordan.

At this summit, delegations from Jordan, the US, Egypt, and Israel signed an agreement on implementing the Fenzel Plan and improving security ties between Israel and the PA. The Fatah official told Saudi media outlet Asharq that a recent violent raid on Nablus, resulting in the murder of 11 Palestinians, was “a stab in the back for the mediation efforts to reach calm and sign an agreement of de-escalation.”

The Aqaba meeting was highly controversial given that PA President Abbas had previously ordered an end to his security forces’ collaboration with Israeli military and intelligence, known as “security coordination.” This decision was made in response to the killing of 10 Palestinians in the Jenin Refugee camp in late January.

The decision by the PA to accept US assistance in combating armed resistance groups in the West bank is seen as a betrayal by many Palestinians, who expressed their support for these fighters in recent polls.

In fact, demonstrations condemning the PA’s attendance at the Aqaba security summit took place throughout the West Bank, with the Jenin Brigades armed group even calling a press briefing and urging the public to protest.

Ongoing attempts to contain the armed struggle

A source from within the PA’s Preventative Security Force (PSF) spoke to The Cradle under the condition of anonymity. According to the source, the PASF is already actively pursuing members of the Lions’ Den armed group, and any support from the US would only add to their efforts:

“We are doing our job and following orders to protect them [the Palestinian fighters] from being killed by the Israelis, we know that if the occupation army comes for them they won’t let them live and so it is better for us to capture them alive or to bargain with them to hand over their weapons.”

“There have been cases where our forces pursued fighters but failed to arrest them, and after this, the Israeli military murdered them. Our goal is not to harm them, just to capture them,” the source added.

Another source, who has detailed knowledge of the relationship between the PA’s security forces and the armed groups in both Jenin and Nablus, shed light on the complexities of the situation. According to the source, a significant number of the Palestinian Authority Security Forces’ (PASF) cadres are currently active in the Jenin Brigades, with some of them coming from families of high-ranking PASF members.

The Lions’ Den has reportedly received firearms training from Khaled Tbilah, a second lieutenant in the PA’s security forces, which video evidence appears to corroborate. The same source claimed that Oday al-Azizi, known to the Israeli intelligence as a member of the Lions’ Den, is actually one of the leaders of the group while currently serving as a PASF officer.

Azizi was arrested by the PA, but was allegedly allowed to leave their custody at any time, unlike other detainees held in PA detention, such as Musab Shtayyeh, who is a Hamas party member and is held against his will. This suggests that the PA is administering preferential treatment to Lions’ Den members based on political affiliation.

Azizi, the source claims, is married to a woman from a prominent family that is loyal to President Abbas and is affiliated with a group called the Fatah Tanzeem. The Tanzeem, although also connected to the Fatah Party, holds a completely different outlook than the more active Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, which makes up the ranks of a number of the armed groups in the northern West Bank.

Popular resistance challenging the PA

Although multiple sources clarify that the PASF does not directly control the armed groups, it still maintains connections with them. The concern from the PA is that if the resistance factions gain too much power in an area like Nablus, it could spread to other cities like Ramallah.

The military parade in Jenin on 3 March showcased the strength of the resistance with hundreds of fighters present. Surprisingly, Mohammed Jabareen, a PA security force colonel, was seen posing for photos with fighters at the parade.

Additionally, a central and unifying figure who has voiced public support for the armed struggle in Jenin is Fathi Khazem, who held a position with the PA security forces during the Second Intifada. Khazem has urged members of the PASF to fight against the Israeli army – his commands carry an oversized authority that others making similar calls simply do not have.

On the flip side, the formation of a new Palestinian resistance group called the Tulkarem Battalion has led to direct intervention by the PASF in an attempt to stem its growth, which in turn has provoked further anti-PA demonstrations.

This highlights the fact that the PA is employing varying strategies in different areas to deter the rise of armed groups. Geography matters: Nablus city, for instance, is surrounded by illegal Israeli settlements that provide constant fodder for clashes, whereas in Jenin, a more isolated area, the groups pose less of an immediate threat.

An informed source from Nablus, who has contacts inside the armed groups, tells The Cradle that there is no real solution in sight for the PA:

“Other than convincing the armed groups to lay down their weapons through bribes of different kinds, there is no way to deal with the groups. Maybe they can try to make the groups look like criminals so that they lose some popular support.”

The Fenzel Plan seeks to train thousands of PASF members in US-owned facilities in Jordan to combat the Palestinian resistance. If implemented in a poorly-informed or ill-calculated manner, the project could lead to massive bloodshed in the West Bank and further inflame popular sentiments against the PA.

‘Peace Bands’ 2.0?

Israel has historically used a variety of local collaborator forces in order to maintain its dominance over the populations it occupies. Preceding Israel’s existence, however, during the 1930’s, the British mandate authorities also employed a strategy of using local collaborator forces in order to suppress the Palestinian resistance bands during the Arab Revolt (1936-9). This strategy is somewhat more relevant to today’s Fenzel Plan.

The Fasa’il al-Salam, or “Peace Bands” were formed with the aid of Britain’s Palestine mandate authorities; receiving arms, funds, and training in order to combat Palestinian militias that were largely under the command of the Mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin al-Husseini.

During the latter stages of the Arab Revolt against British rule in Palestine – and despite having taken control over much of the country from the Palestinian resistance – the British military was unable to secure many of the mountainous and rural areas where the rebel leaders reigned. Like today, Jenin and Nablus were also strongholds for the Palestinian revolt back then.

As one of the many strategies employed by British authorities to crush the revolt, the establishment of pro-British bands did have its successes. In Mathew Hughes’ book Britain’s Pacification of Palestine, he writes:

“While the peace bands would never have grown as they did without British help, they never would have happened in the first place had Palestinians been united.”

During this period, when the strategy of dividing Palestinians to fight each other was employed, the divide between the Nashashibi family faction and those loyal to Hajj Amin al-Husseini was heavily utilized by the British to create its collaborator forces.

While the peace bands of the late 1930s were rooted in Palestinian societal-family structures, those kinds of familial rivalries do not exist for a PASF force to be based on today. The Jenin Brigades are instead rooted in the urban working class and refugee communities that were displaced to West Bank refugee camps during the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948.

The US-envisioned special tactical force PA units will have no roots inside Jenin or the Old City of Nablus, where Palestinian resistance fighters reside. Another advantage that the peace bands had in their formation was positive press; in 1938, Raghib Nashashibi requested a loan from the Jewish Agency to pay newspapers to provide favorable coverage that would gain them adherents. No such media environment exists in the occupied Palestinian territories today.

A crisis within the PA

The issues facing the PA go beyond its lack of control in the northern West Bank. Today, the much-weakened governing body faces a comprehensive crisis on the security, legitimacy, and economic fronts. At 88 years of age, Abbas is amongst the oldest leaders in the world, and many are anticipating his resignation or death in the near future.

Palestinian author and journalist Ramzy Baroud argues that “the Palestinian Authority has suffered a division crisis from the very beginning,” despite Abbas’ ability to somehow keep the PA together:

“Under Abbas, the disunity took on multiple dimensions, unlike under Yasser Arafat, who was able to maintain a nominal level of unity amongst Palestinians,” Baroud explains. He also demonstrates that Abbas widened divisions between the PA and Hamas, the socialist parties, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ).

“Even worse, he invested into the division of Fatah itself, with the party breaking into three main branches; there is the Marwan Barghouti branch, which is the more revolutionary branch and is more or less consistent with the ideas of Yasser Arafat; then you have the Mohammed Dahlan branch, which is the branch that is more clan-based and is the branch that more or less represented Gaza; there are also a number of sub-branches within the dominant Mahmoud Abbas branch.”

When Mahmoud Abbas’ reign ends, potential successors include Majid Farraj (head of PPS) and Hussein al-Sheikh (secretary general of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization).

However, the transition of power will pose an immense challenge given the chaos and indecision facing the PA, and Fatah’s internal divisions could cause further issues. Now, this crisis becomes even more complicated by the massive rise of armed resistance groups and attempts to crack down on them.

Two anonymous sources have claimed that following the late January Israeli army raid on Jenin camp, which killed 10 Palestinians, a high-ranking PASF official intervened to order a halt to any PA pursuit of resistance fighters in the area.

If true, this suggests that there may be more than a few PA officials frustrated with the current approach towards the armed movements and that this issue is one that the PA cannot afford to miscalculate, especially as calls for a Third Intifada intensify.

The views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of The Cradle

‘Israel’ Alarmed by Palestinian “Lone Wolves”, Sayyed Nasrallah’s “Spiderweb Theory”

 March 15, 2023

Marwa Haidar

‘Israel’ is alarmed by an “unusual incident” in which an explosive charge was detonated next to the Megiddo junction on a road near the West Bank seamline facing Jenin on Monday.

The incident, which injured a person seriously, was likely a roadside bomb of the type detonated in the past, mainly against Israeli occupation forces in south Lebanon during occupation before 2000, Haaretz Israeli daily reported on Tuesday.

Scene of a bomb blast at Megiddo junction in pccupied Palestine (Monday, March 13, 2023).

“The Shin Bet and IDF have been concerned for several months about increased attempts by terrorists in the West Bank to prepare explosive charges,” the paper’s Amos Harel said, referring to Israeli occupation forces.

Palestinian “Lone Wolves”

Meanwhile on Tuesday, a group named “Galilee Forces – Lone Wolves”, claimed responsibility for Megiddo junction attack, vowing to stage more attacks against Israeli occupation forces.

“One of our wolves planted a roadside bomb at Megiddo junction. The bomb went off and the wolves were unhurt after withdrawing the area,” the group said in a statement.

It also released a video showing Israeli outposts that the group intends to target soon. “Target is monitored and the weapon is ready,” the Galilee Forces – Lone Wolves group said in the video.

Rise in Explosive Charges

Harel reported that there has been, recently, a rise in the level of explosive charges being made and the number of Palestinian operations, noting that such upsurge comes after the situation was relatively calm in the occupied territories following the Second Intifada.

Since the Second Intifada, there’s been almost no sophisticated know-how in the West Bank on the preparation of explosive charges, the report said, listing a series of attacks which took place in the last three months.

There is concern in the Zionist entity that Palestinian attacks in the West Bank will soon rise, Harel reported, citing a clear increase of attacks for close to a year.

“But intelligence agencies are concerned about another escalation ahead of Ramadan, which begins in about a week,” the Israeli journalist said.

Resistance Warns

In this context, Palestinian resistance threatened the Israeli occupation that changing the status quo of Al-Aqsa Mosque will trigger an “earthquake” in the entire region.

Marwan Issa, Deputy Chief of Staff of Hamas’ Ezzedine Al-Qassam Brigades said that “allowing the resistance in the West Bank to take action, doesn’t mean that the resistance fighters in Gaza won’t patronize their brothers in the occupied territories.”

The Ezzedine Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, has been accumulating power in order to reach the full liberation of Palestine, Issa stated.

“Spiderweb Theory”

On the other hand, Haaretz’ Harel correlated between rising motivation for Palestinian attacks and what he described as the Zionist entity’s “unprecedented political and constitutional crisis” represented by the mass protests over judicial overhaul planned by the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

He cited recent remarks by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah about the Zionist entity’s collapse.

“Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah recently delivered two speeches in which he repeated his “spiderweb theory” regarding Israeli society’s weakness, which he initially presented after Israel’s withdrawal from Lebanon in 2000. Now he’s forecasting that an internal schism in Israel will lead to the country’s collapse, meaning that Israelis won’t be celebrating the country’s 80th anniversary in five years,” the Israeli journalist wrote in his Tuesday’s article.

In his latest speech last week, Sayyed Nasrallah described Israeli protests as historic and significant, noting that Israeli officials are now concerned about what he called the “third ravage” of the Zionist entity.

“Nasrallah is Not Completely Wrong”

In his article, Harel said that one of the worries occupying the Israeli “security system currently is that Nasrallah is not completely wrong.”

“Not only is the judicial controversy tearing Israelis into two camps, the rage against the regime coup led by the Netanyahu government is harming the military’s cohesion and may, in the long run, compromise its operational fitness. The biggest concern was raised in recent weeks by the Air Force, against a backdrop of growing protest by reserve pilots and navigators, the tumultuous discussions within squadrons and petitions in which hundreds of reserve pilots threatened to stop volunteering to fly should the extremist legislation pass in the Knesset,” Harel wrote.

Source: Israeli and Palestinian media (translated and edited by Al-Manar English Website)

Gag rule on Palestinians continues, TikTok joins ban policy

15 Oct 2022 23:38

Source: Al Mayadeen English

By Al Mayadeen English 

Palestinian users are once again deprived of their freedom of expression by having their content blocked on TikTok and penalizing Arabic-speaking users as part of a long systemic suppression of Palestinian voices by social media giants.

Gag rule attempts on Palestinians continue, Tiktok joins ban policy

A malfunctioning Israeli military drone crashed in the occupied West Bank city of Nablus on Friday was and seized by a Palestinian Resistance group.

The Areen Al-Ousoud “Lion’s Den” Resistance group affirmed capturing the unmanned aerial vehicle that crashed in Nablus, posting images of the captured Israeli drone on TikTok.

The Resistance group was later banned from the popular video-sharing platform.

Read more: Disinformation campaign targeting Iran over Mahsa Amini’s death

What TikTok and Meta want to ban 

Unsurprisingly, the Israeli occupation labels Palestinian Resistance groups as “terrorist”, despite the fact that there is a legitimate sovereign in the occupied West Bank under international law. The Israeli occupation practices its act of barbarism, killing, arresting, and raiding Palestinian houses on a daily basis.

Here’s the latest spree of Israeli violence: The occupation forces maintain their siege on the city of Nablus in the northern West Bank, amid the full closure of occupation military checkpoints and roads leading to the city.

Read more: Meta restricts, bans Palestinian posts on its platforms: Report

In a similar context, two Palestinians were shot dead and six others were injured, on Saturday, during confrontations that erupted between the Israeli occupation forces and Palestinians following an Israeli raid on the Jenin refugee camp.

Local sources reported that Israeli Special Forces infiltrated Jenin, and snipers were stationed on the rooftops. IOF’s raid resulted in the outbreak of violent confrontations, during which the occupation forces used excessive force.

The same sources confirmed that the occupation forces prevented any ambulance from getting to the site of injuries. In yet another act of Israeli barbarism, a Palestinian doctor was shot by an Israeli sniper while treating one of the injured in the hospital yard.

Killed while live streaming

When a 29-year-old Palestinian, Mohammed Musa Sabaaneh, a resident of Jenin refugee camp, was live-streaming as Israeli occupation forces (IOF) raided the camp, he was directly shot by the IOF in his chest.

Around 15,000 people were watching the broadcast during which “Israel” murdered Sabaaneh. 

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Viewers could hear what was going on but couldn’t see the video, at which point people could be heard in the background calling for an ambulance. 

“The host is injured!” one viewer wrote in the comments.

Meta suppressing rights of Palestinians: HRW

Facebook and Instagram’s parent company, Meta, censored and removed content documenting human rights abuses committed by “Israel” during the May 2021 Israeli aggression on Gaza, Human Rights Watch has recently revealed.

The human rights organization said Meta’s social media platforms censoring content relating to human rights abuses “particularly during periods of violence” is especially harmful to human rights.

Years of accounts from Palestinian journalists and activists that Facebook and Instagram appear to censor their posts were confirmed.

Human Rights Watch accused Meta last year of wrongfully removing and suppressing content by Palestinians and their supporters, including content regarding human rights abuses against Palestinians.

No such exceptions were ever granted to Palestinian victims of Israeli state brutality, and the sources don’t indicate that any other suffering group was given a similar level of latitude.

Systemic censorship against Palestinians facing daily brutal oppression

Back in 2021, during the holy month of Ramadan, Israeli occupation forces carried out a massive assault against hundreds of Palestinian worshipers in Al-Aqsa mosque in an attempt to repress them during the holiest month for Muslims. Palestinian Ministry of Health reported back then that at least 200 Palestinians sustained wounds due to the IOF’s aggressive attacks many of which required medical attention in hospitals.

However, that was not the only incident of Israeli aggression against Palestinians that took place that day. Earlier, Palestinian residents of Sheikh Jarrah confronted the occupation forces that were trying to illegally and forcefully expel them from their neighborhood following an Israeli occupation court order.

In the midst of all the oppression, Palestinians and the supporters of their cause launched a social media campaign, sharing images and videos in addition to posts accompanied by hashtags, reporting and documenting the occupation’s attacks, in an attempt to expose the violence and brutal practices of the occupying entity.

However, to many user’s surprise, much of the content that was posted on several social media outlets, including Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram, suddenly was removed with some users reporting that their posts were flagged over alleged violation of the terms of use of the platform, while others where outright banned and had their accounts suspended.

Mona Al-Kurd was one of many live streaming the ongoing events in Sheikh Jarrah when her streaming cut off suddenly. Al-Kurd explained that her live-streaming feature was blocked while she was documenting the moment Al-Salhiyya’s family home was demolished. This exposed Instagram’s complicity and censorship of Palestinian content.

Censorship of Palestinian content is not new to some of the giant tech companies. Toward the end of last year, activists and journalists started a campaign against Meta’s policies, which have been targeting Palestinian content and the Palestinian narrative.

When these media outlets failed the Palestinians, especially during Sheikh Jarrah Neighborhood events, they decided to snatch the cameras for themselves and press “play”. 

“Israeli propaganda is truly powerful, I witnessed this, especially in the West, Israel is the victim and we Palestinians are the aggressors,” Mariam Afifi, 27, a Palestinian musician and contrabassist with the Palestine Youth Orchestra told Al Mayadeen English.

The censorship of Palestinian voices, however, was not limited to the ones living in Palestine. On March 8 of 2022, Meta removed the FaceBook account of a Palestinian organization based in NYC, Within our lifetime, over a post praising Palestinian revolutionary women in celebration of Women’s International Day.

In a statement, the organization said, “While the restoration of our main account following a massive outpouring of support from our comrades and supporters around the world marks a victory, we know that Instagram continues to uphold anti-Palestinian racism and actively works directly with our oppressors to silence us.”

Big tech has long been an accomplice to the Israeli crimes against Palestinians, like Meta, then Facebook, which acknowledged in 2017 that it was complying with 95% of the Israeli government’s requests to remove Palestinian accounts and pages. YouTube was an accomplice as well, less so, but still as bad, with an 80% compliance rate.

The censorship battle that the Palestinians are facing is still ongoing, ranging from the filter that some media outlets use to blocking social media accounts and removing some of them.

Meta’s Instagram admitted that the platforms censored and removed posts and hashtags related to Al-Aqsa Holy Mosque and released an apology statement claiming that the site’s algorithm “mistakenly” flagged the posts as promoting “terrorist” content. 

The social media giants admitted to the removal of some content and suspension of some accounts and released apologies while claiming that it was due to “technical errors”, but Palestinian organizations and users labeled these claims as illogical and irrational.

Activists and journalists have started a campaign against Meta’s policies, which have been targeting Palestinian content and the Palestinian narrative.

This campaign, which is calling for protesting the social media giant’s policies online under the hashtag “#FbCensorsJerusalem”, has accused Meta of ignoring the Palestinian narrative on the Israeli occupation’s crimes in occupied Al-Quds.

The group released a statement saying, “While [Meta] is escalating its crackdown on the Palestinian narrative under flimsy pretexts, it does not lift a finger about the Israeli incitement, which calls for the killing and apprehension of Palestinians, especially after the recent incident at the Chain Gate in occupied Jerusalem,” adding that “Facebook’s algorithms strictly censor any pro-Palestinian content and do not take into account what’s happening on the ground in Palestine.”

Palestine is not a ‘harmful content’

Since the beginning of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine, pro-Palestine activists on social media platforms started to compare how tech giants, specifically Meta, are handling the Ukraine crisis.

Read more: Anti-Russian propaganda bombards internet users

Meta, who was censoring every pro-Palestinian post, story, or even a live stream, has allowed hate speech and violence against Russian President Putin and Russians, even allowing the spread of “gore” content if it involves dead Russian soldiers. While Meta is encouraging the spread of fake news on its platforms, it did not encourage the Palestinians to spread the truth all over its platform. 

Why is it that when it comes to the Israeli most hideous massacres against Palestinians, it is a “controversial cause”, while when it comes to a topic such as Russia, Meta tries to forcefully impose the “truthful news” on its users?

Read more: Dear Western media, Palestinians took over your coverage

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